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/lit/ - Literature

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4714140 No.4714140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did she win the Nobel Prize?

>> No.4714146

White guilt?

>> No.4714143 [DELETED] 

*tips fedora*

>> No.4714151
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>> No.4714166

§ 2.
The "Academy in Stockholm," mentioned in the will, shall refer to the Swedish Academy.

The term "literature" shall comprise not only belles-lettres but also other writings which, by virtue of their form and style, possess literary value.

The duties devolving upon Karolinska Institutet under the will shall be performed by the Nobel Assembly of Karolinska Institutet.

The provision in the will that the annual award of prizes shall be intended for works "during the preceding year" should be understood in the sense that the awards shall be made for the most recent achievements in the fields of culture referred to in the will and for older works only if their significance has not become apparent until recently.

§ 3.
To be eligible to be considered for a prize, a written work shall have been issued in print or have been published in another form, to be decided on its own behalf by each prize-awarding body.

>> No.4714293

>Swedish Academy
There you go.

>> No.4714309

What book did she write?

>> No.4714314 [DELETED] 

"Whitey stole my cornbread"

>> No.4714319


I'm not crazy about Jose Saramago, myself.

>> No.4714321

How did he?

>> No.4714332

By not being George W. Bush. Pretty sure they would've given it to McCain too. Unless he tried to invade Iran in his first few months.

>> No.4714333

affirmative action, the jews put the swedes on a guilt trip so they finally picked a darkie

>> No.4714334 [DELETED] 


Cause she a strong independent womyn of color who don't need no man

>> No.4714371

I don't know. I've only read Jazz, and that was actually quite a piece of work, but I have no idea about the rest of her books.

>> No.4714376

I don't understand why she thinks that she can write a historical novel about slavery just because she's black. She didn't experience it.

>> No.4714381

yeah, because fiction is actually autobiography, you fucking piece of human shit

>> No.4714388

No, but depicting atrocities is something that is nearly impossible in art in the first place, let alone by some person who wasn't even alive during it.

>> No.4714391

first of all who gives a shit about naturalism, second of all what makes "atrocities" different than anything else? you, sir, are stupid.

>> No.4714394

It's not naturalism, I'm saying that her work is the same level of filth as Schindler's List or 12 Years a Slave it's all exploitative schlock.

>> No.4714396
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>Implying that prize means a shit.

>> No.4714401

well exploitative schlock is a different story, if that's your problem with it then say that

>> No.4714402

>mad that his dad was snubbed for the prize

stay pleb nerd

>> No.4714422
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You too, watermelon fucker.

>> No.4714477

she's an amazing writer. song of solomon is one of the best books written by anyone alive today.

i don't expect arrogant middle class teenagers to "get" her writing.

>> No.4714533


>ong of solomon is one of the best books written by anyone alive today


>> No.4714624 [DELETED] 

>Boohoo you whiteys can never understand the struggle and the soul of this strong black women

Fuck off

>> No.4714628

When I was in high school my English teacher devoted pretty much the entire semester to Beloved while consigning TWO Shakespeare plays to a matter of weeks.

God how I hated that bitch.

>> No.4714710
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>> No.4714715


>> No.4714742


>> No.4714745

That's the best you could come up with?

>> No.4714749

I laughed

>> No.4714754

Because if she didn't receive it the Nobel Prize would forever be 'tainted' as racist.

>> No.4714757

et tu?

>> No.4714758

>a historical novel about slavery
'Beloved' was a ghost story about crazy bitch, not a 'historical novel about slavery', you fucking moron.

>> No.4714760

He's right. 'Song of Solomon' is very good. Not sure about 'one of the best' (that would be Gene Wolfe), but still very good.

>> No.4714762

>derp derp derp slavery is the past why should people alive today know anything about it

>> No.4714771

>who gives a shit about naturalism

and basically this is the thinking that has destroyed mankind from day one.

