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/lit/ - Literature

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4714005 No.4714005 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only person that cannot read this shit? I read a epub and had to drag myself through a couple chapters before I dropped it.

Nobody was likeable, way too many names flung around, chapters that cut to nobody in particular, loadsof fantasywords and something about a dragon that's not a dragon but a rapist or something.

>> No.4714046

You are too pleb to even be pleb.

>> No.4714048

>couple chapters

Yup, that's a firm basis to cast judgement on something.

>Am I the only person that cannot read this shit?


>> No.4714078

It was really, really bad.

>> No.4714102

>a couple chapters
Taking that literally that's a tiny percentage of exposition of only 2 characters out of many
Even being charitous that's ridiculously little, how could you even allow yourself to not read more?

>> No.4714121

I don't know. Too many characters to track, with nothing much that seemed to be happening.

I stopped at the part where the king tries to drag the only sensible person so far away from the spooky forest to the kingdom.

>> No.4714122

Then the next chapter cuts to someone sewing.

>> No.4714123

yeah, but the prose is garbage

>> No.4714148

>Am I the only person...
You almost never are. In this case definitely not- judging by the threads I'd guess more than half of /lit/ dislikes it.

>> No.4714172

>I'd guess more than half of /lit/ dislikes it

Guess I'm not alone. Thanks anon.

>> No.4714232

Why would you want to read it? These books are for people without an intellect.

>> No.4714555

I just finished reading them and feel like I wasted my time. The first three are quite good in places but after that they turn to shit. Don't waste your time with them. He's a bad writer and he can't tell a story to save his life, and the fact that the series is likely to last over 20 years is ridiculous.

Considering how little has happened in the story there is no excuse for it taking that long.

OP, even though I think it's ridiculous to give up so soon, just forget about the series. Read the Wikipedia summary because even though there are some good moments, it's not worth several thousand pages and countless hours of your time.

>> No.4714567

I knew it. /lit/ can't read.

>thinking Martin's prose is bad

It's so clean it practically has a sheen. It's not very creative when it comes to imagery, I'll grant you that. But it's certainly not sloppy. I've read much worse. Just look at Stephen King.

>> No.4714582

There's a reason his name is 'George Really Retarded Martin'

>> No.4714589
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>It's so clean it practically has a sheen. It's not very creative when it comes to imagery, I'll grant you that. But it's certainly not sloppy. I've read much worse. Just look at Stephen King.
what the hell do you read normally that you think this? i literally could not read more than 50 pages of the first novel because it was so sloppy and bad. how do you justify pic related as "so clean it practically has a sheen"? are you delusional?

>> No.4714597

>so clean it practically has a sheen

This is literal creative writing workshop tier praise

>> No.4714620


Unless you're butthurt about onomatopoeia, I don't see what's wrong with that passage. It's effective, direct, and doesn't drown in itself. Martin's style is simple and unadorned. If you autists think that makes it bad, go back to your DFW.

>> No.4714623


You're not alone, OP. I found it dull and slow moving. Well written from a technical point of view? Yes. But other than that, I found it unenlightening and simplistic.

>MFW the big "reveal" at the end of the novel was phoned in by a tube worm

>> No.4714625

>"He waves his huge sword"
>Defending that text in general
>Call others autistic

Overkek. I get this is pleb literature and you probably aren't autistic, but GRRM probably is.

>> No.4714630

>doesn't drown in itself

more meaningless aspiring writer jargon

>> No.4714631

i don't read dfw. that passage is horrible. i don't think there is a single description that isn't a cliche. it's composition by parts, just bits lifted from cultural consciousness, put down on the page, with absolutely no thought. plus absolutely obnoxious onomatopoeia. just terrible. it's not even really accurate onomatopoeia.

what do you read normally? i'm seriously bewildered that someone could think that prose that bad is "so clean it practically has a sheen"

>> No.4714634
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>Game of thrones was too hard for him to read

>> No.4714637
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>A post on 4chan is too hard for him yo read

>> No.4714656


Haha, what would you replace it with? "Waves his gargantuan sword?"

"Waves his humongous sword?"

"Waves his enormous sword?"

This is /lit/, so I'm assuming you like big words where they're unnecessary. I'd love to see a rewrite of that passage that turns it into high literature, the kind you're used to reading.

>> No.4714672

Undulates his phallus-like weapon.

>> No.4714966

[phallus imagery intensifies]

>> No.4714978

>This is /lit/, so I'm assuming you like big words where they're unnecessary
Might actually be the opposite. Why do we need to know that the sword is 'huge'? What's wrong with 'Ser Gregor waved his sword'?

>> No.4715023

A rewrite huh? I'm down for this.

Somewhere ahead of him a warhorn blew. The sound echoed long and low through the ranks like a chill north wind.

The Lannister trumpets answered in brazen defiance, but to Tyrion their cry felt smaller and somehow anxious. His bowels churned. He hoped he would not die vomiting.

A hissing filled the air. Arrows arced up in their thousands from his right, where the bowmen stood. The northerners came running then, shouting, but down came the arrows among them and shouts turned to screams as men died. Again came the arrows, and the archers were already fitting their third.

The trumpets roared again. Ser Gregor held his great blade skywards and bellowed, and a thousand voices cried with him. Tyrion kicked his spurs into his horse's flank and added his own voice to the din, and the vanguard surged ahead.

'The river!' he shouted at the clansmen around him. 'Hew to the river!' He held his lead for a moment. Then Chella whooped and sped past him, Shagga following, and the clan raced on. Tyrion urged his own mount forward as their backs receded before him.

>> No.4715048

Can you rewrite George Really Retarded Martin's stories so that they're readable?

>> No.4715055

This is what I meant and then that poor a on shit his pants over these awful nerd-porn books. I mean I know I'm on a literature board but seriously -- high fantasy novel with "huge swords" and laborious descriptions of diahhrea? Anyone who likes these is a fat pathetic pile of autism.

>> No.4715092
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I watched an episode of Rome for the first time in ages the other day. GoT is a decent enough show, but I'd still go for Rome any day.

>dat Atia

>> No.4715170

>two chapters
Thread hidden.

>> No.4715175

>another double-digit IQ trolltard joins the thread

>> No.4715195

Two chapters is ample to find out if someone can write well, yo.

>inb4 you don't reply because you've hidden the thread

>> No.4715215

I didn't enjoy reading it either.
For instance it's too long, I mean it's like 600+ pages?
And there's what, 7 books out?

Yeah right, like I'm going to spend my time reading 7 books of pointless drivel about dragons and magic wolves.

Why do fantasy writers feel the need to write so much? Are they such shitty writers that they can't condense their story in to 1-2 books?

>> No.4715291

>these criticisms

It's as if certain people feel compelled to jump into theses threads every time and flood it with posts on how bad the books are. But these posts always consist of the exact same rehashed catchphrases. I've seen them so many times it's got to the point where I cringe reading them. I just...don't get the appeal of shitposting, I really don't. Is there some desperate need behind it?

>> No.4715311

Maybe the sword is unusually large? Maybe it's the only sword that gets described as 'huge' in the book, or at least the passage.

I don't necessarily have a problem with the descriptor, if there's a good reason for it to be there. If his sword is not unusual or important, there's no reason to tack a modifier onto it.

>> No.4715346

That fellow happens to be at least 7 feet tall and built like a mountain. His weapon is understandably larger than average.

>> No.4715373

>Yeah right, like I'm going to spend my time reading 7 books of pointless drivel about dragons and magic wolves.
Not subtle enough, dummy.

>> No.4715377

Exactly, so why describe it as huge? Surely it would be safe to assume an unusually large man would own a proportionally large sword? I suppose it's a matter of taste.

>> No.4715381

you guys (you) still haven't explained why it's acceptable for a writer to literally never use anything but a cliché to describe things. again, what the fuck do you read to think this is good prose? i don't even want to shit on genre fiction. but if you want to defend this series, at least defend it from the plot/characters standpoint, and don't try to defend the prose, which is obviously total shit. prose this bad shows that the author is incapable of thinking outside of cliché.

