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/lit/ - Literature

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4698221 No.4698221 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm a leftist.

I'm not only a leftist, I'm the whole package. I'm what a Daily Mail reader who quotes Churchill imagines a leftist to be.

I'm green, pro-political correctness, a secularist, a pacifist, a feminist and to some degree a marxist. I support immigration just for the hell of it, because I hate the idea of nations merely reflecting ethno-linguistic groups. I'm a vegetarian. I usually vote for parties that proposes a socially progressive welfare state, but I think it's not enough and if we really want to progress as a species, the replacement of market anarchy with rational planning and some degree of common ownership instead of liberal capitalism are essential. I think comedians like Jim Norton and Adam Carolla sound petty and desperate. I think Tarantino should lay off the word "nigger".

This is the thread where you will recommend me literature that will help me out of this orthodoxy in any way you can. I never liked the idea of being 100% on one side, so I think I can afford a few concessions.

I'm not talking about rants on immigrants and how leftists just want "things for free!", and I'm not talking about Milton Friedman youtube clips. I want to know what the intelligent right-winger reads. Anything that can change my position on a certain question is valid, therefore I welcome right-wing views on abortion, climate change, any particular war in recent history, economics, philosophy, nationalism, pacifism, capitalism, socialism, feminism, marxism, multiculturalism, capital punishment, religion, etc. The best right-wing pieces of literature you've read, I want it.

I'm sure I can count on you.

>> No.4698226

>and to some degree a marxist
>you will recommend me literature that will help me out of this orthodoxy in any way you can
Read Marx.

>> No.4698232

How about a book thick enough for you to jump off of after tying the rope?

>> No.4698237

Ayn Rand.

>> No.4698238

Outline of Economics is good for that.

>> No.4698241

>abortion, climate change, any particular war in recent history, economics, philosophy, nationalism, pacifism, capitalism, socialism, feminism, marxism, multiculturalism, capital punishment, religion

It's not like there is a right-wing consensus on all that, anyway.

>> No.4698242

Exactly the kind of answer you'd expect.

>> No.4698244
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>> No.4698248
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The globe is sadly groaning with debt, poverty and strife
And billions now are pleading to enjoy a better life
Their hope lies with resources buried deep within the earth
And the enterprise and capital which give each project worth
Is our future threatened with massive debts run up by political hacks
Who dig themselves out by unleashing rampant tax
The end result is sending Australian investment, growth and jobs offshore
This type of direction is harmful to our core
Some envious unthinking people have been conned
To think prosperity is created by waving a magic wand
Through such unfortunate ignorance, too much abuse is hurled
Against miners, workers and related industries who strive to build the world
Develop North Australia, embrace multiculturalism and welcome short term foreign workers to our shores
To benefit from the export of our minerals and ores
The world's poor need our resources: do not leave them to their fate
Our nation needs special economic zones and wiser government, before it is too late

>> No.4698250

Durant and Machiavelli are some god tier right-wing.

>> No.4698256

I don't think anyone expects anyone to have read Marx. Either way, it's the perfect cure for OP. Once he's willing to commit to the process.

>> No.4698258

Durant spends half of his books praising ancient socialism.

>> No.4698261


>no Starship Troopers

>> No.4698270

You seem like a cool guy OP, you deserve replies for this. I'm not very well read when it comes to political theory but Atlas Shrugged is a good place to start if you want to check out fiction more sympathetic with the right wing. Also, don't listen to the people who tell you it is not a good book; it is.

>> No.4698274

>I'm not very well read when it comes to political theory
>Atlas Shrugged is a good book

you don't say

>> No.4698280

Uh, no, not really. His major source for ancient society's is anthropologists like Levi-Strauss, so it's going to seem leftist, but his overall view is "Some people are just better than others so they rise to the top, but the incompetent have to be placated by wealth in order to prevent a revolution" in conjunction with Machiavelli's cyclical model of history.

