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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 514 KB, 1000x1000, Mu-core2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4722305 No.4722305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there a /lit/ version of this?

>> No.4722307

The Greeks

>> No.4722308

No, now go kill yourself, /mu/ faggot.

>> No.4722315

why so hostile?

>> No.4722316

Joyce - Ulysses
Beckett - Complete Dramatic Works
Mallarmé - Collected Poems
Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
De Beauvoir- The Second Sex/Heidegger - Being and Time (delete as applicable)

>> No.4722321

Because /mu/ is a shit board filled with underage drones who have no ability to think critically themselves and have to cultivate their tastes through a series of charts and youtube videos.

Read the fucking sticky. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.4722324

>Start with the Greeks.
>saying this unironically

>> No.4722328


>Queer, xenophobic pedagogues
>Worth reading

>> No.4722333

There was a time when the only response you would have received was "lurk more"

>> No.4722330

/mu/ has such horrible taste in music. I can tolerate Neutral Milk Hotel, but Kanye? Is that irony? Or is that the classic case of hipsters trying to prove they're not hipsters by disingenuously claiming they sincerely like some mainstream artist?

>> No.4722334
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>not starting with the greeks

what are you, some kinda woman lover?

>> No.4722336

The good old days, we call that time.

>> No.4722339

>what is a joke

>> No.4722341

>Is that irony?

Yes. Or post-irony or whatever it's called these days.

>> No.4722342
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There are plenty of charts in the wiki, but there aren't any "established" /lit/core because our tastes are pretty varied. Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, and Ulysses are the usual answers, but discussion on Ulysses is waning. Is Stoner still popular?

>> No.4722343
File: 411 KB, 747x1417, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the hostility, op. It's the usual. I've to agree /mu/ isn't a nice board though.

>was there for a while, but quit

Checkout lit starter kit

>> No.4722346

What is /lit/'s magnum opus?

>> No.4722347

MBDTF is one of the only decent albums on that chart.

>> No.4722351

Infinite Jest

>> No.4722353

Ironic folk.

As for Kanye, I don't know. I did like his Jesus song, even though I don't really listen to rap, but his rap is generally about the lamest I've heard.

It's crazy you can go from bein joe blow
to everybody on yo dick no homo!

>> No.4722355
File: 847 KB, 1500x3688, litguide_classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's not bad.

Seriously fuck /mu/ though.

>> No.4722356

>and if you don't know of them you'll risk coming off as an idiot

That is the level of discourse they pride themselves on.

>> No.4722363

>all of that easily accessible, melodic, whiny pop music that people pretend is much different than radio pop

>> No.4722367

>Ludwig Goethe
Am I dreaming or is this stupid?

>> No.4722368

/mu/ has a love/hate relationship with Kanye. Hospice is the only one that shouldn't be on there, it's just spammed by people saying how bad it is

>> No.4722370

>I don't really listen to rap

How does it feel to be 40 years old?

>> No.4722371

kanye is good though

>> No.4722373

be honest

how many of them have you listened to?

>> No.4722374
File: 2.43 MB, 2382x3592, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw 2 threads on him other day

>> No.4722375

why does every say slaughterhouse 5 is KVs best because it isnt

>> No.4722380

it's his most important one

>> No.4722379

>it's just spammed by people saying how bad it is
That only started very recently.

>> No.4722381

all the albums are good aside from hospice and ok computer which are just okay

>> No.4722382

What's next, you're gonna unironically use terms like "dadcore"?

>> No.4722384

I'm 24. I don't find rap grating, I just don't intensely enjoy it like I do some other forms of music. There's some rap that I adore, but rap itself is not something I consistently derive pleasure on a level equal what I do derive consistent pleasure from.

>> No.4722386

It's not exactly as if you're on some original shit yourself, you cynical faggot.

>> No.4722388

I like the concept of Hospice, and listen to the album quite often. However, I visit /mu/ only very rarely, and don't understand much about music. Why is it just okay?

>> No.4722392

How am I cynical for ridiculing a term that was made up by smug young adults that want to evaluate themselves over others of their age by inventing terms for them?

>> No.4722393

what would be the point of me lying about it? every single one of those albums is a melodic, easily accessible, radio-friendly pop album. you could argue that godspeed is too long for radio, but it's still poppy, classical-lite.

>> No.4722394


speaking of which, does anyone have that 'beyond dadcore' chart? (i actually think 20th century rock is great, i just recall there being good choices on that infograph).

>> No.4722395

no one from /mu/ could articulate the merits of these or other albums well enough to convince you either way.

>> No.4722398

its boring to me
no worries if you dig it though it's decent :)
just not good as the others imo

>> No.4722401

I'd like to hear the radio music you know of. The radio channels around my place rarely play anything beyond generic radio pop of the usual suspects, dance floor shit or at best some rock classics from the 80s or pop classics from the 90s. The most obscure thing I have ever heared on radio is Ween with Buenas Tardes Amigo.

>> No.4722402

The Money Store?
I agree with you to an extent though.

>> No.4722404

i'm not even insulting radio music or melodic music, i just know that half of /mu/ pride themselves on some delusional "patrician" shit as if these albums aren't incredibly accessible for the most part.

>> No.4722406

MBDTF is good though

>> No.4722410
File: 58 KB, 600x600, The_Protomen_Act_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I sometimes have that idea aswell. This atleast applies to the /mu/tants that go to other boards and ask them for their tastes in everything just to devalue it then to make themselves seem more "patrician". Especially here on /lit/ there seems to be a high influence of /mu/tants that just want to feel "patrician", and apparently having read a book or two in your life is necessary to assume that title.

Oh, and just btw, I'm currently listening to this.