>> No.4715383

Can everyone join in?

The warhorn blared across the endless fields. Long, low, cold as ice, and the Lannister trumpets answered, brazen, defiant- but also more anxious, or so it seemed to Tyrion. Lesser, weaker. His guts were churning, and he hoped not to be ill. His eyes were forced ahead of him.

The hiss of vipers filled the air as the horns and trumpets died. Lannister arrows by the thousands rained upon the northerners, and their charge was broken by the fall of endless shafts. They went screaming to the dirt, hundreds dying, and already a second volley was in the air, with a third fitted to the archers' bowstrings.

Ser Gregor's sword flashed as he led the charge. A shout rose from the company, one great roar of many men, drowning out even the renewed trumpets. Tyrion joined the din, howling with mad bloodlust as the cavalry advanced. He dug in his spurs, willing his horse to the head of the van. "To the river!" he cried. "Hew to the river!" But for all his speed, when the rest broke their canter they outpaced him, Chella with a horrible shriek, Shagga next, then all the rest, until he was barely a thought at the rear.

>> No.4715388

Please, no. This is even worse.

>> No.4715391

Except that GRRM is living happy on $$$ from ASoIF, and doing what he loves.

We're all on 4chan, trying to make every one else a bitter and miserable as we are.

>GRRM shouldn't be successful if I'm not!

>> No.4715395

>Succinctly describing a shit nerd story is trolling

No, you're being insulted. Retard.

>> No.4715398

are you just trolling or are you actually this dumb

>> No.4715400

lol sorry meant to reply to >>4715391

>> No.4715408
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>> No.4715410

It's not my best work, I'll agree. I think I was too focused on making it different. It's not BAD, not really, other than the horn sounds. It's not Gene Wolfe, certainly, but I think the posters here doth protest too much.

>> No.4715412

>You can say nicki minaj is shit because niggers give her millions of dollars

>> No.4715426
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The drama is what sells the story.

The prose serves.

The united states published 292,014 books in 2011, around the time Dance with Dragons came out. There are about 1,025,110 words in the english language.

If each of these books had about 600 words, that leaves about 170 unique words for each book.

How many ways do you really want to talk about a guy waving a sword and arrows being shot. I'm glad GRRM is minimalist and uses a common diction, because I read his stories for the drama.

>> No.4715429

>you guys (you) still haven't explained why it's acceptable for a writer to literally never use anything but a cliché to describe things
>again, what the fuck do you read to think this is good prose?
Blood Meridian. Get rekt, nigger.
>and don't try to defend the prose, which is obviously total shit.
muh cherry pickings.
>prose this bad shows that the author is incapable of thinking outside of cliché.
Non sequitur fallacy. You're doing so well.

>> No.4715432

>giving the "2/10 wouldn't bang" equivalent of a 'review'
>not being a retarded fuckwit troll

>> No.4715447

A warhorn sounded, long and low. Tyrion heard trumpets near him answer, but they were unable to match the confidence of the first wind. He hoped he would not die sick.

The sky was filled and emptied by arrows. A second volley; a third on its way.

The trumpets returned, this time sweeping Ser Gregor up with them, along with a thousand other voices. "Hew to the river!" Tyrion shouted to the surrounding clansmen, attempting to keep up.

Then they left him, speeding on into the battle.

>> No.4715455

You don't know what trolling means and are actually mad.

>> No.4715458

>if i say you're mad then you're mad
Nope. Vapid bravado notwithstanding, you're trolling pretty badly.

>> No.4715463

You literally don't know the definition of the word you are using and are too stupid to realize you are being insulted. I don't really know how to be more clear.

>> No.4715468

>The trumpets returned, this time sweeping Ser Gregor up with them, along with a thousand other voices.

This is actually pretty good. Some of it wasn't good, but this is.

>> No.4715479

>You literally don't know the definition of the word you are using
I'm literally a standard deviation+ IQ higher than you, actually. As to whether you're trolling or not, you are either -
A) Trolling (poorly)
B) Too stupid to make any point and showcasing your crippling stupidity for all to see.

To address your (laughably shit-tier attempts at) points:
>muh too many pages
>muh too many buks
>mythical creatures make a story bad
>why do writers write so much? if they were good, they'd only write 1-2 book stories (non sequitur fallacy)
We done here yet?

>> No.4715480

I was really just trying to show that George R.R. Martin isn't a minimalist. If you remove the fluff from his writing it gets lack half as long. Most of the descriptions in the original really just add nothing to the scene. If a volley of arrows comes around, you don't REALLY need to know it hit the other side, unless you have an interesting way of describing that.

>> No.4715485

Eh, it gets a little abstract-faggy there actually. Doesn't fit the tone of the scene.

>> No.4715486

don't know how that got there

>> No.4715505

That was not even me. I'm just pointing out that he was pretty clearly just minimizing this shit fantasy series and not everything that makes your sandy vagina bleed is trolling. In fact, I would daresay that in FACT you are pulling some weird meta-troll with how butthurt and obtuse you appear to be, but I'm gonna stick to my guns and say you are probably are just as dumb as a fuckin' stick.

>> No.4715516

C-can I have a go?

A warhorn blew, long and chilling, and the Lannister trumpets answered. Habitually brazen, though Tyrion heard only the echo, the anxious falling, then silence over the moors. There was a fluttering in his bowels: a queasy, liquid feeling. He hoped not to die sick.

The horns faded. A hissing filled the air, a flight of arrows arched to his right, their archers blocking the road. The northerners charged, shouting as they came, but the Lannister arrows hailed upon them, and shouts turned to screams as men fell. A second flight rose, and on their apex already the third wave lay strung in their bowstrings.

The trumpets blared again. Ser Gregor waved his sword, bellowed with a chorus of thousands behind him. Tyrion joined, bellowing not just for the war but many things, for articles and people and the world that somehow continued disparate from these fields, with its whores and wine and foreign lands distances away, years away, dangling there and gone, perhaps, in seconds. He would not die sick.

The van surged forward. “The river!” He shouted at his clansmen “Remember, hew to the river.” He was still leading when they broke a canter, until Chella galloped past him, shrieking, Shagga following likewise. The clansmen pursued, leaving Tyrion alone in their dust.

>> No.4715518

>That was not even me.
>I'm just pointing out that he was pretty clearly just minimizing this shit fantasy series and not everything that makes your sandy vagina bleed is trolling
But none of this even happened, anon. I've been on the internet long enough that this sort of shit doesn't even make my blood pressure rise. Taking the piss out of the mundane "this sucks and you're dumb if you like it" trolls is more lively game. Usually. Not in your case.
>In fact, I would daresay that in FACT you are pulling some weird meta-troll with how butthurt and obtuse you appear to be, but I'm gonna stick to my guns and say you are probably are just as dumb as a fuckin' stick.
Still nothing to say? Still just sticking to "hurr u dumb"? You're getting boring now. Try to make an actual point, assuming you can. Try.

>> No.4715671

Or doesn't it?

One could argue that the abstraction makes sense if, as some have surmised, the ultimate character in ASOIAF isn't Tyrion or Danerys or Jon Snow, but the land of Westereos itself. Perhaps that abstract tone is how Westereos sees all this fighting, detachment to the point of artistry, making playful note of the tiny men with their tiny swords spilling their black blood.

>> No.4715708


oh boy.

>> No.4715735
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You see, anon, we use the word "huge" to distinguish Ser Gregor's sword from ordinary swords, which are smaller.

This is how writing works. We use words that have meaning to create a picture in the reader's mind.

Next lesson we'll delve into the meaning of the word "autism," which you seem to think means "reading comprehension."

>> No.4715737

Yeah, people in this thread are idiots. The prose isn't great, but it isn't supposed to be. It's a literally epic book. The story carries the prose, not the other way around. Ideally, sure, it would be technically written better, but it plainly doesn't matter. The story is just good.

