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File: 32 KB, 332x500, a-new-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4725748 No.4725748 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this heaping pile of shit?

>> No.4725773

>mfw you can still sell plebs on an anthropocentric teleological worldview anno 2k14

>> No.4727602


I found it very helpful tbh.

Why do you feel it's a heaping pile of shit?

>> No.4727616

I never got why /lit/ has such a problem with self help books. I've never read this one so it may be shit, but just self help books in general.

>> No.4727628


They read it in the same way that they read actual lit. Imagine reading a cookbook the way you read Blood Meridian.

>> No.4727957

It's for middle aged women going through the mid life crisis that occurs when their looks begin to fade and they no longer maintain their social value

>> No.4727986


I think you just read the Oprah book club sticker. You should read it. It sounds like you may benefit from it.

>> No.4728036

I actually read Blood Meridian like it was a cookbook. Not even joking. The chapters were just like recipes.

>> No.4728059

Eckhart Tolle might be pandering to middle aged women and his books aren't really well written but I think there's still a little truth to his teachings. Doesn't really matter housewives like it too, at least for me. All the dude is saying is start living in the present because there is nothing else.

Also he can be really funny sometimes. I like his talks. Fuck Oprah though.

>> No.4729070

The guy is a hypocritical sack of shit.

>> No.4729075

what did you found helpful in it? what does that say about you?

>> No.4729100

Why do you guys say he panders to middle aged women? I've only read Power of Now but there was nothing in it that was specific to any sex or race.

>> No.4729102

Being hypocritical has nothing to do with being correct. I can tell you to sit up while I slouch, but does that mean sitting up isn't the healthier option?

>> No.4729148

Quite a different situation that you comparing this to. Tolle argues vehemently against materialstic culture, against direction towards the future, claiming that these all detract from being happy and being a true person.

Yet there he sits, on the couch with Oprah promoting his fucking book - to sell, more more, more.

It's called a performative contradiction

>> No.4729423


Maybe he genuinely wants more and more people to hear his message.

>> No.4729435

The anon is only motivated by money so when he sees others' actions he assumes that's their motivation too.

>> No.4729466

Then why sell the book, instead of putting it on a website and providing it for free? Why go on a show that is the epitome of all that he supposedly stands up against?

>> No.4729473

The idea that most people won't pick up on this makes me feel fucking ill.

It seems to me whenever someone preaches against materialism it's just "well, if you can't be rich, here's some mental gymnastics that will let you feel superior to rich people so you don't blow your brains out".

>> No.4729489


Good point.

He has to put food on the table somehow though (if he's got a table that is).

>> No.4729525

By now the dude could buy food for the entire sub-saharan continent if he'd wanted to.

>> No.4729526

Wanting something is not living in the now though, right?

>> No.4730105


It doesn't say anything about me. That's jsut attachment, you are not your thoughts, what you read, what you wear etc.

It helped me relax.

>> No.4730113

>Tolle argues vehemently against materialstic culture, against direction towards the future.

Obviously haven't read his book.

He doesn't argue against those things, his basic view is that over worrying about the future, or dwelling on the past inhibits you from experiencing the current moment, and looking to external sources for "happiness".

>> No.4730117


Read the book. You are so off point, I think you'll really enjoy it and find it beneficial.

>> No.4730199

I liked the early, sad Tolle better.

>> No.4730200

Instant Classic

>> No.4730204
File: 46 KB, 333x500, Lost in the cosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out crazy cats, real self help book coming through.
self help books are pretty shit, this explains why

>> No.4730373


A New Earth is not really a self help book.

>> No.4731154

I think the message is in short: Do not give a fuck. And that's all Eckhart Tolle seems to do.

>> No.4731300


Sort of, but it also says give a fuck about the moment you are in, appreciate it.

>> No.4731324

April Fools is over.

>> No.4731586

It's pandering to a specific mindset.

>> No.4731590

But the shitposting-as-butterfly ride never ends!

>> No.4731719


I bet you haven't read it.

>> No.4731721


This means nothing.

>> No.4731868

All purpose is external to Self.

>> No.4731935

I don't think it's pandering to anyone but it's still a very specific demographic that likes that sort of stuff for whatever reason. Astrology and tarot cards aren't pandering to women, still women like it more than men.

>> No.4732015


Have you read it? It doesn't sound like you have.

My favourite writers are, McCarthy, Camus, Genet, Conrad, Melville, Hemingway, Celine, Kerouac, Coetzee, Hinton and so on, so I don't think your generalization is valid.

>> No.4732067

worrying about the future, direction towards the future, same difference. materialistic culture, looking to external sources for happiness, 'nother difference that makes no difference.

>> No.4732077

You do realize that one exception does not break a generalization. Afterall, it is a generalization.

>> No.4732080


Confirmed: Grade 4 reading level.

>> No.4732085

Read Meister Eckhart instead, at least he wasn't trying to make money.

>> No.4732092
File: 49 KB, 325x531, heidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve of this message

>> No.4732098

Confirmed: to capacity for independent thought

atleast you take Tolle's advice to heart

>> No.4732099

*no capacity

>> No.4732103

I think that if you genuinely think you can profit from self-help books, you should go on reading them, but I honestly don't see why you would: 99% of it is stuff that you've already figured out on your own if you're the least bit cultured. Like some chinese guy once said, reading this by itself will not help you any more than reading a prescription would.

He said while avoiding schoolwork and being generally stressed as fuck.

>> No.4732104



>> No.4732109


You cannot trust a person that makes such a claim.

>> No.4732114

>99% of it is stuff that you've already figured out on your own if you're the least bit cultured.

Why do you feel the need to be superior?

>> No.4732116

Great rhetorical response to cover the fact that you did not properly grow up and now need an Oprah approved book to tell you how not to live your life.

>> No.4732118

So basically he's a twenty-first century watered-down Epicurus ? Could be worse.

>> No.4732117

English is indeed my second language

>> No.4732123


Haha, great assumption.

Still the question remains, where does your need to assert your superiority arise from?

>> No.4732126


The Road was Oprah approved too.

>> No.4732127

He never claimed that, but it would be hard for him to make money considering he was writing in the Middle Ages.

>> No.4732128

Life, my essential nature that is not a thing, neither content nor form but a part of the being that is the being of the living universe.

>> No.4732129


It sounds like you could benefit from this book as well.

>> No.4732130

The Road is shit too, incidentally.

>> No.4732131

It sounds like you identify your own being with a book you have read, reproaching others who are what they are for not reading what you have. Sounds like someone is not in control of their egotistical mindfulness.

>> No.4732132

pls, stop.

>> No.4732134

>muh hipsterdom
get over yourself

>> No.4732136


Wrong poster.

Anyone thinks the Road is shit clearly has no idea about what is good or bad.

>> No.4732142

>muh connoisseurship
>muh conformism
great job, going exactly against the spirit of Kerouac.

>> No.4732150


That's On The Road, not The Road.

>> No.4732152

Oh fuck me sideways. That's embarassing.

>> No.4732153


"you are only capable of having taste if you agree with me on this one specific work"

>> No.4732159


It's nothing to do with taste tbh.

>> No.4732301

I didn't think I was trying to be superior by claiming that, but I guess I see why it came off that way. I was just saying that self-help books are often trying to restate common knowledge and pass it off as some incredibly deep new information.