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4736908 No.4736908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hinduism vs. Buddhism.
Which religion does /lit/ prefer? From a philosophical, systematical, or ethical viewpoint, doesn't matter.

>> No.4736921

I don't follow either, but I've read the Vedas and some explicitly Buddhist stuff and found them pretty cool.

I like both.

>> No.4736925

Raja Yoga is the best. I can explain why after I smoke a joint if anyone cares.

>> No.4736929

I prefer Hinduism 'cause it's cooler.

>> No.4736965

The Buddhist circle should be smaller and with a bigger proportion inside Hinduism.

Buddhism is just heterodox Hinduism, or at least it started as such.

>> No.4736970

Nobody cares about anything you post. Fuck off.

>> No.4737003
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Both are great and amazing in their own way

Fuck off faggot

>> No.4737029

Hinduism > Buddhism

Both are preferable to Western religions

>> No.4737035

>implying H or B are religions

>> No.4737051

what are they if not?

>> No.4737057

Hinduism is a Religion and so is Bhuddism

Although, Hinduism is very henothistic and Bhuddism doesn't even have a God

They're both great

>> No.4737073

>Bhuddism doesn't even have a God
it inherits the Gods from Hinduism

>> No.4737076
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>Bhuddism doesn't have a God

Nope. No gods here. Seems legit.

>> No.4737077
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Hinduism deserves a medal for developing the most effective and airtight method of social control ever to exist.

>> No.4737085

The fuck

No it doesn't you pleb

>> No.4737088

The only wortwhile forms of buddhism are the highly esoteric non-westernized branches.

>> No.4737089

They don't worship the Bhudda

Teh Bhudda is the enlightened one and it is his job and for everyone else if they wish to follow , to learn ow they to can reach Nirvana and break the cycle of life/ Samsara

That's one of the whole points of Bhuddism

>> No.4737090

The most impressive religion from a political standpoint though would have to be Judaism.

Jewish morality took over the Western and Middle-Eastern world. Even Nietzsche was impressed.

>> No.4737092

There may be "gods" but it's a nontheistic religion. You are not propitiating or otherwise being judged by these gods.

>> No.4737096

lulz, much love

Raja yoga is classical yoga and is the most dope system of mystical thought. Forget all about your preconceptions of aerobic exercises and girls with ass revealing leggings -- thought that is certainly a nice side bonus. True yoga is a mental discipline. It is the cessation of the oscillations of the mind flux according to Patanjal. The goal is dissolution into Source and not in some life-denying Buddhist way. Yogic practice is thus commensurate with advaita vedanta and the other peaks of Indian philosophies. The subject/object duality is overcome and the jiva gives way to the atman in ego death and the veil of maya is lifted to reveal brahman in all things. Quite beautiful really. Truly the epitome of the spiritual science. Eight-limbs comprise this royal art. Ethical precepts, physical practices, and meditational instructions. Supposedly you also develop siddhis and psychic powers too. Truly the best religious practice for eight-limbed aliens like myself.

>> No.4737114


No fucking shit dumbass. However that has nothing to do with the (wrong) statement that "Bhuddism" doesn't have a god. It has shitloads of devas, even Brahma himself - the difference from Hinduism is that they are perceived as shackled to samsara rather than over and above it.


In numerous Buddhist doctrines this is also wrong, see the picture that I just posted for an example of why you are WRONG. In the Tang hell scrolls, to use the example given, souls in the earth-prisons are straight-up judged by Yenlo Wang (that's Yama raja, Vedic deity of death) as well as the nine other hell-kings. There are Vajrayana traditions in which the Buddha is directly worshiped. When people say that Buddhism is "a nontheistic religion" what they really mean is that its gods are nothing like the gods of the major western religious traditions, who provide salvation to their faithful followers. Color me surprised. But the fact is that Buddhist scriptures make use of, and certainly adhere to, beliefs about the existence of supernatural superhuman entities that can without the slightest stretch of the truth be identified as gods.

>> No.4737110

lit, why do you do this? why?

>> No.4737123

Bhuddism doesn't have Gods you pleb

I don't know what sector you're blabbering about

Am I being trolled

>> No.4737129

>would have to be Judaism.
Is that a joke?
Judaism was essentially your stereotypical desert beliefs. Zoroastrian-Babylonianism 2.0 complete with tribalism.
It wasn't until the Christfags pushed on monotheism, heaven/hell as something you had to strive for and the christian idea of infinity that it actually did something theologically new.
Christian morality in general is heavily divorced from Jewish morality if one bothers to read into it much. The latter is still heavily ethnochauvinist/tribal for one.

>> No.4737132

Yeah. This is kinda a dumb thread.

It's like one of those my dad could beat up your dad things that little kids do except with philosophies.

>> No.4737153


Majjhima Nikaya 123:

>Ananda, when the Bodhisatta passed away from the Tusita heaven and descended into his mother's womb, there arose an immeasurable radiance transcending the splendor of the gods in the world with its devas, Mara, and Brahma, in this population with its ascetics and brahmins, and human beings. Even the dark uncovered recesses between the world systems where the resplendent moon and sun do not shine there arose an immeasurable radiance transcending the splendor of the gods. The ten thousandfold world system shivered and trembled, and again an immeasurable radiance transcending the splendor of the devas appeared in the world.

>Ananda, when the Bodhisatta was born into this world from the mother’s womb four gods stood guarding the four quarters so that no humans or non-humans or anyone at all could harm the Bodhisatta or his mother.

>Ananda, when the Bodhisatta came forth from his mother’s womb, first gods received him, then human beings.

No gods here though, nope.