>> No.4715740
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>> No.4715742

>Naming fallacies rather than actually arguing

how /lit/

>> No.4715747

we'll talk about the story being good if it actually comes together in the last book. as it is, i'm not going to say if it's good or bad.

>> No.4715750

That whole scene still baffles me. What exactly was the point of that? Sometimes GRRM makes me think he's secretly twelve years old.

>> No.4715751

Wow I just saw this and I wanted to let you know you are one mad faggot. Get over it dude, you like gay shit and defend it emotionally like a woman. It's probably because your fat and don't have anything else.

>> No.4715754

Yes that's literally what it means but who cares if his sword is "huge"? I'm guessing because he's Badass#1 but I'd imagine the reader already knew that.

>> No.4715760

>There were arrows
>There were more arrows
>He took out his huge sward an wavered it

>> No.4715772
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Dude, it's a one-word detail in a scene. It's makes it easier to imagine; it reminds the reader that Ser Gregor is a freakin' mountain. (It's necessary in a book this big to remind the reader of certain secondary characters and their traits, otherwise they'd forget.) What's the problem? I really can't fathom your complaint.

>> No.4715783

>pointing out your own shit attempt at arguments rather than responding to them
Yes, that is in fact how it works.

>> No.4715795

>jumping into the bandwagon by 'reading' GoT and proud of not finishing it and thinking it's shit after a few chapters
>Yay /lit/ agrees with me! iloveyoubros

/lit/ was way better years ago, what the fuck happened?

>> No.4715796
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It's pulp fantasy. It's fine if you don't like it but you better recommend something better.

>> No.4715799

>if i keep calling you mad it'll come true
No, I literally give no fucks about this book or some random moron's fallacious views on it.
>you like gay shit and defend it emotionally like a woman
stop projecting
>It's probably because your fat and don't have anything else.
Oh, irony.

>still no points to make
>like, literally none. just shit posting.

>> No.4715890

>using the fallacy fallacy in place of an argument
>insisting it's an argument

how /lit/

>> No.4715936

>The first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series was published 18 years ago
>There are still two installments that are slated but unreleased
How fucking hard can it be to shit out simplistic pulp fantasy. He's not writing Finnegans Wake.

>> No.4715979

>not knowing what a fallacy fallacy is
>outing yourself as a total fuckwit
Me educating you:
Fallacy Fallacy - "You committed a fallacy; therefore you are wrong!"
>what actually happened:
"You committed a fallacy; try again, dummy."

See the difference, stupid? Would you like to fail again at trying to be smart?

>> No.4715990

It took 12 years for LotR (three books) to be written, and it's quite simplistic.

>> No.4716020

You can't hear arrows in flight unless they are cut as noisemakers.
The idea that they hiss is fucking retarded.
>le film SFX prose

>> No.4716025

No, I mean the shitting part. "The more she drank, the more she shat."

Was that written because GRRM lost a bet with a friend of his who had a scat fetish? Because that's one of the more believable explanations.

>> No.4716029

Huh, you learn something new every day.

>> No.4716056


Tolkien had a real job though, he couldn't write whenever he pleased and was quite a busy man. GRRM has poor work ethic, there's nothing surprising about that. His fatness betrays a lack of self-discipline.

>> No.4716108

That was really nicely done.

A little carried away in p3 but on a lark, this reveals some talent.

>> No.4716114

Sorry, I meant my earlier comment for you, just the nicely done party, not the bit about p3. 4 Chan on mobile, oh my.

You have some real talent.

>> No.4716119

They amount to the same thing, dummy. Try again.

>> No.4716149

>It's pulp fantasy
Well no, it's infinitely more than that - in fact it's quite terrific - although the prose is something out of pulp fantasy a lot of the time.

>> No.4716168
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I agree. My sample reading (pic approximation) was exactly the same.

>> No.4716178
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>/lit/ will never recognize the greatness of this series because they can't get past the average prose and preconceived notions
>It's actually managed to go over the heads of many users here

>> No.4716211

She had shittings obviously, you have to remember in those times they drank wine/beer because they didn't have distilled water, all that dirty stream water probably didn't help.

Also I think it shows that a Tag can't get "sick"(she did get sick but it didn't kill her), I think those berries would have poisoned a normal person. Her shitting was probably her body getting rid of the toxins.

>> No.4716322

>I've read much worse. Just look at Stephen King.

You know what? Fuck you. Stephen King may have some shit stories but he's actually halfway readable.

The Mist > The Game of Thrones

>> No.4716353


LOL, bro. The Mist is a good story, but LORD ol' Stevey can't pace a book to save his life. First thirty pages are dedicated to no conflict whatsoever. Shameful.

His prose is loosey-goosy, too; let's not pretend King ain't a Big Mac and a side of fries, as he himself says.

>> No.4716368

I dunno, haven't read anything but The Mist from him recently. It was a pretty good suspense novel.

Read his Tower series a long time ago. I don't remember having to force my way through every stiff paragraph like in game o thrones.

>> No.4716599

You don't read books like the asoiaf series for literary qualities that you might find in literature like Joyce Camus miller or Hemingway, you read them for pure entertainment. I think his characters are extremely well developed and made easily empathical and the harsh realities that he places them is very unique to the genre. It takes some real brass to kill off characters that in any typical fantasy novels wouldnt. Aside from creating multiple historical backdrops for the various differing cultures packaged complete w religions languages fashions etc his continuity is spot on in regards to the multiple plots and storylines that are juggled through out the books. It's easy to get caught up in the world in asoiaf and when an author can accomplish something as complex and complicated as that they deserve applause in my opinion for such a difficult and time consuming endeavor. Tho as grand and captavating as i find the series as a whole to be there are certain parts, chapters and whole books within it that are definitely lacking in various areas. Affc was a tedious and very stagnat read as a whole and to me seemed more filler than meat an potatoes which in a series that demands so much attention and emotional investment from its readers comes off like a slap in face and bluntly disrespectful. With so many years between books any genuine fan who was eagerly awaiting affc must've felt cheated after finding that the most beloved and best characters and storylines of the series were left out then to read the teaser Martin leaves at its ending that first mocks the fanbase for expecting something on bar with the three previous books and then states that there's more COMPLETED material ready to go and the next installment is around the corner only to have to wait more years than ever before between novels for adwd. That bullshit aside asoiaf is truly epic and a breath of new life in a genre that hasn't had something of this magnitude since Tolkien. Hands down the best popular fiction series around superior when comparred to shit like the Hungar games, Harry potter or the sookie stock house true blood series or the twilight series to name some other pop fiction series novels.

>> No.4716606


Sorry but this sort of "literature" is a bit juvenile for me to get in to.

>> No.4716617

Right there with you OP, pat yourself on the back for you are not a pleb

>> No.4716645
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>Being this mad
>Being this much of a woman even though I'm 100% sure you have a Y chromosome
>Proving my point

>> No.4716671

i read it. it was enjoyable. it wasn't great.

nerds are used to crap so whenever something not-crap comes along, it's hailed as the second coming.

>> No.4716681


>> No.4716728

>Massive autistic rant
>"yeah it sucks but it could suck worse"
>It's so hard to world build
>Close by literally saying it is better than Harry Potter and The Hunger Games

Wow. This is seriously pathetic. I would rather read Xanth novels with shitty puns where at least cool stuff happens and there are already like 40 books where main characters you were invested in grow old and die. What the fuck is fantasy even doing nowadays?

>> No.4716729
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My turn

A warhorn blue with that loud DADOOOOOOOOOOOOO noise in which way warhorns tend to blow when they are being blown. It's voice was long and dark and edgy and frosty, like snow from the north, or maybe the south if you go down far south enough. The Lannister trumpets replied by answering. Da do daaaaaaaah, Da DOOO daaaaah, they all went in unison. They were defiant, like Wolves, but Tyrone thought they seemed small and anxious like mice, and not quite like wolves as much. His scomach churned, and he hoped he wasn't going to die, but if he did die, he didn't want to die sick, because dying sick is worse than dying regular.

