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/lit/ - Literature

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4733544 No.4733544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we make something similar here on /lit/? Post your top 5 fiction works, and the results will be gathered up later on.

>> No.4733559

No 400 blows? Into the trash.

>> No.4733562

Lolita, Ulysses, Infinite Jest, The Odyssey, Moby Dick

>> No.4733569
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Fuck it,
1: Nabokov - Ada
2: Bolano - 2666
3: Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
4: DFW - Infinite Jest
5: Salinger - Franny & Zooey

>> No.4733579

Oh, you want 400 blows?

How about I give you 400 blows... with my dick across your face OHHH!

>> No.4733581
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its a generalized version dont believe the lies here's the true patrician list

>> No.4733586

Kafka - Die Verwandlung
Huysmans - A rebours
London - The Seawolf
Scanetti - Die Blendung
Tolkien - The Silmarillion

>> No.4733587
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1. Catch-22
2. The Stranger
3. Lolita
4. Siddhartha
5. Cat's Cradle

>> No.4733588
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>Good Burger

That's how you know it's an authentic list.
That movie is incredible (esp if intoxicated on a mix of marijuana and cough syrup)

>> No.4733596

Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
Notes from the Underground - Dostoevsky
Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Yukio Mishima
The Good Earth - Pearl S. Buck
Old Man and the Sea - Earnest Hemingway

>> No.4733597

no order

The Wasp Factory
Wuthering Heights

>> No.4733611

In Search of Lost Time
The Castle
The Waves
Anna Karenina

I like muh modernists. I likely would have put The Pale King up there had DFW finished it. It would have been by far his greatest work and possibly the best English-language book of the century.

>> No.4733616

>implying you have read all seven volumes instead of just reading swann's way like every other pleb

>> No.4733618

Why does /lit/ never have 3x3 threads? Not sure if it's for the better or for the worse, I'm just curious.

>> No.4733623

Speculation: The tapmusic/last.fm tie makes it the most popular on /mu/ (because people can't lie).

There'd be sooo much posturing here.

>> No.4733624

I'm on Sodom and Gomorrah right now, but I put that instead of Swann's Way because it's really a novel in 7 parts and what I've read so far I've loved.

>> No.4733626

Camus - The Plague
Ballard - High Rise
Brunner - Sheep Look Up
Koja - The Cipher
Herbert - Dune

>> No.4733629

Read a book if you've got time for this /tv/ crap.

>> No.4733631


is this a legit list or a joke, cause avatar

>> No.4733633

l.-f. céline - journey to the end of the night
k. hamsun - pan
m. lowry - under the volcano
h. melville - moby dick
j. conrad - the secret agent

thank you

>> No.4733640


It's definitely hipster victory but there's some great shit there for people genuinely interested about exploring the medium.

>> No.4733644

Don't read much, but Ill throw out Lord of the Flies and Penpal for the heck of it

>> No.4733646

A River Runs Through It - MacLean
Suttree - McCarthy
The Crossing - McCarthy
Herbert - Dune
On Writing - King

>> No.4733650


>Why does /lit/ never have 3x3 threads?
>Not sure if it's for the better or for the worse

you think lack of 3x3 might actually be bad?

get off this board you fucking spoonfed pleb

>> No.4733652

Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
Ficciones - Borges
Kokoro - Soseki
Germinal - Zola

>> No.4733658

Do you mean those awful collages that provide absolutely no information on what they are depicting? Like black & white frames from movies, or artwork that is not necessarily authentic, when a simple movie poster/dvd cover would work better?

Please no. Leave it to the tumblr fags.

>> No.4733661
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aw yeah

>> No.4733671

Journey to the end of the night - Céline
Franny & Zooey - Salinger
The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
Notes from the underground - Dosto
Beckett's Trilogy

>> No.4733674

The Bible
walt whitman- leaves of grass
a tale of two citys
moby dick
plato- the republic

>> No.4733724

The Stranger
The Trial
Against the Day
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.4733732

I guess we are really gonna do this.

The Book of the New Sun
The Brothers Karamazov
La Divina Commedia

>> No.4733734

It's my principle to never do a top 5-list and always do a top 10 list instead (in no order):

Don Quixote - Cervantes
Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky
The Sound and The Fury - Faulkner
Gulliver's Travels - Swift
Rendevouz with Rama - Clarke

Neuromancer - Gibson
Slaughterhouse 5 - Vonngegut
Utopia - More
The Art of War - Tzu
The Prophet - Gibran

>> No.4733737

Journey to the End of the Night
Dead Souls
Barren Lifes
Don Quixote

>> No.4733738

I'm just saying. Most 4chan boards seem to have these threads on a regular basis, and I guess it sure is a fresh breath of air to not have them here.

I mean these collages where you put your 9 favourite [things] without a particular order, and rate/get rated with the scheme liked/read. (For example 4/6 would mean you read 6 of them and liked 4.)

>> No.4733741

>The Crying of Lot 49
>The Great Gatsby
>Blood Meridian
>White Noise
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.4733747
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never been to /tv/ eh?
they worship cameron, specially this guy

>> No.4733761

If not by much I know /lit/ has a general higher age than /mu/. People at /mu/'s age (16ish thru high school) rely on music as a part of their identity. So there's a lot of flaunting and they use those retarded charts to try and express who they are. Kind of like people who actually take Myers-Briggs test seriously and list them on online profiles.

I mean damn, I can't imagine caring a girl listens to at my age (24), it's like the most inconsequential thing ever in a relationship, but at younger music ~mUsiC iS yOur LifE~

>> No.4733765

Calvino - Invisible Cities
Waltari - The Egyptian
Yli-Juonikas - Valvoja
Borges - Ficciones
Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.4733766

at younger ages*, jesus

>> No.4733771

Faulkner - As I Lay Dying
Faulkner - The Sound And The Fury
Wallace - Infinite Jest
Dick - Ubik
Sōseki - I Am a Cat

>> No.4733775

What if she listens to some truly unbearable shit, like One Direction or something (I know a few girls older than 20 who do)?
Taste in music, books, films and the like says a lot about someone.