>> No.4722415

>generic radio pop of the usual suspects

As opposed to the totally unique and unknown kanye and radiohead? anon pls

>> No.4722419

Well, I'm not really refering to them, since I'm not all that far up that alley myself, but stuff like In The Court Of The Crimson King, post rock or I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIIST? I'd love to hear stuff like that on radio.

>> No.4722421

kanye and radiohead are p unique

>> No.4722426

This is something that /mu/ ACTUALLY believes.

>> No.4722430


i liked the concept of too, which is sort of the problem.

im in love with the idea of hospice, of what it could be, but the album itself is not superlative. merely 'participating' in a form, falling short of a full elaboration, good enough to make me idealize what it could be, and i cant help be feel unsatisfied.

like the difference between a catchy hook and a concerto, mad world or moonlight sonata.

>> No.4722432

>inb4 some /mu/le calls it "meme music"

>> No.4722435

why dont you think they are

>> No.4722436

Because there are a million other acts that sound just like them, what kind of question is that?

>> No.4722440

who do you think sounds like kanye west and radiohead

>> No.4722444

Well, in that case I disagree. I think Hospice lives up to its great concept. It doesn't need to be any different, it hits the right note (hue) and creates the right atmosphere.
Also, as a friend of poetry, and writer thereof, I really dig the lyrics.

However, I don't think it is the greatest album on that list. That title would go to either Is That An Onion Thinly Sliced (even though I prefer Ferris Wheel On Fire) or King Crimson.

>> No.4722445


>> No.4722449

Nah, man.

Finn, Again, Awakens

>> No.4722454

Radiohead - yes, Kanye - not until he started copying Death Grips.

>> No.4722455

Why only novels in the lists?

Why ignore poetry?

Could you be more pleb?

>> No.4722466
File: 724 KB, 1208x3504, essential rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically the top of this, but read the fucking sticky

>> No.4722469

>tfw you like kanye's music for the most part and get hyped when he puts out new stuff
>tfw you still get weirded out by people who get super-defensive about his music

>> No.4722507

yeezus was pretty terrible alright. like on hearing it all I could think was gee, this makes me want to go listen to death grips

>> No.4722516

That's a shitty list. Kadka needs to be higher, it lacks poetry and plays, and it jumps from demi-god directly to pleb.

>> No.4722519

thinking "death grips" when you hear yeezus means you pretty much don't know anything about music.

>hurr distorted acid beat must be death grip
>hurr marilyn manson must be death grip
>implying kanye ever listened to deaht grips

>> No.4722536

Do you have any idea who you are talking to

>> No.4722538

>Camus higher than Kafka

But what the fuck.

>> No.4722549

>Fight Club and American Psycho in the same tier as teenage girl genre
>Do I fit in yet, /lit/?
This list is cringeworthy.

>> No.4722554


No, but there are a lot of specific novels mentioned on a nearly-daily and definitely weekly basis here:

Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller

Just add in six more and we could make one.

>> No.4722555

>teenage boy genre in the same tier as teenage girl genre

Seems about right.


>> No.4722560

If I were to start from the greeks, where would I start?

>> No.4722565


>> No.4722574

a crusty hasbeen oldfag

>> No.4722578

Jimmy Joyce' Ulysses, Kafka's Trial, Nietzsche's Zarathustra, something by Hemmingway, of course Nabokov's Lolita.

Maybe Wittgenstein needs to be tossed in there aswell.

>> No.4722580

/mu/ has their meme rap like Kanye (and other meme music such as NMH), and we have our meme fiction like DFW & Pynchon, so just make a list of those and there you have it.

Start with what this guy posted: >>4722554

>> No.4722589

you forgot impostor and smartest guy on the board

>> No.4722590

I wouldn't EVER start Kafka with The Trial.

>> No.4722616

As far as novels go, I would. We'd need to make all kinds of list for different genres, like short stories, poems, etc.

And they already exist. So what's the point anyway?

>> No.4722617

That's a pretty cool list, except for Beauvoir.

>> No.4722632
File: 1000 KB, 4000x3549, 1382070157345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better list

>> No.4722633

But just a mad man would start Kafka with his unfinished/endless novels. I mean, there's a consensus on The Metamorphosis,right?

>> No.4722635

>except for Beauvoir.
stupid idiot

>> No.4722639

Is that defined as a novel?

>> No.4722644

Maybe a novella.

>> No.4722674
File: 460 KB, 664x1024, essnetial litcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4722679
File: 252 KB, 600x600, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never been to /mu/ my friend.

>> No.4722693

that album is really easy to listen to

>> No.4722700
File: 245 KB, 600x598, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want something harder?

>> No.4722702

Kanye actually is good, though. He's the closest musician to the literary tradition. Seriously, Yeezus is the Ulysses of hip hop. Dude's metatextual as fuck. From afar he can seem like a dolt but that's on you.

>> No.4722706

sorry, /mu/. This poster is by no means a representation on /lit/ and, judging by his complete lack of recommendations, is not even an actual /lit/erati.

>> No.4722714


The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway has been mentioned a lot recently, but then again, The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls are too.

>> No.4722722

>it's on you if you don't "get" it
Kanye is not deep. Lupe Fiasco is sometimes deep. Kanye is not deep, there's no complex thought in any of his music, just using metaphors and allusions doesn't count as complex thought. That doesn't your enjoyment of him is invalid, but don't try to make him appear sophisticated.

>> No.4722725

Pynchon, Lin, Joyce, Camus and Proust are considered pretty essential. You aren't really a literature person if you haven't read something by those guys.

>> No.4722726

>/mu/ is a shit board filled with underage drones
>implying this isn't all of 4chan

>> No.4722727

>Lupe Fiasco is sometimes deep.


care to elaborate?