As the horns died down the absence of sound was filled by another sound, which was the sound of arrows hissing, having been shot by archers that shoot arrows that make hissing sounds. The northerners ran, a-hootin and a-hollerin all the way down, but then the arrows came down on them like general precipitation, tens of arrows, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, a million, a hundred million, a billion, a million billion, and the rebel war cry that sounds like WHOOP DA WHOOP turns into a scream that sounds more like AAAAAAHHHHH and the men stumbled because they'd been shot and I think some of them got arrows in the knees and some of them went down (giggity).

The trumpets trumpeted again and Ser Gregor lifted his huge sword above his head into the air which was above his head and bellowed his orders, in a voice that got a thousand other voices which replied in bellows like the bellow Ser Gregor bellowed. Then Tyreese yelled too and the van rolled on forward.

>> No.4716911
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Jesus christ mane, 0/10, even as a shitpost

Why do you and people like
even bother?
Surely reading a thread you actually care about would have been a better idea?
I really fucking hate this place sometimes.

>> No.4716916

Just ignore those posts then. It's not like you're obligated to pay attention to them. If you like George Really Retarded Martin, then there's nothing stopping you from enjoying his genre fiction poop.

>> No.4716922

It's times like these when this board descends to /tv/ tier. Posts like these really do remind of that place.

>> No.4716925

I'm all for emancipation of posters man. Like I said, some people really love George Really Retarded Martin. Who am I to stop them? Subjectivity is a beautiful thing.

>> No.4716932
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>start reading GOT
>it's ok, not great but certainly not shit

>> No.4716941

Hey, i read the first three and rather enjoyed them. Im not proud of myself, but god damn it i enjoyed them.

>> No.4716948
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Oh look it's this thread and these posts again.

>> No.4716953
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Guess what retard, sometimes people don't like things. Not everything is "trolling and baiting these newfags that I am hardened and distinguished from", some people just actually think you specifically are a faggot because of your faggot interests.

>> No.4716962 [SPOILER] 
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Far better than the original.

>> No.4716966
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>> No.4716975

And it's this response again as well. You know, I would even believe you if even a quarter of the criticism levelled at these books didn't consist of the exact same one-sentence, recycled little phrases. Yes, I realise not everyone has to like asoiaf. That should be obvious without pointing it out. But admit it, it's one of /lit/'s established shitposting trademarks. Every board has them.

>> No.4716997

So is there an actual song about ice and fire or is it just the title of the series?

>> No.4717052

>dat pic

That prose is a joke right?

Is there ever any reason to use fucking onomatopeia? Other than during movie production?

All those double-barrelled and triple-barrelled adectives.
All those adjectives, period.

>shouts turned to screams as men stumbled and went down.

>Ser Gregor waved his huge sword

Simply ridiculous.

>> No.4717283

The books are pretty average fantasy, maybe a little above considering how generic much of the genre is, but still not a great series by any means.

The TV show is far better. It cuts out most of the boring bullshit and ends up having a really strong pace because of it.

>> No.4717718

I've read better prose on MLP fanfics.
Sadly, the author still praises GRRM.

>> No.4717758

I can't stand it either but that's because of GRRM's take on ethics and morals.
It's like he really is a 12 year old inside a fatman suit.

>Maybe the sword is unusually large?
Ser Gregor confirmed for Final Fantasy character.

>> No.4719278

>1 = 2 because I say so.
No. You're a fucking idiot. Learn how to argue and try again. But first, learn how to think.

>> No.4719284

>vapid bravado replaces reality
Still no point? Yawn time.

>> No.4719291

>double-digit IQ troll still try-harding

>> No.4719303

>can't use the word huge
>can't go from shouts to screams
>can't use more than one adjective
The onomatpoeia is the only distracting part of that passage.

>> No.4719307

Pls be troll

>> No.4719959

>Just ignore those posts then. It's not like you're obligated to pay attention to them.

Sagely advice friend. You should heed it yourself.

>> No.4719995

It gets mentioned as part of the prophecy. Aerys or Rhaegar... one of the Targaryens, mentions that theirs is "a song of ice and fire" that is supposed to bring everything together eventually. Or something.

>> No.4720074

This is like a bad parody of nitpicky criticism. My god.

>> No.4720094

It is a theme you can see through out the choices of the characters.
Generally, duty and honor are ice, like Eddard Stark, who lost his head to his great sword "ice".
Passion and instinct are fire. Dany is passionate and makes impulsive decisions though is mostly clueless.

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Robert Frost

>> No.4720107 [DELETED] 

>Dany steps into a fire at the end of GoT

>> No.4720133

Eddard Stark lost his head to his own great sword named "Ice", because he turned down Renly Baratheon's passionate and impulsive coup attempt to do what Eddard thought was honorable and dutiful; put Stannis on the Iron Throne.

>> No.4720215
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>> No.4720326

its bad.
I agree with you anon. I don't understand the success of it - but then again I did not like Harry Potter either.

>> No.4720471

so much samefagging defeners in this thread

>> No.4721083

>can't use the word huge
Sure you can, if you want to sound like a 15-y-o.

>can't go from shouts to screams
Sure you can, if you like shitty clichéd prose.

>can't use more than one adjective
Sure you can, if you want to cram everything down your readers' throats in the laziest way possible.

>> No.4721086
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>> No.4721951

>using the word 'huge' makes you sound 15
Non sequitur.
>"men were shouting, then screaming" = shitty clichéd prose.
Non sequitur
>using more than ONLY ONE adjective is lazily cramming words down readers' throats
Non sequitur

Try (fail) again, kiddo.

>> No.4721956

>no fun allowed

>tfw >>4720074 applies to half the thread, namely >>4721083

>> No.4721969

Just because your feelings tell you something is a non-sequitur doesn't mean it is anon.

>> No.4721974

Nah, saying "his huge sword" sounds pretty juvenile. You're just a dumb cunt.

>> No.4721975

>just because logic tells you something is illogical shit-tier argumentation doesn't mean it is
That's exactly what it means, actually.

captcha: comprises Tryedit

>> No.4721980

>can't describe huge things as huge

>> No.4721983


It's logical that juvenile word use is juvenile.
It's logical that clichéd prose is clichéd.
It's logical that cramming shit down your readers' throats is lazy writing.

>> No.4721988

logic =/= your feelings

>> No.4721991

>Tyrion waited
>He'd couldn't see the Lanisters but he knew they were there
>The horn crackered
>He took his huge sword and plasmaed at the cyberarcher

>> No.4721993

>still using feelings where the word doesn't fit

>huge = juvenile
Non sequitur
>men were shouting then screaming = cliche
Non sequitur
>using more THAN ONE SINGLE ADJECTIVE = cramming words down a readers throat
Non sequitur

Basically, prove it, nigger.

>> No.4721998

You seem so very upset.

And just because you feel something is a non-sequitur does not make it so.

>> No.4722001

>keeps trying to call others upset
>as if it's true
>as if it would matter a single iota of shit if it were
It's almost like you have nothing to say and are fail-trolling in place of anything substantial.
>still misusing the word 'feelings' instead of providing anyone of worth
How very pathetic. Work that double-digit IQ. Work it!

>> No.4722006

>Literally "im not mad"
>Ur dumb

Just stop

>> No.4722007

>keeps trying to call others upset

I said it once.

And you do seem upset because you're trying to justify shitty writing with purely theoretical excuses.
Even though multiple people have agreed that the prose is shitty.

You also seem upset because you can't seem to stop using ad hominem insults.
>double-digit IQ

>> No.4722162

A warhorn sounded across the field, low and chilling. Lannister trumpets answered, defiant, but at the same time lacking in confidence. Tyrion's bowels churned, and he hoped not to die sick.

With the death of those notes came the hiss of the arrow, as archers on his right loosed their first volley. The northerners came running, shouting, until the arrows fell upon them and shouts became screams, men falling to the ground. The screams made inaudible the hiss of the second volley arcing towards them. The archers were already preparing a third.

