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/lit/ - Literature

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4683365 No.4683365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let us all appreciate the leftists, the right wing, the Fascists, the Communists, the Capitalists, the Libertarians, the Radical Traditionalists, the liberals, the conservatives, the Nationalist Socialists and everyone else in /lit/.

We are all seeking perfection of human society through our intellectual banter and shit posting.

Long live /lit/.

>> No.4683376

I don't seek perfection of anything. I live to kill time. Funnily enough I am the time I live.
Is my life nothing but suicide?

>> No.4683375
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>Radical Traditionalists
tell me more!

>> No.4683386

Why is the man not Schopenhauer?
Joke's on you m8, it's always going to be terrible.

>> No.4683389
File: 95 KB, 434x481, typical philospher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


4chan was created for people like you!

Free speech on the internet!

Long live King Moot!


I would love to tell you about Radical Traditionalism since I am one personally myself.

How much do you know about it so far?

>> No.4683397
File: 163 KB, 500x494, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Joke's on you m8, it's always going to be terrible.

4chan is the greatest website on the internet objectively.

>> No.4683403

I don't know what that picture is but I feel I should put my dick in it.

>> No.4683407
File: 217 KB, 1520x1024, 1392572070131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Print out the picture and do it.

Deliver faggot.

>> No.4683421

yay /lit/!

>> No.4683424

/r/ing print cartridges and some (preferably human grade) testosterone

>> No.4683443

Infinity is the principle of continuous sequence. One is a unit. From one, two cannot be derived without infinity. For if a sequence were finite then it would be delimited as a kind. So, the entirety of the finite sequence would be contained within a unit. This generates a vicious regress (how did we divide the unit, etc.?). So, infinity must be intuitive in order for the concept of sequence and for numbers to be possible.

In the experience of the senses, there is no such thing as infinity, but instead infinity is required for there to be a sequence of units (each unit being defined as being between one and infinity; that is to be defined by what is prior to it). So, from the distinction of units comes the cognitive distinction of things (a rock, a tree, etc.) one from another. Without such distinction, humans would be merely sentient, yet humans are reflective inasmuch as they can render distinctions.

Finally, it seems that humans, possessing such intuitions, must be part of a nature which is entirely prior to any description of nature (as being physical or mental, etc.). Inasmuch as humans only directly experience their own thoughts and physical percepts, this nature must be transcendent (inasmuch as it is not limited by physicality itself or mentality itself) and in being transcendent it is not limited. So, this nature is infinite in regard to what it may or may-not be. Infinity is only positive as a quality, therefore this nature may only exist infinitely without lacking anything.

Eternity, if understood as being timelessness (rather than a continuous duration of finite moments) exists without a sequence of moments. Now, it follows that he who is able to grasp the present moment (that is what is isolated from a preceding or a succeeding moment) is able to grasp his own nature.

A) I am a unit.
B) preceded and succeeded by infinitely other units.
C) Defined by the sequence.
D) Generating the sequence intuitively.
E) Therefore I am God.


>> No.4683456

>and some (preferably human grade) testosterone

You can use yogurt.

>> No.4683473

I don't think that's going to fix my printer.

>> No.4683482

>We are all seeking perfection of human society through our intellectual banter and shit posting.

Not everyone is so willing to accept other people's points of view

>> No.4683927

>I don't think that's going to fix my printer.

How will semen fix your printer?

>> No.4685342

Don't you know how to make invisible ink?

>> No.4685458
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Can I get a little appreciation for being the chemo to Bukowski Threads?

I'm almost like Jesus Christ, I bear the weight of the sins.

>> No.4685524

/pol/ here. I love you guys. No homo

>> No.4685527

/lit/ here. I wish you'd stop giving right-wing politics a bad name.

>> No.4685531

homo here, I hope you shoot yourself

>> No.4685534

/lit/ again. We know you're homo, quit pretending it's accidental touching.

>> No.4685535


B... but not all of us are s... stormfags. We discuss current events, history and philosophy all the time. We're good right wingers. Honest

>> No.4685542

INB4 Stasi.

>> No.4685568
File: 20 KB, 384x480, Glass Ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should create a new -ism based from our combined INtellectual knowledge and intelligence

>> No.4685582

How about elitism?

>> No.4685608

let's call it gism