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File: 19 KB, 285x475, handmaids-tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
472411 No.472411 [Reply] [Original]

Can somebody please explain the ending of Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood to me? I recently read it, but I did not understand the ending at all.

>> No.472416
File: 26 KB, 492x329, 1269037442787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all building up into an amazing climax...
and then it ends.


>> No.472418

Bruce Willis was dead the entire movie.

>> No.472419

C'mon. Seriously, guys

>> No.472429

Margaret Atwood is an annoying cunt.

>> No.472434

You actually read this shit? Haha oh man oh wow oh man

>> No.472441

Yeah, my boyfriend recommended it

>> No.472510


>> No.472674

Which part, the anthropological discussion of the manuscript, or the ending of the story itself (I don't remember much about the latter, it's been a while; I could refresh my memory on wikipedia though).

Also, I love that cover. I've always wanted to get my mouth pierced shut for an event.

>> No.472775


i lol'd a little

>> No.474081

The ending is inconclusive.
In the far future the text of the Handmaid's tale is discovered by anthropological / sociological historians. They treat it much like we treat 19th century slave narratives. With condescention, academic injokes, and the fantasy that the slave reached freedom in Canada.