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File: 6 KB, 330x370, bible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4691997 No.4691997[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/.
I'll give you guys the TL;DR first and then tell the whole story.
TL;DR in my country, they are rewriting books that are considered racists and I'm afraid they'll rewrite the bible. What to do?

>I visited the library a few months ago and I couldn't get a book
>when I asked why, the woman who works there said they're changing for the "new version"
>I asked why and told her I could buy the old version
>she said it's a new law that is rewriting books that are considered racists and the library (owned by the government) need to send these books back to them
>I visit there a lot, so she gave me an old version for free
>time passed and yesterday I watched a documentary about the bible
>the documentary changed everything about the bible, blaming the romans for everything (from the death of Joan Baptist to the crucifiction, nothing about Barabbas, etc)
>so, now I'm afraid they'll rewrite the bible and I have no money to spend with books right now
>What to do?
>How to find out a book was rewritten? I saw the "new version" of the book and there is nothing saying it was rewrite

I don't care if a person is christian, muslin, atheist or whatever, so let's forget the religion for a moment, I'm more worried because people are rewriting books.

Sorry, my english is ridiculous, but 4chan is the only good site that my third world internet can load.

>> No.4692008

where do you live?

>> No.4692017

>the documentary changed everything about the bible, blaming the romans for everything
/lit/ is going to love this bait

>> No.4692018


sweden, obviously

no other nation would do such a thing

>> No.4692073


>> No.4692080

What the fuck, man.

Não é possivel. Qual estado?

>> No.4692083
File: 120 KB, 604x493, 1372103132278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ would go apeshit.

>> No.4692084

If you read the new testament you'll see it was the judea authority, the cleansing of the temple was a problem for them. Why this is bait?

>> No.4692091

Minas Gerais. O livro é sítio do pica pau amarelo, caçadas de pedrinho.

Minas Gerais. The book is "sítio do pica pau amarelo, caçadas de pedrinho".

>> No.4692110

That sucks. I loved Lobato's "O picapau amarelo" growing up. For some reason, every time I read the party chapter (where all the fairy tale characters show up), I would imagine Duke Nukem also showing up.

>> No.4692154

>For some reason, every time I read the party chapter (where all the fairy tale characters show up), I would imagine Duke Nukem also showing up.

Jokes apart, I'm afraid because the bible is the bible! I hope they don't rewrite a 2000 years old book, it would be like put some cement in the pyramids because they're old.

>> No.4692173

Does it matter if it is the bible or any other book?

Take contact to your local government, it is a breach of your constitution, they are removing authors freedom of speech by altering their books without their knowledge or say so.

According to your constitution the expression of intellectual, artistic, scientific, and communications activities is free, independently of censorship or license.

And i'd say that this goes under that category.

>> No.4692191

That's insane.

>> No.4692213

>Does it matter if it is the bible or any other book?
Not for me.

>According to your constitution the expression of intellectual, artistic, scientific, and communications activities is free, independently of censorship or license.
The government here doesn't respect freedom of speech, so the can arrest people for saying things they don't like. I can't do much, the best thing is wait until next month and buy one or two bibles. But I want to know how to find out if it was rewrite without reading the whole book, maybe a warning or something?

>> No.4692223

I find it hard to believe they can change the Bible without people getting mad about it. Surely you have literal versions?

>> No.4692297

Just get an older edition, or ship one from Portugal.

>> No.4692307

Read the bible online.

>> No.4692311

>blaming the romans for everything
At least it is historically accurate.