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4691735 No.4691735 [Reply] [Original]

What is the Dark Enlightenment?

>> No.4691767

it's when we are enlightened by our own intelligence

>> No.4691769


And reach euphoria?

>> No.4691772

No argument. No analysis of historical factors. Just hipster reaction to liberal progressive mainstream.

>> No.4691790
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>Opposing the status quo

>> No.4692264

Counterrevolutionaries. See >>>/pol/
That is one of the weird hallmarks of this new-hipster label, people have been peddling.
Yes there are "conservative" hipsters

>> No.4692638
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The Dark Enlightenment refers to an intellectual current in the Anglosphere of a post-libertarian, neo-reactionary hue, which proposes amongst other things the abolition of democracy (believing that true liberty and democracy are incompatible). Their works draw particular influence from the writings of Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the likes of John Derbyshire but also elements of the New Right. The two most prominent exponents are former British professor, Nick Land (who authored The Dark Enlightenment Manifesto) and American blogger Mencius Moldbug. Most of the writers in the movement place a strong focus on the works of Charles Darwin and show an interest in human biodiversity, with some advocating a futuristic evolution of a select few to a new level of being a la John H. Campbell; this has drawn in modernist and transhumanist elements.


>> No.4692681

It's a blogosphere movement made by racist rednecks in order to full superior to normal people.

>> No.4692750

>Calling your movement the Dark Enlightenment
>Wanting to be taken srsly.

>> No.4692761

>psychopathic accelerationists

>> No.4692784

When something is dark, it's cool and edgy. Do you even 90's?

>> No.4692791

>It's a blogosphere movement made by racist rednecks

As far as I am aware, neither Curtis Yarvin or Nick Land are poor white rural southerners.

>> No.4692795


How does someone confuse geeks with rednecks?

>> No.4692797

>It's a blogosphere movement made by racist rednecks in order to full superior to normal people

Most idiotic post in this thread so far but I'll bet more will come.

>> No.4692807

Be a retarded person from tumblr who hates being white

>> No.4692816

If they actually wanted to achieve anything they'd keep their mouths shut.

>> No.4692831


1.) Keep mouth shut
2.) ???
3.) Dark Enlightenment

>> No.4692835

being a dumb cracker transcends all social cliques

>> No.4692988

This, more or less. If you think democracy is deeply flawed (as well as communism and socialism), believe race is real-- that is, more than a social construct, and are suspicious of the synchronization between universities and the state in the potential corruption of peer-reviewed science that informs political policy (see: anthropogenic global warming and all the money made from green technology, expanding state power and government employment through new compulsory education initiatives to close the "achievement gap")...check out Moldbug's Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations. If you're curious but would describe yourself as liberal/progressive, read Moldbug's Open Letter. He's an engaging and even-handed writer. Whether he is right or wrong, he simply wants the lies and violence to stop and he's said as much.

If you like things they way they are and want to while your time away silencing dissent via character defamation like butterfly guy (who habitually characterizes all non-progressives, whether they be paleoconservative, neo-conservative, traditionalist, or neoreactionary-- all very different things-- to be typical /pol/ losers) then don't bother.

An accurate political spectrum would be more like a triangle pointing left. The Left converges in purpose-- the Right diversifies. There are many positions on the right and the Dark Enlightenment is associated with that of the Neoreactionary. see:http://www.xenosystems.net/ideological-space/

If you're philosophically sophisticated, check out Nick Land for sure.

Good luck, whichever path you choose.

>> No.4693025

What if you're a socialist who thinks democracy is deeply flawed? Or you just read The Republic too many times in college?

>> No.4693063


>> No.4693057
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>To a neocameralist, a state is a business which owns a country. A state should be managed, like any other large business, by dividing logical ownership into negotiable shares, each of which yields a precise fraction of the state’s profit. (A well-run state is very profitable.) Each share has one vote, and the shareholders elect a board, which hires and fires managers.

>This business’s customers are its residents. A profitably-managed neocameralist state will, like any business, serve its customers efficiently and effectively. Misgovernment equals mismanagement.

So...how is that any different from Leninism?

>> No.4693076

>If you like things they way they are

What a bold statement especially from the content of your post. Are you trying to recruit people you sound like an advertisement for a particular point of view that is "the truth".

Are you a part of some kind of movement or activist organization?

>> No.4693085

Then you're a vanguardist

>> No.4693088

a bunch of dudes who dont like black people and have a romantic longing for aristocracy

>> No.4693100

1.) Keep mouth shut
2.) Make errybody think you're all nice and PC
3.) Do what it takes to infiltrate the system
3.) Undermine it from within.
4.) ???
5.) Durk Enlightenment

>> No.4693107

Liberal democratic babbies throwing their toys out of the pram.

>> No.4693125

Yeah, actually, that sounds about right.

>> No.4693132

democracy has a better track record than any other political system

>> No.4693137

No it doesn't

>> No.4693160


>Calling your movement Progressive
>Wanting to be taken srsly.

>> No.4693178


"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

>> No.4693183

"Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."

>> No.4693184

And yet it's the best thing we have.

>> No.4693190
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>> No.4693192


Do we have really it? Hey, look at these two slightly-different parties.

>> No.4693195

except dark enlightenment sounds like some edgy goth band from the early 00s

>> No.4693197

How exactly is democracy better than a monarchy?

>> No.4693207

So you should conflate any challenge to the status quo with "undeserved" boldness, and the promulgation of materials that deviate from the accepted norms and familiar forms of thought with rank proselytizing? Be more charitable with yourself, you're capable of much more than that.