>> No.4733784

Then you can find that out in conversation.

>> No.4733785

A Confederacy of Dunces
The Trial
Notes From Underground
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.4733787

>The Art of War - Tzu
>The Prophet - Gibran

aka the books of common sense that any retard could write

>> No.4733788

I've never heard them and don't know any girls who listen to them as far as I know, but I never went for the sorority type chicks, so I dunno. If a girl attractive, fun to be around and a good cook I can look past a lot of shit.

>> No.4733799

I haven't read a whole lot so my list feels generic but

Blood Meridian
Homage to Catalonia
The Old Man and the Sea
American Psycho

>> No.4733801

Where Is Here?
Haunted: Tales of the Grotesque
I Lock My Door Upon Myself

>> No.4733811

Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Burroughs - Naked Lunch
Mishima - The Temple of the Golden Pavillion
Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Kundera - The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.4733816

The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
The Corrections - Franzen
Notes from Underground - Dostoyevsky
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
The Stranger - Camus

I edited my top 5 with books that actually have a chance to get in (for example, I switched out another DFW book with Infinite Jest). I'm sure this is okay.

>> No.4733826

>my vote does not matter, so I will just vote what everyone votes
Not the point of this.

Though I sense a disturbing lack of Zarathustra in this thread, but sadly I didn't list it in my top 5. >>4733586
(I doubt any of these but Kafka will make it in, but who cares?)

>> No.4733829
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>MFW plebs keep naming As I Lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury as Faulkner's best.
>MFW no mention of Light in August or Absalom! Absalom!

>> No.4733831

Atlas Shrugged
50 Shades of Grey
Hunger Games
Harry Potter

>> No.4733833


Silmarillion might make it too.

>> No.4733836

>Putting Fight Club before The Godfather.

>> No.4733837

Light in August is underrated as hell.

>> No.4733838


There's so much wrong with that list, it's not even worth criticizing.

>> No.4733841

Wise Blood
Child of God
Blood Meridian

>> No.4733845

haven't read Light in August but Absalom! Absalom! is definitely not as good as the two more popular choices, sorry

>> No.4733852


The myth of Thomas Sutpen is Faulkner's pinnacle achievement.

Also, Sutpen>Gatsby

>> No.4733854

woah woah woah

that's a damn good book

>> No.4733865

In The Penal Colony
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.4733869

I didn't say it wasn't, I liked it a lot.
That's an odd comparison.

>> No.4733877

In no order:

The Picture of Dorian Grey
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Physicists
Heart of Darkness

>> No.4733891

oh Jesus fuck Book of Disquiet
I get why people like that book and the prose is really beautiful at points, but that book just pissed me off beyond reason. And you can't even really derive satisfaction from criticising it, because everytime you think of a reason why it sucks, Pessoa goes and writes something along the lines of 'yeah well I know I suck that way, deal with it' and you feel like you just got trolled.
Never finished it because someone stole the book and I couldn't be bothered borrowing another copy, but I will someday. Just because I don't want it to win.

>> No.4733902

So what exactly didnt you like?

>> No.4733937

It is extremely repetitive, once you get past the first few entries you pretty much can guess the themes to the rest of the book right away. It is a look into the head of a person who isn't interesting enough to support a whole book. Most of the people who would pick out that book to begin with will recognize at least a little bit of themselves in that book and it is a pretty harsh look, but it doesn't feel intentional, except in places where it does and then he seems to immediately backtrace, because he can't decide what he thinks himself. He's unable to look outsife of himself and I'm uncertain about the extent to which that's clear to him. A lot of the thought in the book has a very 'woe is me' feeling to it, which undermines it a lot.

It's by no means a horrible book and I liked it at parts, but it's just so much more frustrating than it would be if it were just plainly horrible from beginning to end.

>> No.4733945

>aka the books of common sense that anyone should read


>> No.4733946

mostly this information is of no use to you but I needed to rant about that book

please continue enjoying it knowing that a random person on the internet found it frustrating

>> No.4733949

>see the majority of the films listed
>movies like Drive and The Matrix stick out like a sore-thumb

>> No.4733950

>yeah well I know I suck that way, deal with it
But an argument like that is pretty stupid, in an attempt to feel smart the writer just makes himself seem pretentious and dumb. Why does it still get you?

>> No.4733958

stopped reading at inception

it's populist trash with an (admittedly cool) gimmick that doesn't save it from being poorly written and shallow

>> No.4733961

1. Valis
2. Siddharta
3. Harry Potter series
4. Ubik
5. Naked lunch

>> No.4733963

I know it's stupid and I'm not saying it makes the book better, I'm saying it makes the book more frustrating. It's a little like looking into a crooked mirror where the reflection keeps whining at you. YEAH I KNOW I AM A HORRIBLE FREAK I WAS DESIGNED THAT WAY AND CAN'T HELP MYSELF TURN AWAY I'M DISGUSTING

>> No.4733964

Actually scratch naked lunch and add House of Leaves.

>> No.4733967

Then turn away, it's disgusting.

If the book keeps you reading for not liking it, the book wins.

>> No.4733994

one of those things is not like the others

>> No.4734002

Gogol - Arabesques
Celine - Journey to the End of the Night
Hesse - Demian
Camus - The Fall
Tanizaki - Some Prefer Nettles

>> No.4734020

war and peace
the white guard
cities of the red night
20,000 leauges under the sea

>> No.4734027

Corelli's Mandolin
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Plague
Clockwork Orange

>> No.4734068

avatar bothers you but not good burger?

