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4683813 No.4683813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the top 3 Milestone books in the History of Philosophy?

>> No.4683817


>> No.4683827

Critique of Pure Reason
Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.4683844

Me gustaria
Something by Seneca
Something by Machiavelli
That one book by Stirner

>> No.4683875

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4683905

Works for me

>> No.4683919

Not sure which Plato one
Not sure which Descartes one
Phenomenology of the Spirit

>> No.4683949

>Not sure
>Not sure

>> No.4684033

The Republic
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.4684839
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>> No.4684841

I personally love it but it doesn't have enough heft.

>> No.4684842
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>some pleb picking Nietzsche as a milestone in philosophy
>other plebs are agreeing with him
lit is dead

>> No.4684847

The God Delusion
God is Not Great: How Religion poisons everything
The End of Faith

Don't bother with ancient and medival philosophy. I didn't have to read Plato's shitty book to already understand that I came up with the ideas independently.

>> No.4684848

Love him or hate him, he's one of the most influential philosophers to have existed. There's really no disagreeing with that "pleb", as you called him.

>> No.4684850

how exactly is he influential? Be specific

>> No.4684854

I agree let alone it being a milestone in the history of philosophy, the fact that it is mentioned over other stoic works kinda makes me think that poster just listed what he/she has read

>> No.4684856
File: 13 KB, 250x250, Qu-Epictetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collected Plato/Socrates

The collected Epicurus

The collected Epictetus

>> No.4684859


Are you really this unfamiliar with the history of philosophy? Just get some book learning into you and you'll understand right away, trust me.

Captcha: Fbfform another

>> No.4684863
File: 366 KB, 640x480, maximum descartes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this the ultimate fedora?

>> No.4684864

Critique of Pure Reason
Ego and Its Own

>> No.4684865

>Start with the greeks

Oh my fucking god you are the biggest shitposter on this board

>> No.4684867

>Are you really this unfamiliar with the history of philosophy?
nice cop-out, faggot. Still waiting for an explanation of how Nietzsche is in any way innovative or influential.

>> No.4684869


I thought you were talking about ole' Plato. I'm baked. Whoops.

>> No.4684872

Well, for example, there's a huge list of other notable philosophers who were influenced by Nietzsche, including Heidegger, Foucault, Sartre and many, many more. And then, of course, you have the countless students who study Nietzsche in university and are influenced by him. His life-affirming views are, for a lot of people, life-changing.

>> No.4684875

>life affirming
nice buzzword. Later philosophers are influenced by Nietzsche in the same way musicians are influenced by Beatles. Neither contributed anything new to their field, but rather restated and popularized the ideas of others.

>> No.4684880
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It's called a troll.

These are the the big three of the ancient world. Get over it.

>> No.4684884

>nice buzzword

What word would you have preferred? His philosophy is life-affirming. You don't really have an argument there. And that you would compare him to the Beatles only strengthens what I said. But, again, there's no argument here. Nietzsche has been one of the most influential philosophers. That's a fact. I'm not saying any of this to defend him. I'm no Nietzschean.

>> No.4684885

This question is completely meaningless and impossible to answer in a satisfactory way.

I mean it is just nonsense.

>> No.4684888

how is it "life-affirming"? What is "life-affirming"?

>> No.4684892

Regards human life as a positive value and affirms and defends it, as against a perceived trend in philosophy that is anti-life thru an overemphasis on empty thought / criticism / moral strictures founded on frustration and resentment.

>> No.4684897

Julien Offray de la Mettrie - Volupté
Stirner - Der Einzige
Wilhelm Reich - the one about Fascism

>> No.4684903

Yeah, that have never been suggested before.

The whole "life-affirming" narrative sounds something out of Feuerbach almost verbatim.

>> No.4684948


Hehehe this was enjoyable to read. Most people on lit have not read what they are talking about but still want to seem cultured and intelligent. Beautiful to watch the Nietzsche guys crumble - (nb. I think Nietzche is important in the way Heidegger views him as important, as the guy who overturned metaphysics, aka the history of western metaphysics.)

I never get to see Reich talked about here. He was such a loony man. He did have some interesting psychoanalytic ideas about armour (he saw obesity as a mental defection as well, wonderful)
Anyway to answer OP's ridiculous question that seems to stem from laziness rather than creating an erudite framework for philosophical study, if you look to metaphysics the line goes
Plato - Kant - Hegel

It branches off into Nietzsche and Heidegger with Heidegger himself hopefully being the 'end; of the line, whilst recognising Nietzsche as the one who broke the line that is western metaphysics.

Metaphysics is pretty much the essence of philosophy, it is the roots of the philosophical tree (read: Descartes' letter to Picot) but Heidegger wants us to get into the soil - outside the philosophical, objectified history and into the open in which Being takes place.

Aside from Metaphysics I would argue the most important texts are:

The Bible
The Origin of Species
and then the works of Freud
as a starting point to understanding 'western' civilization.

Then we can all read Spengler, the eco-feminists , the Lacanian hoohaa's, and the cultural marxists and have fun.