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/lit/ - Literature

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468892 No.468892 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, are there any novels written from a post-apocalyptic perspective set in the pre-apocalypse? The concept interests me but I've never heard of an example.

pic somewhat related.

>> No.468899


Interesting question. Maybe one of James Howard Kunstler's novels? I'm not sure.

>> No.468909

What exactly does this mean?

A philosopher once spoke of his friend who ran around telling people, "We must live as if the apocalypse has already happened!" Is that the mindset you're looking for?

>> No.468918

i see what you did there.

>> No.468936

If I recall correctly, Cat's Cradle?

>> No.468998

Something like historical fiction from the future.

>> No.469008
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>> No.469011

A Canticle for Leibowitz?

>> No.469026

This thread is made almost daily o-o;

>> No.469054
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>> No.469059

Uhh.... Oryx and Crake?

>> No.469071

Can you explain in a way that doesn't make me go cross eyed? Trying to figure out what you want makes me feel like I'm looking at one of those 3D Magic Eye illusions.

>> No.469192

A book from the future that is speculative of the past, i.e., the present.

>> No.469198
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>> No.469219
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>> No.469255
File: 77 KB, 300x450, amnesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enhhhh, not that I know of OP. However, this may be of interest to you, it's similar in a way. Lethem presents a post-apocalyptic future (several actually) where no one can remember how it got so following the event, and a protagonist who spends the entire novel trying to remember who he really was before the change.

>> No.469261

I don't see what's so hard to understand about this. I'm trying to describe a novel which is set in the present, or any contemporary period, by an author who lives in a post-apocalyptic future.

>> No.469279

I'ma gonna go blow your mind here: All of em.

>> No.469306

Sounds like Phillip K Dick would be a good author for you op.

>> No.469689

It is?

>> No.469696

So you want a book written by a fictional author, who is waxing nostalgic about the time before the bomb?

>> No.469708
File: 61 KB, 385x397, 1261209333654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469798

Exactly, or depending on how far into the post-apocalypse it's set, it could be satirical. Many satires of contemporary society are set in futures which are deemed more or less plausible by audiences because we never have a clear notion exactly what the future will really be like. In a post apocalypse, the future would always be bleak and a writer would satirize their current situation with a utopian interpretation of a past whose details had largely been forgotten.

>> No.469805
File: 50 KB, 425x544, cross-eyed-hillary-e1264686401135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.469811

is that pic from fallout 3

>> No.469838

that;s fucking hilary clinton, shit

>> No.469852


also, op, listen, try galapagos by vonnegut

>> No.470099


>> No.470109

my understanding...

a book about a writer who lives in post apocalypse times about his times before the apocalypse happens?

>> No.470133

I see someones been avoiding the movies lately.

>> No.471357

Which movie is tat from?

>> No.471389

It's sounds to me like OP wants something with a post-apocalyptic dystopia...which is pretty much every dystopian story ever.

>> No.471394

well that would just be a regular novel...

>> No.471406

so a writer from the post apocalyptic world writes about the past...

>> No.471426 [DELETED] 

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>> No.471444

OP, sounds like you should write this book.

>> No.471527

srsly, wut movie is that from?

>> No.471594
File: 22 KB, 350x257, samuel_l_jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This be /lit/. Stop misusing "apocalypse".

Muthafuckas need to be buyin a dictionary

>> No.471741

What term should be used instead? Nakba? Kali Yuga? Doomsday?

>> No.471758

how about your fucking birthday. and I don't mean the one that comes every year.

>> No.471768

looks like the road

>> No.471812

The Year of the Flood alternates between the lives of the character before and after the apocalypse.

>> No.471950


>> No.471960


>> No.471978

I guess he meant the other anons birth would have been the apocalypse.
I am pretty positive that it was meant as an insult.

>> No.472724


"Eschaton" is nice, if you're Greekin'.

How about "The end of the world"?

>> No.474602

after the disintegration of society?

>> No.474604

What? So like:

"Yeah sure is good being in the year 2000, going to MaccDee's EXCEPT IT'S NOT THERE BECAUSE CIVILISATION IS WIP- oh sry, breaking narrative" or wat

>> No.474612

Just watch the Animatrix op.

>> No.474614

>written from a post-apocalyptic perspective set in the pre-apocalypse

So you're saying someone who lived in a post-apocalyptic world managed to get a time machine and write about his experiences in the pre-apocalyptic world.

I can see how that can be interesting.