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/lit/ - Literature

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4664117 No.4664117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4664143


>> No.4664145

man it really bums me out when people look for stuff where girls on tumblr and youtube are talking about books and post it on here to get people all riled up

these threads are so pointless

>> No.4664152

Leave the poor girl alone.

>> No.4664161

SRS, please go away.

>> No.4664170


Faggot please go away

Anyway do these kinds of things make anyone else a little resentful? They're glamorizing books that specifically do not challenge you in any way, providing a static experience void of learning, reflection, cultural enlightment or even just learning about a complex, well-designed character, that those kinds of people do exist and receiving some insight into them in an intimate way. These girls just like static texts, I feel like I could just type "DIX DIX DIX DIX" for 870 pages and be a best seller with a movie deal if I slapped a YA cover on it

>> No.4664186

>Think cringe videos are funny
>Tired of people bitching about their feelings on 4chan under the guise of "hurr durr muh super serious anime website is above this"

I'm perplexed in that the rest of your comment isn't sucking on this chicks pubes and defending harry potter. That would mean you quoted me just because I quoted you. Why are you mad, anon?

>> No.4664197

kinda glad you're bummed out

>> No.4664201

I don't know from SRS, what is this

it is OK to be entertained. not everything has to be something that provides us with a harrowing experience of the fundamental nature of human existence, or whatever. it is okay just to be entertained or be reassured or be comforted.

now it's true that you should have the kind of dynamic experiences that you're talking about, but the one is not incompatible with the other. and i think the one really important factor you're missing here is that a lot of these people are teenagers, and ipso facto dumb. we shouldn't be surprised that they're reading dumb things and having dumb opinions! they are teenagers. we did the same thing. reading dumb books is a symptom, not a cause.

harry potter is super awesome though

well okay then you big old dickhole (in a tone of friendly bantering w/o animosity or whatever)

>> No.4664206
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>lol SRS wuts dat? xD
>Harry Potter is awesome!
>"big ol' dickhole"

Sure reddit. Sure.

>> No.4664207

woo yes super fun exciting witch hunt time

>> No.4664208

No clue what SRS is, but really, just leave her alone. There's nothing to discuss here. It's a young girl who like YA books and singing about them. Should we make fun of her for being naive and earnest? I don't think so. There are worse evils out there to attack than these young girls who like reading, such as Zizek and Rand Paul and countless others.

>> No.4664210
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>Better prove the point harder

Props for not using doge text, I guess. Are we gonna do the thing where "victims" of McCarthyism are shown to be soviet agents and etc again?

>> No.4664212

7/10 bait, rated high because of my strong knee jerk reaction to your first two sentences. Hone your skills anon, and you'll be able to defeat a drunk procrastinating on reading 'Dubliners'.

>> No.4664214

Exactly. Fucking exactly.

Jesus Christ if you want to post on /pol/ so bad go fucking post on /pol/

>> No.4664216

/pol/ is shit and this song is hilariously bad. You defending the fuck out of it like laughing at a bad youtube song is literally rape is just icing on how pathetic you are, reddit.

>> No.4664219

Not the guy you're responding to, but no one is defending the song. We simply don't want this shit posted on /lit/. Don't you have any standards?

>> No.4664221

no, it's a shitty song, i just wish people would stop posting dumb things made by teenagers on /lit/ because they think /lit/ will hate them + i kind of don't like the almost grudge that /lit/ sometimes seems to have against it.

>> No.4664222

And yet christianity, tao faggot lin and right wing threads continue looping unmolested

>> No.4664223

not on the front page ATM

>> No.4664224
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Your energy is better spent in the daily threads about comics, video games, and meta-author shitposting. I really don't understand why someone would come to 4chan and write over a paragraph whining about a humorous, topical video. It honestly eludes me. You guys do know you're on 4chan, right?

You seem like the type of people who would make the next exciting copypasta after getting fired for seeing cuckporn on a blueboard.

>> No.4664226

Yeah, and I don't like those threads either.

>> No.4664227

joke's on you loser

i can't get fired, i'm unemployed

>> No.4664233
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If you promise not to vote for big government I promise not to vote to reduce your stipend dramatically

>> No.4664241
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>mfw I spent my entire adolescent reading my i
older sister's YA fiction

The cupcake queen was a great piece, I wouldn't mind reading it again.

>> No.4664243
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>I spent my adolescence reading books designed for adolescents


>> No.4664245
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You make do with what you have.

>tfw Isabella gets Brad to fall in love with her instead Jessica and her catty clique

>> No.4664264

it's personal blog time, everyone.

>> No.4664589

There's a lot of unexamined, benevolent sexism in this thread guys.

>> No.4664668

Reminds me of Don Quijote

>> No.4664901

i watch buffy

>> No.4664907

It's pretty telling when you look at the books they're reading and the books on their shelves.

>> No.4664917
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>books are better than boys

>> No.4664920


You're being very bossy right now.

>> No.4664921

Can you imagine a video where a guy says fictitious girls are better than real ones?

Oh no, that would be mysoginist! Cry the "journalists" on jezebel.

>> No.4664925

Socrates loved little boys.

>> No.4664931
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>> No.4664948

buffy had many great ups though and the timeline and story progress was great. I also watched it and I'm not even in the least embarrassed.

>> No.4665053

it's got that teen girl + fantasy setting stigma
but season 6+ had really mature treatment of death and depression, i was startled at how serious it got in contrast to how campy it can be at times
i also loved joss whedon's penchant for experimenting, with the ep with no dialogue, musical ep, episode in the pov of a fanboy, etc.
it was a great ride mostly for the creativity and characters, but god damn i couldn't stand buffy herself nor the actress

>> No.4665055

and i liked how the show was aware of how cheesy it can be and made fun of itself.
the david lynch ep was rad too. i didn't care much for whedon until i watched buffy

>> No.4665058
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but they are better, that's plain to see.

>> No.4665806


You know,I honestly believe that one of the main reasons why there are so many people out there who aren't willing to seriously consider criticism is the social networking mentality they develop in their time on the internet.

So what if this girl is popular?
So what if what she is doing is non-controversial and innocent?
That doesn't change that she is ignorant, and that she is spreading her ignorance by sharing her silly views with all the people she has managed to reach. It's not like she's 'just as right as everyone else in her own way'. There are reasons why the books she likes are considered bad, and she doesn't like them in spite of those flaws, but because she doesn't recognize them. That's like smoking cigarettes because you don't know they aren't healthy, and calling one brand your favorite because you have never smoked anything else in your life. It completely invalidates your opinion.

>> No.4666909

>a forum for free speech

>> No.4666960

No it's been turned into shit by /v/ and reddit because of zimmerman and donglegate and other things that happened last year.