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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 626x710, 1395045234683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4670903 No.4670903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to get ripped and then get Miltons Satan on my chest with some paradise lost quote under it though I don't know which one yet. Is this a common tattoo? Do you like the idea?

I'm thinking about getting a lot of work done in the theme of classic literature with The Divine Comedy, The Bible, Milton and Blake imagery and passages.

>> No.4670915

>/lit/ approves of nothing. ever.

>youre gonna be the edgiest edge-master in existence. everyone stand the fuck back before this guy cuts you to the bone...

>> No.4670917


Is Paradise Lost really edgy?

>> No.4670920
File: 295 KB, 989x788, 13-143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for this sort of aesthetic and I might add in some medievil art to my sleeve, etc.

>> No.4670919

Great fucking idea, man. Keep rockin'

>> No.4670925
File: 111 KB, 500x727, 1395046277248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4670936
File: 2.35 MB, 1668x2513, Goya_Cap43_D80_cl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4670938

repost this thread when you're ripped.

protip: that will be never

>> No.4670942


I'm already pretty fit, I could do it now if I felt like it tbh, my body looks nice already. I want to look like David for this though.

>> No.4670981



that painting is by Goya

>> No.4671031
File: 39 KB, 450x640, behemoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better get a tattoo of this dude.

>> No.4671034

and a quote to go along with it:
You're not Dostoevsky,' said the citizeness, who was getting muddled by Koroviev. Well, who knows, who knows,' he replied.
'Dostoevsky's dead,' said the citizeness, but somehow not very confidently.
'I protest!' Behemoth exclaimed hotly. 'Dostoevsky is immortal!

>> No.4671036

Are you some kind oof barbarian? Tattoos are for criminals and sailors, not for educated people.

>> No.4671062

Please get out more
>not liking robert e howard

>> No.4671073


Got it from google images and didn't name it lol, but yeh I like Goya and mightget that one and the other one I posted.

>> No.4671087

I am classic scholar, there is nothing interesting outside for me. No ancient Greek would ever get a tattoo.

>> No.4671095


Might be cool to get the cat tattoo actually, I love that book and Russian literatre as well.

>> No.4671134

you could have him hanging from your nipple.

>> No.4672706


>> No.4672724

>white people

>> No.4672732

No, but getting a quote from it tattooed on your chest certainly is.

>> No.4672748
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Portrait-of-Milton-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i bet u havent even red paradise lost get rekt m8 go fuck urself p lost is 2dense4u fuck outta here meatball

>> No.4672786


Why edgy though?

>> No.4672792


90% of the time, the only quote people know from Paradise Lost is "Better to Reign in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven"

>> No.4672803

m8, you might want to read some analysis of Milton's character before you do that. I recommend C.S. Lewis' writing on him. (Lewis was a pretty big Milton/early English scholar)

In case you're a moron though and just want the bullet points, here's what Lewis says. Satan is charismatic as fuck at the beginning because that's what Satan does: he intices you to betray God and sin. If you pay attention to his dialogue throughout the entire poem, he's lying out of his ass and contradicting himself all the time though. Furthermore, towards the end of the poem it's him just sneaking around being a little weasel interspersed with him having little hissy fits about how he can't enjoy paradise. That line (paraphrasing, I can't remember the exact quote) "The mind is its own place and can make a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell" bites him in the ass because he's so consumed with bitterness that he can't enjoy how beautiful paradise is around him.

I mean is that really someone you want tattooed on your body?

If you want to be real cool, I'd get a tattoo of the Sun and Uriel in front of it on your chest, or maybe Michael brandishing his sword of flame.

>> No.4672836


lol well it won't be that one


Yes, and I like all that, the quote you mentioned is a prime candidate.

>> No.4672853

>Yes, and I like all that, the quote you mentioned is a prime candidate.

Why though?? Why would you want someone who is constantly tormented and bitter about everything?

I can understand if you like the whole romantic notion of standing up against an invincible godhead, but Satan doesn't even do it with dignity. If you want something like that go with Prometheus.

>> No.4672871


Well that's the reason I was drawn to the character in the first place, I'm not interested in Prometheus so much jist because I'm more interested in the medievil aesthetic than the classical.

>> No.4672876

>wearing work-length trousers is for criminals and peasants, not for educated people!

>> No.4672886

>having identity
>identity based on a fictional chracter

>> No.4672888

>Why would you want someone who is constantly tormented and bitter about everything?

Why do so many people relate to characters like Rorscach, Dr. House, and Rust?

>> No.4672891

saw a queer theorist rip off his shirt to reveal this very tatt you're describing after a lackluster speech a couple years ago at my uni.

>> No.4672898

Because they're fedoras, like people who relate to Deadpool.

>> No.4672899

Why don't you just admit that you want the tattoo so certain girls will fuck you?

>> No.4672902


How did it look?

>> No.4672906

You can do better than that.

>> No.4672907


What girls are those?

>> No.4672941

nope. The characters are edgy, that's really all there is to it.

>> No.4672946

Dark haired, tattooed girls and dark haired girls who want tattoos.

>> No.4672945

Hipster chicks ofc

>> No.4672959

Does "edgy" just mean "tragic" and "masculine"?

>> No.4672962
File: 11 KB, 328x277, porky gets a video game tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know just the quote for you, OP.

>These yelling Monsters that with ceasless cry / Surround me, as thou sawst, hourly conceiv'd / And hourly born, with sorrow infinite / To me, for when they list into the womb / That bred them they return, and howle and gnaw / My Bowels, thir repast; then bursting forth / A fresh with conscious terrours vex me round, / That rest or intermission none I find.

>> No.4672973

>can't read classic literature?
>wear it instead!

>> No.4672981

It means mistaking these qualities for "badass".

>> No.4673100


> he doesn't like Hamlet

>> No.4673184

Hamlet the man I don't, no. Hamlet the play, yes.

>> No.4673201

>hating the only redeemable character in the play

>> No.4673203

I think it's rather telling that Dante's Satan says nothing and is extremely pathetic from his outset. Milton tries to make Satan pathetic, but is too good a writer and winds up endearing us to him. Dante knows better. Dante just lets Satan wallow in the frost of the ninth circle of Hell.

>> No.4673247


Telling of what?

>> No.4673261

Telling of the 'proper' Christian approach to Satan and evil, which is to stay the fuck away.

Milton tries to make Satan vicious and ugly and reprehensible, but by merely treating of him at all, he becomes sympathetic and charming. Satan is arguably the most fascinating character in Paradise Lost, and how horrific is that? Satan in Paradise Lost is ultimately an example of the seductive nature of evil.

And of course, in the end Milton was heretical, so what does that tell you about his treatment of the divine?

>> No.4673264


Tbh I feel like Miltons Satan is just a man, no more or less.

>> No.4673303

Which is half the danger of ever writing about true evil, about things demonic. You're tempted to humanize them, to make them 'just a man' that you can sympathize with and understand.

Beings of evil like the demons of old are far beyond men. They play-pretend at being men, but that's how they get you. You can reason with men. You can bargain with men. Things like demons are black holes from which no light escapes. They made their choice at the dawn of time and, though it's possible they could come back, they never will. Beware them.

This is why C.S. Lewis makes Screwtape sound unattractive when he voices him. Lewis understood how seductive evil could be.

>> No.4673317

I don't hate him, I just don't *like* him. Do I have to *like* Macbeth?