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/lit/ - Literature

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4676035 No.4676035 [Reply] [Original]

What language has the best literature? I'm inclined to say English but I feel that may be because of bias

>> No.4676044

German or French

>> No.4676045

English, Russian, and German

>> No.4676047


- Best empire
- Best language
- Best literature
- Best philosophy
- Best history
- Best geography
- Best country

>> No.4676054

Are you relying on the Irish all being hungover?

>> No.4676137

French, Spanish, Portuguese

>> No.4676151

German, French and English are the top three.

Anything else is personal preference.

>> No.4676155
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>- Best philosophy

yeah, no. more like one of the worst.

>> No.4676164

>- Best empire
Not even the largest or longest.

>- Best language
I'd probably agree with this just because there's so much diversity in it, although so little of modern English actually derives from old English.

>- Best literature
Debatable, but it would give any victor a serious challenge.

>- Best philosophy
Not even close, virtually no worthwhile philosophy is natively in English

>- Best history
Eh, it's all a wash.

>- Best geography
England? haha

>- Best country
England? haha

>> No.4676261


>Best philosophy


>> No.4676296
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>> No.4677067

This makes me wonder - how come Chinese (or Mandarin at least) has the largest number of speakers, but you never hear about any books written in it other than Mao's book? Is there not much being translated, or is not much being published?

>> No.4677073

Lol Hume is the only worthwhile philosopher to write in English

>> No.4677074

the chinese are too traditional and regimented to write decent fiction

>> No.4677129

Sun Tzu's The Art of War would have to be one of the most popular books in the world.

>> No.4677239

>Is there not much being translated, or is not much being published?
The first one. There are shit-tons of new books in China every year (that doesn't necessarily mean they're good, mind).

And the reason you don't hear much about Chinese lit is power differentials in history, i.e. most of the modern world was made in western Europe, not China- plus, unlike somewhere like Japan, China was pretty isolated from the west until the 80s.

>> No.4677672

Stay mad faggots

>> No.4677680


>making a belated appearance to let us all know that you saw how told you got


>> No.4677724

There seems to be some hipster misconception that the British Empire was not the largest empire ever 'assembled'. This is pure hipsterism. They claim that comparisons between the British empire and the Mongol empire consider all British territories ever owned, and not only those owned at one specific point in time. This is simply not true.

Furthermore, the British Empire governed the highest percent of the world population and conducted the highest percent of world trade of any empire by far.

These comparisons also neglect the fact that much of the world which was not officially under British control was almost completely economically dominated, South America and China being the most obvious examples. Furthermore, this was not a simple 'expand for the sake of expansion' type affair - when France requested to join the UK they were rejected.

>> No.4677727

The best languages are german, russian and latin (by extent greek).

English is way too simple and "streamlined" for my tastes. It does have great literature, but that is because it has so many native speakers, bot because the language itself is good for literature.

>> No.4677738

Good arguments from both of you. Greece dominated philosophy, then there were a few contributions from various places, then the UK and Germany dominated philosophy (and science). German philosophy is becoming less and less relevant while Anglo-philosophy is prevailing without any problems - understandably, because it features the most rigorous and systematic thinking.

>> No.4677741

He didn't post >>4676047

I did. I'm back.

Stay mad, faggots. God bless the Queen.

>> No.4677751

>latin (by extent greek)
u wot m8

>> No.4677759

Greek is rather similar to latin, it just has some aoristic quirks here and there.

>> No.4677765
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>German philosophy is becoming less and less relevant
All of contemporary western philosophy owes its foundations to the Germans though.

>Anglo-philosophy is prevailing without any problems
In anglophone countries. I know you people don't like to get of your islands and/or are too amerifat to even do so if you'd want to, but there's more world out there than you think.

>understandably, because it features the most rigorous and systematic thinking.
Rigour and systematic thinking are properly predicated to persons not peoples... Even if you could you are actually saying that those qualities are not typical of Germans, but typical of englishmen...? goddamnit. Do you not know your stereotypes?

>> No.4677768

then why do you have them switched around.

should be
>greek (by extent latin)

>> No.4677779

Fair opinion.

>> No.4677782

these threads are dumb

>> No.4677830


Yeah but what about the good ol' US of A?
- Best spawn of any colonial empire ever
- Best cuisine
- Best music
- Best philosophy (shared title with UK)
- Best language (shared title with UK)
- Best economy
- Best national spirit (UK is a runner-up)
- Best natural wonders of the world
- Best country

>> No.4677885

There's no language with best literature, only good writers.

