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/lit/ - Literature

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468465 No.468465 [Reply] [Original]


>"Hemingway. See, they're recommending The Garden of Eden, and I read that. It was published after he was dead. It's a weird story about this honeymoon couple, and a third woman gets involved. Uh, it's not my cup of tea." Sparks pulls the one beside it off the shelf. "A Farewell to Arms, by Hemingway. Good stuff. That's what I write," he says, putting it back. "That's what I write."

>Asked what he likes in his own genre, Sparks replies: "There are no authors in my genre. No one is doing what I do."

>> No.468486

I don't get it. What did this fag write? A romance novel?

>> No.468490
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>> No.468493

Pretentious isn't he?

>> No.468500

Sparks must be a master troll. He can't possibly believe this, can he?!

>> No.468521

I grew up in the small town where Sparks lives, and he's pretty lulzy. He bankrolls the public high school's track team in exchange for getting to be one of their coaches, and I've heard he's prone to hitting on the guys. There was also a push to start a Protestant religious school in town (there's a Catholic one that goes up to the 8th grade), and Sparks was financially backing it. He got pissed off about some sort of not getting his way and went off and started his own:


>> No.468546

Cormac McCarthy? "Horrible," he says, looking at Blood Meridian. "This is probably the most pulpy, overwrought, melodramatic cowboy vs. Indians story ever written."

grind everyone into dust in sacrifice to evil, nonexistant gods

>> No.468553

i love reading shit like this because it encourages me. C'mon /lit/, just think, if this clown can be successful writing, so can you and i !

>> No.469099

>I write in a genre that was not defined by me. The examples were not set out by me. They were set out 2,000 years ago by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. They were called the Greek tragedies....What is the purpose of what I do? These are love stories. They went from (Greek tragedies), to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, then Jane Austen did it, put a new human twist on it. Hemingway did it with A Farewell to Arms.