Nobody has a knife to your throat. The material and reasoning are there, read them if you'd like and judge for yourself.

>> No.4693210

We can vote niggers money so they vote politicians money.

>> No.4693213

Just because other people don't agree to vote along with you doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.4693218

How is democracy better than someone funding a harem and a closet bigger that most houses with money taken from people who can barely eat and saying I AM THE STATE and conducting public torture on those who defy him?

>> No.4693222

Politicians are funded by Super PACs, not by middle class people

>> No.4693228

Oh okay they take 30% of everyone's check before double-taxing everything for shits and giggles I forgot.

>> No.4693231

Monarchy doesn't equal tyranny.

>> No.4693234

I meant campaigns.

>> No.4693248

I'm referring to Louis XIV

>> No.4693247

>1.) Keep mouth shut
>2.) Make errybody think you're all nice and PC
>3.) Do what it takes to infiltrate the system
>3.) Undermine it from within.

Is a single person supposed to undermine the entire system from within? You'd probably need more than one, and to achieve that you would have to actively convince other people to accept your ideas first.

>> No.4693245

I've done it and discarded it as the new age bullshit it is. It's like fascists have discovered after 50 years that they can do what the hippies did too. It reads like bad 'epic' fiction. If you want an utopia, at least have a better idea than the Marxists about what you actually want. All I read is that you want some dysgenic future were people suffer and others are ok with it. It's an aspie ideology.

>> No.4693244

This honestly isn't far from the truth. Why do some blacks overwhelmingly vote democrat?

The latest initiative of this category is universal pre-K education. What will this do, among other things (like expand the state's influence)? It will subsidize single mothers living on welfare by giving them state-funded babysitting.

>> No.4693257

>Why do some blacks overwhelmingly vote democrat?

Uh, because they believe that's the less bad? Like the rest?

>> No.4693259

This is literally my plan. I intend to get into management position and use my privilege. If you would have asked me for five years back I would have been a progressive liberal, but times have changed. The "new" movements does not have liberty and egalite in mind. They can go fuck themselves.

>> No.4693263

Hereditary rule is nuts. It fails more often then succeeds.

That's the end of monarchy. You can stop now.

>> No.4693266

No it's because they are generations of welfare state slave voters and because "BILL CLINTON, HE SMOKE WEED NIGGA. HE GOOD." "WE BRESIDENT NAO"

>> No.4693280

And conservatives only vote republicans because they are tax break slaves that doesn't want to contribute?

And the only way to win is to vote a king in whose whims will be law.

You really got it all figured out, huh?

>> No.4693286

If you've read something that reminded you of "new age bullshit" I'm not sure what that might've been. Maybe you accidentally read some RAW or Hakim Bey instead, in which case I'm deeply sorry for you.

You seem particularly closed off from the outset. I think you made up your mind long before reading into this. It's probably all the better for them (both the neoreactionaries and the romantic traditionalists) that people like you are naturally disinclined.

>> No.4693294

Your point is still shit.

Hereditary rule has been with humanity for some 5000 years.
How exactly it fails? And please show me your evidence for the how often it fails and how often it succeeds.

>> No.4693301

>Monkey flinging his poo.

Back up kids... Maybe we should go visit the giraffes

>> No.4693308

Are you implying blacks are not socially conservative save for weed and being brainwashed by nog-bux? Do you think an expanding, self-perpetuating population of dependance is good?

>> No.4693302

>I intend to get into management position and use my privilege.

Thanks for the lels bud. Godspeed with your plan of world domination from middle management.

>> No.4693312

>That's the end of monarchy k thnx bi

Stunning critique, aniki. Democratic libprogs are truly the master-race of political factions.

>> No.4693317
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Good points

>> No.4693322

>You'd probably need more than one, and to achieve that you would have to actively convince other people to accept your ideas first.
So would you?
A) throw them up on the internet and let erryone know you're up to no gud.
B) carefully select a trusted associate who you know personally.

>> No.4693332

The historical record is enormous and the evidence is quite damning. Any of it I present to you you will just try to shoot it down. "Oh but my Alexander! Oh but my Charlemagne! Oh but my Solomon! OH Hitler didn't do anything wrong!"
Suck it.

>> No.4693341

Molbug and RAW. You are history-less if you don't recognize the patterns of simulating the strategies of the old left. It lacks answers more complex than slogans equal to "hurr equal pay for everyone". It's vulgar populism and feeds on the irrationality of young men's misery. Congrats on being a pamphleteer.

>> No.4693343

I'm already middle management.

>> No.4693344
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You couldn't make this shit up

>> No.4693351

HAHAHA Such a funny strip. You don't accept facts so we sometimes skip it. There's no dealing with your ever present ignorance.

>k thnx bi
You're welcome.

>> No.4693355

How is your masterplan faring then?

>> No.4693358

>[being a woman intensifies]

>> No.4693359

Please do show me the evidence for the most commonly used inheritance system in the entire world for several thousand years being so shit that it fails more often than it succeeds.

>inb4 muh willy, muh Louis XVI

>> No.4693366


>> No.4693370

Please provide an actual argument. This is a place where we prize the quality of posts. If you have no real argument please just lurk.

>> No.4693379

I in fact already have and the ripples of butthurt and posturing are on-going.

>> No.4693385


Monarchy doesn't mean hereditary succession. I'd even hazard a bet that most monarchies in human history have NOT had hereditary succession.

>> No.4693386


"A thousand mile journey starts with a single step"