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4736165 No.4736165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nanomachines and happiness

>> No.4736275

The following books sucked.

>> No.4736336

Aye. I liked the concept but the author didn't give two shits about explanations.

>> No.4738019

I don't remember their being nanomachines.... are you think of the diamond age?

>> No.4738046

Read the last two books.

>> No.4738125

I will. I'm about 50 pages from finishing #2.

>> No.4738159

The cruciform thing were just parasitic nanomachines that were going to enslave humanity for the AI's.

>> No.4738227

DAMN YOU!!! hahahaha

>> No.4738285

Really? That's awfully fucking stupid and I'm glad I didn't even finish the Fall of Hyperion. Is the Shrike ever explained in any detail other than just a four armed killing machine who sticks people on a metal tree? I notice it's portrayed with what appears to be that stupid android on the cover of one of the Endymion books.

>> No.4738307

It's modeled after Colonel Kassad but that's all we're given. They protect Aenea in the second half and they're on the 'good' side but yeah.

>> No.4738312


It's been a while since I read the thing but I think he was just the AI's version of the T-100. The one that's always popping up just got caught in some time rift thing because of the kike's daughter.

>> No.4738315


In retrospect the whole Kassad and Shrike angle was just a ripoff of The Terminator.

>> No.4738328

Sci-fi fanboys...

>> No.4738341

Who didn't even become an important figure or anything.

>> No.4738347

If you think all scifi fans are dumb, look at fans of Gene Wolfe!

>> No.4738609

I didn't say I wanted to be spoonfed. There was nothing particularly difficult about the books, they're just a bore to read and the Fall of Hyperion really dropped off in terms of quality compared to Hyperion. All I wanted to know was if the Shrike is ever explained past the rather bland portrait we're given of it in the first two books.

>> No.4739215

>First book
Good, rushed ending, a bit cheesy sometimes
>Second book
Okeish, disjointed, too much filler, few smaller plot holes/retcones
>third and forth
fucking horrible, retcones everywhere, plot holes up the ass, no continuity from book too book, 50%+ filler

Still, my biggest problem was with the Shrike, each book gives a different origin to him, different set of powers, and different goal for its existence.

Its like the author wrote the book so many years apart he forgot what the previous ones were about and had only an overall idea of what was written there still he was too lazy to reread and just plain got all the details wrong.