>> No.4698304

>I support immigration just for the hell of it, because I hate the idea of nations merely reflecting ethno-linguistic groups
>I'm to some degree a marxist

>t I think we [should] want to progress as a species

10/10 coherence
free market sucks! no struggle! we must evolve without struggle.

>> No.4698379
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This is the best answer you're probably going to get. Allan Bloom, Plato, Chesterton, are good, Evola is esoteric and kind of wonky. As an aside, McIntyr will probably interest you too, he's basically a contemporary Aristotelian and if you're as left-wing as you say you are, a lot of his ideas will probably clash with yours on morality and ethics (specifically, the idea of "subjective" truth/morality, etc. that seem common to the left).

>> No.4698384
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Also maybe read some Enoch Powell, I hear he's pretty right wing but I know very little about him.

>> No.4698386

>I think Tarantino should lay off the word "nigger".
>not "n-word" or "n____r".

nice try, Hitler.

>> No.4698395
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And this is the last image I could find relating to political philosophy/literature. My biggest beef with Marxism is it's reliance on Hegel and historical determinism, and historical determinism is totally bunk, but it's better if you look into that on your own.

>> No.4698437

>I'm green, pro-political correctness, a secularist, a pacifist, a feminist and to some degree a marxist. I support immigration just for the hell of it, because I hate the idea of nations merely reflecting ethno-linguistic groups. I'm a vegetarian. I usually vote for parties that proposes a socially progressive welfare state, but I think it's not enough and if we really want to progress as a species, the replacement of market anarchy with rational planning and some degree of common ownership instead of liberal capitalism are essential.

I'm glad I don't know you.

>> No.4698452

Id Hoppe on his Herman

If ya knows what I mean.

>> No.4698461


saboteur detected

unrelated but which would be grammatically correct? "leftist saboteur detected" or "rightist saboteur detected"

>> No.4698508

Not so much right-wing as classical liberal, but The Road to Serfdom by Hayek for a quick and easy to read counter to socialism, or Socialism by Mises for a dry treatise against it. If you want to get really crazy, go read some Rothbard.


>> No.4698515

I prefer one asterisk per letter.
n***** or n****r.

>> No.4698538
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the very fact that you want to limit yourself to 'literature' just goes to show how, even in your quest to be more open-minded (which I applaud), you cannot truly break out of your close-minded attitude.

Also, your question is too broad. Give a specific leftist argument and I might be able to point you to something that addresses it.

>> No.4698559

> and to some degree a marxist
So you're not a leftist. Read Marx and follow the left and libertarian communist trajectories, combined with workplace struggle (ie where the value form is produced, labour power is reproduced, or where these are distributed) and you might actually be left.

>> No.4698582

Communist Manifesto, then David Harvey's Das Kapital lectures.

>> No.4698595
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Hey OP, I'm a leftist too, but I still believe in free markets. So I would like you to read the libertarian socialists. Look up:

Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Kevin Carson
Mikhail Bakunin

Free markets are perfectly compatible with socialism, some would even say (including me) that socialism is inherently more free than capitalism. There is value to freedom, and I think there is value to free markets as well.

You should also definitely read "The Choice: a Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism" by Russell Roberts. As you will see, neoliberal "free trade" is NOT free trade, and not representative to free market principles.

Right wing plutocrats love to talk about the value of the "free market" and "free trade", so I can understand why you might lean in the direction of centralization and planning. But what they really talk about is usually not an actual free market.

Finally, the first thing I think you should read is an essay by the above-mentioned Kevin Carson, called "The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand". It's a really good read and I think it will help show you why free markets are valuable to the Left.

Seriously, I will be so happy if you start reading all that stuff I talked about. Have at it OP, and report back in a bit!

>> No.4698602

move into a ghetto with black people. instant right wing.

