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4668173 No.4668173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you people are so intelligent, why is it that so many of you cannot figure out how to be happy?

>> No.4668174

"To be happy" is not the goal of life. If it was, we wouldn't do half the shit we do.

>> No.4668176

What is it then?

>> No.4668180

Life preservation itself or some shit. Do you really care? It has nothing to do with "your" goals.

>> No.4668198

figuring this out has nothing to do with accomplishing it

>> No.4668208
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Because they are so attached to theorising itself, so addicted to it, that they can't muster the necessary quietism to attain peace of mind. I'm prone to this myself. Thinking as a compulsive habit will get you out of your blues quickly, but you'll think yourself out of your happy moments just as fast. You'll end up in a perpetual hurried paradigm flux habitually.

This can be overcome by a serious commitment to taking it easy, though, assisted by the proper taking it easy texts.

>> No.4668216

I suffer from depression, so it's not that easy, OP. What really gets me down is my hyperactive mind (I think most people can relate to this); it always has to be thinking something, and usually those thoughts are not pleasant. So I try to turn my brain off, but the only way I know how is by actively doing something. My usual go-to is calculus questions, they act as a temporary distraction.

>> No.4668222

Are you mentally ill, anything you do has supposed happiness at the end of its road.

>> No.4668225

I am happy because I believe I am happy.

>> No.4668226

Happiness is an emotion, and emotions are ephemeral. It is impossible to maintain one emotion constantly. One cannot "be" happy anymore than one can "be" anxious or sad or bored.

You may as well try and catch the wind.

>> No.4668255

Wait! Are you not happy?


>> No.4668260

Because the intelligence you're equating with emotional intelligence, are two different things.

>> No.4668271

Who is happy anyways, who isn't lying. Happy destinies are an absolute rarity. The important question is if you are content with yourself and your choices.

>> No.4668281


>> No.4668333

pharrell is such a cunt

this shit makes me happy as fuck

>> No.4668354

Intelligence is the exact opposite of happiness.

>> No.4668356
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We're waiting for /sci/ to do that.

>> No.4668360

>anon in charge of understanding the book

>> No.4668407


>> No.4668412

>implying suffering isn't happyness

>> No.4668414


if you're so clever then why are you on your own tonight ?

>> No.4668416

we're not doing this

>> No.4668417

a gramme is better than a damn :-)

>> No.4668457
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Its a good point, thinking people should have it all figured out, including at least more happiness than negativity. And billion dollar bank accounts.

>> No.4668464

Don't worry, the Brave New World is coming for those who are willing to sacrifice their humanity for permanent happiness.

>> No.4668481


This board is populated by teenagers and humanities majors, it's on the lower-mid eschelons of intelligence. I just go here for fiction discussion.

>> No.4668499

why am i not happy?
because i dont want to be happy
happiness is overrated
happy people are all either stupid or drunk
how can you possibly really be happy in a world that is defined by its suffering
trying to be happy is a waste of time
so i have stopped trying to be happy and invested those energies into far more important ventures, like becoming Czar and Autocrat of all the Russias

>> No.4668514
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>This is what delusional depressives actually believe
If you were begin serious, your mental state must be atrocious.

>> No.4668525

A stupid man does not know he is stupid, nor can he know when he is being taken advantage of.
In this way, stupidity is the crux of happiness.

>> No.4668531

Don't forget the Christian/Catholic shitposters like >>4668514
Le Fedora May-may needs a permaban already

>> No.4668537

you don't have to be stupid to be ignorant. through concentrated effort, i have made myself willfully ignorant of all the problems around me, and find that i am much happier for it.

>> No.4668548

When did I ever say I was a Christian?
Stop generalizing, you presumptuous cock.

>> No.4668558

The magical time, in wonton hours
Presumptuous cocks, submissive flowers

>> No.4668586


I'm fucking stupid and I am aware of it.

>> No.4668623

>it's on the lower-mid eschelons of intelligence. I just go here for fiction discussion.
>I just go here for fiction discussion.
>lower-mid eschelons of intelligence.
>fiction discussion.

