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/lit/ - Literature

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466721 No.466721 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/'s guide to the unwritten bookshelf rules....
are there rules?

>> No.466728

Fuck off.

>> No.466733


>> No.466737

The camwhores of /lit/.

>> No.466734

look at all those books you have bought and not read

>> No.466739


oh god there is no way he could have read all those books

>> No.466752

16 year olds detected

>> No.467893

Just for having Let the Right One In, I give you 200 points good sir!

>> No.467967 [DELETED] 

Goddamn it, I fucking hate /lit/ because of these bookshelf threads. You're all a bunch of pretentious lowlifes.

The only thing that pisses me off as much as these threads are "creative writing" threads. Hey, let's have a big old ego-inflating circlejerk! You're all a bunch of fuckers.

tl;dr: my face regarding bookshelf and creative writing threads.

>> No.467983
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>> No.467997 [DELETED] 

>my face
>no image

>> No.468011
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>> No.468015

My personal rules are:

Separate by a vague notion of country, then chronological order initially - with authors by the order of first publication mostly.

This is collapsing as soon as the Americans come into play and its starting to get where its not about nationality but literary movements -

So Woolf and Joyce are together then Samuel Beckett is next to Joyce because he was the latter's protege and then some Harold Pinter goes next, even though he isn't a modernist but associated Beckett within the modernist-> post-modernist movement of the Theatre of the Absurd.

Whilst all the southern novels are together (Confederacy of Dunces, To Kill a Mockingbird etc.) and so on and so forth.

And then there's genre fiction which I don't like separating but it is just plain easier.

It's all about who I associate with who but there's one rule that rules them all -

Authors must have their work in publication order where possible.

Outlier being Austen's Northanger Abbey which I put first because it was finished first but sat in publication limbo til it was released with her last book - Persuasion - so it goes first. So as far as I'm concerned the rule stands.

Tell me I'm not crazy guys.

>> No.468020


Bookshelf threads are recommendation threads on top of the wanking silly.

>> No.468031

I said that the other day in other thread, but it's never enough to repeat it:
Stop this bookshelf fagottry, you're the camwhores of /lit/ and therefore a sing of cancer that hopefully will not expand.

>> No.468030

alphabetically by author, bitch.

it's the only rule.

>> No.468040


It's like you can't even hide a thread.

>> No.468043


What are you? A bookshop?!

>> No.468044
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Thanks bro

>> No.468052

Didn't they have a book version of Serenity?

>> No.468053


if you want to set up a rule, that's the most logical one. why would anybody want a rule if it's not logical?

stupid romantics with their untidyness

>> No.468065

I sort my books by how much I enjoy the author. So my favorite authors are all on my main shelf, eye level.

>> No.468109

by genre by country by movement by author by series by chronological

aside from that aesthetics (colours and heights n such) still trumps alphabet

>> No.468119

If you have anything by Stephanie Meyer on your bookshelf, you must burn that bookshelf in its entirety and never read again.

>> No.468151

If you read Fantasy and you do not have Terry Goodkind on your shelf, you must buy every single book in the Sword of Truth series and read it before you can read anything else.

>> No.470369

I organize my books by genre and mainly keep books by the same author together, don't really care about alphabetizing it. That's how I like my books.

>> No.470374

>objectivist fantasy


>> No.470381

>Come to /lit/ hours earlier than you usually do
>See your bookshelf picture on the front page
>Feel certain you didn't drunkenly post it hours ago

>> No.470383

why oh why do people keep posting pics of their bookshelves that are full of obviously unread books?

"Look at me! look what I have bought and not read!"

>> No.470389

Since mine is the only one posted I'll let you know I've read all of those. They're only a fraction of my collection. Also, I didn't post this.

>> No.470395


How do you know they are unread? Not everyone fucks up the spines when they read, genius.

>> No.470400

>I've read all of those

most of the spines are intact ... look at the Homer or the Sartre .. sure, you've read some of them, but not them all ...

>> No.470403

it's almost impossible to read British paperbacks without cracking the spines. (Granted American paperbacks tend to have a different binding that can leave them crease-free)

>> No.470406

>Look at me, I'm a fucktard that treats my books poorly!
You see for some of us, keeping a book in prime condition makes it more pleasant reading. You can keep your falling apart spines and unnecessary coffee stains to yourself, thank you very fucking much. You CAN read a book without denting it, assuming a decent cover design.

>> No.470413
File: 18 KB, 344x507, magician..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very careful with my spines. It upsets me horribly if I put a crease in them. I wasn't always that careful though, here's my copy of Magician from about 11 years ago to demonstrate...

>> No.470423

The books I have IRL are just for display, if I want to read a book I'll download it.

>> No.470426

>>Look at me, I'm a fucktard that treats books as ornaments to be acquired

most paperbacks will not lie flat without creasing the spine. The only way to keep your book in tip-top condition would be to read it open at no wider than 75 degrees. Fine, do that, but there seems little point with mass market, cheap paperbacks (collectible editions are a totally different matter)

>> No.470439

Rules of the universe.

If it fits, stick it in.

>> No.470751

I have my fiction books mostly ordered by language and author. Hence, all the Kafka books will be next to each other, and they will be next to all the rest of the german books. But they're not alphabetically arranged; too much work. But my english language books aren't all next too each other, but are scattered about in between the other languages sections. I also have surplus book storage in my closet, which is mostly for literary journals and text books. And all my non-fiction is somewhat ordered. I have sections for Marxism, existentialism, frankfurt school, autonomism, literary theory, history, and misc. social-sciences. I have another section just for library books. I also have a shelf for books that don't fit into any real category, and most of these will be going into storage when I need more shelf-space.

