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File: 6 KB, 213x236, patrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4712083 No.4712083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does one become a patrician?

>> No.4712095
File: 58 KB, 800x495, 1395935514947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you've got to be snotty. At minimum. Actual requirements don't much exceed that.

>> No.4712206

I feel like if I'm going to be at least a snotty pretentious cunt I should be able to back it up.

>> No.4712260
File: 169 KB, 640x584, 1391804368440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being descended from the first 100 men appointed as senators by Romulus

>> No.4712280

If you are asking that question, you are not ready for the answer.

>> No.4712510

Contemporary patrician.

>> No.4712521

1. Re-establish the Roman empire
2. Appoint a censor
3. Have censor declare you a patrician

>> No.4712533

Good. Now one with a little more focus on realism, and the modern definition of the word.

>> No.4712565

Win respect from 4chan's /lit/ board.

>> No.4712569

one doesn't

>> No.4712570
File: 35 KB, 500x427, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.4712574

Honestly, you have to be born and raised a patrician.
Old Money is best... even if it was lost due to some catastrophe, there is a good chance that High Culture survived in your family.

>> No.4712598

Can you list a few people you consider patrician to give me some insight into what to look for?

>> No.4712606

james joyce, hth (it won't)

>> No.4712640
File: 10 KB, 180x321, CLT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is CLT here? Please tell me what to read CLT!

>> No.4714286

Just be awesome.

>> No.4714301

The only true answer in this thread. Sorry guys.

>> No.4714310

Well no shit. I swear to god 4chan makes people retarded with words. Last month or something someone posted "I don't mean super rich people do X, but patricians do". You are all autistic faggots.

>> No.4714312

No, it's stupid.
No one has ever been a "patrician" They're just "plebs" with money and power.

>> No.4714320

We call that "New Money".
I'm sorry, but generations of culture and breeding outstrip one person's journey. That's just reality.

>> No.4714324

If no one has ever been a patrician then what would this abstract thing be if it did exist?

>> No.4714331

Super rich people =/= patrican.
It takes generations.
Super rich people for centuries MIGHT be patricians. Or they might be boors.
It has more to do with education and gentility.

>> No.4714337

if you can't trace your family back to the mayflower then you ain't patrician, deal with it pleb

>> No.4714340

Start with the Greeks

>> No.4714342

>only Americans can be patrician

>> No.4714352

>Super rich people =/= patrican.
>It takes generations.
Of what? Wealth accumulation? "Breeding" the guy says above, but that's nonsense. You say it's education, perfect. That's it.
EVERYONE can get a good education. Everyone can learn gentility or whatever.

Everyone on the Mayflower were "plebs"

>> No.4714357

if u ain't calvinist u ain't shit

>> No.4714364

It's really about how you're raised: the level of education in your familiy, the values you see modeled around you.
An adopted child could be patrician, for example. It's not about genes.

>> No.4714382
File: 19 KB, 300x342, Voltaire4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it is open to anyone and everyone.
And though you may agree with me, the anon (or the ideology expressed - They're probably trolling) above would disagree.

>> No.4714400

I never even think about patrician/pleb in real life, but since it was brought up...
I am a patrician with a pleb partner (who I dearly love)
Since I am the mother, I am raising our child as a patrician, albeit a rather bohemian patrician. Fortunately, I can do so because MY mother raised me that way. D'you see?

>> No.4714409 [DELETED] 

patrician that knocked up a servant and then raises it as his own = not patrician

>> No.4714411

>Not realizing that's -obviously- the same person

Wow women are seriously retarded

>> No.4714412
File: 628 KB, 1280x800, Beautiful Bohemia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, of course.

>> No.4714414

having a son by a servant = not patrician

you should have aborted, enjoy your plebness fatty

>> No.4714423
File: 46 KB, 500x274, Boys! Urgh!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a soup of anonymity. What you even mean by "same person" isn't even clear. Relax that assumption trigger cowboy.

>> No.4714424

You must have patrician genes and a patrician upbringing

>> No.4714428

What if your mother wasn't named Patricia?

>> No.4714432


>> No.4714435

>A namefag trying to posture her way out of being a complete idiot

I was under the impression you had been here for a long time. Wow. Going "no one is really anyone we're all anon here xD" when that person writes the same way and is replying to you quoting them just makes you a proud retard, not less of a retard.

>> No.4714437

be born with money

>> No.4714439

Sorry, I'm playing the bohemian/ eccentrcity card. Also, not a servant, because I would _never_ take advantage of someone's station that way. We met and established our relationship on equal footing.