>> No.4722730

Essential /lit/core meaning the most widely recognised and discussed but not necessarily considered to be the best books on /lit/ would be

Atlas Shrugged
The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
Finnegan's Wake
Game of Thrones
To the Lighhouse
Catch 22

You could post the cover of any of these books and have a thread that would last for days

>> No.4722735

>judging someone because they enjoy a medium different from the one you enjoy
congratulations on being more autistic than all of /mu/

>> No.4722741


>> No.4722739

if you think Beauvoir can compare to the rest of the authors on that list, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.4722740


I like him but his political criticism is about Macklemore-tier. In terms of complexity at least, he doesn't suck the public's dick like Macklemore.

>> No.4722744

>Yeezus is the Ulysses of hip hop
so massively overrated and actually not good? Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.4722745


>> No.4722752

Swing and a miss.

On topic, why no love for Faulkner on /lit/? He's right up there with Joyce, if not higher (Faulkner is more self-contained and comprehensive. You don't need to have read the the last 2000 years of European literature to "get" all of muh references Joyce uses).

if OP is still here, I would recommend picking up a copy of As I Lay Dying before most of the stuff on these lists. He's both an essential American author, and more importantly an essential modernist author.

>> No.4722760

Not gonna lie, I hated Absalom, Absalom! One of the most boring books I've ever read.

>> No.4722766

>listening to music for political criticism
top kekked

>> No.4722768

>Lupe Fiasco is sometimes deep.
He's a slut shaming moralizer.

>> No.4722771

>Dude's metatextual as fuck

The entire hip hop/rap genre is self-referential and 'meta'. By no means is that unique to Kanye.

>> No.4722785

Yes, and?

>> No.4722795

From afar he does seem like a dolt. From up close, he's even worse. I've given him more than enough chances. To compare Yeezus to Ulysses says to me you either haven't read Ulysses or you failed to grasp most of it (which is completely fine, by the way, because it's Ulysses) -- it's an insult to Joyce. I think what has happened is that at some point some guy on /mu/ decided, probably for his own amusement, to trick you guys into thinking Kanye has depth which isn't there. Personally, though, I can't even spot the pretense of depth. You listen to a few of his songs and realize he's as vacuous as the rest of the big hip hop artists, then you're that upon a closer listen you'll discover his depth, so you listen to it, try to read into it, to find this depth, only to realize you've been bamboozled, hoodwinked. You were right the first time; he's as vacuous as you thought.

>> No.4722789
File: 115 KB, 1024x682, YEEZUStimeline-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Lupe has ever been deeper than Kanye
Jesus you are dense for someone into literature. You're thinking on the surface level. You're thinking "If Kanye says something that comes across as clever or insightful, it's deep." But that's such a pre-modern way to look at art. The way he interacts with the listener, building and subverting metamusical expectations, commenting on multiple metamusical, sociopolitical and personal subjects with single lines. What work has played jump rope with the line between irony and sincerity as effectively as Yeezus? From the opening seconds of On Sight, to the chorus of I Am A God, to the final spoken sample of Bound 2, no other work of any medium worked with such an ambiguity awareness of its context. I'm not saying Yeezus is brilliant because it showcases great technical compositional proficiency or especially novel aesthetic innovations (though autotuned Chief Keef, Justin Vernon, 80s guitars and trap beats have never been fused so artfully), I'm saying its ability to project outwardly from itself and work in a space so self-aware (yet somehow sometimes simultaneously ham-handedly solipsistic) that it shatters any post-post-modern dichotomy between affectation and sincerity. The whole skips back and forth over the "is dis nigga serious line" only for Bound 2 to answer with a resounding "we have no fucking clue." Where the recent metamodernists have decided that continual sinusoidal oscillation between critical points of intense sincerity and irony is a valid solution to the nihilism inherent in extreme postmodernity, Kanye instead manipulates for the oscillation of the listener's perception rather than a self-defeatingly earnest oscillation of himself. In this way, Yeezus can be seen as a work of meta-metamodernism. To call the album "ahead of its time" would be a vast understatement.

>> No.4722799

Eminem did all that shit a long time ago

>> No.4722802

Oops, I missed a word.

>then you're that

then you're told* that

>> No.4722803


no dipshit, the person I was replying to said Lupe Fiasco was deep. The only thing he really raps about that could be considered "deep" is politics. That's what I was responding to.

>> No.4722812

yeah tbh

>> No.4722814

Not really. All of his depth is philosophical, his politicking is blunt and elementary.

>> No.4722817

All I've heard of his was Lasers and Food and Liquor, and he was "philosophical" on neither. I'm really not shitting on the guy, I like him, I just don't think he's that smart of a rapper.

>> No.4722820

Sorry, I thought you were a real feminist.

>> No.4722841

But Eminem's metamusicality is too blunt and ham-handed to be effective. His carefully sculpted image as the reddit-approved rapper (I mean this in terms of his general aesthetic and message; I don't mean to imply that he gives a shit about reddit) has tainted it. Where Eminem's metamusical exploits can be compared to those of The Sex Pistols, Kanye's are a bit harder to pin down. Imagine if Bob Dylan released a trap album tomorrow. Imagine if Nas put Vanilla Ice on Illmatic. Eminem's publicity stunts never amounted to anything more than publicity stunts. Kanye's metamusicality is more poignant for a number of reasons. He has no alter-egos. He has no Slim Shady, no Wolf Haley. His rap name is his birth name. His art exists under the pretense of sincerity (at least to a degree), whereas Em could always fall back on "It's all political, if my music is literal
and I'm a criminal how the fuck can I raise a little girl?"

>> No.4722856

Smart is a fairly ambiguous term. He definitely touches on the same stuff postmodern philosophy does, though.