>> No.4698616


>believes that "liberal capitalism" can successfully co-exist with a liberated proletariat

OP, please read:
A. Das Kapital
B. Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism

>> No.4698620


me >>4698538 again

I just realised the other thing wrong with your outlook: you assume that there is a simple dichotomy between left and right. In reality there are many different opinions, and the simple 'left-right' paradigm tends to conflate issues that really have nothing to do with one another - there's no particular reason why two people who disagree on economics should disagree on the death penalty, yet in practice it tends to become a tribal thing. Again, I suggest you go on an issue by issue basis instead of seeking books which give an overview on the whole topic or on the whole of right-wing philosophy altogether.

>> No.4698627 [DELETED] 

back to tumblr

>> No.4698706

I can't figure out if this story is completely made up (>muh leftist feminist sjw professor!!!!) or if an event like it happened and the anon is too much of a reactionary dildo to realize that he clearly inserted what the merely assumed were his profs motivations, and even in the story he gives the guest simply gives a talk on what it was like being a Black rancher of that time and place. I really hope you didn't post it in earnest.

>> No.4698719 [DELETED] 

You sicken me

>> No.4698756 [DELETED] 

Lol, /lit/'s no better than /pol/ when it comes to genuine open-mindedness and rationality. You're all intellectual hipsters and meta-contrarians, but the sad thing is you're not even good at it.

>> No.4698764


>> No.4698768

>you're not even good at it
Excuse me I'm amazing at it, I've been doing it since grade school, I basically have a doctorate in it

>> No.4698802


>> No.4698807


What's your personal brand of meta-contrarianism, then? Try and impress me.

>> No.4698829

You can't be openly self-consciously contrarian m9

>> No.4698834

yes you can

>> No.4698846

contrarian= go against x
self conscious contrarian = know you go against x for sake of going against it
openly self conscious contrarian = other person knows you go against it only for the sake of going against = nobody believes you are going against it = you are not going against it

>> No.4698855


The Libertarian Party is calling.

>> No.4698914

>I want to know what the intelligent right-winger read

There's your problem.

>> No.4698923
File: 76 KB, 1050x839, ihaveabookforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to know what right-wingers read.

>> No.4698924
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>pro-political correctness
I legitimately laughed aloud at this.

>> No.4698938

>one-dimensional politics
Shiggity diggity.

>> No.4699549

read more

>> No.4699560

I hear you.

>> No.4699580

>historical materialism just plain doesn't make sense

Confirmed for a simpleton. Shouldn't have bothered with the rest of the arguments, but somehow he managed to get even worse. Pretty sure the guy haven't even read any philosophy works besides Atlas Shrugged.


Glorifies nihilism actually. Stavrogin seems like some sort of ubercharismatic vampire prince. If anything, the more you read Dostoevsky, the more you want to become a professional revolutionary. Talking about authorial intent.

>Master and Margarita

How is that supposed to be conservative again? I know Bulgakov was pretty religious, but this is just a fancy satire on the early USSR mixed with a love fairytale. Once again the devil is the most likable guy.

>> No.4699598

>pro-political correctness
stopped reading there
off yourself

>> No.4699599

Read basic economics by Thomas Sowell. By no means do I think his entire viewpoint is accurate, he's very right-wing economically speaking, but this book is good in that it outlines some empirical research in left wing policies gone wrong. He's also African-American and a former Marxist. The first few chapters of the wealth of nations is also a good read on how a small society organises itself. Then once you're done with that, check out Paul Krugman's blog, he's a moderate leftist, and very enligtening.

>> No.4699610

Also, if you have even a minor mathematics inclination, just pick up an economics 101 textbook. It'll provide a more balanced perspective, and explain why the vast majority of contemporary economists sit between the middle of free markets and a state led system.

>> No.4699614

>Unabomber Manifesto on list
But he was an ardent greenie. Explain.

>> No.4699640

>I'm not only a leftist, I'm the whole package
>to some degree a marxist
You're not left enough for /lit/, I'm afraid.