>> No.4734074
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1. The Book of Disquiet - Fernando Pessoa
2. Ulysses - James Joyce
3. The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
4. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5. Siddaharta - Herman Hesse

>> No.4734086

Underworld - DeLillo
White Noise - DeLillo
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Marquez
Mason and Dixon - Pynchon
At Swim-Two Birds - Flann O'Brien

>> No.4734208

1. The Wolfen
2. My father's dragon
3. Be here now
4. Holes
5. The Mouse and their Motorcycle

>> No.4734213

1. The Dharma bums
2. Cannery Row
3. Women- Bukowski
4. Where the Buffalo Roam
5. The Hobbit

>> No.4734214

Good Burger is incredible

>> No.4734226

1. American Psycho
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Filth
4. Don Quixote
5. Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.4734228

1. The Savage Detectives Bolano
2. Hour of the Star Lispector
3. Ficciones Borges
4.. V. Thomas Pynchon
5. The man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick

>> No.4734237

How is this list going to be compiled? Are you doing it? Is each preference worth a different amount of ranking points (1=5,2=4points etc..) or is it just one vote every book? How many voters will you keep?

>> No.4734243

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Blood Meridian
3. LotR Trilogy
4. Divine Comedy
5. Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.4734250

The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Blood Merridian
The Hobbit

>> No.4734265

1.Invisible Cities
2.Infinite Jest
3.The Trial

>> No.4734266

Heart Of Darkness
The Brothers Karamazov
On The Road

>> No.4734285

Roadside Picnic
Perdido Street Station
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4734411

Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Journey To The End of The Night-Celine
The Stranger-Camus

>> No.4734448

>taxi driver

oh, edgy americans.

>> No.4734467

1. war and peace
2. hamlet
3. iliad
4. zuckerman bound
5. divine comedy

>> No.4734544


Make up your damned mind

>> No.4734557

The Red and the Black - Stendhal
The Silent Cry - Kenzaburo Oe
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
Makioka Sisters - Junichiro Tanizaki

>> No.4734568

Can we get I, Claudius on here?

>> No.4734676

Harry Potter

>> No.4734707

Probably going to hate me but whatever

King-The Gunslinger
Dick-Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep?
Martin-A Storm of Swords

>> No.4734720

Mason & Dixon - Pynchon
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - Thomspon
The Plague - Camus
Books of Blood - Barker
Don Quixote - Cervantes

>> No.4734722

Nabokov - Lolita
Bolano - 2666
Pynchon - Gravities Rainbow
McCarthy - Blood Meridian
Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!

>> No.4734725

The Antichrist
Beyond Good and Evil
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Notes from Underground
Fragments of Heraclitus

>> No.4734727

Is Gravity's Rainbow better than Mason & Dixon?

>> No.4734730

I think so. I haven't read M&D yet, but I've heard good things about that too. Gravity's Rainbow just kind of blew my mind hard the first time I read it. It's the most affecting book i've ever read and the only book to get me to re-read it the second I finished.

>> No.4734731

>Gravities Rainbow

>> No.4734732

Borges, Ficciones
Cervantes, Don Quixote
Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Lem, Solaris
Wallace, Infinite Jest

>> No.4734734

Shit, I don't know how that happened. Normally I double check that too.

>> No.4734738

Gravity's Rainbow
The Brothers Karamazov
The Stranger

>> No.4734739
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1. Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
2. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
3. Herbert - Dune
4. King - The Stand
5. Tolkien - The Hobbit

>> No.4734740

>Hasn't read it

Kek. Let me go ahead and highly recommend Mason & Dixon to you. I have GR on the way and I'm super excited, I'm just wondering if it's simply more complex or is a more significant book in general. Guess I'll find out soon!

>> No.4734746

>Though I sense a disturbing lack of Zarathustra in this thread
A disturbing lack of Nietzsche in general, surprisingly. I'll be disappointed if not one Nietzsche book makes it on the list.

>> No.4734763


but is this for fiction or philosophy? or both? they should probably be separate, and another for poetry.

>> No.4734771

Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
Portrait of the Artist - Joyce
Catch-22 - Heller
Slaughterhouse-5 - Vonnegut
The Stranger - Camus

Is someone compiling this?

>> No.4734775

Why separate them? Books are books.

>> No.4734798

A lot of the items on my Good reads are compiled from previous /lit/ list threads. You can find them by googling 4chan lit archive.

>> No.4734832

include textbooks too?

>> No.4734912

should science fiction and fantasy be a separate one as well?

>> No.4734937

>/b/ has There Will Be Blood in the Top 10

the only good thing those sick fucks have ever done right.
Can we destroy that board now? They have reached their peak. Time to die.

ugh...ill bite

Looking for Alaska
The Supernaturalist
Slaughterhouse 5
Animal Farm
Cirque Du Freak

>> No.4734953

Portnoy's Complaint
The Dream of the Celt
Moby Dick

>> No.4734956

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Infinite Jest
Clockwork Orange
Pride and Prejudice
Grapes of Wrath

>> No.4734959

The Bible
Summa Theologica
Jesus Calling
Killing Jesus
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.4734961

Thinking of starting Gravity's Rainbow. Can someone explain why it's so loved by so many people on here?

>> No.4734966

The picture of Dorian Gray
Farewell to arms
The odyssey
The divine comedy.

>> No.4734970

it made me laugh a lot

>> No.4734973

I didn't know anyone else read Huysmans here. Picked up a 1920's edition of À Rebours yesterday. Might post pics later.

>> No.4734977

It's hilarious, beautiful, and sexy.

>> No.4735029

I haven't read Gravity's Rainbow but I have read other Pynchon works and I fucking love him. I would suggest something else before that particular one, though.

>> No.4735045

Christ Stopped at Eboli
The Path to the Spiders' Nests
Laughter in the Dark
Wittgenstein's Mistress

>> No.4735058

OP, you could make a goodreads account and make a list and have everyone vote on there for something more automated and permanent.

>> No.4735075

A thought just crossed my mind. Will OP ever deliver?

you can't really rate on Goodread groups, or at least the results are not nearly visible.

