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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 299 KB, 1650x1275, philosophy-bracket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4698394 No.4698394 [Reply] [Original]

Fill em' out, /lit/

>> No.4698398
File: 540 KB, 1650x1275, philosophy-bracket1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my own interpretation, based on fist-fighting potential of course.

>> No.4698406

This is embarrassing. Plebs can't discuss philosophy, so they use maymays. Why do I even come to this board?

>> No.4698412


fuck off, OP. Philosophy isn't a silly meme game

>> No.4698410

>no fun allowed/wow look at this excuse to feel better than everyone

>> No.4698417


We need a new ebin philosophy maymay like Stirner and his spooks.

>> No.4698418

>Stirner that high
as expected from op who memifies philosophy

>> No.4698465


>I post on /lit/ because of the legitimately intellectually stimulating conversations I find here

Fuck off. You two are both fucking deluding yourselves. /lit/ is not a substitute for real intellectual conversation and it never has been. /lit/ is just a place for people who like literature and philosophy can come hang out, and talk anout things tangentially related to literature and philosophy. Get off your fucking high horse. You're not fooling anybody

>> No.4698477
File: 305 KB, 781x408, fedora2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hrrr look at me i took phil200 at my mediocre state university and am now in a position to judge the intrinsic value of philosophical thinkers

The amount of fedora in this thread is already unbelievable.

>> No.4698480

ha ha wow u r GRUMPY

>> No.4698490

the OP was way too innocuous for this much condescending hostility

are you mad

>> No.4698519

more pics like that one please

>> No.4698556

how are they supposed to be competing?

because if it's based on the merit of their ideas, the entire right side has to be deleted

>> No.4698607


>no Kierkegaard

10/10 mad as fuck thanks op now I cant be a knight of faith

>> No.4698626

>no Virrilio
>no Massumi
>no Kierkegaard
>no Freud

Man fuck your gay-ass list

>> No.4698638

>crossing out Agamben for Stimer

Plebeius Maximus

>> No.4698688

Philosophers fistfights, round 1 Zizek vs Foucault

The spring breeze cools the humid air of the crowded stadium as the evening shades of the dawn of night begin to envelop the hipsters in the background of the stands, eventually to the point where they all resemble a blurred blackish color, it would appear in this moment that they are correct, race truly doesn't exist. At the center of the lighted arena is an overweight and scowling man who looks unattentively at his balding adversary, the fist round of the tournament begins with the sound of a roaring trumpet.

> Zizek: "My God! Is this no different than an ideal liberal education? In one sense as you know, we are competitors, locked in combat for others amusement, yet at the same time is our own conscious assertion of our status as captives not any different than an after-school club centered on independence but funded by tyranny?"......but not his own chains of course, that would be far too disgusting..."

>*two hours pass*

>".....as the joke is commonly rephrased to suit a Leninist agenda, although commonly it is only a play on divinity.....

>"......yes, but it is not so simple, a web of communication may very well be a limiting cage as opposed to a vessel for freedom...."

>*Foucault spontaneously drops dead from aids before getting a word in*

>*Zizek doesn't notice, keeps on talking*

>*Zizek finally notices, doesn't give a fuck*

>".......Now we reach our conclusion, as the victor of this round I promise to be as polite and submissive to my fellow opponents as I can, it is much more honest."

>> No.4698703
File: 33 KB, 294x273, 1391808022833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> zizek beating lacan

> anybody beating lacan

>> No.4698714
File: 354 KB, 1650x1275, 1395708649672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4698951

Kierkegaard would be better if he could shut the fuck up about God.

Reading his journals and the like are interesting but his published work is about as enjoyable as grating my face on sand paper.

>> No.4698958

>Plato would be better if he could shut the fuck up about Forms.

>> No.4698984

>guattari v deleuze
>adorno v horkheimer

are you retarded

>> No.4698988

>fist fighting potential
>puts deleuze over guattari

are you literally retarded?

>> No.4699013
File: 87 KB, 899x650, Feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Epicurus has not even bothered to show.

>> No.4699025

>hating fun

>> No.4699033


>> No.4699043
File: 258 KB, 417x407, 1395270444178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's too good for this vain crap.

>> No.4699093

it's a shame that everyone always associates nietzche and schopenhauer together. i remember in high school having to be organized by my fucking last name for k-12 and i was tied alphabetically to a sociopath for a decade because my country thinks the alphabet is the most productive way to organize students. oh wait- maybe age is truly the best system to employ. i wonder if any system uses age as a basis for the slow peristalsis of children through adolescence and education? oh, of course, my country's system does that. it's not based on talent or intelligence or ambition or direction or learning style or personal interests but is instead based on fucking age.
nietzche and schopenhauer are tied together forever. if schopenhauer is anything like me, i bet he resents being eternally associated with a syphilitic narcissist. in truth, i hope they don't mind it.

>> No.4699398
File: 466 KB, 1650x1275, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated would be more difficult.

Counterintuitive results: Marcuse was just way more venerated than Negri, and thus venerated falsely, even though they're equally bad.

Not even Butler can shitpost like Marcuse.
Even Camus had some results worth publishing.

A hundred years of shitposting boys can't make Nietzsche beat Augustine's misplaced adoration.

Early round draws leading to double knockouts. (Hume versus Kant, seriously?)

>> No.4699401

>Derrida beating Foucault at fist fighting.
>Althusser you're not allowed to use chokeholds

>fuck off, OP. Philosophy isn't a silly meme game
Or is it?

>Suggesting that Kierkegaard or Freud are overrated.

>> No.4699896
File: 406 KB, 1650x1275, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. Hopefully everyone can agree.

>> No.4699920

That's actually kinda true. Schopenhauer is the one who suffers from the association, not that I dislike Nietzsche as much as you seem to.

>> No.4699925
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1346790769706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Frege, Wittgenstein, Russell, Moore, Carnap, Putnam, Strawson, Grice, Quine, Chisholm, Nozick, Rawls, Gettier, Hempel, Armstrong, Lewis, Dummett, Fodor, Kuhn, Popper, Ramsey, Tarski, Church, Ryle, Williams, Austin, Sellars, Kripke, Goodman, Anscombe, Davidson, McDowell

>> No.4699930

the chart is from critical-theory.com. it's supposed to be most overrated theorist/continental thinker.

>> No.4699931


It's because those guys are actually good. But then again so are Kant, Hume, Spinoza, Aristotle, Mill, Hobbes, Descartes, and Chomsky.

>> No.4699939

Ok then, carry on. Missed the "overrated" part in the bracket.

>> No.4699958


>> No.4699966

>Hasn't read Intention

Influential *and* good.