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/lit/ - Literature

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4741148 No.4741148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Time you won't get back

>> No.4741166
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help me

>> No.4741170


>> No.4741179

master and margarita is a masterpiece though

>> No.4741204

>tfw finals next week and haven't started studying. just refreshing /lit/

>> No.4741208

>The Dark Tower
>A Song of Ice and Fire
>any other fantasy I've tried to read

>> No.4741228

the ego and its own

>> No.4741229


>> No.4741235



>> No.4741248

the last 4 years of my life

>> No.4741259

>Time you won't get back

All of it, surely?

>> No.4741271

All of it. Everything I have done, whether I enjoyed it or not, used up time that I shall never regain. Why does this thread exist?

>> No.4741276

>being this autistic

>> No.4741281

>lel /lit/ is so very lucky to have a poster as clever as I

>> No.4741283

>making stupid threads
>dedicating any of your time to worrying about things you did that you can't undo

>> No.4741294

Do you really think that's the aim of this thread or are you just desperate to have the last word?

>> No.4741299
File: 1.09 MB, 1956x2940, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.”

>> No.4741301

I don't see why both can't be true.

>> No.4741304


>ask stupid question

>> No.4741311

there was nothing poorly chosen about it unless you're an autist

>> No.4741312

Did he say this before, during, or after eating his own shit?

>> No.4741316

It's a common idiom, you shouldn't pride yourself on being pedantic, it's not clever

>> No.4741319

It doesn't make any sense at all. Is it one of those stupid Americanisms that make sense only if you've grown up in a country as ubiquitously backwards as the USA, similar to "I could care less"?

>> No.4741325


It is clumsy as shit and you know it.
Don't even dare to be surprised that a board dedicated to the written word plays semantics.


Says the pedant.

>> No.4741328

Where do you find the energy to insist so urgently that I'm right and you're stupid nananananana

>> No.4741332

>Says the pedant.

>> No.4741341

In what world does it take a great deal of effort to type out three sentences or so on a keyboard? Are your keys mounted on industrial grade hydraulics? Or are you referring to the mental exertion that you personally require in order to effectively argue on the internet?

>> No.4741354

>I could care less

absolutely disgusting

>> No.4741356

you'd think a literature board could handle basic idiom. but autism prevails.

>> No.4741363

That was my point. I was wondering if my inability to fathom OP's idiom stemmed from an unfamiliarity with American culture.

>> No.4741365

I mean more how do you read something like "ITT: Time you won't get back" and commit yourself to pointing out that this common figure of speech, when taken literally, doesn't make much sense.

What is your endgame here? How do you win? Is this the sort of thing you like doing?

>> No.4741375


You'd think you could stop samefagging. but autism prevails.

>> No.4741378

>common figure of speech
This is exactly my point. It's not a common figure of speech where I'm from, and it shouldn't be one anywhere, because it's fucking gibberish.

What endgame? What's your endgame when posting on the internet? Why do I need an endgame? What kind of horrifying utilitarian dystopia do you live in in which all activities must have an end game?

>> No.4741381

but muh semantics

>> No.4741391

It's obvious that in the OP it translates as "that which is a waste of time". even a non english speaker would get that.

>> No.4741397

Nope, it was autism. Don't blame Americans, you autismic, dismally autismal pile of faeces. You just don't have the intelligence to figure out what a simple idiom means.
Fucking autismopath.

>> No.4741396

It's a retarded way of saying it.

>> No.4741402

I guarantee you that you don't know the meaning of 90% of the words in that post.

>> No.4741404

sure told him so edgy xd

>> No.4741410

You are a fucking idiot. I'm a britbong and I know perfectly well what OP means.

Captcha: British ygeopu

>> No.4741411

>What kind of horrifying utilitarian dystopia do you live in in which all activities must have an end game?
>I'm a Britbong
Now I understand.

>> No.4741412


>you autismic, dismally autismal pile of faeces.
>Fucking autismopath.

Please, tell us what you really think about him.

>> No.4741417

That's not me.

>> No.4741421

>ITT: Time you won't get back
>Time you won't get back
This has never been more true.

>> No.4741422

He's giving us brits a bad name.

>> No.4741423


>pile of faeces

Epic, kind sir! I truly tip my hat to you, my good man.

>> No.4741426

I know.

Anyway, this thread has got pretty stupid now. Lets all agree that we're the only ones who aren't wrong, and then fuck off back to our lives.

>> No.4741429

Uhh, what? That was nice, but..

>> No.4741432

I'm getting unreasonably mad replying to you so I think I'm going to stop now. Don't you think it's a little stupid to derail a thread simply because you object to a figure of speech? Would you react the same way if someone said "throw a spanner in the works" or maybe some sterile Canadianism?

I mean I have things that irritate me too, but I'm not so self-important and/or socially retarded that I make a spectacle of pointing out exactly why this thing that irritates me is stupid and doesn't meet my standards of what I consider acceptable usage on 4chan.org. You, with your pedantic niggling and inflammatory oh-so-subtle swipes at American literature, have managed to turn a normal if drab thread into a horrible shitflinging contest that has nothing to do with literature and everything to do with your inability to keep your self important haughtiness to yourself. So congratulations, I guess, you win.

>> No.4741438

I didn't intend to derail the thread, nor did I. The people replying to me did that.

>> No.4741434

>this thread

>> No.4741442

beat you to it you fucking faggot

>> No.4741444

Also I'm fucking bored now, and as much as I'd love to read your dissertation, into which I'm sure you have put a great deal of wit and time and no small portion of your soul, I think I'll just go to bed instead.

>> No.4741448

So you have MPD as well as autism?
You are a strange, sad little man. You have my pity.

>> No.4741454
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>implying time exists

>> No.4741458

At what point did I imply that? I have bipolar disorder, but that's neither here nor there. What I meant is that the people who chose to respond to my post, rather than to the OP's, are the ones who derailed the thread.

>> No.4741466



>> No.4741470

Why did you not enjoy it?

>> No.4741481

being a pleb

>> No.4741485

b-but muh bergson

>> No.4742673

so i get that the thread kind of went a separate direction and all

but I kinda regret devoting a good deal of my time to 1Q84

then again the time I would've spent not reading it would probably be eaten up by being on 4chan so...

>> No.4743185
File: 90 KB, 340x277, carcosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is a flat circle.

>> No.4743189

The Lies of Locke Lamora.

>> No.4743195


That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Do you know any circles that aren't flat? Circles are bidimensional, so they're always flat.

Also, Carcosa is a place, not a person.

>> No.4743203

Or maybe it's flat relative to 2D, i.e. a line.

>> No.4743208

Time to stop posting.

>> No.4743213

A circle is monodimensional you peasant