>> No.4735102

Absalom, Absalom
100 Years of Solitude
The Sound and the Fury
War and Peace

>> No.4735106

Pnin- Nabokov
The Winter of Our Discontent- Steinbeck
The Blind Owl- Hedayat
Red Cavalry- Babel
The Good Earth- Buck

>> No.4735141

Céline - Journey to the end of the night
Pynchon - Mason & Dixon
Malraux - Man's Fate
Camus - The Fall
Homère - Iliad

>> No.4735149
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>The Dark Knight
Wow, just what the fuck.

Just had to express my disgust, that is all.

Also why are things like The Thing and Heat so highly rated? They're not bad but no way are they and others comparable to some of the films there.

>> No.4735154


>> No.4735167

1. The portrait of the artist as a young man
2. Invisible cities
3. Fear and loathing in las vegas
4. Pale fire
5. Roadside picnic

>> No.4735172
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>2001:a space odyssey anywhere near the top, yet alone at the top
Maybe just within the top 40 at best

>> No.4735175

Good initiative, it'll be most interesting to fancy the result.

>Also why are things like The Thing and Heat so highly rated?
simple answer:
taste (or rather each individual has a different history which impacts their sensual and emotional impression of cultural art)

>drive, inception, lotr (why did you list this one? It's a great adaptation), tdk
younger audience on /tv/, not many that are in the age of 30+, not much viewing experience.

How many authors of /lit/'s top 100 do you think you'll have read by that age?

My top 5:

1. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha
2. Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Notes of the Underground
3. Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
4. Franz Kafka - The Trial
5. Ivan Turgenev - Fathers and Sons

>> No.4735185
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funny femanon...

>> No.4735194

1. Ulysses
2. Moby Dick
3. The Sound and the Fury
4. East of Eden
5. Leaves of Grass

>> No.4735205

Ender's Game
The Name of the Wind-The Wise Man's Fear (can't choose)
Dresden Files: Ghost Story

Honorable mentions:
Ready Player One
John Dies at the End
Ender's Shadow
House of Leaves
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The Hunger Games
The Count of Monte Christo

>> No.4735209

1. Infinite Jest
2. Pale Fire
3. Mason & Dixon
4. The Years of Rice and Salt
5. Crime and Punishment

>> No.4735238

Twain. Huck Finn
Golding. Lord of the Flies
Orwell. 1984
Cain. Double Indemnity
Auster. City of Glass

>> No.4735239

you have horrible taste inside of your horrible taste

>> No.4735384

Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Gautier - Mademoiselle de Maupin
Kerouac - On the Road
Hesse - Der Steppenwolf
Mercier - Nachtzug nach Lissabon

>> No.4735405

1. Savage Detectives - Bolano
2. Under Fire - Barbusse
3. Natural History: A Selection - Pliny the Elder
4. Richard II - Shakespeare
5. The Outsider - Camus

>> No.4735407

moby dick
the unconsoled
the peregrine
the waves
invisible cities

>> No.4735423

Who said anything about me doing it? I was hoping you guys would.

>> No.4735425

>Implying you're OP.


>> No.4735431
File: 73 KB, 640x538, Tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slaughter House 5 - Vonegut
Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
Jitterbug Perfume - Tom Robbins
St. Leon - William Godwin
A tale of two Cities - Charles Dickins

>> No.4735433

1) As I Lay Dying
2) Divine Comedy
3) Picture of Dorian Grey
4) 50 Shades of Grey
5) Playboy magazine issue 3 from 2013

>> No.4735442

Anna Karenina
Catch 22
grapes of wrath

>> No.4735461

John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
Walter Scott - Ivanhoe
Rudyard Kipling - The Jungle Book
James Joyce - Dubliners
Alexandre Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4735537

Light in August - Faulkner
Invisible Cities - Calvino
Don Quixote - Cervantes
Hopscotch - Cortazar
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov

>> No.4735574


I was considering reading Catch 22 after I finish with the book I am currently reading. That or A Confederacy of Dunes.

>> No.4735591

hermann hesse - narciss and goldmund
albert camus - the stranger
sandor marai - embers
nabokov - lolita
honore de balzac - two brothers

>> No.4735606


Notes From the Underground is my next read. What am I in for?

>> No.4735704

120 Days of Sodom
American Psycho
The Torture Garden
The Painted Bird
Finnegans Wake

>> No.4735748

One Hundred Years of Solitude
Blue of Noon
The Sailor Who Fell from grace with the Sea
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Story of the Eye

Only the first two can be considered favorites. The rest are just some works I enjoyed a lot.

>> No.4735761

Gravity's Ranbow
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
The Recognitions
White Noise

>> No.4735773

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Infinite Jest

>> No.4735786
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There should be tow different lists:

One list for who we think we are, for the books we claim we are good.

And one list that is a statistical list on "most mentioned books"

>> No.4735792

In Search of Lost Time
The Pale King/Infinite Jest
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.4735803
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Only one list is fine. Thanks.

>> No.4735836
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OP, are you still around? If not, I'll make the infographic ~8 hours from now (or, if anyone has some reason I should wait longer, feel free to voice that now)

>half of everyone is posting IJ as one of their favorites
>yfw you realize /lit/ still loves IJ and the people who hate it are just a vocal minority

>> No.4735838

moby dick - melville
sometimes a great notion -kesey
the sagas of icelanders - anonymous
alice's adventures in wonderland/through the looking glass - carroll
the trial - kafka

>> No.4735842

East of Eden
Blood Meridian
As I Lay Dying

>> No.4735844

i wouldn't post IJ as one of my top 5 books or even close but the people acting like it's a total shit book are worse than the people who love it

these people haven't even read a page of the book and yet they go into every thread about the book and pretend like it's a horrible abomination of world literature, simply because harold bloom dismissed it in an offhand comment.

>> No.4735850

it's funny how some of you always say american literature is shit but all of your lists are full of american literature.

