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File: 115 KB, 397x600, Spengler21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4674048 No.4674048[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Seems like the ghost of Oswald Spengler is making the rounds of newsheadlines?

Cyclical civlizations /lit/ what do you think?

>> No.4674075

It's a religious sentiment.

>> No.4674080

It's about fucking time.

>> No.4674084

conservatives will just claim it's more junk science

>> No.4674095

>not reading the academic Spangler
Toynbee did a better research in his Study of History. Most civs follow the cyclical model, but linear advancment or parenthood of another civilization is an option if there is a challenge to advance such development.

>> No.4674098

Anyone here have access to Ecological Economics so that we can read the actual study?

>> No.4674100

Did Spengler predict people who will civilization's demise so that their pet theories can be proven right? I don't understand how this is really related to Spengler.

>> No.4674321
File: 24 KB, 625x626, 1375473875362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guardian

>> No.4674346

Civilization collapse is so bullshit, such a static way of thinking

>> No.4674347

There will always be a tension between the Spengler and Toynbee factions - it is stipulated that Toynbee was the institutional superior. Spengler appeals to the type of mind that needs to internalize a personal narrative of history rather than poise another lapidary gem upon the crown of the academic knowledge base.

And I'm ok with that, OP. Spengler is gettging conflated with Fourth Turning much lately.

It is also fair to observe that the West has always been eschatologically pre-disposed, largely owing to Christianity/Judeaism's core apocalyptic/messianic bent, but it is also true that Spengler addresses those as such, and accounts for them in his metaphor.

My own best hope is that the whatever happens next at the global scale can hold off a few more decades so I am not here for it.

>> No.4674564

>Civilization collapse is so bullshit, such a static way of thinking

Name one civilization that hasn't collapsed?

>> No.4674621


>> No.4674643


About time! Can't imagine SJWs and feminists will have much of a place after the collapse of our decadent civilization.

No more mass immigration, no more rootless bourgeois cosmopolitanism, no more womyn's studies - it's gonna be great! I really hope I live to see it.

>in b4 back to pol

>> No.4675660

Maybe in the empirical sense there has been no civilization that has lasted continuously throughout history, but can you analytically prove that a long-lasting civilization is not possible.

>> No.4675699

>the world will end if you don't restore our cut salaries so we can mine moon-dust!
Thanks NASA

>> No.4675703
File: 207 KB, 625x452, TheMoreYouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll. The preponderance of evidence, all that matters as "proof," is that such a possibility is non-zero, like the percentage chance of a killer whale flapping its pectoral fins and flying in the air from Vanuatu to Carmel, or the percentage chance that you have read either Spengler or Toynbee. It's not impossible, it's just very, very small.

>> No.4675714
File: 73 KB, 500x369, 1395082889968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the percentage chance that you have read either Spengler

I have.

It's a good thing.

>> No.4675736

I have to agree with this

although I don´t get how thinking about civilization collapse is "static thinking"

>> No.4675815

You are willing to draw an equal sign between the tribe of Abraham and Moses (sheep-fucking child-killing superstitious Hill Of Foreskin sword and sandal fags) and the modern state of Israel (safest airline, top10 most wired, nuclear armed, geopolitical poker champs)? Really? An equal sign?

>> No.4675834

what is an equal sign

>> No.4675835



>> No.4675836

You're willing to draw an equal sign between all the shit Spengler draws an equal sign between?

>> No.4675849

Look t the dangerous way this guy uses words. He's like some kind of journalist or speech writer.

>> No.4675854

But he doesn't. Judea circa 200CE is not = Gothic Europe circa 1000. His whole thesis is discontinuity, not continuity.

The statement "Israel has continued as a monolithic civilisation, defined by a static and unaltered cultural identity from 3500BCE to the present day," Spengler would reject with the most spare of derisive harumphs. And rightly so.

>> No.4675856

>sheep-fucking child-killing superstitious Hill Of Foreskin sword and sandal fags
cry more

and yes, insofar as history allows for such a thing, I am willing to equate contemporary Jews with their ancestors. The Jews have mixed with others much less than other nations, and thanks to that they are much more akin to their ancestors, both in "racial"/ genetic terms and in terms of their way of life.

>> No.4675883

"others are less decayed than us" is not equivalent to Spenglerian stasis. Israel of today has Zero as a digit, skyscrapers, fiat currency, concrete in its buildings, internet. It bears no resemblance to the Jerusalem of Nero, and would be incomprehensible to them of then. You have demonstrated that either you have never read Spengler, or wish to appear never to have read Spengler. You may now rejoin whatever you call your life without me, already in progress.

>> No.4675893


Dat Faustian soul

>> No.4675905

I've been saying this for years, anybody with a brain can figure out that the West won't last another century. Especially with all of our drives to "educate the third world." What the fuck do they think is going to happen? At the same time global gas supplies are dwindling or being choked off and stored, we're trying to educate our periphery because "hurr if dey edumacated dey gots monee." And then what happens? You have approx. half the planet, previously uneducated, now educated, still poor, and fully conscious of the fact that they constitute the West's economic periphery. I say again, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

>> No.4675928

I haven´t read any Spengler, but I´m pretty sure that if the Jews managed to survive millennia of persecution, they´ll survive peak oil (and whatever other problems the modern world may face) as well.