>> No.4699652

'Right-wing' covers a hell of a spectrum. It's probably even vaguer as a label than 'left-wing' is.

Personally I'm interested in knowing what William Blake is doing there.

>> No.4699748

>I welcome right-wing views on abortion
There aren't any worth paying attention to.

>climate change
See above, listen to scientific consensus on scientific issues - not politicians or media outlets.

Start studying economics in any non biased way and you'll move more towards the centre.

Useful when shit really hits the fan, other than that it's something for working class people, idiots and people who aren't talented enough to join a major political party.

A luxury of a time of security and prosperity.

How the world actually works. Ignore libertarians on this issue. And everything else.

Useful a certain extent in areas that don't benefit anyone by being fully private (education, healthcare, road building etc...)

Specific interest groups with cult-like behavioural patterns who base everything on out-dated and incorrect social theory (patriarchy theory in western society). There have been female prime ministers, MPs, EMPs, heads of industry... Merkel more or less runs the world - there's the death of feminism for you.

Women's rights activism on the other hand...


Generally no-one gives two shits depending on how desperate for attention the person you're asking is.

>capital punishment

Mostly disliked except in America.

>> No.4699776

First and foremost his main argument was against technology. Many right wingers that fall under the traditionalists sub sections are greenies in that they think a return to a mostly agrarian society is the best course of action and how 90%+ of the population should put their efforts towards.

like all things left and right doesn't cover all that much to people that actually read and are well versed in their political philosophy.

working at a bar is the most awful place for this because I sometimes get drawn into a conversation about how america is a communist state now and I try to say well if anything were closer to socialism and have them tell me its the same thing etc etc other stupid shit

>> No.4699819

the left want to help the country by giving money to those who need it
the right want to help the country by giving companies tax breaks in the hopes that they'll keep boosting the economy
both are not as evil as people believe, both sides want to help, just in different ways.

>> No.4699831

How come OP hasn't gotten the banhammer yet?

He's clearly underage.

>> No.4699851

Gina Rhinehart's poetry, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.4699852

>implying you are not a cishet white male and your opinion on feminism is valid

>> No.4699860

Just wait a few years for newfags to start referencing Blake, et al as "right wing" because of that stupid, irresponsible chart.

>> No.4699865

yeah, that chart is so obviously an attempt to associate good, respectable literature with dogshit like pat buchanan's book because the dogshit wouldn't hold up on its own chart without looking like dogshit.

>> No.4699869

He might be underage, but he's certainly not a leftist.

>> No.4699872

you know what would really help?
if these people would just leave everyone alone and let them go about their business without being robbed for protection money.

>> No.4700894

>asks for intelligent right wing books
>right wingers only capable of dropping insults and little pieces of libertarian wisdom

Jesus it's almost like the Right is composed of a bunch of illiterate, agressive simpletons.

>> No.4700897

woah bro you should start a blog to announce those ideas

>> No.4700906

lawmakers (lawFAKERS) help themselves

>> No.4700909


Read through the whole archive.

>> No.4700911
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You may be forgiven for thinking this is the case.

>> No.4700919

>what this guy said >>4699580

>> No.4700920

I'm pretty sure there was a newer version of this, does anyone have it?

>> No.4700934



>> No.4701406

this shit funny

>> No.4701424
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I think "maniacal solipsism" is how Moldbug described the atmosphere he's trying to cultivate.

>> No.4701430

>I support immigration because fuck it
>The word nigger offends me

I'm honesty ][ <- this far away from just smacking your sort in the fucking jaw for being such retarded self-hating pieces of shit.

>> No.4701436
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This list should help I guess.

>> No.4701464
File: 1000 KB, 4000x3549, right-wing v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw the newer right-wing /lit/ chart was posted in another thread, better tags on this one.

>> No.4701468

The Bell Curve and pretty much the whole (public) career of Hans Eysenck and Arthur Jensen (both immensely eminent psychologists).

They make a very strong case for the biological heritability of social stratification.

