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/lit/ - Literature

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4718541 No.4718541 [Reply] [Original]

Once you become famous you're not going to leave /lit/, right? You won't become too good for us?

>> No.4718549

nah i like slumming it with plebs

>> No.4718553

>wanting to become famous
full pleb over here

>> No.4718559

Tao is still here, so is palahniuk (also he was famous before /lit/)

>> No.4718565

i already am famous

>> No.4718567


>> No.4718566


That edgy faggot used to post on /lit/?

Why am I not surprised.

>> No.4718574

Yeah, someone post an interview where he mentioned us.

>> No.4718576

no he didn't you dumb faggot

>> No.4718580

hi palahniiuk. enjoying life on /lit/? good

>> No.4718592

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.4718595

your books are shitty

>> No.4718603

Hi Chuck!

>> No.4718611


Sam Harris used to be on /lit/?

>> No.4718616

is this the birth of a new epik maymay?

>> No.4718621

palahniuk is bad.

what are you mad though? so what if someone has a contrary opinoin

>> No.4718640

please stop posting on this website

>> No.4718645

please stop being a faggot

>> No.4718647

Says the guy who debates religious people without having read any theologian. He's just the other end of the spectrum. Him and Hitches both represented the radical atheists who branded Muslims as barbaric hordes. There really is no difference between Sam Harris and Par Robertson except for the wording.

>> No.4718671

Yeah, as a Christian who tries (and often fails) to preach peace and have a peaceful spirit, Harris' militancy doesn't sit well with me. Faith has been spread through the sword before, but I'm not sure it should have been, and I know for a fact that reason can't be spread through violence.

>> No.4718674

>Sam Harris
That's not a real quote, is it? It's remarkably ignorant. Talk about pretending to know things you don't.

>> No.4718680

>using le maymay shitlord slurs

Yeah you're real epic for offending innocents.

>> No.4718833

reddit pls go

>> No.4718846

Shit, I'm confused now. Which one of you is palahniuk?

>> No.4718858

Never thought of /lit/ as a religious board.

>> No.4718865

Even if one of us did someday become a famous author, we'd probably end up leaving /lit/ since every time someone says anything positive about one of our books, we'd be accused of viralling and that would get pretty annoying.

>> No.4718900

Bitch, please
You know i love u

>> No.4719369

This thread is making me want to leave regardless

>> No.4719391

Let me tell you, /lit/, if I become a famous author, I'll definitely come back here. I'll even put "/lit/ - Literature" into the dedication of one of my books.

To troll you all, of course. Also, I've had some good times here.

>> No.4719435

"Pretending to know things that I don't know is the lifeblood of my book deals." - Sam Harris

>> No.4719441

Explain. Do you mean he claims to know there is no God? Because he doesn't.

>> No.4719450

If I ever make it as a writer I'm going to leave a little trail of breadcrumbs for all you /lit/izens to go crazy about and make up conspiracy theories

>> No.4719457

Harris has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and has conducted numerous experiments whose results back up his viewpoints.

I get that your parents taught you to outright reject people like Harris, but don't be a twat by ignoring the fact that he's a huge player in his field.

Also, you guys should make the connection that the so-called "Four Horsemen" (also all these people you readily dismiss with the dumb knee-jerk word "fedora") are a direct result of the 9/11/2001 attacks. Without 9/11, none of these leading scientists would give a shit about religion--not even care enough to say nor print a bad word about it.

So consider that.

>> No.4719473

I think he's a poor philosopher. I tried one of his books. Nothing original. Dennet's the only person with anything interesting to say, and the only interesting things he has to say don't have anything to do with religion

>> No.4719499

Harris makes the mistake of trying to disprove religion with science while those two fields are completely and utterly separated from each other. I like the cool open-minded scientists like Einstein more than the arrogant post-positivistic scientists like Harris.

>> No.4719519

>Harris makes the mistake of trying to disprove religion with science while those two fields are completely and utterly separated from each other

If what one believes has no basis in fact, it should cease to be believed. I fail to see how science and religion are "utterly separated", and frankly this sounds a bit dumb. Like all things, the fields overlap quite a bit.

Perhaps you can elucidate your point a bit more.

>> No.4719518

But has he read The Spirit Molecule?

>> No.4719522

Socrates: Just take a look around and make sure that none of the uninitiate overhears us. I mean by the uninitiate the people who believe that nothing is real save what they can grasp with their hands and do not admit that actions or processes or anything invisible can count as real.

Theaetetus: They sound like a very hard and repellant sort of people.

Socrates: It is true, they are remarkably crude. The others, into whose secrets I am going to initiate you, are much more refined and subtle. Their first principle, on which all that we said just now depends, is that the universe really is motion and nothing else.