With her eyes to the ceiling and a needle in her brain,
He looks back into the crowd, wipes the blood and then explains
How she slipped from this existence to the realm of the deranged.
Her becoming must be halted to reverse what she became,
From the looseness of her tongue to the pollution of her aims,
To do nothing is barbaric, the solution is humane
You must destroy the mind (mind) and hopefully retrain
You torture out the wildness then replace it with the tame.
Blank slate when she recovers she won't even know her name,
Perfect wife and perfect lover, no resistance, no complaints.
May God bless the scientific cure for the insane,
Knew she couldn't go to school, but she thought that that should change.

I am very much a feminist, your pointing out that Lupe is a moralizing misogynist was simply a non sequitur.

>> No.4722875

Contemporary Eminem is a cop-out, but I'm talking about older Eminem.

>> No.4722879

I just finished the Stranger.

>Those last pages

Holy fuck.

I absolutely love how his prose can contribute to the character of mersault as well

>> No.4722888

Did you know if you add "so" to Mersault's name you get somersault

>> No.4722892


>> No.4722917

Kanye West is adored by hipsters and the music press m8.

>> No.4722919

Are you kidding me? Yeezus is the most straight-forward surface-level album i've ever heard

it's all teenage level obscurantism, something an edgy black kid would write when he's 16 while listening to tupac

>> No.4722921

I only wish we could have a board for serious cinema fans and not the shitstain that is /tv/.

>> No.4722923

Damn. Just realized I haven't listened to F&L in a while.

>> No.4722924

start with Homer - Iliad then Odyssey
If you are interested in some philosophy, read Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics.
You could also read Aristotle's views on literature and plays which are pretty much the foundation of Western drama. To supplement this, read the plays of Sophocles (Oedipus the King, Antigone), Aeschylus (Prometheus Bound) and Euripides (Medea).
Then you can begin with literature

>> No.4722932

>His carefully sculpted image as the reddit-approved rapper (I mean this in terms of his general aesthetic and message; I don't mean to imply that he gives a shit about reddit) has tainted it.
Are you seriously implying that Kanye West isn't the token hipster (ie: Reddit) approved hip hop artist of the moment?

>> No.4722938

Except reddit is in love with kanye


>> No.4722947

Kanye is love by hipsters in general. What Bob Dylan is to classic rock, Kanye is to hip hop.

>> No.4722950

bob dylan is not classic rock he's folk you tard

>> No.4722957


>> No.4722958

guys they're making fun of us ;_;

>> No.4722961

These two are the best here.

>> No.4722962

pretty legit source

>> No.4722965

Why do we have so many /mu/lit/ crossposters? I don't want anything to do with that board.

Also, why do you care?

>> No.4722968

Kanye is the most popular hip hop artist in the world and /mu/ is trash

>> No.4722973

Kanye's singles' chart history tell a different story.

>> No.4722977

I like starting drama

>> No.4722978

Hey man, fuck you, listen to come Animal Collective :^)

>> No.4722982

It's not like classic rock is an "official" genre anyways, it's more of a broad descriptor of the music from a specific era. Everything from The Beatles, to Sly and the Family Stone to the Burrito Brothers is called Classic Rock.

>> No.4722984
File: 60 KB, 280x390, 600full-noel-gallagher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw better music discussion on /lit/ than on /mu/

>> No.4722990

Everyone with a sufficient IQ loves Kanye.

>> No.4722991
File: 413 KB, 1000x1000, THAT_BOY_SO_UGLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that Kanye is even significant compared to Lil Ugly Mane

You're thinking on the surface level. You're thinking "If Kanye's lyrics are half-baked, it's actually a metamodernist irony/sincerity oscillation." But that's a very generous way to look at Yeezus.

Now Lil Ugly Mane:
The way he interacts with the listener, building and subverting of his persona, commenting on multiple personal, fictional, and occult subjects with single lines. What work has played jump rope with the line between incantation and summoner as effectively as Mista Thug Isolation? From the harsh noise opener, to the lushness of SERIOIUS SHIT, to the chorus of BITCH IM LUGUGBRIOUS, to the grime of CUP FULLA BEETLEJUICE, no other hip-hop album worked with such diversity in soundscapes. I'm not saying MTI is brilliant because it showcases great "awareness of its context" or "metamusical subjects" (though the contrasting glory and shame of drug dealing has never been portrayed so artfully as in THROW DEM GUNS), I'm saying that it's its ability to enchant the listener in a space so Ugly (yet, somehow, always beautiful) that it shatters any post-post-modern "appreciation" of art. We skip back and forth over the "is dis nigga a genius line" only for Uneven Compromise to answer with a resounding "Yes, and much more." Where the recent art philosophizers have decided that appreciating context alone is a valid solution to being unable to understand aesthetics, Ugly is instead "Spitting for the fucking spitting." In this way, MTI can be seen as a work of aesthetic beauty. To call the album "a masterpiece" would be a vast understatement.

>> No.4722992

Because it, /tv/ (which we also have a lot of), and /lit/ are the boards about art forms that focus on appreciation rather than creation (unlike /p/ and whichever is the drawing one).

>> No.4722999

>tfw there's never any cinema discussion on /lit/
>tfw /tv/ is still the best we have

>> No.4723004


/mu/ has zero credibility when their hardcore threads begin by claiming that As I Lay Dying (the band, not the novel), A Day to Remember, and August Burns Red are all great hardcore bands.

I lurk a lot of boards across the chan, /mu/ is easily one of the worst, if not the actual worst.

>> No.4723005

>bob dylan


>> No.4723008

/co/ can have some good discussions about comics as an artform, it just happens relatively rarely.

>> No.4723010

>when their hardcore threads begin by claiming that As I Lay Dying (the band, not the novel), A Day to Remember, and August Burns Red are all great hardcore bands

no one said this

>> No.4723014

>hardcore threads begin by claiming that As I Lay Dying (the band, not the novel), A Day to Remember, and August Burns Red are all great hardcore bands.