>> No.4735851

Wallace - Infinite Jest
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Melville - Moby Dick
Eugenides - Middlesex
Milton - Paradise Lost

>> No.4735859

A Farewell To Arms - Hemingway
Walden - Thoreau
Brothers Karamazov - Dostoyevsky
Nausea - Sarte
Magic Mountain - Mann

>> No.4735869

The Great Gatsby
The Sun Also Rises
To The Lighthouse
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.4735892

Season of migration to the north
A farewell to arms
Ham on rye
The disposessed
Three stigmata of palmer eldritch

>> No.4735900

Catcher in the Rye
The Great Gatsby
The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.4735927


>> No.4735942

Harry Potter 1
Harry Potter 3
Harry Potter 5
Harry Potter 6
Harry Potter 7

Not a joke post

>> No.4735962

Heller ~ Catch 22
Tolkien ~ Silmarillion
Vonnegut ~ Slaughterhouse 5
漱石 ~ 吾輩は猫である
Pratchett ~ Guards! Guards!

>> No.4735978



>> No.4736049

>Blood Meridian
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.4736098
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Stoner <3

>> No.4736120

Stoner is great, but not even close to the likes of Lolita and Gatsby

>> No.4736125

>this book is not as good as two other random books
i don't really understand this post even though i sort of agree with it

>> No.4736144

>all of your lists
0 in mine. Also, keep in mind there's a lot of Americlaps browsing /lit/

>> No.4736184

which one is your list?

>> No.4736201


>> No.4736208

2 battaile and 2 gabo

have you read anything else?

>> No.4736249

Dead Souls - Gogol
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky
King Lear - Willy
Gargantua and Pantagruel - Rabelais

>> No.4736250

Yes 3 gabo.

>> No.4736260
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Definitely should have Anna Karenina on that list.

>> No.4736288

wow they actually think fellowship of the ring is better than return of the king

>> No.4736310

putting 'tzu' as if that were his surname
Sun Tzu means Master Sun you retard

>> No.4736316
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The Great Gatsby
Fight Club
The Sun Also Rises
Game of Thrones

>> No.4736322

naked lunch is good?

>> No.4736327

1. The Tin Drum
2. Catch 22
3. Journey to the End of Night
4. Hunger
5. Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.4736328

>/lit/ is one person
Hey, we're atleast 12.

And there is only one american book in my list.

>> No.4736330

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles

>> No.4736331

1. The Duino Elegies
2. Lolita
3. Crying of Lot 49
4. The Trial
5. Hamlet

>> No.4736374

>The Waves

Great tier:

Good tier:
>Old Bernard

Meh tier:

Oh God, will he ever shut up tier:
>Young Bernard

>> No.4736385


Film is a pretty accessible medium, so /tv/ has steadily been getting more and more elitist. You can't really mention canon films like 400 Blows or 8 1/2 without getting called entry-level or pleb. Pretty much anything in the Criterion collection will get you insulted nowadays. What you see there (aside from the obvious jokes) are what passes for patrician cinema more or less. Avant-garde cinema (preferably structuralist shit), the older the better, and most importantly, it's preferable if it's also from a non-European/non-US country (Africa, middle east, Asian countries that are mostly ignored) and if you're going for europe, preference eastern europe. Basically the countries that are talked about the least in major film discussion.

It's gotten pretty ridiculous at this point, but that being said, the films on that list are all worth seeing. It might be elitists going out of their way to ignore the canon, but the choices are usually good and unfairly ignored cinema.

>> No.4736397

All of those films are jokes on /tv/. You can't mention them without causing a shitstorm. I know people look at /tv/ lists and think it's all plebs, but /tv/ doesn't care. /tv/ cares more about trolling itself and others than it does about what other boards think of it. I can pretty much guarantee that most of the votes for all of those films except maybe LOTR were jokes. Go to /tv/ and mention that you like Fight Club and you'll be bombarded with fedora jokes.

>> No.4736403

1. Naked Lunch (Burroughs)
2. The Conference of the Birds (Attar)
3. Moby-Dick (Melville)
4. Lolita (Nabokov)
5. Delta of Venus (Nin)

>> No.4736405

Read something else by Pynchon fgt

>> No.4736407

>reading something by a faggot

>> No.4736408

That means nothing. One time I was watching America Psycho with [s4s] and after the OP put on Fedora Club and we called it that until he caved and downloaded Shrek for us. It's just a shitty fedora movie.

>> No.4736410

>someone from some board tries to explain on some other board that his home board isn't shit, it is just ironic shitposting and board culture
Why is this such a constant?

>> No.4736416

the collector
the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime
the catcher in the rye
the stranger

>> No.4736419

I think you might be retarded and should probably go back to whatever website you're from.

>> No.4736423

>the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime
are you twelve?

>> No.4736424

Don't get me wrong. /tv/ is still shit. It should just be explained that most of /tv/'s "favorite movies" are pretty much memes at this point.

>> No.4736427

i thoroughly enjoyed it

>> No.4736429

but top 5 favourite books?

>> No.4736447

well i dont really have a top 5 favourite books list so i just chose ones that at the time i was raring to read (ive read it three times)

>> No.4736460

It is. It's more simple and pure.

>> No.4736474

What's the book everyone on this board had read? The one with the cover of the chick in her underpants?

>> No.4736496

1. Moby-Dick
2. The Picture of Dorian Gray
3. 1984
4. Blood Meridian
5. The Odyssey

>> No.4736532

1.Gravity's Rainbow
2.Infinite Jest
3.Europe Central
4.Crime and Punishment
5.The Trial

>> No.4736528

The Playboy magazine?

>> No.4736541

I actually put it in there. (ehhehehehehe)

>> No.4736568

Look Homeward, Angel - Thomas Wolfe
Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky

>> No.4736569

Someone make the chart

>> No.4736646

There's a severe lack of female or PoC authors in this thread

>> No.4736651

We're not even at bump level yet.

Well, there's a severe lack of worthwhile female writers in general. Though I agree, did anyone even mention Frankenstein?

