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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 630x420, kanye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4676003 No.4676003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4676010

Kanye not realizing that signed first editions net duckets.
He truly is a gay fish engaged to a hobbit.

>> No.4676013

so what the fuck is up with this guy

seriously, is he the smartest popstar or the dumbest

>> No.4676023

I agree with him a little bit. Most literature is indulgent shit not worth wasting time on.

>> No.4676020

I guess he hasn't experienced emotional trauma at the hands of a paperback.

>> No.4676026

smartest person probably.

>> No.4676031

Man I really love kayne, any song he didn't write specifically to get on the radio are amazing.

I think he just says a lot of contreversial things to be talked about, but he isn't very good at it he just seems brain dead , he's like a bad Miley Cyrus.

>> No.4676032

that can be applied to any for of media and art, but does it really matter? No.

Fuck kanye for spreading such ignorance, and suggesting to his viewers that reading is stupid.

>> No.4676037

>"If I were to write my title - like going through the airport and you have to put down what you do - I would literally write "creative genius" except for two reasons: Sometimes it takes too long to write that and sometimes I spell the word "genius" wrong." - Kanye West

>> No.4676048

"'I'm Socrates, but my skin more chocolaty."
Damn... he is the last sophist of our time.

>> No.4676076

>novels are so self-absorbed

Oh, the irony.

>> No.4676089

>suggesting to his viewers that reading is stupid.
As if they didn't already believe that? Kek.

>> No.4676128

He's a massive public troll who knows exactly how to craft an image. Take from that what you wish.

>> No.4676150

Absolutely disgusting fucking pleb

>> No.4676158

That's kind of what I figured. The Bound2 music video seemed like it was very purposely bad, but I wasn't sure.

>> No.4676173

>"My wife is a whore,but it doesnt change the fact that the Protocols of The Elders of Zion is the magnum opus of illuminati and i cant wait to witness the evacuation of world population with rolled back eyes and a contorted body, hail satan" - Kanye West

>> No.4676179

>He's a massive public troll who knows exactly how to craft an image.
This. His personality and every move isn't immaculately crafted, but anyone who buys into it is buying a product.

>> No.4676190
File: 9 KB, 571x217, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4676200

>the whole "I'm j-j-just PRETENDING to be retarded! XD" thing has seeped into the mainstream

dear lord.

>> No.4676208

He's not pretending to be retarded, just pretending to be a dick. Same way Motley Crue pretended to be badasses and any other number of musicians pretended to be promiscuous/rebels/gangsters/down home country boys or girls/outsider/straight-edge/etc. Pretending to be something you're not for image in music is nothing new.

>> No.4676215

>Same way Motley Crue pretended to be badasses

Dude you dont know shit about Motley Crue if you think they PRETENDED to be badasses!

Their guitarist died 3 times and came back to life through over doses, one time they dumped his lifeless body into dumpster because they thought hes dead and he came back to life!

>> No.4676246

people who dislike kanye west are really the worst of the worst

>> No.4676258

Sorry I'ma let you finish but Kanye West has one of the best beds of all time, and you should go there now Kanye

>> No.4676270

Oh, the irony of not being able to identify irony.

>> No.4676273


>> No.4676290

>there are people on /lil/ RIGHT NOW who don't think late registration is yeezys best album

>> No.4676304
File: 111 KB, 701x400, dadrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4676305


How can a person who reads books enjoy such mass produced, plastic and pleb as shit tier music which is literally a cut up of old tapes and vinyls? There are oxygen thieves right now on this planet who BUY this shit.


>> No.4676313


>dad rock
>implying 1984 wasnt the best year of the music in the history of mankind

top lel kid, high school must be hard.

>> No.4676325

When do you expect to give up trolling since you're such shit at it?

>> No.4676329

gr8 b8

>> No.4676330

>implying high school kids on 4chan are not injecting straight AC/DC into themselves as we speak

>> No.4676335

>such mass produced
what does that have to do with quality
you mean not edgy
>a cut up of old tapes and vinyls
that sounds awesome
>oxygen thieves
lol butthurt

>> No.4676337


When you stop listening to kanye gay and start becoming a real man the way fuhrer wants you to be.

>> No.4676346


>a cut up of old tapes and vinyls
>that sounds awesome

For a brainwashed amerifat it MUST sound awesome theres no other way around for you poor calcified souls. Go back to watching FUCKS NEWS dipshit.

>> No.4676349

I don't listen to him, I was the guy making fun of... christ, you're retarded.

>> No.4676353

Can't tell if there's just one really shitty troll in this thread or two pretty shitty ones.

>> No.4676355


>christ, you're retarded.


>> No.4676358

>tracing cut up tapes back to americans
>not the french and the germans

>> No.4676362

what if jesus was retard and people told he he was god to fuck with him

>> No.4676367


You dont get it, those french and germans had the talent to make something creative out of cut ups. This nigger faggot steals the tape entirely without even changing anything! Its a disaster in music. Fuck plebs anyway, 99% of the humanity dont deserve to be alive.

>> No.4676370

>pretending to be a dick
He plays it so well because he is one.