>> No.4714778

Knowing and experiencing are two different things.
Like all those kikes who say the Holocaust was awful and Auschwitz was horrible and then you have interviews with actual prisoners who aren't conspiring who say playing futbol and swimming were daily activities, they never saw anyone go into a gas chamber to never be seen again, and say that conditions in the camp were generally well with their currency system and their plays they put on and people didn't start dying and starving until Typhus broke out and allied bombing destroyed the supply lines which starved the entire country.

>> No.4714781

are you actually defending concentration camps?

>> No.4714784

Look at your life. Look at your choices.

>> No.4714786

No. It's fucked up to oppress any people for any reason, but Spielberg interviewed plenty of prisoners who stated these things and he only published the ones who said that nazi's were death machines sent by satan to eradicate jews.

>> No.4714787

Look at yours.

>> No.4714794


ignore the antisemitism producer

>> No.4714796

It's like you've never been to /pol/. Ask him about the swimming pools and Leutcher's brick tests.

>> No.4714801

I bet you're the guy that made the 'any lit that shows some sympathy for the nazis' thread

>> No.4714802


i'm not a /pol/ tard. I've been told by survivors these things. Ones that Spielberg interviewed.

>> No.4714808

naah the chan is crawling with antisemitism

>> No.4714809
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>> No.4714815

And I'm sure you bask in American sympathy. Not like they never massacred people or committed atrocities.

>> No.4714828
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>> No.4715091

The Bluest Eye

>> No.4715183

The only reason they award the Nobel Prize to black people in the Peace and Literature categories is because they're more subjective than the other categories. There's also a dearth of black Nobel laureates in Science and Economics so they do it to create balance.

>> No.4715200

I think you need to to have a long hard think about the meaning of 'historical novel'.

>> No.4715203

Because Nobel prizes are handed out politically.

>Obama won a peace prize

>> No.4716228

She's the best American author of the second half of the twentieth century and her work has meaning and accord outside of America itself, which is something that a lot of American authors don't really have.

>> No.4716240
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>She's the best American author of the second half of the twentieth century

>> No.4716244

you guys know that she's a talented writer right

like there are better choices for the nobel prize but she's very good. even bloom loves some of her books.

>> No.4716246

I take it naturalism in cinema and naturalism in music are two entirely different things?

>> No.4716249

*and naturalism in literature

>> No.4716252

aristotle already cleared up why copying nature is stupid about 2500 years ago, don't be a retard

>> No.4716255

That's a terrible book

>> No.4716257

I never once argued for any philosophy in my post.

>> No.4716264

man, you sure are stupid

>> No.4716270

If I'm stupid compared to someone like yourself, why can't you answer a simple question and instead turn to mindless insults?

>> No.4716282

because she is a good fucking writer you sexist racist cocksuckers

>> No.4716303
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she's black...and a woman...and good?

i don't get it, its as if this is conflicting on some gut level...

na she's shit

>> No.4716501

What's really funny is see that no one here has a sense of the Nobel Prize being a global prize. Like, she wouldn't be given the award as a token African-American woman (due to white guilt?), because the purveyors of the award are seeking diverse voices from around the globe on purpose. It's not the like Nobel Prize has been going to tons of white American/European dudes in the last several decades. She totally fits with the whole fucking point of the prize. She has amazing ability and is a powerful voice from a disenfranchised community.

I mean, in America, you can talk about, what maybe Don DeLillo or Philip Roth as authors who have the same kind of weight in the culture. But that's only in American culture, I would guess. I would like to see a side by side of how often those three's works have been translated into other languages. I bet you its Morrison over Delillo or Roth.

>> No.4716511

>you guys know that she's a talented writer right

But this is /lit/, so we hate everything.

>> No.4716720

The scientific nobels are the only ones with some validity.

The rest is just PR.

>> No.4716743


Grow up.

>> No.4717825

But seriously, fuck that guy. Blindness was awful.

>> No.4717827

>her work has meaning and accord outside of America itself

This is probably the biggest part of it, since the Nobel Committee seems to think American writers are provincial yokels.

>> No.4717845

>Post in all caps like a retard because you're only defense is "repeat in funny voice"
>Tell others to 'grow up'

Reddit pls

>> No.4717858

retard pls