>> No.4723015

>no one thinks this


>> No.4723016

>A Day to Remember

literally everyone who isn't new to /mu/ hates them

>> No.4723018

I've never seen them claim that A Day to Remember is a good band. As for the other too, well yeah, /mu/ has strange taste in hardcore.

>> No.4723023

Do they have discussions about making comics at all? I've never really thought about it.

these. I don't know what /mu/ you visited.

>> No.4723024

That's called a joke, friend.

>> No.4723025


>> No.4723026


actually it happens all the time when there are hardcore threads on /mu/ (which isn't very often, btw). And if isn't those specific bands, it's equally shitty bands that have equally shitty names.

>> No.4723030

>Do they have discussions about making comics at all? I've never really thought about it.
They usually have a few threads about /co/mrades' own comics and there seems to be at least one writing general thread a day.

>> No.4723036

Are you being ironic? You don't really seem to know that much about what you're attempting to discuss

>> No.4723039

What does /lit/ think of this album and shoegaze in general?

>> No.4723042
File: 571 KB, 925x1600, 1369082857749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /mu/ essentials chart is for plebs.

Heres the patrician version.

>> No.4723044
File: 27 KB, 301x300, ride-nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the fucking pic

>> No.4723040

Well then, I doubt they're being serious. I hope.

haven't really been in the hardcore threads, but their shoegaze and noise rock threads are pretty cool.

>> No.4723045

I love Cage's work but I don't see what he has to do with Shoegaze.

>> No.4723046

I like the idea of shoegaze but it's often poorly done. Dreampop is the same but times a thousand on both counts.

>> No.4723047

everything on there is literally hipster shit

>> No.4723048

This isn't even CLT's most recent version. He's even said he just added whatever he likes to get stoned to.

>> No.4723051
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>> No.4723052

Hipster is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else's authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you're probably sensed the pattern on your own).

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the au-thentic Us from the inauthentic, ironic,Them.

You can't define what that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That's because you don't use hipster to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren't for your own insecurities, nothing that a hipster could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - "Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I'm certainly not like those filthy hipsters!"- so you project those feelings onto others.

>> No.4723056

your mom is a meaningless pejorative

>> No.4723058

>Jefferson Airplane
>hipster shit

>> No.4723062

I thought /mu/ hates Zappa.

>> No.4723063
File: 159 KB, 662x450, Neutral_Milk_Hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neutral milk hotel
>hipster shit
do these look like hipsters to you?

>> No.4723064

>often poorly done
I'd have to agree with you on that one. Most of the original scene bands from the early 90's were pretty good but a lot of these nu-gaze and blackgaze bands that are popular now are complete garbage

>> No.4723067


>> No.4723068

Lupe Fisaco's music is absolute pop garbage and he mangles his rich ideas with obfuscated verbiage masquerading as poetry. On top of that he delivers his lyrics very poorly

>> No.4723069

Who told you that?

>> No.4723070

...You don't ever go on /mu/, do you?

>> No.4723075

Nah, I'm not a brainless hipster.

>> No.4723077

Kanye is universally loved by music enthusiasts of all walks.

>> No.4723078

Uh, what?

>> No.4723080

Theres a lot of ironic shitposting. Its hard to get a good grasp on what people actually think. Opinion on Zappa is quite split, as with most things. But among serious posters, no one really bashes him.

>> No.4723081

You post on /lit/, what are you talking about?

>> No.4723084


>> No.4723085


>> No.4723138

Without joking, MBDTF is an excellent Hip-Hop album, and might be one of the bests in its genre.

>> No.4723141

>Sun Ra - Space is the Place
>hipster shit
Jesus man, have fun forever missing the point of free jazz.

>> No.4723149

>free jazz

>> No.4723153

The /mu/ essentials systematically became shit as the board kept on existing. Just imagine if people on /lit/ acted like they were on /mu/ we would only ever discuss 8 books and worship one book above all and dicksuck authors all day.

Oh wait

>> No.4723159

But then we would eventually turn into a board where we claim to ironically hate the works we declared our essentials just a year ago, to ascend to an even higher level of hipster.

Oh wait.

>> No.4723163

That's not true. Just avoid the generic shit posting about Kanye or hating-posts and /mu/ is descent and a good way to have good recommendations. And I suppose is the same for this board.

>> No.4723166

I hope this post is sarcastic. These people look like they just walked out of a thrift shop.

Yes I am claiming that all people who shop at thrift stores are hipsters. Yes I realize I am claiming 50% of urban america are hipsters. Because they are.

>> No.4723167

MBDTF and Yeezus are some of his worst albums.

College Dropout and Late Registration are sooo much better, I feel like this is self-evident.

>> No.4723170

>/mu/ is descent
/mu/ is ON a descent you mean.

>> No.4723172

"Hipster" is the mainstream now. If people look back on the 2010s in 30 years they will think of people who dress "hipster", just like when we think about the 80s, we imagine 80s people.

>> No.4723177

I don't deny that.

>> No.4723189

Yeah, though it kinda has a slight 90s feel to it.

Actually, I have no idea what the 2000s will be remembered as. Everythign was so plastic and overs styled and over designed. Maybe they are a turning point, and in the 2020s we are like the 80s again, and in 2030 we will be like in the 70s, etc.

I hope my dad lives until then. He loved the 80s.

>> No.4723185

That's a personal opinion. I'm talking about general consens and critics opinion.

>> No.4723192

Well maybe not then. Maybe avant-garde jazz? If that's a thing? I guess I just think of Sun Ra as a free jazz artist.

>> No.4723200

No, I was just making fun of free jazz. If what I posted was a good representation of what that music is about, it is a quite quirky and hillarious kind of music.