>> No.4677917

No, Berkley. He was one of the earliest philosophers to do the whole "The world is just a dream" thing

>> No.4677928

Absolutely. Even if you go by conservative estimates it was basically the same size as the Mongol empire.

>> No.4677939

>best anything

>> No.4677944

Don't forget about Mo Yan. Nobel Prize winner, and a hell of a good writer. Also, take a look at the Wiki page on Chinese literature. I think it's possible that there are tons of Chinese authors being translated into English but all their names look the same so English speakers think it's just the same one or two.

I love my country, but you have to be kidding. Best cuisine? Best economy? Dafuq?

>> No.4677985

Especially since the "Mongol Empire" was really a conglomeration of loosely affiliated megatribes after Genghis' death. Mongol rule over Asia was a big deal, but there was no single empire that lasted ages.

>> No.4678243
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It is hard to believe that so few of you know that the very best literature is in SANSKRIT!
And there's LOADS of it!
Help Keep Sanskrit Alive!
Learn It! Practice with your friends & lovers!
You will be able to read rare tantric texts!
Besides, the NSA would have to get 'enlightened' to even have a clue of what you were talking about!

प्रदीप ज्वालाभि-र्दिवसकर-नीराजनविधिः
सुधासूते-श्चन्द्रोपल-जललवै-रघ्यरचना ।
स्वकीयैरम्भोभिः सलिल-निधि-सौहित्यकरणं
त्वदीयाभि-र्वाग्भि-स्तव जननि वाचां स्तुतिरियम् ॥

Oh Goddess who is the source of all words,
This poem which is made of words,
That you only made,
Is like showing the camphor lamp to the Sun,
Is like offering as ablation to the moon,
The water got from the moon stone,
And is like offering water worship,
To the sea.

That was an excerpt from the
Soundarya Lahari, by Adi Sankara

जय महाकाली

>> No.4678294

There is no relevant German philosopher any more. Wittgenstein (the most recent 'great philosopher') was Austrian and educated in the British tradition. The analytic empirical tradition began in the UK with Berkeley, Locke and Hume. This tradition dominates in every respectable philosophy department.

>> No.4678298

At least the translation is awful. Read the King James Bible.

>> No.4678301

The best what?

The most books?

The highest average quality of books?

The best books originally written in that language?

The most influential books?

Help me out here.

>> No.4678327

Are you in Hare Krishna by any chance?

>> No.4678347


>> No.4678363

Spanish language, dolt

>> No.4678377
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Just lel'd.

Insomma, non mi va neanche di accusar 'sì fatta gente di ignoranza, per quanto ignorino l'importanza della lingua, della letteratura e della filosofia Italiana, per tutto il territorio europeo, già a partire dal medioevo. Dante e Petrarca hanno rimodellato la poesia, mentre Boccaccio ha praticamente modificato il "dire e mostrare", la narrazione.

>> No.4678381

The best literature

>> No.4678402


>implying deep south soul food and BBQ isn't literally the best thing in existence, succeeded only by Anglo-American philosophy
>implying the USA doesn't have the largest economy

>> No.4678418

Italian is pretty irrelevant outside of Italy. You have Dante and half a dozen more writers and that's it. I love italian but there's not much to go on there.

>> No.4678422


>> No.4678428

No shit. It's a horridly simple language and a pretty limited one as well.

>> No.4678462
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"best literature"

>> No.4678467

Russian & French for literature. German for philosophy.

>> No.4678485

Find a bridge and leap PLZ

>> No.4678533


Do you want me to write up a list of supremely important American philosophers? Also, are you suggesting soul food, done right, isn't the best thing you could possibly eat?

>> No.4678540

English are best race all others should be kill. Hail Britaina

>> No.4678548
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>tfw English will be the lingua franca for all eternity
>tfw humanity will soon be united by supranational conglomerations that ultimately result in a Terran Empire
>tfw it will be under British models of organisation and largely due to the British legacy

We won, boys.

>> No.4678549


Well hold on now, they are indubitably the best, but don't you think the other Germanic peoples are worth keeping around? Or what about the Poles? What did the Poles ever do to you? And also the Indians - they had some good shit going about 300 years ago - why not let them have a golden age again, once they shake themselves out of all this yogi shit? But yeah, the French and the Japs, above all else, definitely need to go.

>> No.4678561
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All are welcome!

>> No.4678563

I mean, yeah, except the French, agreed.

>> No.4678592

>when France requested to join the UK they were rejected.
What? When?

>> No.4678596

The french

>> No.4678601
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