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/lit/ - Literature

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4722721 No.4722721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Talentless Hacks

>> No.4722767

He's the Lou Reed of /lit/?

>> No.4722773

Agreed. The only surviving Starks should have been Arya and Sansa. Not that they're my favorite characters, but it just wasn't realistic or interesting that Bran and Rickon escaped Theon. Everyone acts that the show is "realistic" because main characters get killed off, but in reality, it's not really.

There wasn't nearly as much "life or death" tension in the books as it was hyped up to be.

>> No.4722780
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>> No.4722788

GRRM Checklist
>create faggy fairyland
>kill all the good characters because muh edge
>make a shitty tv show with LOTR style production
>attract legions of autistic nerds and man children
>milk the series for all the money you can
>write shitty new stories in desperate attempt to stay rich and relevant
>repeat previous step as long as possible

>> No.4722792


I'm sorry but anyone that can write something at least mediocre is by default not talentless.
I'm not sticking up for ole George there, I've never read any of his novels, but it takes an incredible amount of work to write and publish multiple novels. Talent is successfully applying a skill repeatedly so by default anyone that has published multiple novels is talented.

>but I hate his work
That may be true, and I won't even disagree with you, but an ad hominem attack isn't justified here.

>> No.4722798
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>> No.4722804

Because this thread (and this site, even) is all about speaking carefully and accurate assessment, right?

This board is not the board for you.

>> No.4722819

Marianne Moore rule violation. The talentless hack is the OP. Isn't it the damndest thing that talentless hacks comprise a supermajority of the quantity of books actually sold in the English world, and a fixation of those discussed on /lit/ daily?

It makes a non-trolling type of reader wonder whether OP has his definition of "talent" nailed down as firmly as his definition of "good," "bad," and "sad."

>> No.4722835

And what makes you think it's the board for you?

Contrary to popular misinformation, 4chan isn't a hivemind. It's population is made up from an incomprehensibly large number of individuals.

Who's to say that legitimate discussion holds less weight here than the idle procrastination of trolls?

>> No.4722834
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>> No.4722870

i really can't stand grrm's attitude towards other people's work and the direction he takes his own

his idea of gritty realism is to have a setting that rivals lord of the rings in terms of fantasy and scope but throw in a few lines about characters having diarrhea and killing off a "good" character every now and then

it's annoying enough in the books but at least he sort of pulls it off there, in the show the parts where characters talk about taking shits genuinely feel like out of place comic relief scenes, yet they're the entire point of the series

>> No.4722872

You don't know the difference between "it's" and "its".

You're not here for knee-jerk entertainment and you're sure as shit not intelligent enough to hold your own in formalized debate. No matter what you come here for, this clearly isn't the board for you.

>> No.4722895

You're judging my intelligence based upon the contents of a single post?

Anon plz.

Take your ad-hominem bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.4722906
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Get lost, fat nerd. You can't put 4chan on your résumé.

>> No.4722910

It amuses me how he thinks his work is above having fanfics written about it. No it's not. No one's is.

>> No.4722929

So your argument is that there's no place for serious discussion here whatsoever?

>> No.4722975

But his own work is a fanfic.

>> No.4722976

J.D. Salinger

>> No.4723011


>> No.4723105
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>> No.4723157
File: 60 KB, 472x311, 1376464212875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever wrote the bible
> #Dawkins please marry me
> #jk
> #but really

>> No.4723665

get the heck out

>> No.4723683

it's clearly peppermint

>> No.4723980

>ad hominem attack
I've yet to see someone call something an ad hominem that actually is one.

>> No.4724062

agreed. total plebeian

>> No.4724198


>>attract legions of autistic nerds and man children

Eh it's actually got loads of "normalfag" trendy trendfollowers all over it. People who I think wouldn't be caught dead reading someone like Salvatore but read GoT because that's the latest thing "everyone's talking about."

>> No.4724939


>obviously doesn't know the subtleties of the definition