The Lannister trumpets sounded again, clear notes more confident this time. Ser Gregor waved his sword as he shouted a command, and a thousand voices replied with shouts. As he put spurs to his horse, Tyrion too shouted back, and the van surged forward. "The river!" he shouted at his clansmen. "Hew to the river!" He led and his clansmen followed, all at a canter until Chella gave a shriek, and galloped past him. Shagga howled and followed her, and then the clansmen charged, and followed the both of them, leaving Tyrion in their dust.

geez this scene is a mess, all of these paragraphs are tonally different, but i really don't know how to give "tyrion is anxious and hopes not to die brutally", "archers casually wreck the bad guys", and "Gregor gives a command, people charge, and then randos show up and gallop past" any kind of tonal consistency

>> No.4722179

Not a one of these has been better.

>> No.4722210

>literally ur mad!11
>not dumb because ur madd!!
Still no point to make?

>> No.4722223

>You also seem upset because you can't seem to stop using ad hominem insults.
Another non sequitur. Also be careful, simply insulting (ie calling you what you are) isn't an ad hominem fallacy.

>shitty writing
Prove it, stupid. you can't
> with purely theoretical excuses.
You mean pointing out your logical fallacies? Heh.

>Even though multiple people have agreed that the prose is shitty.
Ad populum fallacy. Several others have said it isn't. It's also an implied anecdotal fallacy regardless. You're really bad at this.

>> No.4722229

>defiant, but at the same time lacking in confidence
It becomes bad here. Nice try though.

>> No.4722231

i'd read harry potter over this shit

>> No.4722274

Can't the mods ban that one shitposting fanboy?

Every GRRM thread he enters and starts "NUH-UH GURM GODLY PROSS ME LIKE" instead of admitting the guy has shitty intrigue with shitty prose and dialogue and shitty characters.

If there's one thing you could, maybe, praise Martin for, is that he can connect plots and describe food pretty well.

>> No.4722349
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My turn

The warhorn blew, as did Tyrion's backside PAAAAAARP blew his arse PAAAAARP. He felt a queesy feeling in his fluttering instestines "I hope I don't get intricately described diarrhea" he thought. Suddenly thousands of shit splats hissedacross the battlefield and shot black darts of poo across the lines. They hit the men, who fell down screaming. Gregor waved his huge dick.

>> No.4722366


>> No.4722460
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>> No.4722517

>troll wants fanboys banned
>shitty intrigue with shitty prose and dialogue and shitty characters.
But those aren't true, anon.

>> No.4722562

ebig, simpley ebig, you fucking illiterate ape.

>> No.4724553

>the use of ad hominem doesn't indicate butthurt

Yes it does.

>simply insulting (ie calling you what you are) isn't an ad hominem fallacy

You're invalidating my position by stating that I'm stupid.
That's the definition of an ad hominem fallacy.

>prove it's shitty writing

I already did.
You're just making excuses for it on the basis that it's not technically incorrect use of language.

>You mean pointing out your logical fallacies?

No, I mean your defense of shitty prose on the basis that it's not technically incorrect use of language.

>Ad populum fallacy.

Considering that the difference between "good writing" and "bad writing" is largely subjective, this is not a fallacy.

>> No.4724560

>implying you're not trolling

>> No.4724567
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>4,643 pages

>> No.4724576

ASOIAF is an excellent series, not my favorite from martin but I'm glad this series and not some teen shit with gary stu like Rothfuss is getting credit and success

Ignore the asspained faggots trying to imply that martin hasn't written and excellent and enjoyable gritty fantasy world

Dying of the Light is better though, its his first book

>> No.4724578

Nobody's arguing against the world he created, the beef lies with his prose. Which is utter dogshit.

>> No.4724585

Westeroos is a shit setting beyond generic.
Its world-building is fucking shit.
The characters are laughable stereotypes.
The plots are ridiculous and pointless but well-connected. Together, they amount to nothing.
Morals and inner conflicts are edgy fanfic tier.

The only merit is his food descriptions.

>> No.4724588

Hey, I never said the world he created is any good either.

I wouldn't even know, I never read or watched any of his stuff outside of that excerpt posted itt. Which is utter dogshit as far as prose goes.

>> No.4724593

I agree it's generic, it's the reason I forgot about the books after reading them until the hbo adaptation blew up in popularity

but the scale of it, the details, the history -if not lore-, make it a lot better than say... Mistborn, for me at least.
It's a complexity you rarely see from fantasy, not to mention the complexity of the characters, none of which feels like a cookie cutter stereotype

Morals and inner conflicts are what martin has ever wrote about, don't be a fag, it's

>The characters are laughable stereotypes

ASOIAF has merit and is here to stay beyond our lifetime as a solid fantasy series... at least the first books, although I suspect he will end it properly even if, from whatever else I read from him, it won't be good guys winning over bad, just a conclusion, probably lots of melancholy, and open ended

>> No.4724596

Wester-O's is literally the UK with a different map, Stereotypeland in the place of the Middle East and Siberia, The Walking Dead edition, to the north.

Dragons only served to drag the books and Wargs are fucking useless.

>> No.4724611

You know, maybe I'm being a fag.
Maybe it's just that it bothers me that Eragon happened twice only that now people think it's great.

>> No.4724719
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Reading through this thread, I find there's valid criticism and valid praise both. But, seriously... Complaining about the word "huge"? It's a perfectly fine word, would you have preferred it said "his really very big sword"? Just because you can't help but read it in a child's voice does not make it a childish word. This is why we can't have civilized discussions.

>> No.4724731

It's that word in its context.

When you have a narrator going "Harooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and "da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAA" and "da-DAAA da-DAAA da-DA da-DA da-DAAAAAAAA" you already have a pretty funny picture of that narrator.

When that same narrator goes on to say "he waved his huge sword" that's just icing on the cake.

>> No.4724739


I guess that's fair enough, the onomatopoeia bothered me too.


That's my biggest gripe, personally. The whole warg arc feels forced and unengaging, like he's backtracking on crippling Bran.

>> No.4724749

it gets worse as you read it

you start skip reading through shit characters just to find out what happens to the decent ones

then you find out the books are split and there is nothing on some of the only good characters for whole books

a shame really, the first books werent too bad, its starts really well thats the thing

as soon as ned and robert dies it starts to really decline and doesnt recover

i mean youd have to be a complete cunt to like lots of the shit characters

no wonder it does well on tv :/

i dont want to read on this planet anymore

>> No.4725240

>doesn't know what ad hom actually is
>makes the same non sequitur fallacy as well

>You're invalidating my position by stating that I'm stupid.
No. I'm simply calling you what you are. It's not to support any form of argument.
>That's the definition of an ad hominem fallacy.
And that's also what's not happening here.

>I already did.
>i did cause i said i did
>provides zero proof

>shitty prose
>still can't prove it
Prove it, nigger.

>actually trying to employ logical fallacies because of 'muh subjectivity'
This is levels of stupidity I was genuinely not prepared for. You surprised me with this one. Congrats.

Prove saying 'huge' is bad or go home, dummy. You lose.

>> No.4725242

>this is what I'm doing with my life

>> No.4725251
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holy shit anon

>> No.4725315

Or just read them all, m8. If you are on 4chan you must have time on your hands.

>> No.4725532

>Prove shitty prose

You can't "prove" a subjective matter like "shitty prose".
All you can do is laugh at it.

>Ser George waved his cool sword and it went swooosh-swoooosh-swooooooooooooooooosh

>> No.4725563
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>> No.4725627

>breaking bad
I'm going to take a swing in the dark here, because I'm avoiding it as best as I can, but that shit is fucking over-rated.

>> No.4725631

Both those shows and books are pretty much all equivalent.

>> No.4725708

the examples may not be fitting but the point stands. Though one must agree that reading is better for the brain, for it is more active during the reading

>> No.4725796
File: 64 KB, 413x684, The_Black_Company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read this instead

>> No.4726018


>> No.4727701

>The Lannister trumpets replied by answering
Why can't I hold all these sides

>> No.4728502


>> No.4728518

This is the best post in this whole thread.