>> No.4736653

Go post about it on your tumblr, faggot.

>> No.4736668

Leaves of Grass
To the Lighthouse
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Anna Karenina
The Waves (2 woolfs fukkit)

>> No.4736670

The Pale King - Wallace
Dune - Herbert
V. - Pynchon
The Stranger - Camus
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay - Chabon

>> No.4736674

the brothers k
wuthering heights
don quixote

>> No.4736684

White Noise - Delillo
Ficciones - Borges
Invisible Cities - Calvino
The Trial - Kafka
Heart of Darkness - Conrad (It's tied with Nostromo, but it's better known so the vote is strategic)

>> No.4736689

have you somehow missed all the latin american authors?

>> No.4736696

Do you mean all two of them

>> No.4736711

The Trial - Kafka
The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Hamlet - Shakespeare

>> No.4736715

>did anyone even mention Frankenstein?

Frankenstein is shit-tier 1800's scifi

>> No.4736727

I've read V., Inherent Vice and Against the Day (it actually made to my list) and I love him.

I'm sorta scared because Gravity's Rainbow is the first one I'll be reading in english. Anyway, I'll be buying the rest of his stuff in english (mostly due to price, his stuff in portuguese is either expensive or out of catalog)

>> No.4736744

idk you'll probably either find out really fast or hate it

>> No.4736745

Blood Meridian
The Odyssey
Paradise Lost
The Waves

>> No.4736754

>From Hell
>Paradise Lost
>Das Erdbeben von Chili

>> No.4736755

Well, people should start counting now anyway, I highly doubt there'll be huge twists on the top 50 anyway.

I can once I get back from work

>> No.4736759

I'm not OP, but so far:
Dostoevsky has been mentioned 13 times
Camus 10
Pynchon 9
Faulkner 8
Hesse 6
Borges 5
Hemingway 4
Joyce 3

For books
Gravity's Rainbow 13
The Brothers Karamazov 13
Infinite Jest 13
Ulysses 9
Crime and Punishment 7
Great Gatsby 7
Journey to the End of the Night 8
Sound and the Fury 6
Siddhartha 5
One Hundred Years of Solitude 5

>> No.4736768

Ctrl + F shows me that Kafka's name allone has been mentioned 8 times, The Trial 9 times.

>> No.4736769

Forgot McCarthy. He's been mentioned 4 times. Blood Meridian has been mentioned 10. Also forgot Salinger and Catcher in the Rye, which has both been mentioned 5 times

>> No.4736795
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>> No.4736807

>No Lolita

It's been listed 12 times. You can go ahead and make that 13 after reading my list.

Nabokov - Lolita
Dostoe - The Brothers Karamazov
Williams - Stoner
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.4736808

Raduan Nassar - Lavoura Arcaica
J. Saramago - The Gospel according Jesus Christ
Italo Calvino - Castle of Crossed Destinies
Umberto Eco - The Name of the Rose
R. Bola~bo - 2666

>> No.4736825

Just bought Lavoura Arcaica saturday, is it any good?

Also, you should look for Um Copo de Cólera, shit's god tier

>> No.4736840

Lavoura Arcaica is just beautiful. It feels like a song that its being played at very high speed, if I can make a good metaphor.

It is basically about the poetic prose by Nassar, but there is an OK history on the background, so if you don't like books without a old style narrative you might not like it. Though, the only fault of the book is that it isn't longer in my opinion.

I give a try to Copo de Cólera (if I find). Thanks.

>> No.4736873

Um copo de cólera is his masterpiece.

>> No.4736889

Mason & Dixon
The Illuminatus!
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.4736890

Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
Heller - Catch-22
Brontë - Wuthering Heights
Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Grey
Shakespeare - Hamlet

>> No.4736900


Avatar? Really? And Good Burger... garbage.

>> No.4736911

If IJ actually ends up as #1 I'm going to be deeply embarrassed for this board. At least the stuff right below it is legit, which I suppose is a sort of consolation.

>> No.4736915

The one that describes every person on 4chan. I don't know it looked cool

>> No.4736926

>what are jokes

>> No.4736931


But I hate that movie so much. ;_;

>> No.4736951

you're so edgy plz step back I don't want to be cut up

>> No.4736962

>DFW fan calling others edgy


>> No.4736971

but it is

>> No.4737024

Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon
Taipei - Tao Lin
V. - Pynchon
Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code - Eoin Colfer

>> No.4737028

Man has written books for almost three milleniums
/lit/ makes a list of the greatest books ever
a book written 25 years ago tops the list
>mfw even /tv/ knew better

/lit/ please never change

>> No.4737031

Someone vote for Lolita or brothers K ffs

>> No.4737044

To be fair, it wasn't until the Industrial Revolution that the common man could get a book published. Not to mention that its easier for people to relate to works made either around the time that or after the year they were born.

>> No.4737050

Joseph Heller- Catch 22
David Foster Wallace- Infinite Jest
William Faulkner- The Sound and the Fury
Albert Camus- The Stranger
J.D. Salinger- The Catcher In The Rye

>> No.4737047

better stick with /tv/

>> No.4737049

I-Jest DFW
GR Pynchon
ISoLT Porst
Stranger Camus

>> No.4737059


>> No.4737068

"milleniums" is correct.

>> No.4737079

>a sign of quality
Calm your tits. Or would you rather a book from 100 years ago win? How would that be any different?

This isn't about the "best book ever", it is about what you like most.

Sorry, m8, can't do. I already voted.

>> No.4737082
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>> No.4737083

OP here. I agree with this preposition about the point compilation, it seems like the most expedient way to create an accurate list based on all of the votes. Just saying that I'm not planning on making any charts, although I hope that one of you do.

>> No.4737084

oops this was meant for >>4737068

welp condescension failed

>> No.4737108

>Just saying that I'm not planning on making any charts, although I hope that one of you do.
Well, thanks, OP.

