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/lit/ - Literature

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4712463 No.4712463 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4712471


har har so clever

>> No.4712470

Not cool, dude.

>> No.4712486


You forgot to place your fedora on top of all dem books.

>> No.4712490

That's a really nice Bible edition, I wouldn't be treating it so harshly.

>> No.4712494

But why Harry Potter? Might as well stick Twilight on top of it.

>> No.4713052
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It just fit.

>> No.4713053

OP time to put up the fedora and go back to skyrim or whatever you faggots do

>> No.4713107

> all these faggots thinking I wear a fedora
> mfw when I've stolen $3300.00 worth of books & still going strong

>> No.4713122

the HP books aren't worth stealing

>> No.4713130


They're pretty fancy. And I'll be able to give them to my nephew when he's a fewyears older.

>> No.4713146

no don't encourage that kind of thing

>> No.4713159

Keep it going brother. Don't listen to these fucks.

>> No.4713181


He means those free textbooks they give away at the end of the semester.

>> No.4713261


No I mean shelfs full of literature from various book stores that don't have loss prevention besides little metallic beepersbetween pages. And most of those are in the faggy manga anyways.
Obviously I'll never tell my nephew about how I got them, althouuuugh if I do corrupt him I don't have to punish him. Lel

>> No.4713264

>most them are in the faggy manga anyways.
...and you know this how?

>> No.4713350

Fuck that stupid bible. It's its own fault it's so oversized and doesn't fit beside the others. They have to shove the whole pile of "books" of the bible at everyone, they could just split it into Torah, Apcrypha, and New testament or the like, but no, they have to consolidate it like US media companies or something.

>> No.4713498

CS Lewis was a great author and an even better philosopher.

Lewis kicks Nietzsche's ass ten times out of ten

>> No.4713707


Because I steal them and sell them to hobby shops at half price.