Some learnings of modern economics could dissuade you from calling the market mechanism "anarchy".

Here is a PDF of Jensen's "The G Factor":


It's a pretty bland series of information and data, it's intended for for a specialized academic audience. Still strongly recommended.

Read some stuff by Flynn if you want any coherent criticism of Jensen's views on race. Avoid anything by Gould, Rose, or other quacks. There are probably others beside Flynn, but just steer clear of anything with a polemic or aggressive tone.

>> No.4701473

>They make a very strong case for the biological heritability of social stratification.
If this were true, then the children of bourgeoisie put out for adoption would end up owning the productive industry of society.

>> No.4701474

>pro-political correctness
>I support immigration just for the hell of it

Kill yourself.

>> No.4701486
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>I'm green, pro-political correctness, a secularist, a pacifist, a feminist and to some degree a marxist. I support immigration just for the hell of it, because I hate the idea of nations merely reflecting ethno-linguistic groups. I'm a vegetarian. I usually vote for parties that proposes a socially progressive welfare state, but I think it's not enough and if we really want to progress as a species, the replacement of market anarchy with rational planning and some degree of common ownership instead of liberal capitalism are essential. I think comedians like Jim Norton and Adam Carolla sound petty and desperate. I think Tarantino should lay off the word "nigger".

Sounds like a chick, in which case just ignore everything which follows.

If not, I guess read Mill's On Liberty, esp. chapter 2, for an as-yet unrepudiated argument for unrestrained freedom of thought and discourse. Then read http://www.chomsky.info/articles/19801011.htm..

Also Hans Herman Hoppe is pretty good on several fronts you've mentioned.

For radical individualism and pacifism and other effeminate philosophies which reject vitalism and masculinity, an early version of Junger's Storm of Steel, Hamsun, Mishima's Sun and Steel, Ortega's Revolt of the Masses, Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals. Maybe Evola if you want to get more esoteric.

Against revolution and 'popular sovereignty', Leviathan, then Gottfried's book on Schmitt, then Schmitt, either skipping directly to Constitutional Theory or reading his shorter 20s works, all of which are easily pirateable and recently well-translated. Also Donoso Cortes' Essays if you can find them.

On the integrity of the nation state (or political units in general) you could read Schmitt's 1950s- work, but really, just take a look at human history instead. On why immigration sucks, Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique series, and Malthus (lol).

>> No.4701488

>made a "batshit crazy" tag just for Savitri Devi and the Unabomber


>> No.4701489


>If this were true, then the children of bourgeoisie put out for adoption would end up owning the productive industry of society.

But they do have much higher social success, as a group average. This of course means that they are overrepresented among these "owners of production".

>> No.4701517

>Glorifies nihilism actually.

The nihilists were exactly the Bazarovian idealists that Dostoevsky was rebuking. Dosto is directly challenging the kind of utopian revolutionary ideals the nihilists and their fellow travellers (including to some extent the 'opposed' Slavophiles) held. He wrote the book largely in response to the 1869 murder of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov by Nechayev, who was an extreme expression of these movements.

Maybe you mean more traditional philosophical nihilism but he's definitely responding negatively to the most shocking outgrowth of the Russian 'nihilists' (Turgenev's 'sons'), in the traditional sense of that term in this context, in the late 1850s and 1860s. As was everyone else, after Nechayev.

>> No.4701521

You're not getting the point.

>> No.4701532


>You're not getting the point.

I do not believe there are contrived limitations on the success of the individual in a capitalist society.

The distribution may be problematic, but the stratification process itself is radically efficient in enacting its systematic principles. People end up where they are very largely due to their personal decisions and these decisions are largely projections of inherited mental tendencies.

If I'm being a moron and not "getting the point", feel free to elaborate.

>> No.4701538

Doesn't Thomas Sowell have a good book on how education is ruined by applying egalitarian principles?

