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4704738 No.4704738 [Reply] [Original]

Are those books written by members of the Frankfurt school really as toxic as everyone says?

>> No.4704741

Stop believing /pol/.

>> No.4704744
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I'm reading them now. The only people that say they are toxic are best described as establishment shills, apologists, or otherwise.

>> No.4704747

What's up with taxidermy anyway?

>> No.4704757
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Its hilarious when it goes wrong.

>> No.4704761

Not really.

>> No.4704771
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This is porcelain or something right?

>> No.4704774

>Are those books written by members of the Frankfurt school really as toxic as everyone says?
No, they're toxic in an entirely different way. The absence of the revolutionary subject in history, a presence made impossible by the Frankfurter's chosen terrain, means that Frankfurts demobilise the class.

>> No.4704784
File: 52 KB, 450x292, 1394148472002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can never be sure with these things

>> No.4704788

No, it's porcelion

>> No.4704798
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Anon plz.

I shall ask again; What is the point of taxidermy? Is it supposed to symbolise man's superiority over beast?

>> No.4704804

A good friend,one who I had often worried about, for the zeal with which he dived into various forms of study, studying things I thought best left alone, advised me to buy a book written by Adorno. I read the thing and I must admit I was appalled. This is truly the work of Satan! Turn away from this vile rubbish! Cleanse your soul! Ask God to forgive you and turn away from your wrerched deeds -- it is not too late, I pray. As for my friend, he is going downhill on a path to misery, debauchery and death. Every time I see him he is with some immoral woman, often Asian or some other exotic creature, cheap and immoral, flashing her sexual availability, wearing little or no underwear. He indulges in every form of drink and drugs and devotes his life to sensual pleasure and "fun." He always seems to have a wallet loaded with money -- yet he does no work! He doesn't get out of bed till its nearly sunset -- indulging every whim, doing whatever he likes. This is what comes of reading trash like this!

>> No.4704807
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>> No.4704813
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im sure at some point people wanted to show off their hunting trophies in a presentable way.

>> No.4704809

Whats the point of anything? When it really comes down to it, it's just another thing to masturbate over.

>> No.4704821

Yeah but things generally serve a purpose, be it for survival, getting laid or art.

>> No.4704838

Which one are you reading?

>> No.4704843

I think it's just sad

>be a living, breathing organism
>be in a nice pack, scavenging and having fun
>sudden piercing feel in my body
>some red liquid is pouring out of my stomach
>feel weak, pass out
>wake up, can't feel my body, I'm flying
>I'm gazing down upon my wretched, deformed body
>my snout is in the shape of a maniacal smile
>my eyes are dead crystal spheres, soulless
>my body, devoid of all blood and form
>why is this happening to me?

>> No.4704854
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the horror

>> No.4704858

read 'the authoritarian personality'

>> No.4704871 [DELETED] 

>'the authoritarian personality'
Can i really trust a book about alleged fascist personalities written by Marxist Jews?

>> No.4704887

The Frankfurt School was the logical conclusion of an asspained leftist vanguard that got left out in the cold by successive generations of moderates being more successful than them in every way, and their only notable achievements being Stalinism and genocides. Instead of just admitting they were wrong, like all spoiled brats, they just entrenched themselves even further, retreating into obscurantism as an excuse to shout 2DEEP4U any time they were criticised.

They're just ugly, sad little people who only know how to lash out against the hand, benevolently outstretched in forgiveness, which just knocked them down for the tenth time.

>> No.4704910 [DELETED] 

It really makes sense that a Marxist Jew would be fascinated by this topic and wants to know how and why.

>> No.4704919

>ad hominems en masse

You're surely convincing.

>> No.4704931

You know, you're right, I really should systematically refute every philosophical proposition made by a dozen or so philosophers over several decades in my 4chan post, rather than answering the OP's question with an opinion contrary to your own.

>> No.4704942

Sure, but is that possible without a huge bias?
I mean i wouldnt trust a study about marxist jews done by a fascist either.

>> No.4704963
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the Frankfurt school are about as toxic as you can get without going into the right wing.

>> No.4704966


Do you trust your own capacity for critical thought? I am often confused by people hesitant to read a book because it might have a 'bias' or whatever have you. The disturbing implication is that some authors do not have a bias, and it is exactly that sort of thinking that allows for tacit acceptance of ideology.

>> No.4704971

>can i

idk faggot don't ask me. (this book is about precisely that sort of person who would ask me such a thing; grow a spine).

>> No.4704976

p.s.: Fill the GuLags

>> No.4704979


>> No.4705113
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You just need to look at their pictures.
I bet these idiots used leather crocs, indian hats and ate organic crud in their youth.

>> No.4705140

Looks like respectable gentlemen.

>> No.4705179
File: 610 KB, 754x629, fbEIjXe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be foraging for barely filling meal all day
other animals are douchers and keep making farting sounds and laughing
slight pain, dead, etc
now get to hang out and ease drop on convos all day long and never want for anything

>> No.4705194

>equating desire to basic biological quotas on animals
You're good.

>> No.4705268

Not really. Marcuse is the only one that gets close to what /pol/ regards as "cultural marxist jewish propaganda."

Adorno and Horkeimer are basically genealogists of enlightenment + marxists that use freud, marx, nietzsche, and german philosophy as a springboard to critique the culture of late capitalism and instrumental rationality in general.

Benjamin is a wacky little jewish guy really into mysticism, marx, literature, and popular culture.

Habermas is a basic liberal democrat.

I'd really be interested in knowing how people can read Dialectic of Enlightenment or Minima Moralia and point to them as ushering the age of checking your privilege.

>> No.4705282

>I'd really be interested in knowing how people can read Dialectic of Enlightenment or Minima Moralia and point to them as ushering the age of checking your privilege.
Bad faith readings and FOX

>> No.4705299

They're toxic to conservatism, fascism, classical liberalism, socialism liberalism and Leninism. If someone falls into one of those four camps, then yes, they're toxic, because they criticize the shit out of them,

>> No.4705301

Ahm, one of those five camps

>> No.4705308

I assume /pol/ has tried to convince you the loosely-defined "leftists" follow their works religiously

>> No.4705312


That's funny, given that their ideas have been pretty much absorbed into the establishment.

>> No.4705314

yeah lol, if only that were the case. i mean i spend most of my time around academia leftists and they all bristle when I even mention Adorno because apparently he was racist and classist and etc. etc. M

>> No.4705352


>I'd really be interested in knowing how people can read Dialectic of Enlightenment or Minima Moralia and point to them as ushering the age of checking your privilege.

But they don't. They just assume, and get their information from RamZPaul or elsewhere on Youtube.

Even as a right winger I cringe slughtly when I hear someone using "Cultural Marxism" unironically.

>> No.4705358

Revision is admitting you were wrong. The FS focused on sections of marxism that were somewhat credible (i.e. not the statism and revolutions)

>> No.4705375

>Even as a right winger I cringe slughtly when I hear someone using "Cultural Marxism" unironically.
That shit pisses me off especially when they refer to highly liberal values. Not to mention fascist sociology could be considered a cousin of "cultural marxism".

>> No.4705378

See something like http://www.heathwoodpress.com if you want to see the writing of those highly influenced by them. Definitely does not live up to the /pol/ hype.

>> No.4705379

>Marcuse is the only one that gets close to what /pol/ regards as "cultural marxist jewish propaganda."

That's just because he is the antithesis to their ideology.