Nice projection. You are not /lit/.

>> No.4668626

if youre so intelligent why do you assume happiness is the thing to be had above other things

>> No.4668672

Then you aren't stupid enough.

>> No.4668697

Happiness is only temporary my friend. I can be happy, but it won't last very long.

>> No.4668934
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Could be worse.

>> No.4669928

True happiness is not only an emotion.
It's being satisfied. The "happy" feeling will come and go whenever it does.

>> No.4669961


Ah ah.
I am.

>> No.4669977 [DELETED] 
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>why is it that so many of you cannot figure out how to be happy?

Introverted romantic. A cruel fate, to be sure.

>> No.4669984

Being satisfied is very different from being happy.

>> No.4669988

>It's being satisfied. The "happy" feeling will come and go whenever it does.

They coincide, therefore are the same thing? You did poorly on your LSATs, didn't you?

>> No.4670011

As long as you're satisfied you don't need happiness. Problem solved.

>> No.4670016

Perhaps people should just forget about happiness and just strive for satisfaction.

>> No.4670020

Even worse.

>> No.4670022

>ad hominem

Allow me to elaborate- the emotion of happiness is what you want, but you can't be in a perpetual state of it. You want it to come and go often, and often feel good, but in between these times when it isn't there, you're still satisfied. I think we're much more complex than always having the same serotonin rushes.

And I received a 28 on the ACT if it's so necessary, particularly a 34 on the Reading.

>> No.4670023

By satisfaction I don't mean no ambition.

I mean genuine satisfaction. You can enjoy life if you allow yourself to "have" enough out of it, while still pushing on and striving for more.

I've never had a girlfriend and it does not bother me a bit, for example.

>> No.4670034
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Ach mein Gott, the plebs in this thread.

>> No.4670044

Get outta here caveman

>> No.4670066


>>ad hominem

Yes. He knows it was an ad hominem.
He was fucking mocking you.

Do you really think that impassively stating the obvious makes you any less of a retard?

>> No.4670127

Ambition is for silly sufferers.

>> No.4670154

...And I didn't know he knew?

You shouldn't go and imply things, guy

>> No.4670189


You are stupid
Stupid people make invalid arguments
Therefore, your argument is invalid

You believe in global warming
Only stupid people believe in global warming
Therefore, global warming is a stupid belief


>> No.4670227


>ad hominem

>> No.4670239

Happiness is the state of not being in pursuit of happiness.

>> No.4670251


stop quoting eat pray love you housewife faggot

>> No.4670261
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>he doesn't have wu wei

>> No.4670304

Honestly, I never understood the need to bend over backwards for happiness.
I'm pretty happy just chilling and having the people I have in my life...

>> No.4670324

>mfw plebs can't into non-doing

>> No.4670352
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>> No.4670360

people don't want to be happy

>> No.4670366

Try playing chess, or you know reading

>> No.4670856

I can back this up. Starting to learning to play chess and read more.

>> No.4670869

Because ignorance is bliss.

>> No.4671398

Yea, who needs happiness. Everyone should just strive to be ignorant of everything.

"In this moment I am blissful. Not because of some phony happiness, but because I am enlightened by my own ignorance."

>> No.4671438

beyond procuring the necessities of existence, ignorance is generally better, yes.

>> No.4671482

maybe I don't want to be happy.

>> No.4671486

brb getting this tattooed on my forehead

>> No.4671507


youre not very smart arent you op?

>> No.4671516
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>> No.4671518

He's smarter than you judging by your question...

>> No.4671531

everyone on /lit/ already knows how to be happy. take me for instance, i'm very happy
the trick to being happy is you just have to get what you want and want sustainable things ;)

>> No.4671537

i've found having female friends who i'm not interested in sexually is actually improving my mood, who would have thought

>> No.4671586

>fat girls
>good company

>> No.4672408

Happiness is much more easily achieved through instinct than intellect. If happiness was one of the 'goals' of life then we'd be much better equipped to attain it had we no conscious thoughts

>> No.4672421

I'm happy. That's what I tell myself anyway.