And the books I'm 'currently reading' are scattered around my office in little stacks.

>> No.470775

sounds like my bookcases, but mine aren't as well ordered

>> No.471358

I see over 9k fantasy, 1x Sartre
and Seagalogy.
Steven Seagalogy.


>> No.471410

I pile books up where ever there's room so anywhere I go in my house I can grab a book if I feel like reading

>> No.473241
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Why do there need to be rules?

(Just posting mine. I guess I can understand why it always induces rage.)

>> No.473300

I can only think of one unspoken rule right now, and that is

If you have Twilight in your bookshelf, or have a relative or friend who left it there for you to "borrow" or just simply forgot it, leave /lit/ and never return. You must do this. If the person who the book belongs to is a friend, cease all contact immediately. If it is a relative, kill them and then an hero to prevent further pollution to the gene pool. If it belongs to you...just an hero.

>> No.473299
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Sorry, I'm going to win this one.

In my defense, most of the manga was from welling-meaning friends and family members who understood I was into this anime thing and bought me whatever was at Walmart.

>> No.473308

I separate mine by genre.depending on the genre,i sort it differently.my manga is sorted alphabetically by title because japanese names are a pain in the ass to remember.all my other stuff is separated from my manga and is in alphabetical order by the author's last name

>> No.473320

you have an amazing taste in books.it's kind of a funny story and elsewhere were awesome

>> No.473325

If someone leaves a book, which happens to be shit, at my house, I have to leave? Are you retarded? That's not how shit works, you chucklefuck.
You're also trying to somehow say that I have the same tastes as my family.

I do not.

>> No.473340


Coolies, you have Comic Party. I liked that series.

>> No.473351



I need to incorporate this word into my vocabulary.

>> No.473374
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>> No.473376

Unless it's a limited edition first edition or a nice hardback copy of a book, I don't see as it matters how a book is treated. My paperback books generally have crinkled edges, creased spins, stains, you name it. I try to keep these books in good condition but I usually take a book with me everywhere I go and sometimes you can't keep them in perfect condition. It's like you're telling a story yourself when you look back at a favourite book and can see and smell the memories left behind on it from reading it here, there and everywhere.

>> No.473390
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I've since found other books I own/bought new ones, but I'm exceedingly lazy and choose not to re-take pictures.


>> No.473402


How can you buy books not only out of order, but also start half-way through the series and then not even complete the set. For instance you have 6 FB volumes ranging from the first one to the last when there's 23 volumes total. Are you planning on actually finishing it someday?

I'm just honestly curious because that kind of thing would bother me to no end on my own bookshelf.

>> No.473415

are you a woman?

>> No.473419

Hey! I have Essential Klimt. Somewhere.
I always thought no one knew about that series! Although I have appreciate it a lot more now that I do that drawing thing.
It's Kind of a Funny Story is wonderful. I think it deserves "holy shit teenager novel" title more than Perks of Being a Wallflower...

>> No.473416

when i read a book i read the FUCK out of it

>> No.473433


Sadly, yes.

What gave it away?

>> No.473497

@ photofags - you people are so goddamn tidy

>> No.473506


>Hey! I have Essential Klimt. Somewhere.

Same, it's one of those things that goes for next to nothing on Amazon marketplace :3

>> No.473580


We try :)

>> No.473807

my guess is the big penis book

>> No.473810

meant to respond to


>> No.473846


I know, I was being facetious. :3

>> No.473864


i would have guessed if it weren't for your grim outlook on femininity

>> No.475452

Sword of Truth = SHIT after the first book.
Search your heart, you know it to be true.

Also I just arrange everything on my bookshelf by height. It looks better that way.

Dunno about you, but I always take great care not to break the spines of my books.

>> No.475456

Should I be happy or sad that I've read at least half of all these books in OP's picture?

>> No.475457

Sword of Truth is shit DURING the first book. What does anyone see in that garbage?

>> No.475462 [DELETED] 
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You zombie-loving Chuck Pahlunik reading fagg---
>>The Big Penis Book
<--- my face

>> No.475468


The cuddly germs that I'm going to buy as one of my girlfriend's birthday presents, she saw them on ThinkGeek and fell in love with them.

>> No.475473

If you organize by author where would you put the Bible?

>> No.475476

Dunno. I don't like the other two "big" series either, the Song of Wind and Fire and the R.R. Jordan thing. Both of them I read the first book and I was like "Cool Story Bro" but I didn't want to read any more.

>> No.475482

Under G for God, of course.

>> No.475497

I was expecting this.

Right now i have it under V for Various.

>> No.475529

I always borow my books from the libary... i almost never buy my books, propaly about 2-5% of the books i read I have bougth...

>> No.475568

The appeal of A Song of Ice and Fire is that it's "gritty" and "realistic" and full of violence and sex.

Basically, it sells to teenage boys.

>> No.475576

The Dark Knight?

They have a TDK book!?

>> No.475595

My books are divided into three broad categories, non-fiction, classics, and contemporary fiction. Sometimes the line between the categories is a little blurry, in which case I just put the book where it feels right.

From there, they are ordered alphabetically by author.

>> No.475655

One book of it was "gritty and realistic" enough, I didn't need any more.

>> No.476057

It's a bookcase. You put, like, books and stuff in it. I guess you don't shit in it or place the decapitated heads of you murder victims upon it's shelves.

>> No.476312
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Rules: don't organise by theme, only suckers and rich kids do that. Fit in what fits in, which means organising by size. To maximise space-efficiency, do the pictured.

I suggest the plank thing because stacking in front without that takes longer to get at the stuff behind.

>> No.476533

beanie babies and books bout the penis.

>> No.476596

I can also tell you are either deaf yourself or you are in contact with deaf people on a regular basis