>> No.4728686


>> No.4728704

I've read the first 2.5 books and although I think they're not very good, those are horrible reasons (especially when you haven't yet finished the book) to dislike it.

>> No.4728850


Yeah but Tolkien was meticulously developing and recording the entire history and back story of Middle-Earth. Martin is just making up shit as he goes along like a fanfic.

>> No.4728879

Please explain how that is a strawman.

>> No.4728957

>LotR (three books)
LotR is six books, not three, you moron. If you're going to make a pretense at patricianness then at least do it right.

>> No.4728959

excuse me what

>> No.4728962

oh i see lol

you guys have fun debating "books vs, volumes" lol im out

>> No.4728984

>lol im out
Good. And stay the fuck out.

>> No.4729021

you're a faggot for starting a semantics issue when "book" can mean either "a physical book" or "a division labeled 'book'"

>> No.4729082
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>> No.4729111
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>I find there's valid criticism and valid praise both
I'm sorry, where did you see valid criticism against the books? Other than those few instances of weird prose, all I see is the same so funny jokes and shitposting as in every asoiaf thread. I really hate this place sometimes.

I mean look at
Well I wont go any further.

Also I have almost never seen anyone on this board ever mention the strengths of the books, which I thought would have been pretty obvious.

/lit/, serious question. What is it about the whole game of thrones meme/tradition/whatever on this board? Like how did it develop and everything? I haven't been here for many years. Excuse my ignorance but why do so many posters who I assume couldn't care less about these books feel compelled to pop in and shitpost? I don't think the phenomenon is quite matched on any other board, maybe except for a few instances on /tv/ (partly why I left that place).

>> No.4729114

I read that piece of prose and it made me laugh.

I know all there is to know about Martin and his writing.

>> No.4729115

>why do so many posters who I assume couldn't care less about these books feel compelled to pop in and shitpost
because there's a thread about this series every 12 hours

>> No.4729733

meh. The first three books were obviously planned very well.

>> No.4729739

>knowing # of books

>> No.4730941

He's just spouting nonsense, don't bother.

>> No.4731003

Fuck, I could rant for days about these books.

The first three were bloody amazing, they actually managed to keep my attention and I've never been a fan of endless fantasy series to begin with.
AFFC was meh but I still soldiered through the travelogues and the boring povs since many chapters were entertaining enough and I am one of the 4 people who actually enjoyed the Kingsmoot.

Now, aDwD...
Whilst it had some amazing chapters, it wasn't worth the massive load of shite in between. Tyrion and Dany's chapters were atrocious, the cliffhangers are getting predictable (did anyone ever doubt that Jon Snow isn't dead?) and I hate that we're doomed to get a 'bastard is actually a secret dragon prince and heir to the throne in hiding, he will be revived as a prophecied hero and slay single handed an army of ice zombies, so fuck all of the political intrigue, he will end up sitting the bloody throne and banging his aunt' ending.

Doesn't help that GRRM is an absolute fucker and TWOW will probably come out in 4 years from now if we're lucky.

>> No.4731041

>and I hate that we're doomed to get a 'bastard is actually a secret dragon prince and heir to the throne in hiding, he will be revived as a prophecied hero and slay single handed an army of ice zombies, so fuck all of the political intrigue
Problem with this is that the idea of pre ordained events runs counter to the whole 'unpredictable ebb and flow of fortune' thing that underpins the series, the volatile, precarious cause-and-effect theme. It may turn out that the author ends up actually ends up using the two approaches side by side and gives them roughly equal attention, which would be interesting, but at this point I think it's too early to predict anything. Given the nature of the first three novels, I'm not convinced that prophecy and predestination will end up playing such a huge role as to invalidate all the intrigue and uncertainty so far.

>> No.4731083

That's why you call it a Novel because a Novel can be made out of multiple Books and Volumes which the division and clarification of such were a bunch of novel ideas.

>> No.4731087

b-but what if it's the bible?

is the bible a book?
it's not a novel
it has other books in it!

>> No.4731088

I really hope the next one is the last one. If he just ties everything up witha bow of dissapointment and just end it. That would be grand

>> No.4731093

Considering that it's the same cause-and-effect theme what kills important characters at random without much happening, I doubt anything has any consequence ever.

ASOIAF sounds so much like the Naruto of YA fantasy now.

>> No.4731094
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>> No.4731097

You see, I still want to believe that both sides are going to be explored and developed equally but honestly, the most recent books are leading me to think otherwise.
I'm sure you've noticed an increase of prophecies, 'fate', and magical elements and whilst the political aspect of the series is still meaty (honestly, I'm mainly invested in the KL and Vale subplots at this point), I still wonder whether George will be able to tie all of the loose ends in a satisfying manner.

I'm not necessarily a detractor, more of a disgruntled fan who'd love to be proven wrong.
If the last two books will go back to aSoS' quality, perhaps I might admit that the wait was worth it.

>> No.4731128

I don't understand either of these comments. That first one makes it sound like you missed a whole lot of the nuance and instead were just hoping for conventional plot that had clearly defined progression and conclusion. Expect to find that in victorian realist novels, not asoiaf. Could you explain a bit further?

>> No.4731160

>YA fantasy

>> No.4731162
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So I want to listen to the audiobook on Youtube, just because it has so many recommendations.

I love fantasy stuff like LotR. However, I don't like intrigue, political backstabbing, drama as the main focus, etc.

I want an adventure, or some kind of riveting old-fashioned fantasy action.

Should I check out ASOIAF or should I just listen to Fellowship of the Ring again?

>> No.4731165

What nuances?

>> No.4731171

His endless descriptions of food and turtles obviously.

>> No.4731189

>I don't like intrigue, political backstabbing, drama as the main focus, etc.
>I want an adventure, or some kind of riveting old-fashioned fantasy action.
Then asoiaf isn't your thing.

>> No.4731199

Ah. The only entertaining and edge-free things on the entire series.

>> No.4731204

Thank you, friend. Back to Moria, the Shire and the Barrow Downs ( I really wish that was in the movie) with me!

Unless you can suggest another good fantasy adventure audiobook I could listen to? Just finished The Gunslinger by Stephen King and, while I love the way it was written, I'm not too keen on existentialist stuff.

Anything but Eragon, or that is recorded by Libravox.

>> No.4731215

Guys stop, my sides are in orbit, really.

>> No.4731335

Im reading the first game of thrones book as we speak. Its my first ever book, and english is my third language. Im 350 pages in now and i have absolutely no trouble reading or understanding the book.

>> No.4732083

Sorry anon, I really have no idea when it comes to audiobooks, I've never even listened to one before. For good adventure, more 'traditional' fantasy books, try the Conan short stories by Robert E Howard, maybe Lord Dunsany's stuff.

>> No.4732176

I already did. I've ran out of copies at the library because it was too old and obscure. Been reading his newer fantasy series about a turk spy, cannons and jews.

I'm surprised that this thread is still up.

>> No.4732746
File: 148 KB, 1586x616, muh adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these are Audiobooks choose your poison.

N.B Contrary to the filename they are not all Adventureprobably none are top lel I read for magic

>> No.4733066

Does Rick Riordan's stuff hold up?

I loved the Lightning Thief and its sequels when I was younger.

>> No.4733141


>doing what he loves.

Like not working on his next book?

>> No.4733153


Ser Gregor is a 7 foot tall man, not prepubescent girl.

>> No.4733635

They started to frail for me... I read up to the last book in the Percy Jackson series, they were "awwwright", okay enough for me to get the Roman demigod series aka Heroes of Olympus.... really sad that I did so.

I will finish the series(last book this year) just because I like to complete what I started, but the second series was a real drop in quality(or maybe I just got too big for it, it is a 13 up book after all).