>> No.4701676

> I don't like this story, so here's what really happened

>> No.4701703

>oh god I've been found out, I better damage control

>> No.4701746

>i don't know what racism is

>> No.4701759


thanks for replying. That way more people will see the original pic, and I prefer to let people read it and judge for themselves.

>> No.4701761

Giving you out a huge list of books to won't do you any good even if you are willing to trudge towards them. If you REALLY want to understand rightwing thought process you first need to open up your mind a bit and start as tabula rasa, as if you just now learned to read. Throw racism,misogynism and other -ism out, anythig goes.

If you want something light, start with this :

Moldbug's Open Letter (in the same link I posted) is a good read but he takes quite a while to get to the point. Nick Land might be a bit verbose for your state. Also, ignore the childish name of the movement.

But I'll have to admit it makes my inner 13year old self happy. And everyone has his inner 13year old.

>> No.4701841


]>Implying that line of thought isn't one of the main reasons feminism is invalid.

>> No.4701845
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I want you to remember this picture when you wake up in South Africa 2.0, and I want you to remember that it legitimately is the fault of you and people like you, and you will have no one else to blame.

I also hope you die. I know that's brutish and cruel, but I feel like your voting is so irrevocably detrimental to society that the only way to fix it is to remove you. You probably won't believe this, but I'm sorry to say I wouldn't care if you died.

>> No.4701849

I'm an IRL unironic Nazi and I have instinctively avoid this shit like the fucking plague because of how many cringe trigger words it has. Blogger, blogosphere, "Dark Enlightenment", asinine pseudonyms. Fuck off.

>> No.4701869

I'd recommend, if you're into political philosophy, reading something by Leo Strauss, a Heideggerian who is highly regarded by a lot of conservative theorists.

His "Introduction to Political Philosophy" essay is utterly fantastic.

His work is not, in and of itself "conservative", but his theory plays a role in more "right wing" intellectualism.

>> No.4701876

Thinking of some stuff he suggests in "A Conflict of Visions"?

>> No.4701888

>Did you just count Nietzsche as effeminate?

>> No.4701893

Economics in One Lesson by Hazlitt

>> No.4701925 [DELETED] 

you should be like me, op.

economic mutualist
cultural nationalist (anti-multiculturalism but not anti-multiracialism)
support limited immigration and only from western countries
support same-sex marriage
limited social welfare for people who need help
support free speech and expression but feel people should be strongly encouraged to act civilly (dress fairly modestly, be respectful of all people but especially the elderly, try not to swear so much, etc.)
strongly opposed to islam (incompatible with liberal democracy)
antisemitic to a certain point
anti-SJW nonsense (muh triggers)
catholic but focus only on the teachings of jesus christ
strong proponent of high culture
work hours should be cut so people aren't so stressed all the time and can spend more time with their family and friends

>> No.4701980 [DELETED] 

you should be like me!

>proceeds to list a completely arbitrary set of beliefs.

At least you understand that your beliefs are so arbitrary that the only point you can make in their favor as a collective is a simple, "think like I do".

>> No.4702626

10 points to Ravenclaw.

>> No.4702695
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Plato's Republic
The False Principles of our Education
The Glass Bead Game

>> No.4702894

Just talk to some people who follow that shit IRL, you'll see their hypocrisy. Following any -ism tends to lead to stupidity

>> No.4703035
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I don't actually see any inherent problems in the core tenets of fascism, it just seems like any other political system to me, but I can't take the national socialists seriously if they're going to pretend that anyone trying to pass off the first draft of anything as publishable is acceptable.

>> No.4703038

Except Marxism, of course.

>> No.4703040

Marxism is a guide towards praxis. If you're not in praxis, you know shit.

p.s.: keep reading althusser you bourgeois tools, it keeps you out of the movement where you can do harm.

>> No.4703146

It's sad that mutualism is such an obscure philosophy.

>> No.4703158
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That good feel when active, campaigning party member. Soon I will know what it feels like to be free.