>> No.4737109

Do cinema enthusiasts have a thing against english language film? It just furthers the perception that they somehow value foreign movies more on virtue of them not being anglo and in some way exotic.

Good burger and avatar made me laugh

>> No.4737121

Point system is dumb. Many people didn't rank their votes.

>> No.4737125

Don't use the points system. You should have pointed it out at the start if you were going to, applying it retroactively to random rankings is retarded.

>> No.4737128

/lit/ also has one of the best book lists on the web on the wiki. Any time anyone starts a chart thread they're redirected there

>> No.4737140

>no chart
>no idea on how to compile this
Well, fuck you, OP.

I'm not OP, I'll be compiling the results.

>> No.4737141

There are multiple voting systems that should rank this in an algorithmic and professional fashion. Just publish the results on google docs or somewhere so we can look

>> No.4737151

At first I assumed that every individual started with #1 and ended with #5, since that's how you usually make a top anything list, but then again you can't be sure with 100+ ratings, oh well, you decide.
Compiling the results is easy and fast, it's the chart that I don't want to work on.

>> No.4737160


>this is what butthurt haters actually believe

0/10 Cry more,

>> No.4737177


>implying I haven't and don't simply have a special place in my heart for Lot 49

>> No.4737181

Malone Dies - Beckett
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead - Stoppard
Dandelion Wine - Bradbury
The Once and Future King - White

>> No.4737206 [DELETED] 
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As of >>4737181

>> No.4737222 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4737226

M&D has 5 but I don't see it anywhere. Are you familiar with the concept of counting?

>> No.4737235

the seminal trippy as fuck paranoid literature list.

1 Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
2 Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
3 Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
4 The Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
5 Ubik by Philip K. Dick
6 Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco
7 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
8 Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
9 The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
10 Animal Farm by George Orwell
11 The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester
12 The Trial by Franz Kafka
13 The Nova trilogy by William S. Burroughs
14 The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick
15 Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
16 The Final Programme by Michael Moorcock
17 The Futurological Congress by Stanisław Lem
18 Schrödinger's Cat trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson
19 A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
20 The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth
21 V for Vendetta novel by Steve Moore
22 VALIS by Philip K. Dick
23 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams
24 The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon
25 A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
26 Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny
27 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold by John le Carré
28 The Year of the Quiet Sun by Wilson Tucker
29 The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester
30 The Computer Connection by Alfred Bester
31 Behold the Man by Michael Moorcock
32 Masks of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson
33 The Recognitions by William Gaddis
34 The Castle by Franz Kafka
35 Darkness at Noon by Arthur Koestler
36 The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare by G. K. Chesterton
37 The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
38 The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan
39 The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
40 After by Francine Prose

honorable mention non-fiction - The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick

let me know if /lit agrees. happy readings!

>> No.4737245

what are pkds best novels

>> No.4737246
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My bad.

>> No.4737251

A bunch of the other ones are wrong too, but off by 1 or 2. Just go through them one by one all over again...

>> No.4737253

>Silmarillion missing
Has 4 votes, m80.

>> No.4737269

Yeah, some might be off but it also depends on how you count. I don't include every single mention in the thread. I picked from the lists. Didn't count this for example: >>4733831

K, it will be in the next one. That is, if we're still voting.

>> No.4737271

Ficciones, El Aleph y El libro de arena
Voyage au bout de la nuit
The Waves
Geschwister Tanner

>> No.4737276

Today I Wrote Nothing - Daniil Kharms
Uylsses - Joyce
Sound and the Fury - Faulkner
The Trial - Kafka
Blood Meridian - McCarthy

>> No.4737278

I'm shocked at how many people are voting for The Waves. I've been here for years and it's first time I even see it mentioned.

>> No.4737293

the man has written a lot.
it's all matter of personal opinion. his most famous work thanks partly due to Blade Runner is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. if you're new to him this is a good starting point or if you want something shorter pick up The Minority Report.

please read Martian Time-Slip

>> No.4737295

you're an idiot. it's been pleb book of the month for a while.

>> No.4737321

Or Woolf was a great writer and The Waves was her greatest book...

>> No.4737324

Gravity's Rainbow
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
The Trial
Blood Meridian

>> No.4737334

the waves has been sleeping up here for a while now, sort of like stoner and blood meridian did at different points last year... and it's very worthy of its status

>> No.4737338

>Don Quixote: 12
Only 11 results.
>Moby Dick: 9
It's actually 12

Ficciones is 10, etc.

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.4737343


1. Crime And Punishment
2. Journey To The End Of The Night
3. The Idiot
4. The Stranger
5. A Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.4737344
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>> No.4737351

Great Expectations
Moby Dick
Catcher In the Rye

>> No.4737354

I was recently asked what was the worst work of fiction I've read, not including YA or children's books. Rendezvous with Rama (at least get the title right!) was my answer. Its realism is commendable, I'll grant you that, and I liked the Cold War parallels, but (and I find this to be the case with most sci-fi writers) his style of writing nearly puts me to sleep -- I'm wary of saying this though I think he leaves too much to the imagination -- and I wish he would have explored the characters more.

>> No.4737359

Don Quixote is right and you counted additional Ficciones after my post you fucking retard. Moby Dick I'll change.

>> No.4737366
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You missed Moby Dick by 3, how is that even possible?

>> No.4737367

Since I'm a full pleb and still getting into /lit/ I'll leave out the books that have absolutely no chance of ever getting on this list
Lord of the Flies
Animal Farm
David Copperfield
The Raven
Jurassic Park (like I said, full pleb)

>> No.4737368

Too bad we are going to get a shitty list

>> No.4737394

>Infinite Jest is going to win
All this time I thought it was a joke and nobody on this board actually likes it...

>> No.4737407

You can count it.

Metamorphosis is 4 though. Maybe you missed this guy >>4733586.

Infinite Jest is 15 at the moment if you decide to include the top 5 from this guy >>4737235.

2666 is 7.

