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/lit/ - Literature

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4672513 No.4672513 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a completely demotivated virgin stoner in his early 20s and I can't get myself to do a whole lot to improve my life. I'm a priviliged white cis-male or whatever. I'm not poor or stuff like that. No doubt any criticism this might make you hurl at me would be true and valid, but I'd rather you recommend me a "lifechanging" book. ARE there any books like? Is changing your life with literature a long and ponderous journey through the many many works of many many authors, or is there books or a book out there that alters its readers mind with its.. astonishing literary value or whatever. I don't know. If there's a book like this you felt accomplished something like this, say it here.

>> No.4672522


Get /fit/, read, learn to /ck/, run, learn to appreciate people, work at a summer camp, go to an exchange program, learn to draw, watch anime, play vidya, swim, get into hiking, keep a journal, travel to the east, learn a new language, get in good terms with your family, pick up an instrument, work at a farm, become a brony, create a website, buy a gun, buy a horse, buy a boat, sail, go on a cruise ship, get a flying license, buy a motorcycle, avoid drugs, dont get stuck on nostalgia, pay no attention to world problems, dont mind the speling erors and reach nirvana.

>> No.4672532

all good advice. Let's see if there's a book first. I'm already doing a few of those things already.

>> No.4672537

>I'm a privileged cis-white male

What is fucking wrong with you. Stop being brainwashed by kikes you goddamn NEET idiot.

>> No.4672538

>I already watch animoo and play vidya gimme mejik buk ;_;

>> No.4672546


The idea is not to do some, but to do as many as you can until you find one that provides fulfillment and/or satisfaction to lift you up from your demotivated state.

>> No.4672557

Lol, I'm not. I just wanted a statement that summarized my social/economical/societa/whatever standing in a way most people on /lit/ and indeed all of 4chan would know what I mean.

It meant I'm a white male living in the first world and I've had an ordinary, easy childhood and early adoloscence in a regular urban environment.

>> No.4672562

Nah, I'm already as fit as I wanna be (meaning I exercise and lift weights regularly and enough to always make some progress with it). Swimming and hiking would fall under that. I'm learning french and I've played harmonica, guitar and various flutes for 7 years. I'm alsoa brony. Nah j/k I aint that.

>> No.4672564

where did you get that hot onion

>> No.4672643

/fit/ first, than /lit/.

Body mind and soul anon

>> No.4672681
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>> No.4672921

Drop some acid bruv.

It'll help you realize your life means nothing in the long run, and neither does anyone else's. So fuck everything and see as much of the world as you can while you can. Be good to people you meet and it'll come back to you.