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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 433x269, onionring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4674647 No.4674647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Onionring, why do you keep misinterpreting the rule "Keep /pol/ in /pol/. In essence: Don't shitpost.", as meaning, "I can delete threads where people express conservative views, if I please."?

You ought to be more impartial, I think.
If somebody posted a thread: "Literature on homosexuality", and everybody responded with Leftist / Frankfurt School literature that promoted homosexuality, you would leave it alone; but if the thread instead was populated by people condemning homosexuality and referring to authors that did the same, you would, from what I've seen, delete the thread.

Please be more moderate in your moderating.

>> No.4674655

In other words, just because /pol/ is a haven for the political right, does not mean that you have to turn /lit/ into a haven for the political left.

>> No.4674664

There's a subtle difference between being right wing and being a complete fucking moron. You probably haven't found that difference yet

>> No.4674668
File: 86 KB, 600x586, AREIZOO II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4674673


>> No.4674678


Guess what? Leftist threads get deleted all the time, too.

>> No.4674684

>victim complex

No, it's just that I have been involved in several threads now that were cut short without warning and that left me wondering, "why was the thread deleted?"

>> No.4674703

Happens to both kinds of threads. And both kinds if threads always end up full of shitposts from the opposing view because no one can keep their shit to themselves.

Leftist thread shitposted in by dissenting rightists?
Rightist thread shitposted in by dissenting leftists?

The way you are seeing it is that the left wing thread got deleted because of all the right wing replies, or right wing OP got his thread deleted for his views. The reality is neither. Both threads were in violation however you look at it.

So yes, you have a victim complex.

>> No.4674729
File: 199 KB, 1332x807, 1392217931842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP deleted it.

/pol/sters act exactly like jews.

I found this image on /pol/ once, anyone who browses these boards know how much /pol/ baiting there is.

>> No.4674736

Why should we tolerate hate speech?

For me /lit/ is one of the only "safe spaces" in 4chan and it would be horrible if hate speech was allowed here.

>> No.4674739
File: 28 KB, 525x354, waiting for dogot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

i'm glad conservative shit keeps getting deleted, should be done more often

>> No.4674747


>> No.4674753

Maybe you ought to talk to /pol/ about hemming in their propaganda ops. In fact, were I a less trusting person, I'd think you were from /pol/, because this is exactly the kind of shit that spacker cabal would do.


Most of /pol/ are fucking newfags from
Stormfront anyway. These people are extremely cancerous, and regard the rest of 4chan as 'degenerate'.

>> No.4674750

back to /pol/
back to /pol/
back to /pol/
back to /pol/

>> No.4674754

But this is a literature board, not The United Socialist Peoples of Fourchan

>> No.4674757


i fucking wish.

>> No.4674759

This is hate speech. It's horrible that hate speech is allowed here, I thought this was a safe place :(

>> No.4674760

so if you resent stupid conservative people, you're a socialist?

>> No.4674762


Fuck off nazi shill, go back to stormfront.

We have been fucking moderate in our response to these shitheel reactionary colonists.

>> No.4674763

getta load of the conspiracy theorist

>> No.4674768

I've started threads about Marx before that have gotten deleted.

Why are conservatives such crybabies? Just deal with it faggot.

>> No.4674773

Well, "stupid conservative people" is socialist rhetoric.

This is a LITERATURE board, not a political movement. Are you from tumblr or something?

>> No.4674778

pls anon that is less than 2 minutes hate, do you even understand orwell's point about human civilisation?

>> No.4674779


Needs must. If we all smugly sit and wank ourselves over how much better we are than /pol/ for tolerating their bile, the whole site will end up a locus for libertards, fascists and reactionaries of all descriptions.

>> No.4674781

i'm so sick of the conservative retards' threads and their views on literature. their arguments always boil down to something along those lines: "shakespeare too degenerate, romantics bad, u feminist ruined literature, art dead since 500 bc"

>> No.4674782

>Why are conservatives such crybabies?

They aren't, you're just a bigot caught up in the Media's dialectical game of "Libruls vs Conservatards", congrats on being so gullible :)