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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.99 MB, 2818x2013, Amazon_Kindle_Paperwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4723642 No.4723642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best e-book reader and why?
Which do you own and why?

>> No.4723703

bumping. Anyone?

>> No.4723749

iPhone and I'm serious here.

>> No.4723767

uh, how?

>> No.4723769

I own a Kobo that was the right price at the time of buying. Because fuck Amazon and proprietary file formats.

>> No.4723774

What does that mean?

>> No.4723776
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x800, why don't you have an ebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4723781

I don't get it

>> No.4723817

The format of Amazon's ebooks is proprietary, which means that you need to own a kindle to read them (in theory, we're ignoring the fact that you can get around that on a PC). I just disagree with that philosophy as a whole. Better to make something freely accessible than to hoard it.

>> No.4723841

Kobo touch, can read every file format (with calibre anyways), has backlight, wifi, pretty much all you need.

>> No.4723852

Better than the newest kindle?

>> No.4723879

If you want to only buy books from amazon and no other online bookstore ever, not being able to read for free, downloading all the books from the internets, then by all means, go with kindle. But some of us prefer to not be amazons fuck slave for all eternity, and go with kobo touch, which really has all you can expect from a good e reader.

>> No.4723883

Non-ereader master-race

>> No.4723885

What other online bookstores can you buy from using a Kobo?

>> No.4723900

Everyone there is.

Supported file formats from kobo: .bmp .cbr .cbz .epub .gif .html .jpeg .mobi .pdf .png .rtf

Also you can easily convert any ebook from amazon via the free software calibre, which will also be the place to keep your book organized on the pc.

Supported file formats from kindle: kindle.

Even if you aren't into piracy, for reading all the good classic works, you can go to gutenberg.org and download over 100,000 books in .epub format, mostly classics though, completely legal and free.

>> No.4723920

Holy shit i didn't know this. Why would anyone get a kindle instead??

>> No.4723930

Same reason people buy any inferior product - lack of research and brand recognition.

>> No.4723944

Kindle is to Amazon as iPhones and iPad are to Apple. People don't research, mostly don't know you can get books for free, they end up paying more for easy-to-use rather than versatility, like Macs.

>> No.4723950

But you can convert any .epub to .mobi and even pdf.

Really buying digital books?

I get at the same price the kobo is the best deal, I don't have an ereader and I don't know if it will get the use so I'm considering a $70 kindle haven't found anything in that price range yet.

>> No.4723959

Hmmm why are these digital books expensive though, seems unreasonable

>> No.4723972

You can get a refurb Nook Simple Touch on ebay for around $50 with free shipping. That's what I use and I like it. No backlight or anything though.

That's why you don't pay for them , silly.

>> No.4723973

fuck that pirate like everyone else or just read public domain books in digital if you are of extreme moral. You will save a lot of money anyway.

>> No.4723981

Free? Is there a specific website to download any book you want for free?

>> No.4723978
File: 7 KB, 518x480, pirates31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't bought a book in 2 years for my kindles.

>> No.4723997

feedbooks.com has some public domain ones in mobi and epub.So has gutenberg.org/

You can't tell me you have gone trough all the classics already

>> No.4724036

wait anon, then what's all the hype on paperwhite about? I remember lots of people here bought paperwhite too.

>> No.4724063

Screen can be lit for night reading.

I think the Nook Glowlight was the first big name with a lit screen but apparently its light wasn't as good. The newer Kobo readers are better but pricier. The Paperwhite is like $120 or so iirc new, but you gotta pay more for ne ads (maybe jailbreaking it nullifies this though??)

>> No.4724064

There's nothing wrong with the physical product. But the file format support leaves everything to be desired when you can get similar products that do more things for the same price.

>> No.4724090

You can add books to the Kindle including pirated books just like any other e-reader. You don't have to actually buy a thing off amazon.

>> No.4724094


>> No.4724114

It gives you an option if you want to use the amazon cloud storage or add books yourself.

>> No.4724119

I'll just leave this here...


>> No.4724139

No expandable memory is reason enough to avoid the Paperwhite imo.

>> No.4724200

woah what am i looking at

>> No.4724227

Do you really need more than a thousand books at a single time?

>> No.4724236
File: 251 KB, 245x136, 1392195550863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems to be a giant database of e-books
>search for a book ive been meaning to read
>"click here to download"
>......not sure if legit.

>> No.4724239

Super legit.

Also, en.bookfi.org,

works similar.

>> No.4724240

So, paperwhite or kobo aura hd?

>> No.4724306

Aura has higher resolution, better light, and an expandable memory slot.

It's also more expensive. If price isn't the determining factor, get it.

>> No.4724313
File: 983 KB, 285x285, 1375165006707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this entire thread
>not just using your ipad

>> No.4724428

I'm looking for Hemingway On Writing but I can't find it anywhere. Any advice?

>> No.4724459

Jewt we need this fucking sticky already so these retards check out the thousands of e-reader threads in the archive

I'm sick of reposting the same shit for every fucker who needs sponfeeding

>> No.4724470

I wrote that post about the smudgy touchscreens

because kindle 3 keyboard is the best kindle there ever was

touchscreen is a fucking gimmick that amazon throws in there for the smartphone/tablet crowds, I suspect they fear kindles would look dated with a physical keyboards

fuck them all

>> No.4724476

If theyre anything like I was when I asked /lit/ about e-readers, they'll end up searching other places anyway and deciding on their own.
I think its just boredom asking /lit/. 4chan attracts bored people. or maybe just lonely people who want actual human interaction without leaving their house.

>> No.4724482

there's only so many times people will thoroughly repeat their recommendations and info about their e-readers, I'm absolutely sick of doing that

these threads are daily, on /lit/ as well as on /g/

why dont the retarded mods add a pastebin to the sticky or mention to check the archives for threads about e-readers

>> No.4724501

no one is forcing you too look at them you fucking retard

>> No.4724505


>> No.4724521

i bought the paperwhite because it's cheaper mainly and apparently the lighting and dictionary are slightly better than the kobo (not sure how true that is)

the difference in formats doesn't matter at all. calibre is so easy to use and i can convert a dozen books in a few seconds without any errors.

epub is probably the most common format and it converts 100% every time. mobi is the second most common and it's native to kindle, no conversion. pdf is the next most common and i'd say about 19/20 of them converted fine. i've had a few with weird line breaks that i fixed, by reconverting it with "heuristic processing" checked.

>> No.4724550


Whatever Mr. Neanderthal, why don't you go cut down some trees to use in your 16th century technology?

>> No.4724554


This is why I own a Kobo Touch and not a Kindle.

I regret nothing.

>> No.4724555



That's a strange way of spelling "obsolete cavemen"

>> No.4724570

How's the Kobo Aura? Anyone have one?

>> No.4724571

every now and again I come in these threads to remind retards like you that the answer to the questions they're asking -sometimes without even checking the catalog- are there in the archives

fuck off dumbass

>> No.4724587

i second this. i want the HD version. how is it?

>> No.4724807


>> No.4724813

what are you fucking hipsters or some shit?
kindles are solid and cheap, I see no fucking reason to go for kobo and I've had a kindle 3 for years now

>> No.4724816
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1316401608076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the useful input.

>> No.4724953

>owning an ipad
>reading literature on anything else than paper or e-ink

>> No.4724957

I have a paperwhite.