>> No.4723207

You may have been joking, but upon further research it seems that Space is the Place isn't really free jazz after all. And I have no headphones right now, so I couldn't even watch the video.

>> No.4723213

jnco jeans, graphic layered shirts
jeans and sweatshirts
skinny jeans and flannel shirts, thick rimmed glasses and converses.

>> No.4723220

90s also has flannel shirts.

>> No.4723221

I think in terms of visual media, it'll be remembered as the period directly after the coziness of the 90s.

>> No.4723225

why does /mu/ have such terrible taste? if they even pretended to know anything about music they would only circlejerk over classical composers

>> No.4723231

Have to agree. Was lurking there for several days, and I saw bunch of random, non tv related threads with top posts majority of the time.

Btw, if it's rap, Eyedea most likely fits /lit/ taste. Pity he's dead. And fucking unpopular, even /mu/.

>> No.4723234

Man, you need to listen to Death Grips.

>> No.4723248

Like those things matter?
Yo Gotti's famous for his bullshit even though his premier tape as Lil Yo outshines the rest of his career.

Can't read about that in yr general consensus/critics opinon.

>> No.4723254

We could argue hours to know if the only acceptable type of music is classical.

But the answer is no, and for a simple reason: there are as many musical geniuses today that there was when classical was the only type of music. It would be dumb to think the contrary, because there is logical reason to that.

And geniuses work with what they have. Therefore, when rock was ultra popular in the 60's/70s', geniuses made rock. And when electronic got ultra popular in the 90's, some geniuses started make electronic music. That as simple as that. That is obviously a very simple way to describe things, but you get my point.

Overall, classical is the base of everything and has been around for hundreds of years, so it is normal to consider classical as the most important part of the musical history of humanity. But denying the fact that excellent music has been created besides classical would be a terrible mistake and a sign of a profound unculture in this medium.

>> No.4723256

I saw a thread on /mu/ asking what the equivalent of the essentials chart is on other boards and it was a civilized with actual answers, take a look at this thread and say it's not shit

>> No.4723260

Sometimes it does happen, and it's usually fantastic compared to the wading through the cesspool of /tv/

>> No.4723268

Because we constantly have threads by /mu/tants asking for essentials, on every board. It gets annoying after a while.

>And geniuses work with what they have.
While I generally agree with you, let me pernickety correct you here: a genius is, by definition, someone who creates something new independently from what the other people of his time make.

>> No.4723270
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This is the updated chart m8

>> No.4723272

That's because we don't have memes to run into the ground or ideas of what the community expects our opinions to be here. Most everything here is genuine.

>> No.4723276


>> No.4723278

Of course, the innovative side is extremely important when it comes to define someone as a "genius", but by that sentence I was meaning that they create new music with actual instrument.

>> No.4723286
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A more complete one, where (almost) everyone can agree.

>> No.4723297
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It doesn't matter too much but this is the most updated chart there is

>> No.4723299

He does.

>> No.4723300

>classical was the only type of music.
This never happened.

>> No.4723302

Is there really a lot of differences?

>> No.4723307

Oh c'mon, don't be that guy... "Well depending on the period, there was baroque, romanticism, etc etc". You get the point.

>> No.4723313

>what is folk music?

>> No.4723314

This copypasta is so stupid. It unknowingly but very clearly defines hipsters as inauthentic white 20-somethings who are interested in irony (attributing this 'non-definition', as it is never actually acknowledged as a definition, to invisible marketing experts) while at the same time it makes the contradictory claim, the thesis of the entire piece in fact, that the term hipster has no meaning.

It additionally makes several false or unsupported assumptions including, but not limited to, a) nobody self-identifies as a hipster, which any cursory twitter or tumblr search of the hashtag "hipster" would immediately prove false, b) the term hipster is necessarily an insult, c) anybody who uses the term hipster -- including, I suppose, the aforementioned marketing experts who have written this "myth" in order to sell skinny jeans -- is insecure about their own authenticity (this is really just a longer way of saying >projecting ((upon a closer reading I have discovered that the author actually uses the term projecting, no wonder /mu/ likes this pasta so much)), and d), that words used to describe people must relate to their appearance or visible behavior, not their internal thoughts or preferences.

Whoever wrote this was somebody who was unaware that what is inauthentic and ironic is often vague and difficult to identify because the truth, particularly which thoughts and emotions we claim are true, is often vague and difficult to identify. This does not mean that the term hipster "serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker", it simply means that the term can refer to a wide variety of different "behaviors and lifestyles", and thus is more easily abused by those who wish to adopt it as a pejorative.

>> No.4723316

I'm not even debating anything about periods of music, I'm outright saying that for you (or anyone) to proclaim that classical (or, for lack of a better term, art) music was once the only music around and also the major influence on todays music is outlandish and ignorant. Folk music has just as much of an influence on today's popular music as art music has, if not a larger one.

>> No.4723324

I wish there would be torrents attached to these guides. So hard to find good ebooks for free.

>> No.4723327

>when classical was the only type of music
This has never been the case.

Throughout this time "geniuses" were making works like Music For 18 Musicians and Unit Structures, not garbage like Dark Side Of The Moon and Pet Sounds.

>But denying the fact that excellent music has been created besides classical
Yeah, it's called jazz, traditional music and electronic art music (not poptronica like Aphex Twin, Alec Empire, etc.)

>> No.4723329

>Whoever wrote this was somebody who was unaware that what is inauthentic and ironic is often vague and difficult to identify

The fisherman knows there's a hook in the worm, Anon.

>> No.4723330

Most of >>4722342 is in the public domain, there are websites which outright publish some of these works on their webpages.

>> No.4723337
File: 73 KB, 350x263, 1339612392278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can tolerate Neutral Milk Hotel, but Kanye?
>likes NMH
>shits on kanye
I bet you like Infinite Jest too.

