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4668685 No.4668685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My beauty is fading. I need to accept it and not be depressed about it. Any books that can help me deal with that?

>> No.4668693

Wasnt Picture of Dorian Grey all about that?

>> No.4668699


or plenty of articles of Impermanence.

>> No.4668717

Death in Venice has themes of beauty and youth. You might be able to relate to the protag, I doubt it will help at all though.
Also deals with the same youth and beauty.

>> No.4668878


>> No.4668885

>tfw ugly

>> No.4668896

At least you won't have problems like OP which I find very reassuring.

>> No.4668902

vanity comes with a price

>> No.4668919

god I hate Death in Venice, Thomas Mann is so overrated

>> No.4668931

I know that feel. Sucks that I'm going to have to lower my standards.

>> No.4668938

if you based your standards on your looks then this is what u get

>> No.4668943
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>> No.4668952

I recommend Get Married and Have Children Before Your Sexual Market Value Declines or Become A Spinster With An Eternally Barren Womb. It's a classic text in the field.

>> No.4668963

Well, not solely, but it's one of the things I look for in a romantic/sexual partner, yeah.

>> No.4668976
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A Streetcar Named Desire

>> No.4669003

You guys are assuming I was very beautiful to begin with. What little beauty I have is starting to fade, I'll go from average to hideous.

>> No.4669007

Jesus Christ, please tell me everything your college text book said about Thomas Mann in CAPS faggot DYER

>> No.4669018

Dumas. Both of them

>> No.4669029
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>tfw man
>tfw never worried about fading beauty even once
>tfw instinctively looking forward to 50 years of rewarding exercise and pride in my body and appearance even if testosterone flags a little
>tfw instinctively see my hard work and distinctions as the things that make me attractive
>tfw they will last until i'm 90
>tfw they compound on one another and lead me to further opportunities for work and distinction, instead of being cultivated for a decade and then withering, leaving nothing but mulch
>tfw some old fuck like buzz aldrin could still drive women wild with his status and charisma but only weirdos would want to fuck even a 50 year old audrey hepburn
>tfw women enjoy being top-of-the-line for like 2-5 years and then immediately become inferior by gradations to girls a year or two younger than them
>tfw by the time they're 25-30 they've all given up and they have gross paunchy skin and old lady hands
>tfw they still have 50+ years to go and they'll never work as hard or develop their physique like men

>> No.4669059


>> No.4669065

I would fuck the shit out of Jane Fonda and she's nearer to 90

>> No.4669091

>tfw never worried about fading beauty even once

what about hair loss/having a weird shaped head?

>> No.4669094

no i mean your own self worth
pretty doesn't attract pretty as often as it does in the movies

>> No.4669095
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>> No.4669109


its funny you say that considering the preponderance of media that extols that exact same 'pretty people are jerks/supplicating schlub gets the girl/dogged plain jane gets the alpha' paean you imply. in truth of course attractiveness is a huge factor in the generation of desire, especially in men.

>> No.4669122

Yeah sorry I must have skimmed your original post.

You're probably right, but in my experience I'd say that being good looking certainly makes things easier. Not that I claim to be an Adonis or anything, but I do get a lot of compliments.

>> No.4669128

sure, but men are lucky in the sense that physical appearance doesn't have the final say in where/who we get in our lives

huge factor or not, i'm a pretty bitch and i haven't known a woman intimately for 4 years. you and i are lazy and bad human beings

>> No.4669131

>physical appearance doesn't have the final say

it does have the first say, though.

>> No.4669133

life truly begins at 55


>> No.4669140

i've known men and women to bend reality at their will without a single regard for what people have to say.
of course that's not you or i, or we wouldn't be here on this site talking about what we're talking about

>> No.4669144

He was a Russian non-peasant man in the 1800s

>> No.4669158

>>bend reality to their will
you're an idiot

>> No.4669166

i'm an idiot because you didn't understand what i said?
you're a genius

>> No.4669184

think about the literal meaning of what you said, fucking trite little metaphor right there, and you said it as if you aren't getting the negative social responses that kind of thing deserves, faggot

>> No.4669208

The Dickture of Dorian Gay

>> No.4669237

you tell me my use of hyperbole deserves negative social responses but calling me a faggot doesn't? that's fine, i can deal with that but isn't thinking every 'trite little metaphor' is stated as a fact a symptom of autism? so you're calling me an idiot because i think there are powerful magicians with staves that rewrite reality?

>> No.4669242

You said "bend reality to their will", I honestly think you do wear a wizards robe and have a staff

>> No.4669249

do you have this problem in real conversations too?
sarcasm probably flies over your head too

>> No.4669251

I don't think that's true.

>> No.4669264
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>> No.4669286

Ah hahahah

>> No.4669314

The Bone People, Keri Hulme

Novel set in New Zealand. Easy English to read. Aging kiwi arty type facing narrowing choices in men; life intersects with a mute orphan washed up from a shipwreck. Mysteries ensue. She struggles with loneliness and an ambivalent double standard with alcohol. A more exotic, grown up, and interesting Bridget Jones.

>> No.4669349

I don't know, maybe read the border trilogy, you'll still be aging but you'll feel less important

>> No.4669370

Fire and Dust, Tatyana Tolstaya

Volume of short fiction. Any translation will do - you don't care about such exotica. High points: "Fire and Dust," "Hunting the Wooly Mammoth, " and "Peters." Tatya is Tolstoy''s great-grand niece, born in 1951. She's right up your alley. No one ever feels worse about their own lot in life after reading a Russian.

>> No.4669393

Wittgenstein's Mistress, David Markson

Novel. Not as experimental as they say. Easy to read. The last woman on earth, following an un-named apocalypse, travels the world searching for survivors.