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4741453 No.4741453 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Marxist/Marxist-influenced histories of particular societies and periods?

>> No.4741464


it was a huge failure.

>> No.4741469

>good Marxist/Marxist-influenced histories
Must we go through this?

>> No.4741476

look into eric hobsbawm

>> No.4741474
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>a failure

>> No.4741518
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it was

>> No.4741539

>people's deaths
>caused by marxism

>> No.4741570

>>people's deaths
>>caused by marxism
"we all starve equally"

>> No.4741576

>Capitalism directly impoverishes and starves poor people who were already starving!
>Listen, disregard all the communist regimes under which millions have starved, it's not ideologically related.

>> No.4741652

>>What are some good Marxist/Marxist-influenced histories of particular societies and periods

Give it up, son; you are wasting your time.

>> No.4741664

>yeah we're bad but they're just as bad so what do you want to do

>> No.4741679

>Authoritarian governments kill their citizens

No shit. That's hardly unique to 'communist' regimes, as shown by Nazi Germany, Argentina, Spain, Iran, Zaire...

>> No.4741747
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basically this

>> No.4741756

>No shit. That's hardly unique to 'communist' regimes, as shown by Nazi Germany, Argentina, Spain, Iran, Zaire...

Any somehow communist regimes get more peace time deaths that any other "authoritarian" regime.

>> No.4741781

you can't be this uneducated in 2014

>> No.4741783

Eric Hobsbawm's tetralogy on the Long Nineteenth and the Short Twentieth centuries.

And /pol/, please leave. This thread is not even about Communism, it's about Marxism.

>> No.4741792

>someone is attacking my precious ideology
>blame /pol/
Literally no better than /pol/

>> No.4741825

>all communism is stalinism

>> No.4741872
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>STILL hasn't read Hinton
>STILL huffing the fumes of the red scare's deliberate lies about "billions of ded by gommunism"

But it doesn't matter. Even the most hyperbolic "body count" for "communism" is a drop in the fucking bucket against the numbers capitalism pulls in.

>> No.4741886
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Literally billions of bodies later and everything about the bourgeoisie's revolution, their economics, politics, and culture, have eroded and receded into unheard of stratification, unheard of impoverishment, starvation, pollution, alienation. Talk about "degeneracy". No thanks; take it to an uninhabited island somewhere and have fun.

>> No.4741896

>capitalism has shortcomings therefore communism

>> No.4741902

I agree. Pretty much every historiography that is legitimate is "Marxist influenced," largely due to the importance of Marxist historians in developing modern historiography.

(Annales, Thompson, Hill, Dubofsky)

>> No.4741907
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>> No.4741912

Stop envisioning the Soviet Union when you see/hear the word.
Do you recall all the former Republics of history? They weren't anything like ou---- Our neocolonialist republic ... :\

>> No.4741913

I'm not one to bandy about accusations like "strawman," but that definitely is one

>> No.4741916

I'm waiting for an actual point to emerge

>> No.4741925


Aka Africans STILL blaming the West for why their countries are fucked up.

>> No.4741928
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>Implying there isn't a better way

Why do you support chaos anon?

>> No.4741934

Since capitalism, as it is now, isn not working very well at all, why don't we, all of us, move on. It isn't a "strawman" to notice the historical trends, human sacrifice, or divinely appointed rulers were the norm, now they're not. Well gee, what happened? Changed overnight did it?

I don't like the Terror of the first French Republic or the Oligarchy of Venice, or the Bolsheviks. Revolution need not be bloody, in fact it's best without the violence.

>> No.4741936

The Eighteenth Brumiere of Louis Bonaparte

>> No.4741937

>>Capitalism directly impoverishes and starves poor people who were already starving!

i don't recall saying this

>> No.4741940

>they starved because of marxism


>> No.4741941

>The Eighteenth Brumiere of Louis Bonaparte
ha ha. I find it weaker than German Peasants War.

>> No.4741947

so do you actually say this stuff out loud to people?

>> No.4741950

>capitalism has shortcomings therefore communism
>image insinuating that capitalism is akin to ritual sacrifice / that I was suggesting that capitalism is "the best system"
>it's not a "strawman" to notice historical trends

Are you actually this stupid?

>> No.4741956

You actually have nothing?
Okay, I accept your defeat.

>> No.4741962

Andy Anderson Hungary '56
Bill Lomax The Hungarian Workers' Councils in 1956
McQueen New Brittania

>> No.4741965

The inefficiency of central planning led to massive famines.

>> No.4742424

>"The inefficiency of central planning"

Fuck, man, you think your Western empires' and their markets aren't "centrally planned"? Yet you're not harping this Foxnews dialogue about people starving there (they are, of course, but not because of "central planning," imagine). Keep your just-so-facts to yourself, please.

>> No.4742473

Shortcomings? All of the promises of capitalism have been broken and retracted. The only thing that stands to regain those promises (liberty, equality, brotherhood) is socialism. There may be intermediate steps but it must be socialism.