>> No.4676014

Today, there are four billion people in Asia, one billion in Africa, one billion in the Americas and one billion in Europe. By 2100 there will be five billion people in Asia, four billion in Africa, one billion in the Americas and one billion in Europe.

The decline of the West is inevitable no matter what we do.

>> No.4676025

Spengler's concept of the "west" wasn't a geographic, ethnic, or racial notion. It was a worldview and societal edifice that moves in cycles.


Tl;dr: The entire west is powered by infinity but produces ugly side effects.

>> No.4676043

Yes, but the West itself is hastening its own demise. You'd think some precautionary measures would be taken.

I guess I mean the Western West, as in the global economic hegemony of the USA and EU, and their allies. I foresee the same "Western" ideals that make up the core of the current West's ideological doctrine (secularism, globalism, et al.) will be taken up by the rising East. So, I suppose the East will "become" the West, in your terms. I don't know, I haven't read much Spengler.

>> No.4676077

Is that Hank from Breaking Bad?

>> No.4676171

i thought the same thing from the thumbnail

>> No.4676178


>> No.4676198

>, I am willing to equate contemporary Jews with their ancestors. The Jews have mixed with others much less than other nations, and thanks to that they are much more akin to their ancestors, both in "racial"/ genetic terms and in terms of their way of life.
>not mostly non-semitic
>orthodox judaism
>not a new ruse younger than christinaty

>> No.4676201

I was pretty sure it was, until I read the filename.

>> No.4676271

United States

>> No.4676314
File: 685 KB, 4000x2352, 1371569561820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not moving to Japan/China

lol you may laugh at us weebs now but our children will be the ones laughing at yours

>> No.4676318

I thought it was Aleister Crowley.

>> No.4676347

>tfw always wanna read spengler after reading spengler threads
>tfw get bored as fuck while reading him

>> No.4676357


This may help, but don't substitute it for reading.


>> No.4676368

extinct in 100 years because lolnokids
enjoy your lung cancer

>> No.4676373

They do have a striking resemblance. Not only in appearance either. They're both extremely silly.

>> No.4676378

Why the fuck would anything /pol/ related be interesting?

>> No.4676404

i don't think it's fair to cast him off as /pol/, though.

just look at the influence spengler had: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Spengler#Influence

>> No.4676407

>extinct in 100 years because lolnokids

That's why you move there and have kids. Less competition for everything and less resources needed to maintain themselves which is why they'll stay relevant even after the west isn't.

And yeah I agree China isn't a nice place right now but in the next century it will probably have pretty much swapped places with the US, so it's not a bad bet for your progeny.

>> No.4676412


It's not even /pol/ related. Spengler is much more in the Nietzschean tradition than anything else.

He's a historiographic giant.

>> No.4676423

>in the next century it will probably have pretty much swapped places with the US, so it's not a bad bet for your progeny.
I'd be really, really surprised if that was the case. Economically the country can only survive through rapid industrial expansion and any environmental programs would hamper that drastically. China since Mao has been dogshit for its citizens beyond getting money for a small percentage of them.

>> No.4676437
File: 194 KB, 930x699, 1388026683630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looks like it's gonna have a better future than the US regardless though.

Japan is clearly your best bet right now though.

>> No.4676459

>i don't think it's fair to cast him off as /pol/, though.
Honestly, you're probably right. Just tired of seeing these threads every time I'm on. At least someone try and talk about something specific and unfamiliar of his instead of half-assed generals or "derp spenglr wuz rite".

>> No.4676504

Civilization will never destroy itself; civilization is a process. It thrives through crises; "collapses" give it a chance to reinvent itself to reassert its granular domination.

If we are ever to escape its confines, we can no longer wait in enfeebled, masturbator self-satisfaction. Nor can we search exits, for the current form of civilization is precisely one that encompasses EVERYTHING, metaphysically and physically. We need to *create* exits, open ruptures in the fabrics of Empire; we need to actively dismantle civilization.

>> No.4676567

Does Spengler precisely define what he means by a "collapse"? I'm pretty certain he does, but I'd like to see his definition.

Looked at one way, the end of feudalism and the rise of nation-states can be seen as a collapse of civilization. So could the end of Europe's Golden Age with the start of World War I.

>> No.4677512

Do you mean the ancient kingdom of Israel that was annihilated repeatedly by everyone and didn't exist for thousands of years or the modern one that's going to be swept into the sea as soon as the USA can't afford to keep propping it up in ten years?

>> No.4677522 [DELETED] 

Sorry Chaim but you kikes are nothing but an Asian rabble from the steppes, the last few descendants of the Israelites, if there are any at all, are in Israeli concentration camps and being killed with Israeli missiles.

>> No.4677550 [DELETED] 

What part of Israel still exists for it to be called Israel?