Pretty sure The Waves is atleast 5.

Ulysses is 10.

Gatsby is 6.

And so on.

>> No.4737408

those are just people trolling based off bloom for shits and giggles

seriously nobody here actually thinks the book is bad who has read it (or even seriously tried to read it). personally it's not one of my favorite books. but it's p good

>> No.4737423

John Crowley - Little, Big
Iain Banks - The Wasp Factory
Richard Adams - Watership Down
Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
Pynchon - V.

>> No.4737443

Martin Eden
The Great Gatsby
Master and Margarita
Catcher in the Rye

>> No.4737449

I'm not sure if posting the preliminary results is a good idea though. Remember this is 4chan.

Anyway, I'll make the chart unless I missed something. I have a few ideas for 1 or 2 extras.

I'll use my own count (>>4737366) and double check with this irascible guy's >>4737246

>> No.4737458

Wait until this thread reaches bump level.

>> No.4737473

If it's too late, so be it, but nevertheless:

The Stranger - Camus
The Plague - Camus
Don Quixote - Cervantes
The Sound and The Fury - Faulkner
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Solzhenitsyn

>> No.4737476

>Metamorphosis is 4 though.
No, it's 3.
You're mixing up Kafka's and Ovid's (>>4734243)

>> No.4737480

That's 14 for the stranger, don't forget to count the one person who chose it as The Outsder

>> No.4737487

Btw, there's still time. I'll just wait for more results.

I don't know the max posts before the thread stops auto bumping but I'll just check the archive in case I miss it (which is very unlikely given /lit/'s speed).

>> No.4737491

It's already autosaging

>> No.4737520

Don't worry, I'm going post by post and I know at least 70% of the titles people have posted here, so I shouldn't miss them even if somebody posts the original german/french/old as fuck trasnlation title.

If some fucker posts 30, I'll only pick the first 5. Shit like this is inadmissible >>4736374 (which is why The Waves is only 4 up to my last count).

Abbreviations and listing only the book title when it's a very common name (like someone who posted SANCTUARY) should get you killed.

>> No.4737525

Infinite Jest - Wallace
The Stranger - Camus
Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
1984 - Orwell
Fight Club - Palahniuk

>> No.4737533

if someone makes a list I can put together a nifty little infographic

>> No.4737550

My Struggle - Karl Ove Knausgård
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Hopscotch - Julio Cortázar
Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon
2666 - Roberto Bolaño

>> No.4737612

how may I contact you?

>> No.4737642

The Stranger - Albert Camus
Ulysses - James Joyce
On the Road - Jack Kerouac
War & Peace - Tolstoy
Hobbit - Tolkein

>> No.4737658


>> No.4737668

Noted. Will try messaging you.

I suggest you delete your post if that's your real address and not a hoax.

>> No.4737679

sounds good. I'll be out tonight, but if you send me something today/tomorrow morning I'll have it up around this time tomorrow.

>> No.4737783

The Outsider
The Crying of Lot 49
Infinite Jest

>> No.4737899

Journey to the End of the Night
Light in August
The Map and the Territory
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
The Trial

>> No.4737922

>漱石 ~ 吾輩は猫である
For the benefit of whoever might compile all of this, the book here is I Am a Cat by Soseki.

>> No.4737952

This is just our favourite books man, no academic study of "best"

Also bump for anyone who hasn't voted

>> No.4738083

>1984 that high
>no Gogol
>no Gombrowicz (Kosmos is the shit)
>Douglas Adams, for anything, ever
>no Borges (Tlon!)
>no Lovecraft

You might as well call it what it actually is, Gnostic-influence literature.

>> No.4738322

Wide Sargasso Sea - Rhys
Satyricon - Petronius
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Thompson
Ficciones - Borges
The Nightmare Factory - Ligotti

>> No.4738340


>> No.4738419

This is the last post. There have been 299 suggested entries.

We'll be posting some related stuff soon.

>> No.4738525

Over 1% were mine

>> No.4738532

awesome! thanks for the input anon.

now to defend 1984's place. Okay

Which Gogol story do you have in mind? For the others I've added Gombrowicz and Broges to the list (I'll make a thread if anyone is interested) as far as Adams well I'm not saying his the best but you can see the Illuminatus! influence in his work. It has humor and bizarre sci-fi elements worthy of at least of inclusion. I'll move him down the list for you.

Lastly Mr. Lovecraft. Huge fan but when I set out in making the list I didn't see his version of paranoia matching up well with the others. Lovecraft is up there in paranoia, but I was looking for more of the thriller elements like espionage and conspiracy wrapped in utterly weird, for example let's say time travel, transcendental experiences, dark humor, drugs and etc. Like how you so well summarized it as "Gnostic-influence literature". As I understand Lovecraft, it's more about the fear of gnosis which leaves off this list but I'll put him in honorable mentioned. Got any particular story in mind?

>> No.4738546

1984 and with most of Orwell's works can be seen as simplistic which is very true as he kept his writing clear cut and to the point. His ideas on the other hand are profoundly original and well established in our minds. Because of this I regard it as a classic. A milestone of this little corner pocket universe in the literary world.

I'm all for hearing your views on who should be number 1.

>> No.4738972

Brave New World - Huxley
The Road - McCarthy
No Country for Old Men - McCarthy
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
1984 if I need a fifth spot but I'd rather just cast my vote for these four.

>> No.4739055

bump in hopes of seeing that chart soon

>> No.4739112

>thread passed bump limit long ago

>> No.4739213

Say that to my face u cheeky kent ill rek u m8 I swear it

>> No.4739220

W-would you really do that, anon-kun-senpai?

>> No.4739351

Any progress?

>> No.4739356

Straight to page 10, captain. We're already at 9!

>> No.4739920


>> No.4739933

Winesburg, Ohio
White Noise
The Log of the S.S. the Mrs. Unguentine
The Floating Opera and The End of the Road
Sophie's World

>> No.4739952

You're cute.