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4728344 No.4728344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What college/university do you attend?

>> No.4728349

Colegio de México.

>> No.4728356

Fucking Vancouver Community College.
It's pretty good for a community college.

>> No.4728377

I'm a drop-out

>> No.4728382

This just isn't going well so far.

>> No.4728389

Spoiler: it gets shittier post grad

>> No.4728384



whatever you say bud

>> No.4728392


>> No.4728397

Baruch College, New York City. I want to transfer to a school that's better for philosophy/more prestigious in general. Although in my search for a new school I've come to realize how futile, superficial, and elitist the reputation of schools is.

>> No.4728403
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>> No.4728404

If you know anywhere else I can study jazz for cheap as fuck, please do tell.

>> No.4728409
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i've attended princeton, NYU, and stanford, with a visiting fellowship semester at cornell.

graduate student right now: PhD in political science/JD with a focus on constitutional law.

but--academia is a corpsed universe, and when I've completed my degrees, i intend to leave the university behind entirely.

>> No.4728410

What the fuck is a martlett?

>> No.4728420


it's a bird in English heraldry, you uncultured fuck

>> No.4728438

>corpsed universe
d-d-d-does it 'get better'?
paulkrug talked about zombies today too. is there refuge in society today?

>> No.4728470

with all of your experience in school; what is the highest degree do you think one should obtain?

>> No.4728476

BA in Political Science from UC Berkeley. Finishing up this semester. Everyone is either a mundane STEM student or an internally dead hipster.

I gotta get out of the West.

>> No.4728477


>> No.4728479


what a fucking shit place

>> No.4728484


>> No.4728491

Jesus Christ you have it bad buddy, are you trying to say they're impotent?

>> No.4728493

Which one?

>> No.4728499

UT Austin

>> No.4728496

Western Washington University

>> No.4728498

>tfw studying philosophy at a state school
SJSU represent!

One of my professors did work with Lakatos back in the day apparently. And another is a big-wig for some California center of Comparative Philosophy (dealing with East-West thought). So I get some pretty cool dudes to learn from.

>> No.4728500


Did it for the money, now im getting the fuck out to get a job in NY

>> No.4728501


>> No.4728508
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what's your question? whether i think there are worthwhile enterprises outside of the academy? obviously--or i wouldn't be leaving it.

i couldn't care less what krugman has to say; his brand of public appeal is up there with fareed zakaria and malcom gladwell as practitioners of a unique strain of starbucks intellectualism. when i say "corpsed," it's to borrow from beckett's Endgame--which i take to be formally analogous to the conditions in academia today; somewhere between lear's "nothing comes from nothing" and beckett's "I can't go on/i'll go on" there is 95% of today's graduate student population. lifeless, unoriginal, self-referential and self-aggrandizing, committed to academia because "everything else out there sucks"--such are the conditions of the majority of graduate students pursuing degrees in the humanities/social sciences. of course, there are really exceptional minds here and there, but they are few, far in between, and ultimately too marginally insignificant to warrant one's loyalty to the profession.


bachelor's degree--then get experience doing something else. approach academia if 1) you are truly devoted to/passionate about the topic you intend to study (and you have a clear sense of what that project is); or 2) you have exhausted the other more "practical" alternatives at your disposal and cannot see yourself anywhere else but in the academy. the latter is the decidedly weaker reason, but its a reason nonetheless. otherwise, stay out of school and intervene directly in the world.

>> No.4728511
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>What college/university do you attend?

I was at Marietta College for a semester. I ended up dropping out and moving to a commune.

>> No.4728517

UBC as well.

What are you studying?

>> No.4728523


>> No.4728544


I go to UBC as well

>> No.4728559


>Although in my search for a new school I've come to realize how futile, superficial, and elitist the reputation of schools is.

I don't know if that's entirely true. There are a lot of philosophy programs that have one or more major contemporary figures along with many other strong but not as famous professors. There are also schools that have a lot of strong but not famous profs and then there are schools that have mostly if not all mediocre or bad profs. I'd say the ones with stronger profs are better programs all things equal (in some cases there might be other aspects of the program that decrease its general value as a program). Before anyone says that fame is a superficial form of measurement, I agree. However, the famous philosophers include most of the good ones. It's then more a matter of sorting out which profs work is just garbage making use of memorized buzzwords and such. This is relatively easy to do once you have an an elementary general grasp of what philosophy is. I think that you may be right about it being elitist though. This isn't a measure of the quality of the program, however. What makes it elitist is the fact that only people with certain backgrounds will ever have access to it. Although this is an unfortunate fact, it tells us nothing about whether or not the program is superior to others.


How is it? I applied to the philosophy MA program there but my GRE and transcript got there late so I assume it's not being considered. I've had psychological problems my whole life and it got worse during the time when I should have been preparing my applications so I either didn't apply or got things in late to all but one of them. Luckily, I got into that program.

>practitioners of a unique strain of starbucks intellectualism.

hahaha I'm tempted to steal this.

>> No.4728562

who UQ here?

>> No.4728565

Which of those universities was the "best" overall?

>> No.4728563

BC out in force tonight TRU reporting in (yes it's shit I know it's shit

>> No.4728576

Academia isn't about what other people are doing, it's about what you are able to write. But I guess you wouldn't amount to much even if you gave it a shot. At least, not if you actually are as bitter and self-important as your post makes you seem. (If you're better than 95% of the grad student population then it should be easy to snag a TT job somewhere, right? A smart guy like you should be able to publish enough to earn generous teaching releases and enjoy a productive academic lifestyle, right?)

>> No.4728578

That's a Martlet you fucking retard

>> No.4728583
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I assuming you mean this UQ?
How you doin

>> No.4728590

I don't go to any. Will die at 30.

>> No.4728593

Leiden University.

>> No.4728604


>> No.4728610

Finishing my final year at Keele which is a small uni in the UK.

I kinda regret not going to a bigger uni for the social side of it, by halfway through the first year you knew who everyone who went out was and second year where you have to be offcampus sucked when it was the shitty town closeby.

Academically I'm happy with my choice though, I kinda wish I didn't do a dual honors degree but without studying history (the side of the degree I was less keen on) at this level I wouldn't have known that my interest in it only ran so far.

So yeah if anyone's applying now/soon I'd recommend going to at least a medium sized uni if it's a campus one with a decent town/city nearby to live in during second year.

>> No.4728611


>> No.4728620

College of Marin

It's in the bay area. It's shit.

Going so I can go to Cal for half price

>> No.4728627

Hess ik it's you

>> No.4728631

Virginia Tech