>> No.4674671

Kind anon, could you name all these figures for those of us who might not be familiar with their works?

>> No.4674686 [DELETED] 

Wittgenstein, Laozi, Bodhidharma
Pyrrho, Epicurus, Palamas

>> No.4674689

Wittgenstein, Laozi, Bodhidharma
Pyrrho, Epicurus, Palamas

>> No.4674691

Thank you.

>> No.4674766

oh i am happy.
Very happy, op.

I am extremely good looking, tall, intelligent and confident. I can fuck whoever I want to fuck whenever I want to fuck.

I'm afraid that some people have life on cheat mode.
I'm not going to apologise. Don't bother trying to make me feel bad about it because it's not like it's my fault that I'm beautiful.


>> No.4674775

>not independently wealthy by inheritance

lel back to work pleb

>> No.4674792
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If we were so easily satisfied we would have never travelled the seas, left the caves etc.
It's in our nature to never be content with what we have.

>> No.4674810

reading just makes me think even more

>> No.4674814

because intelligent people realize that seeking happiness is a foolish.

>> No.4674818

We never lived in the caves.

>> No.4674836

i am a student.

Enjoy never having the satisfaction of making your own million without daddy's help.

>> No.4675322

Negro detected.

>> No.4675352

I agree.
I figured it out early on, myself.
It's all about simplicity.

>> No.4675380

>proletarians actually thinking there's more pleasure in toil than being of high birth

whatever you need to help you get through the day man.

>> No.4675911

Well there is.
To be a man is to stand back at your work, and be able to appreciate that it is from the sweat of your brow.

You will never understand, you blue blood ponce

>> No.4675922

>>proletarians actually thinking there's more pleasure in toil than being of high birth

>> No.4675924


>> No.4675949

>It's all about simplicity.

I like it. Please, tell me more.

>> No.4675958

A lot of people have never been REALLY happy, so they assume it doesn't exist or is fleeting by nature. They fail to realize (because no one worth listening to has told them, and they haven't met the requirements in the course of their own lives) that maintaining happiness requires you to be braver than your peers and to put every ounce of your effort into your chosen path. For example, the happiest times of my life have been accompanied by the greatest physical pain and uncertainty about my future that I've experienced

>> No.4675964

You cannot know true happiness until you have been in the deepest depths of despair.

>> No.4675969

the grapes are sour

>> No.4675973

they were perfectly fine grapes, she was just a wasteful bitch

>> No.4675980

>glorifying your own slavery
you know we sold you the bullshit rhetoric you're using now to keep you docile, right?

>> No.4676024


Man, this picture breaks my hearth. Poor Nietzsche.

>Oh, what a noble mind was here o'erthrown!

>> No.4676027

>roleplaying neckbeards

>> No.4676042

One day, we all will.

>> No.4676097

Because Humans weren't meant to be either happy or intelligent, both are meaningless notions, there is only confusion.

>> No.4676108
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>> No.4676268
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Well my dear OP, it is because following your responsibilities within a society or just meeting the expectations you impose on yourself rarely go hand in hand with being happy.

I for an example spent the last 5 years in a 2*3 m2, which is essentially smaller than the average european prison cell. I worked my arse off in there day and night, all just for a proper degree. I had no freetime apart from a few meaningless weeks where my restlessness almost drove me insane. I made no friends, I did not go out and you can bet your ass on the fact that I did not meet that "special person" that is oh-so-important to so many out there.
I did one thing: I followed through with a plan, comforting myself with the lie that a better tomorrow might come. But the closer I get to the end of all this university-schmacke-dee-doo I realize how insubstantial this tomorrow might be. My lifestyle almost consumed my personality and socially crippled me to a point where making contact with people outside of work became insanely hard, if not impossible. And I'll be honest with you: If I leave that building tomorrow, there will be absolutely nothing waiting for me out there.