>> No.4714443

Yeah, I'm sorry to say it, but this anon is right.

>> No.4714446

trust fund hipsters are the death throws of dynasties under capitalism, sounds like you fucked up, slut

>> No.4714457

The only real patricians are born of women named Patricia.

More assumptions shot, and missed target.

Headin' out now cowboys.

>> No.4714461

>yfw my patrician family lost most of its money bailing out an errant son during the Depression
All we have is heirlooms and land and long, long family trees. (at least my branch of the family. We are now shabby genteel, and free to pursue nobler interests than base money.

>> No.4714463

>The only real patricians are born of women named Patricia

I know you're joking but I almost puked

>> No.4714466

OP here. Looking for post more like this >>4712570 with a tad bit less insanity.

People whom you consider patrician, subjects of study, and ways of life.

>> No.4714470

Define it.

>> No.4714472

Define what?

>> No.4714731

You don't. Once a prole, always a prole.

>> No.4714738

dog chewed my buff...so fucking annoyed...all fuck the blameless

>> No.4714805

Be /mu/ and /lit/ personified

>> No.4714816


"patrician" is an effable state of being

it's like "alpha" to r9k and fit

it is the tao

>> No.4714824

Time machine in Italy and a knowledge of Attic wit. At worst, you can become pleb consul.

>> No.4714835

Jesus Christ, just figure out your own way of being. The very fact that you want to identify with being 'patrician' and not just find your own way speaks volumes for how little you regard yourself in the process of being better. It's just a word.

>hopelessly enthralled by labels
>desperate to be directed by others

come on guy, you know better than this.

>> No.4714863

Be born into wealth, I guess.

>> No.4714889

>not being superficial
>caring about anything but what others think of you

>> No.4715865

>find things you enjoy
>do them
>do nothing else
>become good at the things you enjoy
>gain respect from other people who enjoy the things you enjoy
>die happy

>> No.4716921

Patrician is baby tier.
You'd have to go through kingtrician, ultrician, godtrician, post-trician, unitrician, omnitrician, metatrician, trician and finally arrive to christian.

>> No.4716978

Patrician is the hipster word for hipster.

>> No.4717053

just call everything and everyone "pleb"

>> No.4717202

Isn't that how you become an Übermensch?

>> No.4717248

>hopelessly enthralled by labels
>desperate to be directed by others

You are the one here with a trip. I said everything that was needed to say.

>> No.4717309

Disregard that, I SUCK COCKS.

>> No.4717311

leave 4chan forever and voila.

>> No.4717326

Constant dialectic

>> No.4717334

The first step is to stop using the word patrician.

If you are graced with natural wit, intelligence, taste and discernment it should be obvious to all. Using the word patrician speaks of a desperate need for recognition which your supposed ideal would find unnecessary. Of course patrician is usually synonymous for insufferable prick and if that is what you are aiming for then by all means go ahead and continue to call yourself that.

>> No.4717503

Patricians are born not made. I came out of the womb reading Finnegan's Wake

>> No.4717629

call everyone else a pleb.

>> No.4717649

You guys can't even pronounce plebeian correctly.

>> No.4717707

Christ. Maybe. I dunno. Figured it might help OP anyway

>> No.4717771

>Becoming a patrician
You merely adopted the patrician, i was born into it, moulded by it.

>> No.4717814

Are aristocratic families still actually patrician? Prince Harry for example seems pretty pleb.

>> No.4717863

>Then it is open to anyone and everyone.
YOu seem to think that being a patrician is like having a university degree of reading a lot of books. The most agreed on definition seems to being having lots of cultural capital, but this takes money and a good upbringing. Sure, "anyone" can be a patrician, but the easiest way (and excluding the rare exception) is to be born into a good family.

Personally I was into a family with lots of cultural capital and grew up around high class doctors and lawyers and musicians the like. Now I spend most of my time with old semi-aristocratic families but they aren't that different than the high class I grew up with. I hope to eventually become a patrician but it will take years from now and much personal struggle. Personally I think the bare minimum requirements should be living a life of dinner parties, operas, and theatres, knowing latin, and being able to discuss classic literature. Obviously this takes time and money.

Reading howl and speaking spanish dont make you patrician.

>> No.4717878

I just looked this up and felt intense shame

>> No.4717885

>YOu seem to think that being a patrician is like
No. Check the first post of mine ITT.
The people you're describing are plebs. The mere idea you, and the others ITT, would entertain such thoughts are simply offensive.