The "retarded monster", "dimwitted Goddess", "we kids are powerful" routine really started to rub me the wrong way. If you want, read up to book five in the first series, I think that is "The Last Olympian" other than that make up your own mind to continue. That is where my recommendation ends.

Rick made Nico, the son of Hades... gay for Percy the God EROS was in the Fourth book in the Heroes of Olympus Series. Enjoy

>> No.4735511

>way too many names flung around
Anon, you do know that in the back of the books, there's a listing of the houses and their members? It's called dramatis personæ and even Dancing Aztecs by Westlake has one.

>> No.4735516

>Is there ever any reason to use fucking onomatopeia? Other than during movie production?
Because he didn't want to write some chortle-chortle 19th century novel.

>> No.4735532

>You can't hear arrows in flight unless they are cut as noisemakers.
>implying that they didn't cut one in every 10 arrows or somethings as noise makers just for psychological impact

The literature faggotry is strong in you. I suggest Cambridge next. Sodomy and sustenance based on tea, toast and jam is not optional, but mandatory.

>> No.4736989

>book needs an index at the back for the reader to keep up with it
shit writing in all its glory

>> No.4737014

Do you know how many fucking books have character lists and information charts to aid the reader? It's a simple convenience, and especially for ASOIAF it works because dynasty trees and maps are incredibly important for the reader to be able to follow the events.

>> No.4737166

I've been reading exclusively non-fiction for like 2 years, I seriously need some fantasy to engage in these days.
What should I read? Pls no humongous neverending series like this one.

>> No.4737175

It's mediocre crap made into a pretty good TV series.

>> No.4737184

The Book of the New Sun

>> No.4737364

what I enjoy about grrm is the way he doesn't try to dress up his language. fantasy doesn't have to be well written, as evidenced by LOTR, but it has to have a compelling story, which GoT does in the second and third books. grrm writes so that it's easy to understand, whereas Tolkien just.... I don't even know, but it was awful. GoT is one step above airport thrillers. that's all there is to it. the problem is that people on /lit/ are pretentious and in general just superior arseholes.

>> No.4737431

lol both parts to that comment are incorrect. Terrific books, ok show.

>> No.4737447

He's shitposting, ignore.

>> No.4738130

>whereas Tolkien just.... I don't even know, but it was awful.
>GoT is one step above airport thrillers. that's all there is to it
While it's good to see someone calling out this board's incessant regurgitation of the asoiaf writing le funny meme, these statements of yours are just plain silly.

>> No.4738965

If you have to choose between two things: Get to the point or show off, what do you choose.

>> No.4738970

>implying that writing is not a real job

>> No.4738976

Thing is that Ser Gregor can wield a two-hand sword with one hand. That makes the sword look bigger than it really is.

>> No.4738981

>implying that Shakespeare didn't put out his fair share of fart jokes
Get rekt cultural conservative.

>> No.4738984

>That makes the sword look bigger than it really is.


Ser Gregor is "huge" himself, his "huge" sword is going to look proportional to his body.
His imagery is shit, and his wording juvenile.

>> No.4739072

How would you describe Ser Gregor's sword?

>> No.4739075

I probably wouldn't.

Unless this is the first time I introduced him I will have already described him and his sword adequately. No need to keep spoonfeeding.

>> No.4739149

Thing is that during a battle, one tends to focus on lots of "insiginficant" details.

>> No.4739195

Insignificant things like juvenile wording?

>> No.4739205

Maybe I'm just a pleb, but if a thousand-strong army came charging toward me, I wouldn't linger on insignificant detail. For someone who prides himself on "gritty realism" in fantasy, it's not exactly realistic. That, along with the rather poor language, turns the entire passage to shit.

>> No.4739208

Could someone post an example of good prose, if GRRMs is so shit?

>> No.4739240

Ask for good prose and people will probably throw some Faulkner or Virginia Woolf or Joyce at you. If you're looking for good prose in fantasy, read some Gene Wolfe.

Personally, I really like FSF's prose:

"Next day at the churchyard his father was laid among a hundred Divers, Dorseys, and Hunters. It was very friendly leaving him there with all his relations around him. Flowers were scattered on the brown unsettled earth. Dick had no more ties here now and did not believe he would come back. He knelt on the hard soil. These dead, he knew them all, their weather-beaten faces with blue flashing eyes, the spare violent bodies, the souls made of new earth in the forest-heavy darkness of the seventeenth century.
'Good-bye, my father -- good-bye, all my fathers.'"

But of course, you're not going to get this in genre fiction. The problem isn't that Martin's prose is bad - in genre fiction, it goes unnoticed - but his fans' insistence to the contrary.

>> No.4739241

by asking this you're pretty much telling us one of two things:
1) "I have never read anything better than GRRM"
2) "I don't know good prose from bad"

>> No.4739245
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>his "huge" sword is going to look proportional to his body.
But it's still huge, isn't it?

The weapon of a 7 foot tall mountain of a man being swung around his head is a spectacle likely to attract the attention of those close by.

If andre the giant was a knight and owned a sword in proportion to his body, it's still going to be huge, especially to the eyes of us little people.

What I want to know is how this stupid meme actually became a thing. When people post that passage, do they get a kick out of it? I'm a falling for it by typing this? I hate this place sometimes.

>> No.4739249

I was replying to the statement "that makes the sword look bigger than it really is".

The problem is not that the sword didn't look "huge", it's the funny wording that does it.

>> No.4739252

>When people post that passage, do they get a kick out of it?

Yes, it's hilariously bad.

>> No.4739256

>but his fans' insistence to the contrary.
No, his fans (or at least the few to be found on /lit/) don't pretend that his prose is brilliant. In fact they have by far the most accurate opinion of it; they recognize when it's decent, when it achieves moments of skill, when it's unremarkable, and when it's just down right weird.

What they insist is that the overall quality of the work is not the same as the quality specifically of the writing, something /lit/ either can't, won't or pretends not to understand. You're a fool to read this series expecting revelatory prose; if that's what you happen to be after first and foremost, then look elsewhere, because what the books are devoted to is something different.

>> No.4739262

plenty of his fans insinst that his prose is fanatstic

>> No.4739265

You know what's hilariously bad? Reading posts like yours, and the 50 or so others itt; I find the whole thing almost cringe inducing, like some kid feigning laughter as a joke is told over and over again. It's not that I find someone's genuine dislike of that passage to be embarrassing, but rather the constant use of it as a joke/meme. And before you decide to 'get me' by describing that piece of prose as 'cringe-inducing', a joke, or anything else, remember that that's exactly what I'm criticising here.

>> No.4739269

>the constant use of it as a joke/meme

It's so bad it's almost meme-worthy, yes.

But this is literally the only thread where I've seen this passage debated.

>> No.4739273

The spoofs itt are pure comedy gold.
Like >>4716729

Go cry somewhere else.

>> No.4739275

Don't make shit up. The people on /lit/ that actually like these books all concede that his prose is, at the very least, very inconsistent.

>it's the funny wording that does it.
You mean...the word 'huge'? Shit man, that's hi-LA-rious.

>> No.4739277

im not talking about ppl on lit
why are you getting so teary over sword of fire and thrones

>> No.4739278

>You mean...the word 'huge'? Shit man, that's hi-LA-rious.

Did you read the rest of that passage?
In that context, the words "he waved his huge sword" are side-splittingly hilarious.

>> No.4739289

The next time this kind of thread is made, and the exact same so funny jokes are made, if there are more than 3 people responding seriously to shitposters, I'm going to scream.

>> No.4739291

Why are you so personally attached to this man's writing?

>> No.4739331
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, 1393616924659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who couldn't keep reading the fourth book?
It felt like a reading 400~ pages with nothing happening in them

>> No.4741689

It was bad, which is why I skimmed the book until I found characters I liked again.

>> No.4741712

i stopped and won't start again. the first trilogy was enough for me.

>> No.4741726

Tbh I liked Feast much better than DwD
But it's like saying I like piss better than turds.

Cersei's chapters were terrific, though, best part of the last two trainwrecks.