The rationalization for all of this as it is given at the moment is rather cryptic. Even for myself. I do not know whether I'm already mentally ill, in denial or just too stupid to figure out why, but if you asked me today if I would go through all of this work and hardship again I'd probably have to say yes. Not so much because I loved it, hell no I did not. Not so much for the things I gained and certainly not for the personality disorders I formed over the last 5 years. But when I look into the mirror today, revealing a slowly fading youth, I see a person grown with its challenges. Someone who had his metal tested and someone who was not afraid to go further than others. And that's reality. There is no one who can take that from me. And there is a certain satisfaction in that I guess. Something that goes into another direction than what we might call happiness I suppose. But it is a form of bitter-sweet content I could not have any other way. Is that worth it? Well, I do not know. I don't have any comparison.

And that is all I can tell you.

>> No.4676278

>I for an example spent the last 5 years in a 2*3 m2

a 2*3m room that is

>> No.4676384

Are you rich now?

>> No.4676418

and which of the works by these authors would you consider the most important for "taking it easy"? I relate to what you said in your post regarding thinking yourself out of happy moments, not so much to the thinking myself out of the blues though. I wish I could do that.

>> No.4676441

The picture was more a reference to a general quietist approach than recommended reading, but Epicureanist and Taoist stuff hit the spot for me. This podcast is a good introduction to Epicureanism:


I would start there.

>> No.4676442

No. The point however is: That is fine. It was not the outcome that was important in the end and i wouldn't know what to do with the money anyway.
Maybe i would if i went another way.

>> No.4676532

>Someone who had his metal tested

God fucking damn man, learn to use the right mettle

>> No.4676745

You're talking about going to school as if you were head-butting German lead on a French beach, breh.

>> No.4676818

Max kek

>> No.4676824
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i made a graph

>> No.4676836

But I had figured out how to be happy, is that my misfortunes are holding me back form making it possible.

>> No.4676846

>s-STEM masterrace!

>> No.4677344

Sorry me no good englishman sir. Yes, no, maybe, sausage, sausage.

Well let me explain like this: The moment i have my MSc, which is a matter of months now, it has to get better. Because if it doesnt, i could also just fucking kill myself. The first time you notice what's actually the price of all this you realize: If it is not illness or other terrible strikes of fate, what else is life going to throw at you? That tiny bit of work others call wage slavery? Oh please. 9 to 5 is a fucking paradise for me. Christ even 9 to 9 would be.
And yeah that may sound a little martial but that is not so far off. I always regarded all of this as a battle for a proper place in society. Which certainly isn't a hugging contest. Which brings us back to the point why you might not become happy with it, but you sure as hell know how things go down. Which has its own value.

>> No.4677363


It's pretty accurate really. Unintelligent people also rarely doubt themselves.

>read a lot to better myself
>the more I read the worse I feel

I don't miss being a child for any nostalgic reasons, but I do miss not being so aware of my mortality.

>> No.4677370


>I had no freetime apart from a few meaningless weeks where my restlessness almost drove me insane.
>I made no friends, I did not go out and you can bet your ass on the fact that I did not meet that "special person" that is oh-so-important to so many out there.
>My lifestyle almost consumed my personality and socially crippled me to a point where making contact with people outside of work became insanely hard, if not impossible.

>if you asked me today if I would go through all of this work and hardship again I'd probably have to say yes.

Ask yourself how much of this is earnest appreciation of this time and how much of it is denial over the possibility that these familial and societal responsibilities have brought you far greater woe than betterment.

You've admitted that they've basically crippled you to the point of outside contact being "impossible".

But I understand that you have invested so much of yourself into the time that denial really is just a coping mechanism here. If you were to be honest with yourself about how much you truly resent it all (your whole post reads like you trying to convince yourself of all this was a positive after all) you'd probably drown in spite.

Bitter-sweet contentment is nothing more than well-managed resentment.

>> No.4677374

In particular, read P. G. Wodehouse.

>> No.4677401


I do this too. When I'm really depressed I read science/mathematics books or the densest shit I can find. Makes it pretty hard to think about anything else.

>> No.4677457

Saw thread. Scanned for image. Image present. Good work, guy.

Slightly confused why it took so long to show up.

>> No.4677469

Do you think he loved Lou? Do you think that he actually, dearly, loved her?