>> No.4737173

you're an idiot.

>> No.4737178
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>I don't know what any of this means

They don't belive in Gods M8
and although
>, first gods received him
is mentioned it doesnt mean they worship Gods

Not one sector of Bhuddism does although some may mantion them or use them figurely, this doesn't mean they worship them

>Modern Bhuddism sectors
How Horrifying
I don't know how it went from Vedic teaching to 'The next Bhudda will be born somewhere in Pakistan maybe!'

>> No.4737193


They don't believe in gods, that's why they wrote about the Buddha repeatedly encountering and teaching gods?

>this doesn't mean they worship them

But that's completely irrelevant, since Buddhist scriptures clearly teach that gods exist. If you want to argue that Buddhism doesn't teach the worship of gods that's perfectly fine, but to say that Buddhism doesn't "have" gods is WRONG.

>Modern Bhuddism sectors

This is the second time you've said this and I basically have no idea what you're trying to say: "sect" not "sector" perhaps? If so, fucking lol it's from the Sutta Pitaka you retarded cunt.

>> No.4737208

>It wasn't until the Christfags pushed on monotheism
Uh what? Judaism considers Christianity to be a polytheist religion (the Trinity) by comparison to themselves
> heaven/hell as something you had to strive for
Judaism has that. Heaven is basically an exaggerated The World To Come and Hell is basically an exaggerated Gehenna.
>Christian morality in general is heavily divorced from Jewish morality
LOL no it's not, and believe me I have read extensively into religions. Christianity is LITERALLY Diet Judaism + Jesus's aphorisms.

>> No.4737209

>If you want to argue that Buddhism doesn't teach the worship of gods
That's what I've been saying since the last two posts

>Sutta Pitaka you retarded cunt
Yeah I know but it's different sectors that take it upon themselves to teach it or not
you retarded cunt

>> No.4737214


Then it looks like the real problem here is your illiteracy, since what we're responding to here is the frankly baffling allegation, made I assume by you, that "Bhuddism doesn't even have a God".

>> No.4737221

Maybe you read my posts wrong, or the former

Either way, you're a massive faggot

>> No.4737224

"Even Nietzsche was impressed" because he conceived it. Don't take it seriously.

>> No.4737237
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>and believe me I have read extensively into religions. Christianity is LITERALLY Diet Judaism + Jesus's aphorisms.
What? Most theologians and people who study religions consider it to be something more like 10% Judaism, 40% Jesus, and 50% St. Paul. Paul even directly opposed other Apostles and insisted on getting rid of Hebrew/Jewish religious customs and rites (like the rules about shellfish and pork). I'm not even him, but I really hope you're not taking your statement there seriously. I don't know how you missed the influence of Paul on Christianity, when he was one of it's biggest contributers, it's first theologian, and one of the people who held the most influence over it's early development.

And yes, Christian morality and ethics is different from the ancient Jewish morality and ethics it separated from. I really don't know how you could have "read extensively into religions" and still be so wrong on things that are widely known and definitively accepted in these religions.

>> No.4737241

>They don't belive in Gods M8
>t-that's not what I meant!

>> No.4737604

Buddhism is superior because Hinduism reinforces a fucked up caste system. Many of Hinduism's laws exist only for the purpose of controlling the general population, and anyone who can't see that the whole religion screams man mad facade is either an idiot or a pseudo intellectual pothead college student.

>> No.4737623

>Many of Hinduism's laws
Not really, it's mentioned in passing in passages about duty and dharma. And caste hardly plays a prominent role in modern Hinduism.

>> No.4737690

>thinking Hinduism and Buddhism refer to singular entities

Overall I prefer Buddhisms (Buddha dhammas) to the stuff that gets called Hinduism. Philosophically Madhyamaka and its Tibetan interpretations are the best, Chan and Zen texts have something to offer as well. Mahayana sutras are sometimes insightful, sometimes loopy. I haven't read enough of the Pali canon to pick favorites there.

>> No.4738047
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I used to be a Hare Krishna. I was never deep into it, but I liked every second of it. It was only the constantly nagging feeling of believing in something I knew couldn't be true that kept me from joining a temple.

Despite being an Atheist today, I still remember a lot that I've learned from the devotees, especially the value of following someone more knowledgeable and experienced than oneself. So, although I have great respect for Buddhism, Hinduism would have to be my choice since it (or a variety of it) has had a greater impact on me.

>> No.4738117


my take on Buddhism is a pantheistic one.. but regardless they could care less if there is a "god"
So stop saying "god" like the western sheep you are and realize that the fact that you are BEING is DIVINE

>you sir are severely confused. clam you know about buddhism in rash prolix conceived in a fit of blind rage...
>you know what they say about a little bit of knowledge

the meaning is not literal.... the misunderstandings of things like this ancient text is completely lost to the western mind which is plagued with bus ticket theology and instant revelations by an imperfect soul.


lol'd at all the buddhist sermon

>> No.4738121

The only thing i can tell that Hinduism should be complemented for is their ability to say everyone is right and can worship equally

>> No.4738122


youre totally missing the point...

>> No.4738126

>I used to be a Hare Krishna
You've likely heard someone at some point refer to Hare Krishna as a cult. What are your thoughts on the matter, as a former member?

>> No.4738133

Neither. Organized religion is a crock of shit. Personal spirituality is the only way to go.

>> No.4738587

*tips turtleneck*

>> No.4738627


Typical bourgeois faggot misunderstanding the spiritual importance of social tradition.

Get the fuck out of here you dilettante.

>> No.4738664

>True yoga is a mental discipline.
That's right, but it's hilarious coming from a stoner.