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4725820 No.4725820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I am so cultured!
>Favorite book? To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm, Moby Dick, the list goes on! :)

>> No.4725828

>be historian
>mfw every single conversation with 100% of non-historians and 90% of "historians" gives me the same feel


>> No.4725838

I like American Psycho, I really relate to Christian Bale

>> No.4725841
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>be economics major
>try talking with my family about anything but economics or politics
>family all tries to "prove" how good free market economics is
>mfw they call me an asshole for telling them they're wrong

>> No.4725854

>confirmed for not having read Moby-Dick

>> No.4725861
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>being a against the single most productive economical system in the world
>getting mad when people call out your marxist tripe

>> No.4725900
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b-but what is wrong with Moby Dick? I'm currently reading it, and its seems to be really good

>> No.4725915

>write a new check for 500 billion every year without paying last years tab.

like you have to be a genius to understand inflation...

>> No.4725920

yeah, well i used to think people might want to live in a world without nuclear weapons. What the hell did I know?

>> No.4725929
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>I am so cultured!
>Favorite book? Ulysses, Molloy, The Stranger, Journey to the End of the Night, the list goes on! :)

>> No.4725936

>someone says they love reading
>they only read 20th century books with a smattering of the most famous 19th century books

Endless Pleb

>> No.4725954

People are trend-followers, you can't ask everyone to be a genius. They only happen once in a while.

>> No.4725956

I'm happening 24/7.

>> No.4725968

it's pretty difficult to fight against pure marxist theories

>> No.4725972

> Valuing productivity over efficiency, sustainability or stability
> Ignoring all competition because you dislike Marx

>> No.4725973

are you... are you from the land of spaghetti?

>> No.4725990

no you're not retard

>> No.4725992

>over efficiency
> implying the price system isnt the most efficient way of allocating resources

Sustainability Ill give you that, since capitalism does friend on infinite growth which isnt feasible especially since western populations are declining. But what glorious system do you propose that is so much better than free market capitalism and is more productive, efficient, and sustainable AND has brought more people out of poverty and increased living standards? Im waiting

>> No.4725995

>I read for prose! I'm so patrician. I like pynchon, mccarthy, nabakov the list can go on..

>> No.4726003

Wow, a historian! Are you tenured? Shouldn't you be doing something other than posting on 4chan?

>> No.4726084

Why should he? A historians just an asshole that knows history.
aspiring historian

>> No.4726108

>implying you'd know genius if you met it, not yourself possessing it

>> No.4726120

If "historian" means anything, it is a professional writer or teacher of history. History professors are historians, as are (some) writers of popular history - Barbara Tuchman was a historian, Bill O'Reilly isn't.

So you can be an aspiring historian, but you've really got to do something more than just know about history.

>> No.4726132

Well, those are my plans. Don't see how it's gonna magically make me stop loving to shitpost as much as I do.

History's a hobby, shitposting's a lifestyle.

>> No.4726405

Bragging about anything is a stupid move. I don't see why different tastes from OP's are meant to be objectively bad by themselves.

>> No.4726472

>3 year old's cartoon image of human existence
Are you referring to something specific? the reference went over my head

>> No.4726515

Was the Holy Roman Empire a sui generic organization, or could it be categorized as a loose confederation or something?
Is dividing European history into Antiquity>Fall of Rome in West>Medieval>Fall of Rome in East>Modern for convenience's sake still naive?

>> No.4726577

>Thinking "free market" capitalism is a good system

whelp, wrap it up anon

>> No.4726588

Hey, ya liking Farscape?

>> No.4726595

fuck off pleb

>> No.4726600

I like the Chicago school, Friedman is a bro.

>> No.4726717

I know that feel bro. Econ-Poli Sci double major here.

>> No.4728856

What books should I read that will make me not a pleb? I'm definitely a major pleb right now. Can I get some introductory patrician books please?

>> No.4728859

>being this normal

>> No.4728863

what do you usually read?

start with the greeks

>> No.4728865

I happened on yer moms back

>> No.4728866

I wouldnt judge someone at all if their favorite book was Moby Dick

>> No.4728868

Like Homer?

>> No.4728872

I just happened all over yer moms back.

>> No.4728873

the fact that you included moby dick in that list shows that you're either trolling or haven't read moby dick

>> No.4728875

You mean "be second year history undergrad"

>> No.4728878

Agreed, Moby Dick is a pretty amazing book, I think OP just lumped "classics" together. I don't understand how this is supposed to be trolling considering she left out Ulysses.

>> No.4728880

>Hasn't read moby dick
>passes judgement on it

trolling 1/10

>> No.4728881

uh what

>> No.4728882

not you, OP

>> No.4728888

>being this new

it's an epic may-may m8
but yeah that'll do

>> No.4728891

oh ok cool

>> No.4728893


OP listed books that most people encountered as part of their high school curriculum. Anyone who claims to be cultured because they read these novels must therefore be a poseur. Or something.

>> No.4728895

nobody reads moby dick for high school class

except me i did that actually

but it was under highly unusual circumstances and almost never happens. it's too damn long and hard to read for high school kids. almost nobody in our class finished it.

>> No.4728896

Really? I had to read it.

>> No.4728898

did anybody actually finish it

>> No.4728907

It was AP Literature. So...maybe.

>> No.4728911

mine was AP Language. everyone complained about the non-fiction sections

>> No.4728917

I just recently read it for pleasure, I loved it. I don't remember it being a part of my high school's curriculum.
>However I remember Toni Morrison being a part of it....

>> No.4728922

Maybe it was just my school.

Now I really don't understand OP's scorn.

>> No.4728934
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>History's a hobby, shitposting's a lifestyle.

From another aspiring historian

>> No.4728935


>> No.4729036

>be folklorist
>50% of conversations can be summarized as "Yeah, I like Bob Dylan too"