>> No.4677508
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I am happy, but then I practise career unemployment and am an artisan of idleness.

>> No.4677510

>"goal" of life
y'all's black ass just went full retard.

>> No.4677542

"y'all's" "black" "ass" "just" "went" "full" "retard"

>> No.4677597
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>Ask yourself how much of this is earnest appreciation of this time and how much of it is denial over the possibility that these familial and societal responsibilities have brought you far greater woe than betterment.

Well I certainly can't say I "appreciated" how I spent the last five years. I'd be lying if I did. However I see it as a sort of chalked up betterment, knowing well that this isn't necessarily a good thing. And yes, there are days where I drown in spite over a good part of my youth "lost" (from a "normal" persons point of view). But the things I've learned on the way give me greater potential, greater freedom and most of all greater foresight for tomorrow. Or to explain it with a quote by aristotle: The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Of course I can use that as some sort of smartass comeback whenever I'm asked why I went through all this bullshit, but look at it from this side: Today I live in europe. I do not own anything of great value. I do not have any sort of important relationships running. If I really wanted to, in a year I could be working in canada and in another year I could be working in china. And in both cases I would probably live a relatively successful life, fuller in experience than maybe 90% of people on earth.

Or I could just say "Fuck it" and bugger off to some antarctica station or teach children in india or pull the noses of berkut soldiers on the crimea (I wouldn't do that - that's fucking dangerous). And I do not have to fear, once I come back to a more regulated life, that my place in society is lost. That is because my skills are actually needed and my profile is pretty alright I'd say. And even if my place was lost, I reached a point where I can make it back on track in no time. It is the personaility I formed in the last few years, with all its flaws and misery, that can make this happen.

There comes a freedom with this. A freedom that has its price of course, but the value of it is higher than the price you pay for it. And most of all, compared to the happiness of a more simple life, it lasts.

>> No.4677625
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People have the innate ability to be sad. Some are just more predisposed to it than others to use it.

>> No.4677754

What did you study
I feel much the same as you and my degree doesn't guarantee employment

>> No.4677788

Thanks for these m8

>> No.4677791

A nihilist can have a life goal, they just understand their goal is their own take on life, as opposed to some universal law.

>> No.4677816

>Intelligence is the exact opposite of happiness.

>RESULTS: Happiness is significantly associated with IQ. Those in the lowest IQ range (70-99) reported the lowest levels of happiness compared with the highest IQ group (120-129). Mediation analysis using the continuous IQ variable found dependency in activities of daily living, income, health and neurotic symptoms were strong mediators of the relationship, as they reduced the association between happiness and IQ by 50%.

>CONCLUSIONS: Those with lower IQ are less happy than those with higher IQ. Interventions that target modifiable variables such as income (e.g. through enhancing education and employment opportunities) and neurotic symptoms (e.g. through better detection of mental health problems) may improve levels of happiness in the lower IQ groups.

>> No.4677841

The majority of intelligent people do not identify as such. However, many unintelligent people think themselves intelligent. Perhaps that sheds some light on your question, OP?

>> No.4677933

Projection: the post

>> No.4677948


> fucking empiricists

People with higher IQs are adept at taking IQ tests, which is largely the approach that the educational system in the U.S. (and the West in general) has instilled. Thus, those with higher IQs succed within the confines of the system (i.e. they know how to take a test), and have a broader array of opportunities before them (jobs, socio-economic status etc.) You're full of shit, son.

>> No.4677982

I'm an informatics major (kind of like the CS in the US but with a touch more computer engineering) who concentrates on bigger project development and also machine learning and signal processing and all that stuff to build learning systems. There is no real field name for that yet i guess. But i can do all kinds of things with it. At the moment I'm doing a thesis in the field of neuroinformatics.
You could say i'm a software engineer with a hint of natural sciences. I started out as a CS though.

>> No.4678025

I have to add though: From where i am today it is just a tiny step into related fields, which is the actual great benefit of my situation. Give me one year, maybe even less, and i can jump into a full time job regarding computer forensics or network security or whatever. Being a CS is just the basis for a vast field, if you're prepared to learn a bit.