>> No.4723338

>no works of genius can be made in popular music
I do agree the albums you listed aren't works of genius though.

>> No.4723344

Is that pic from /tv/? I know they love cow tits over there.

>> No.4723354

Well, that is absolutely not the object of the debate. I never talked about any influence or whatever. I answered to the question
>if they even pretended to know anything about music they would only circlejerk over classical composers

> This has never been the case.
Maybe truc, but irrelevant to the subject of the debate.

And for the rest of your post, it is absolutely debatable. I would not qualify Dark Side as a genius work, but I will surely call Aphex a genius. And that a matter of personal taste.

> Aphex poptronica

>> No.4723362

I never once said that was the object of the debate. Critiquing a side of an argument doesn't mean you're critiquing the argument as a whole.

>> No.4723377

Of course. But you can't expect me to be extremely precise in all the details I give in the original post when the error that you point does not have a lot to do with the heart of the subject.

>> No.4723392

With all due respect, the implication that classical (or, again, art music for the purposes of this discussion) was once the sole type of music is a pretty astronomical error, at least in my opinion.

>> No.4723444

Depends of the context and the sens you give to the word "classical".

I assumed, for the sake of the discussion that "classical" in a very broad way, design a part of art music of the western countries, between more or less the 16th century and the beginning of the 20th. The diversification with other genres occurred (again, more or less) at this period and it's when classical stopped being a predominant genre in our western society. Again, I wasn't going to detail everything and my point was mostly to demonstrate that the statement "modern music is shitty" is false and has no sens

>> No.4723446


>all /lit/ has talked about is death grips and kanye
>both are shitty bands marketed towards teenagers

lmao i don't even

>> No.4723463


>what happened to real music like the 60's?
>back when classical was the only type of music...
>work of genius in music just don't happen nowadays

lmao i don't even

>> No.4723486

eh, /classical/ is good

>> No.4723493

Fuck off Ame.

>> No.4723498

Nobody likes ame except for CLT.
Admire his/her/it's trolling skills, though.

>> No.4723567

>tfw ITCOTCK got moved out of /mu/core

>> No.4723669

haha faaag

>> No.4723679

I'm reading this and I keep wondering why any of that should be celebrated.

>> No.4723690

Please go.

>> No.4723736

Just say "Lupe is 2/5" because that's a lot more straightforward.

>> No.4723740
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>> No.4723761

Needs at least one play. Waiting for Godot?

>> No.4723764

what a rebuttal

>> No.4723771

suburban white kid detected

>> No.4723773

No. Read Beckett for Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable. Avoid his plays.

The Importance of Being Earnest, An Ideal Husband, or perhaps one of /lit/'s favorite Shakespeare plays such as King Lear.

>> No.4723777

>it's just spammed by people saying how bad it is

Yeah that really was done pretty recently and only because someone rediscovered the video in which Fantano melon trashes it for being "depression: the album!". It definitely tries to be that but then again The Glow pt. 2 is the same and everyone fucking loves The Glow pt. 2.

>> No.4723783

Likes NMH? I said I can tolerate it, which is scarcely the same as liking it. The Radiohead albums are the only ones I like in the image.

>> No.4723789

don't even compare them, dude.
just don't

>> No.4723916

i'm pretty new around /lit/, and on like half of these essentials/rec lists i'm seeing the catcher in the rye and on the other half i'm not. on other boards there is usually a general consensus on things, like ITAOTS being the best album ever on /mu/, naruto not being acceptable on /a/, dark souls being the best game ever on /v/, etc. is there one for TCITR? i personally love the book and think it would be worthy of putting on an essentials list, but i feel that i don't have enough sense of /lit/ board culture to back that up.
if someone plans on giving me the "/lit/ ISN'T ONE PERSON EVERYONE'S OPINION IS DIFFERENT BLAH BLAH" response, please just don't.

>> No.4723929

Finnegans Wake is generally accepted to be the GOAT.

>> No.4723936

It's because /lit/ has the best board culture and we're intelligent enough to realize that arbitrary lists are ridiculous when it comes to art.

>> No.4723937

after lurking for a bit i thought that would be ulysses, i've seen that mentioned more than finnegan's wake.
regardless, james joyce seems to be a top tier author around here.

>> No.4723940

It's generally accepted to be masturbation.

>> No.4723941

My original copy of King crimson in the Cort of the Crimson King came today.

>> No.4723945

Never been on /v/ and I know almost nothing about which games are extolled by "true gamers", but I do play and love the Dark Souls games. In fact, the Dark Souls games are the only two I've played in the last few years. I had no idea I was playing a patrician game all this time. Neat.

>> No.4723956

Not when it comes to get recommendations, then you have lists like every board because you're not superior in anything.

>> No.4723960
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>being this pretentious
C'mon m8. We may not have tier lists perse, but it's not like we can't pick out if a book is patrish or not. This is where essentials and reccomendations stem from. Anon wants to know if a book he likes is patrish, you give him a load of shit and tell him to be less pleb.

>> No.4723965

yes, /v/ creams their onesies over mostly nippon games, dark souls being one of their favorites.

>> No.4723979

This doesn't answer the question of whether Teenage Angst: The Book is truly /lit/core or not. Is it actually /lit/core? Is it sub /lit/core? Honorable mentioncore?

>> No.4723985
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Is there a chart for essential non-fiction and if not can we get one going?

>> No.4723992

Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, Finnegan's Wake, and Moby Dick. There.

>> No.4723998
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>Lupe deep
>Kanye not
Do you even fucking listen to the rappers you're talking about, or are you a fucking moron?