>> No.4741788

The second half was entertaining. The fifth book, on the flipside...

>> No.4741795
File: 43 KB, 231x363, Hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cersei's chapters were terrific, though, best part of the last two trainwrecks.
>mfw the scene where she get #rekt to hell and back and tries to get away running

>> No.4741797

"Hark ye yet again,-the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event -- in the living act, the undoubted deed -- there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough. He tasks me; he heaps me; I see in him outrageous strength, with an inscrutable malice sinewing it. That inscrutable thing is chiefly what I hate; and be the white whale agent, or be the white whale principal, I will wreak that hate upon him. Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me. For could the sun do that, then could I do the other; since there is ever a sort of fair play herein, jealousy presiding over all creations. But not my master, man, is even that fair play. Who's over me? Truth has no confines."

>> No.4741813
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Honestly I'd read any fantasy and the best ones are always the ones with good world building

>> No.4741823

its very popular therefore bad just like anything on 4chan

>> No.4741867

If you look outside of 4chan, you'll notice that the only fans are HBO casuals (usually underage and nerdy as fuck) and worg autists.
Most of the older fans are either full blown detractors or still curious but royally pissed off at George's atrocious attitude.

I'm not a fantasy fan and I'm not an old timer either but it's baffling to think that this rubbish gets hailed as revolutionary and a masterpiece. GRRM isn't good at prose and world building, he comes from tv and fast paced action and intrigues is what he does best. If the man kept his original intent (3 books, moderate amount of characters, no descriptive bs) he might really have written some solid gold.

But he kept surrounding himself with arselickers and nerdy sycophants, the praise got to his queso filled brain and he started to believe he could pull a Tolkien. He fell into all of the fantasy cliches he claimed to hate (characters coming back to life, the hidden prince, the chosen one, magic every-fucking-where, overpowered kids, evil queens) and all of his previous work went right down the drain.

I don't hate what's popular, I hate the arrogance of his fans and the fact he seems more interested in watching sports and going to cons than writing. And on top of that "he's not our bitch".

>> No.4741889


Dont judge the threads here. /lit/ has to hate it cause its threads bring the /tv/ faggots in here with pedo and waifu shit.

>> No.4741943

You know what? Fuck Gaiman for saying that. Martin is in fact our bitch. Not all writers are their readers' bitches, but Martin is. And he's brought it on himself.

>> No.4743124

>/lit/ has to hate it

I don't have to do shit.

All I know is >>4714589
makes me laugh. So laugh I will.

>> No.4745474

I'm only responding because this is one of the few posts itt which doesn't consist of a single regurgitated meme, troll or sentence.

>you'll notice that the only fans are HBO casuals (usually underage and nerdy as fuck) and worg autists.
Nice generalization, your desperation isn't showing or anything.

>this rubbish

>gets hailed as revolutionary and a masterpiece
It's universally despised here by autists like you, and you still feel the need to complain?

>GRRM isn't good at prose and world building
No one claims him to be a master at prose, so bothering to point out his inconsistency seems superfluous. World building is definitely a strength of his, so you're wrong there. I have no idea why you chose to select only two very particular aspects.

>and he started to believe he could pull a Tolkien
his and tolkien's works couldn't be more diametrically opposite in inspiration, intent and everything else. Just what are you babbling on about?

>He fell into all of the fantasy cliches he claimed to hate (characters coming back to life, the hidden prince, the chosen one, magic every-fucking-where, overpowered kids, evil queens)
That's another cute generalization. Half of those aren't cliches in any sense of the word. And all the conventions and trademarks of fantasy that he's subverted or completely done away with? Funny you don't mention them. His books are arguably historical fiction more than fantasy; there isn't a lot of room for fantasy cliches, and the ones he has chosen to embrace have more often than not turned out well.

>I hate the arrogance of his fans
If that even exists then it's dwarfed by that of his detractors

>more interested in watching sports and going to cons
Hey look, it's this line again...

>And on top of that "he's not our bitch".
I can't think of any immensely popular author writing today who has not only so blatantly disregarded fan expectations, but has almost gone out of his way to make fans suffer as a result of their expectations, as much as Georgy porgy. I guess expectations in genre literature are partly built on the predominance of cliches/conventions; you come to expect what you've seen before. Seeing as how he threw most cliches out the window, his readership encountered one rude shock after another. If there was one aspect of your post that stood out in its ridiculousness, it would be this one.

>> No.4745485
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1320967418458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, trying too hard.

>> No.4745671

Its shit. You're fine.

>> No.4745701

Brilliant defense of George really retarded martin. I, too, am a fan.

>> No.4746021

>World building is definitely a strength of his
Please explain this.
All I got from his world-building superfluous, boring shit that nobody cares about and doesn't even touch the plot.

>I can't think of any immensely popular author writing today who has not only so blatantly disregarded fan expectations
He has dwelt in cheap shock since back when he was a writer for TV, why would that be a surprise or a merit?

>> No.4746095

>shit posting in all its boringness

>> No.4746101

The word 'huge' isn't juvenile wording. That's a misplaced connotation you're placing on it, and nothing more.

>> No.4746106

The only distracting part of it is the onomatopoeia

>> No.4746112

>irony of a shit post

>> No.4746116

>world-building has to touch the plot

>no 'unkillables' = cheap shock

It's like you're a shit posting moron or something.

>> No.4746132


>> No.4746260

I would consider ASoIaF a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's not perticularly good(which is often the case with fantasy), but I've gotten into it. As with any high fantasy, once you establish a mental image of how things are, and you get into the world it becomes exciting. I find myself trying to guess what's coming, but it's really hard. I'm not even sure GRRM know where he's going with it.

His writing can be a bit tideous at times, since he doesn't have a clear goal in his writing, he's just "making it up as he goes". He'd do good by focusing his attention more on the remaining main characters and try to pull them together for an ending. With all the characters in play he's making a satisfying conclusion very hard for himself.

Anyway, I think fantasy is a bit hate or love. I very rarely see someone who hates ASoIaF really enjoy other fantasy sagas.
If not, feel free to recommend me an epic fantasy saga that's better than ASoIaF, but isn't written by Tolkien.

>> No.4746274

I know your loins burn whenever GRRM is addressed but, come on.

>> No.4746301


>> No.4746680

>No one claims him to be a master at prose, so bothering to point out his inconsistency seems superfluous.

"G-guys pls don't make fun of his prose ok?"

Lol fuck right off.

>> No.4746781

You can tell how shit he is if you read his short story Sandkings.

>> No.4747124


>> No.4748222

Just finished DwD. The fact that Dennis and her Dragon have gone fucking backwards is a huge slap in the face.

If it weren't for the show these books would be destined for 2 for 1 offers in supermarkets.

>> No.4748284

I remember the Outer Limits episode, hah.

>> No.4748300

Again, the only distracting portion of the passage that was posted here is the onomatopoeia.

You remain unconvincing, and at least a bit pathetically desperate.

>> No.4748532

>Again, the only distracting portion of the passage that was posted here is the onomatopoeia.

Yeah well, if you want to believe that be my guest.

Meanwhile everyone else obviously feels differently.

>> No.4748877

>ad populum fallacy
Also, factually incorrect. It's been rather mixed.

>> No.4749189
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Just to throw my 2 cents in, because I can.

I watched the series first and got hooked after a few episodes. Then after season 3 the RW intrigued me so much that I kept thinking about the series and decided to start reading. While on vacation I bought the first book and expected it to be as good as everybody said, and thought I would slurp the whole series down in a few weeks.
I was actually really disappointed. I thought the story was far too stretched out - too many side-characters, the dialogue too detailed, I just couldn't concentrate on it. I wouldn't exactly call it shit - maybe it's just a style that doesn't appeal to me - but I expected something better.
I'm almost ashamed to admit that I thought the television series is far better.

>> No.4749689

>I'm almost ashamed to admit that I thought the television series is far better.
Nah. The series are better because GRRM is native to television.