>> No.4717898

Whose that, OP? Probably some fag involved in the French Revolution I suspect. Pro-tip: none of the revolutionaries were Patricians, they were all plebs.
There are no patricians anymore. They were killed by the liberals and the communists to make way for the New Pleb Order.
Also, you can tell by the painting that the guy was a Freemason. Becoming a Freemason is probably as close as you will get to becoming a Patrician, but they are actually very disgusting people and it would be far better to remain pleb than join them

>>4717863See, look at this guy. Grew up around supposedly respectable people and yet here he is on 4chan, wallowing in the scum.
M8, your vision of Patricianhood is extremely vain and effeminate. Being a Patrician is not the same as being a "man of letters", in fact it was considered to be quite unhealthy for a noble to have too deep an interest in letters.
You know, a good way of becoming Patrician might be to join as an Officer in the army, by going through a military college. Discipline and manly courage are very important qualities for would-be Patrician s.

>> No.4717914

Wit is NOT a quality of patricians. That is a lie that has been spread through shit books and films. Wittiness was left to the court jester. The idea of patricians being witty came after the Revolution and it was popularized by effeminate fops like Voltaire and Wilde.
Wittiness and obsession with "taste" are BOURGEOIS qualities, not aristocratic.

>> No.4717932

It is breeding. Some families simply breed stronger and more courageous men, and these are the would-be Patrician men. Breeding is important. You can tell what kind of stock a man is from by his physiognomy. The low plebs look violent, dishonest and unhealthy. The Patricians tend to have more pleasing and encouraging faces, that inspire trust and respect. It's not quite the same as being handsome, because handsomeness is effected quite a bit by fashions.

>> No.4717937

>Are aristocratic families still actually patrician?


>> No.4717946

I met a handsome young man the other day and he had pleasing manners. I could tell he was from a better family than my own. I think plebs tend to have more guile, more deceit. The people with the best manners come across as honest, upright and unaffected They don't think about themselves neurotically, they are more relaxed and aware of their surroundings.
If you are always worried about what people think of you then you are pretty pleb. I think Patricians tend to be happier and more gracious, more giving to friends and more frank with their enemies. Plebs are selfish.

>> No.4717948

as right you should

by extension most people pronounce "pleb" wrong too

>> No.4717964

Yeah kings were pretty stupid. They had to be, to take themselves seriously.

>> No.4717967

Good conservative /lit/ plox

>> No.4717968

Also, to an extent, I do think that it can be learned. I think the best way to become more Patrician-like is definitely Religion. You can see drug addicts and alcoholics who have no self-help and who are always rude to others become polite, loving and self-restrained by religion. You see it most clearly in their eyes; their eyes go from being beady and sinister to broad and peaceful. Religion is exercise for the soul. Exercising your body and your soul is the key to becoming Patrician. Idleness is the definitive mark of a pleb.
Being on 4chan is always idle.

>> No.4717977

>be tall (in the top 1%)
>be attractive (in the top 1% per the Western standard)
>be extremely wealthy
>your family has been wealthy for the past 200 years at least
>have excellent manners
>own multiple homes
>own at least 500 acres
>have refined taste
>actively consume and produce various forms of high culture
>dress well
>have a mate that shares these qualities

in other words, none of us will be leaving neckbeard wonderland anytime soon

>> No.4717978

>Exercising your body and your soul is the key to becoming Patrician

You sound like modern self help psychology literature, you disgusting plebeian.

>> No.4717998

This list isn't bad but I would add more virtues and have less external things. 1% is too harsh; the Patricians have never been necessarily the most handsome, just generally quite handsome. Also, creating art is not important. Artists were lower than the nobility.

>> No.4718005

Helping yourself is Patrician. Stagnating in self-pity is plebs.

>> No.4718009

>Also, creating art is not important

u dirty philistine

>> No.4718016


Motherfuckers dont know what true patricianism is

>> No.4718020

I hope CLT really does look like this.

>> No.4718022

Why would you need to help yourself if your patrician? You sound like a pleb in denial.

>> No.4718036
File: 24 KB, 367x480, Lorenzo_de'_Medici-ritratto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lorenzo the Magnificent.

tip: magnificence means generosity with wealth and gifts. Lorenzo was a great patron of the arts. The De Medici family was famous.

>> No.4718043

I am a pleb, I know that I am.
I think anybody that calls himself Patrician today is either being ironic or is dishonest. Even if there are Patricians today, I would still be a pleb.

>> No.4718052

More of an eccentric than a Patrician.
Funny comment about the Jesuits; I need to learn about them, they are extremely notorious.Their notoriety is almost legendary, from what I can gather.

>> No.4718913

Epic meme m8