>> No.4724014



>> No.4724087

no no yes yes yes
yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes no yes

>> No.4724150

Let's make it, an official /lit/ essentials chart.
What to put?
I say:
Finnegan's Wake, Lolita, Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby, Infinite Jest, The Brothers Karamazov, Journey to the West, Ulysses, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Grapes of Wrath (maybe), Of Mice and Men (maybe), Dream of the Red Chamber, East of Eden, The Trial, Shakespeare: The Complete Works, The Bible (not trying to be edgy fedora tipper but I think it should be put here).
Feel free to pick apart my list or add shit.

>> No.4724206

>I get all my opinions from critics and hip friends

>> No.4724211

Not that guy. Name a time that Lupe was deep. I triple dog dare you.

>> No.4724219


>> No.4724222

I'd put all the big religious texts. Just putting the bible is for idiots.

>> No.4724223

ur a cheeky cunt arent ya anon

>> No.4724228


>> No.4724233

Ok fine, put the Torah, the Qu'ran, Dianetics, put 'em all under a big "religious texts" header.

>> No.4724235

Aside from Judeochristianity and Islam, the major religions of the world tend to have multiple texts equally as important as one another.

>> No.4724238

The Torah is just the first five books of the Old Testament.

>> No.4724245

this isn't gonna get easier is it

>> No.4724250

>/mu/ doesn't put classical music

Fuck those "le plateface woman album:D:D".

>> No.4724255
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>> No.4724257

it's a potato

>> No.4724259

Nah. If anything it'd just be a different chart for comprehensives and a note on the essentials chart saying "Religious texts in general".

>> No.4724264

I'd like to compare this to a poem by Ginsberg

Marlene Dietrich is singing a lament
for mechanical love.
She leans against a mortarboard tree
on a plateau by the seashore.

She’s a life-sized toy,
the doll of eternity;
her hair is shaped like an abstract hat
made out of white steel.

Her face is powdered, whitewashed and
immobile like a robot.
Jutting out of her temple, by an eye,
is a little white key.

She gazes through dull blue pupils
set in the whites of her eyes.
She closes them, and the key
turns by itself.

She opens her eyes, and they’re blank
like a statue’s in a museum.
Her machine begins to move, the key turns
again, her eyes change, she sings.

—you’d think I would have thought a plan
to end the inner grind,
but not till I have found a man
to occupy my mind.

>> No.4724265

When I say classical music I mean motherfucker Tchaikovsky or Snoop Beethoven.

>> No.4724267
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>> No.4724270

I'm gonna attempt to make a rough draft of the chart now, I'll just leave a slot blank and put [insert major religious texts here].
Only thing I'm worried about is thread is getting full, someone make a new one soon.

>> No.4724272

Dude I don't get your joke, explain it, maybe it's funny.

But seriously, I entered to /mu/ for a week and not a single thread of classical music was there.

>> No.4724277

When was it? They started happening on the regular mid last year or so.

>> No.4724280

>But seriously, I entered to /mu/ for a week and not a single thread of classical music was there.
There's one like every other day.
There's one right now, given it's only ever active when some anon gets mad at CLT over something.

>> No.4724285


Well it was long time ago perhaps I don't remember.
Anyway thanks for telling me that, gotta go fast.

Also, what's with all those Kanye West threads? Are they "le fanny /mu/ maymay"?

>> No.4724286

/lit/s version of ITCOTCK is Today I Wrote Nothing.

>> No.4724287
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>Also, what's with all those Kanye West threads?
Anger and backlash mostly.

>> No.4724291

Can you please stop being a huge fucking faggot every time you talk a out memes?

>> No.4724297

CLT still posts on /mu/ eh?

>> No.4724299

Also, filter poly-style.
He's a massive faggot.

>> No.4724304

He and Ame pretty much gave birth to /classical/.
Ever since Ame left and got zerself a partner of some unknown gender it's been dead as fuck.

>> No.4724339

Wait, does /lit/ dislike One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.4724361
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Here's what I got so far, I'll finish it when I get off of work tomorrow, it's near 2 in the morning and I have to get to bed.

>> No.4724472

Ok, OP a few books you need to add:

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Brothers Karamazov
The Odyssey
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
The Stranger
The Trial

>> No.4724492

Not OP doe
I know I said I was going to bed but I'm a lying sack of shit
I have so far:
Finnegan's Wake, Lolita, Crime and Punishment, The Great Gatsby, Infinite Jest, The Brothers Karamazov, Journey to the West, Ulysses, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, Dream of the Red Chamber, East of Eden, The Trial, Gravity's Rainbow, Shakespeare: The Complete Works
Pretty much just copied from an earlier post with a couple added in.

>> No.4724497

le new bread time xDD

>> No.4724503

Also likely going to add Catch 22 and Mein Kampf

>> No.4724529

Yeah, but don't mention it on /v/. /v/ hates people who like Dark Souls.

>> No.4725268

Are we seriously putting Finnegans Wake there? Hardly anybody here has read it.

>> No.4725277

Hardly anybody AT ALL has read it.

>> No.4725528

Then why, put some other Joyce.

>> No.4725543

Finnegans Wake is the one that is addressed and talked about the most.

>> No.4725552

P4K didn't even review that Brand New album, also why is MPP over STG,STV as the /mu/core AnCo album?

>> No.4725599

>Finnegan's wake
>implying anyone on /lit/ has read that

>> No.4725601 [DELETED] 

But that's obvious Ulysses

>> No.4726362

>thread is 5 new threads away from 404'ing
It was nice knowing you all
If nobody wants to make a new thread now then I'll post the finished picture later on in the day.

>> No.4726368

Nobody cares.

>> No.4726385
File: 34 KB, 646x548, 1395632904974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do
Everyone else that suggested things to put on the list does
It seems you are having le problem xD?

>> No.4726394

No, I am not, actually. I even like the idea. But really, nobody cares.

>> No.4726394,1 [INTERNAL] 

Finally someone gets it.