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File: 1.55 MB, 825x1100, meowcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4662882 No.4662882 [Reply] [Original]

literary references only.

i was thinking charles mewkowski because i imagine my cat is moonshinin' all night long but it doesn't really have the ring of a cat's name.

best cat names, if you please.

>> No.4662912

A cat name should contain the sound of "ee", because that's one of the few things cats listen to when calling them.

So Nietzsche

>> No.4662921

Rickshaw Blacky

>> No.4662925

Phoebé, his raped sister.

>> No.4662924

Porch monkey.

>> No.4662922

It begins like kittens, so there's no more appropriate name for it.

>> No.4662923

Is that your cat? If so, you either have mad photography skills or a lot of money to toss away for a professional. Also I'm jealous because those stripes are adorable and I want to hug that thing so fucking hard that you don't even know.

Anyway, literary references? You'll probably want a single name for the thing, I think anything more is kind of try-hard.

If I had a cat I'd name it Alaska but I don't know if you consider Lou Reed literature.

>> No.4662928

Meow-cel Purr-oust

>> No.4662933
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Just looked up google, it's not--that's a sand cat, not even domesticated. But man, I wish it was...

>> No.4662962

yes it's the best thing it makes me cry tears of painful yearning.

i think i'm going to go with moonshine, lots of layers and pretty.

i don't like people names for cats.

>> No.4662967

If it's a big black cat, call it Behemoth

>> No.4662977

Here's TS Eliot's advice on naming cats:


>> No.4662989

omg dude thx for that thread over.

>> No.4663883

>not Slim Charles

>> No.4663913

H.P. Lovecraft had a delightful name for his cat.

>> No.4664049



>> No.4664052

Meow Lin

>> No.4664058

This again. Look it up


>> No.4664062

Or Hyuh Hyuh

>> No.4664070

Holden Catfield


Holden Pawfield

>> No.4664073


>> No.4664077
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>> No.4664079

when I was little, I had a black cat named this

>> No.4664084

was his skin softer than down and his voice like honey dripping from a tree? i hope so, it's the best a panther can be

>> No.4664124

W. Somerset Meowam

>> No.4664139


>> No.4664172

>generic, bland portrait lighting setup
>mad photography skills

>> No.4664231


>> No.4664278
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Nigger Man!

>> No.4664322

What type of cat is it OP?

>> No.4664592


>> No.4664596

infinite pest

>> No.4664604

OG Pu$$

>> No.4664605

ding ding ding
we have a winner.

>> No.4664729


>> No.4664752
File: 22 KB, 332x500, kots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka, the guy from Murakami's book that can talk to cats (close enough)

>> No.4664767

nakata. but then he'd be talking to himself. what a nutter.

>> No.4664805

Name it after H P Lovecraft's cat.

>> No.4664854

The Cat in the Rye
Hal Incatdenza
Alyosha Katamazov
Leopolecat Bloom
Immanuel Kat
T.S. Alleycat
Catland: A Romance of Many Demousers
Louisa May Alleycat
Margaret Catwood
Albert Cameow
Truman Catote
Agatha Kitty
Julio Catázar
René Descats
George Alleycat
Euripides Curtains
William Cattis
Hermann Hissy
W. Somerset Meowgham
Cormac McCatty
Herman Meowville
Haruki Meowykitty
Blaise Pascat
Hairy Petter
The Cat in the Hat
Arkady or Boris Strukatsky
Captain Nemeow
Kat Vonnegut

>> No.4664862

How are you not ashamed to post this?

>> No.4664868
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>Agatha Kitty

>> No.4664895

You give all the Lovecraft posts a pass though?

>> No.4664933

The Lovecraft name only comprises one count of animal abuse.

>> No.4664942

[spoilers]Chairman Meow[/spoilers]

>> No.4664957

>The Lovecraft name only comprises one count of animal abuse.
Albeit of a different order.

>> No.4667781
File: 492 KB, 1024x731, schroedingers_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4667837


>> No.4667909

>cat's a sandnigger
>not naming it Mohammad

>> No.4667934

>Herman Hissy
I need to get a cat.

>> No.4667978

I like this

>> No.4668013


>> No.4668515

why that?

>> No.4668539

What about Schrodinger?

Its not literary, but certainly academic.

>> No.4668557

Don't name a pet after a literary character, it will forever color your mental images.

>> No.4668564

named the cat calypso even though he's a boy it fits. also i have a thing for moons

>> No.4668565


lol. Lovecraft was indeed a genius.

>> No.4668571

My gf gave her cat the name of Tolstoy. It's not a good name, I think, but the cat seems to like it.

>> No.4668577

Gusty (St. Augustine)
Dusty (Dostoevsky)
George Gordon Lord Byron

>> No.4670590
File: 118 KB, 960x425, Ody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
