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4693959 No.4693959 [Reply] [Original]

Playwright thread. Discuss your experiences with writing plays.

>Talk to actress and tell her I have a play in mind that she would be perfect for
>She said she would love to be in it
>She seemed excited
>Write play
>She encourages me
>We read it together over skype
>She cries at the ending
>I get really drunk during our reading
>Regardless, she promises to star in an amateur production
>Couple days later I ask her if she could sing (because I want to write a beautiful encore lay to sing with her)
>She doesn't respond
>She instead uses her time to "like" pictures on instagram
>The artist in my takes great offense to this
>I spaghetti and message her telling her that I relinquish her from all promises she made to me, and that I'm hurt at her lack of enthusiasm, etc
>Project in shambles
>Show must go on
>I my last shot is to approach another actress i know at my university if she wants to replace the actress I just "fired"

My castles stood on sand.

>> No.4694773
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>> No.4694828


>> No.4694840

>The artist in my takes great offense to this
You spelled 'autist' wrong

>> No.4694848

Are you transnational Canadian fag with the phony accent


>> No.4694849

I don't get this.
Is the cute girl on the kid's right (out of the picture)?

>> No.4694861

I don't understand. Are you implying that the girl in the picture isn't cute?

>> No.4694866

When a girl ignores your inquiries and would rather like pictures of food on instagram than respond, respond to inquiries about a play which she read with you, which she cried during the reading of (unscripted), then of course the artist who made said work would get offended!

There is only so much I can take. I'm going to approach this other girl I've vaguely known for 3 years about the play. I've been bumping into her a lot lately, and I'm starting to think she is more right for the part.

Also, I told the other actress that I could never approach another girl to fill her part (after telling her she doesn't have to do my production anymore). I've since changed my mind.

It was changing my mind and determining that I should ask this other actress that stopped me from sobbing like a boy (which I spent a good solid 20 minutes doing). I haven't cried like that in years--but this is something that is extremely important to me.

So my future as a playwright rests on the answer of this next actress. I've already accepted the fate that she will say no, or I'll never bump into her, or that she will never reply to an inquiry if I sent it to her...

Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

>> No.4694877

it's too cold outside but the inner is the outer
I've never written anything dramatic outside of a Platonic dialogue on friendship between Judas and Satan (Leibniz and Dante, the whole spaghetti) but I was depressed and never finished it
I hope your words are always positively productive

>> No.4694880

Shit, sometimes I take days to respond to someone/an email I really like. I wouldn't be offended. You were being a lil bitch.

>> No.4694899

I don't care what I was, she's in the wrong.

I wrote a pretty good fuckin play, and I plan to make it even grander, and if she isn't admiring me for it, then she can live a life without me being in it. I asked her a simple question that required a one word answer, and instead she doesn't respond, and instead takes the time to like pictures of food on instagram.


She is not right for my play (despite her doing a fucken terrific job of reading it, making it me happier than I've ever been in a long long time).

I get a sense that she thinks she is "the shit" and that she has so many fucken opportunities and people calling for her, that my shrinkadrink play should consider itself lucky that she agreed to be apart of it.

I'll show her. I know someone more beautiful than she is, and this new beauty can sing, that I know for a fact.

If this new actress agrees to my proposition, the result will surely break the heart of this bitch that already broke mine.

>> No.4694901

Yes, that is the implication.

>> No.4694910
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Go on. What's your play about?

>> No.4694913

Check your hubris bro
and then your privilege
and then check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.4694919
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