>> No.4719523
File: 28 KB, 224x171, are you for real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harris has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and has conducted numerous experiments whose results back up his viewpoints.
Given that this is in response to the accusation that Harris pretends to know things he doesn't, you must be trying to argue that: a) Harris can not be/is not ignorant of any subject; b) Harris can not/does not speak about subjects he's insufficiently knowledgeable about; c) Harris being a PhD in cognitive neuroscience means he is an expert in everything he ever talks about; d) any combination of the previous. Should've thought longer on your response.
>I get that your parents taught you to outright reject people like Harris
Did you honestly feel that this necessarily unfalsifiable assumption was going to make your point clear?
>he's a huge player in his field.
By "huge player" did you mean "infamous"? Also, refer back to my response to your first point, as that retort fits here as well.
>you guys
Did you think guilt by assumed, unverifiable association was going to make your point?
>all these people you readily dismiss with the dumb knee-jerk word "fedora"
Does placing words into your opponents mouth dismiss them, or help you?
>should make the connection that the so-called "Four Horsemen" are a direct result of the 9/11/2001 attacks. Without 9/11, none of these leading scientists would give a shit about religion--not even care enough to say nor print a bad word about it.
I'm sure every one of their critics have pointed out their socio-political opinions are ideological, reactionary, and easily dismissive because of their rocky (emotional) foundations.

This was pretty bad. Please try harder in the future.

>> No.4719529
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>If what one believes has no basis in fact, it should cease to be believed.
>seriously suggesting "facts" exist and are discernible outside of our construction of them with language

>> No.4719540

>This was pretty bad. Please try harder in the future.

his post is no better nor worse than your own in regard to assumptions and putting words in mouths

>> No.4719544


Because science presupposes methodological naturalism and thus must construct certain facts from certain evidence for the sake of certain models.

Religion on the other hand relies on certain texts, sacred tradition and a unique science called theology which could not be more different from modern theoretical sciences.

Modern theoretical science is also completely dependent on pure mathematics and engineering which have nothing to do with religion or theology.

>> No.4719546

I'm sure that didn't happen, but please demonstrate.

>> No.4719550


'fact' literally means construct.

Verum esse ipsum factum.

>> No.4719555

because we have to abandon reason in order to believe in God.

>> No.4719559
File: 70 KB, 559x598, uhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a unique science called theology

>> No.4719565

>doesn't know what science means

Please go.

>> No.4719573


Natural Theology contains nothing contrary to reason. However, supernatural aspects of revealed religions (a Triune God, a God made into flesh, a personal relationship between God and a people, miracles, etc.) have nothing to do with reason. After all, if one were to conduct a religion on natural reason alone, there would be no need for a revealed text: You would be a Spinoza or a Voltaire.

Modern science as well is not purely rational as well, but is (at least it is said tht it is) empirical. Reason is, after all, a certain mental faculty and doesn't at all constitute some object. Reason finds its object wherever it wishes.

>> No.4719574

If I became famous I'd post on stupid fucking 4chan with a trip and put pictures of me banging hot celebrities and laff at everybody who didn't make it
Also I'd post pictures of my shit in the toilet bowl more often

>> No.4719652

>more often

>> No.4719663

>not being acquainted with the concept of Wissenschaft

murricunt pls

>> No.4719668

Roleplaying as philosophers is the end stage of /lit/'s obsession with them.

>> No.4719679

He's a writer you cunt. He wrote fightclub.

>> No.4719684

I don't know if I'd stop posting here or not, but I'd never mention this place (as I don't now). What would people do with that information? They would use it to further their own preconceived notions and/or impressionable kids would start to post here mistakenly thinking it will help them become more like me.

>> No.4719700

Rewrite my statement to include writers for me while you're roleplaying editor, because it goes for them too, cupcake.

>> No.4719869

There was this town.... Constantinople?

>> No.4720723

B-but he admitted himself that he comes here...

>> No.4720882

I just come here because I'm too burned out to do things.

>> No.4720927

>'ll even put "/lit/ - Literature" into the dedication of one of my books.
That's sweet, but please don't. We don't need an influx of your fans visiting /lit/. Every time 4chinz is mentioned in the news the quality of the boards decrease

>> No.4720934

enjoy dying and being instantly forgotten

>> No.4720964

enjoy chasing superficiality to die and be almost instantly forgotten

>> No.4720991

oh yeah just like Shakespeare was almost instantly forgotten. Be famous enough and you'll live forever.

>> No.4720996

>he thinks he will be as famous as Shakespeare


>> No.4721180

>I'm sure every one of their critics have pointed out their socio-political opinions are ideological, reactionary, and easily dismissive because of their rocky (emotional) foundations.

No, a lot of their critics were irrationalists and ideological idiots. Claiming things like nationalism was the real problem, despite terrorists insisting on religious explanations, and their nationalism being defined religiously.

Rationality tempers emotional judgements. Show where the mistake was, emotionally or ideologically.

>> No.4721190

that was retarded dawg

>> No.4721234

>he thinks /pol/ started the whole christianity on 4chan thing

>> No.4721236


>Couple of hundred years
>Relevant in anyway