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/lit/ - Literature

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4662056 No.4662056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which writers/novels best exemplify manly strength, bravery, sacrifice, honor, etc...

Manly books only please.

>> No.4662070

george rr martin does a fine job

>> No.4662065

Jane Austen

>> No.4662078

Yukio Mishima will have everything you seem to be looking for, OP.

>> No.4662082


i know about him but wasn't he a homosex?

>> No.4662085
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>> No.4662086

>manly strength, bravery, sacrifice, honor, etc...

>Manly books only please.

What is more manly than homosex?

>> No.4662091

He was probably bisexual. Why would it matter, though? Surely you're not ignorant enough to believe that homosexuality is some sort of synonym with being feminine?

>> No.4662095

>taking it the bottom is manly
>kissing men

u wot m8?? seriously m8 I swear to christ

>> No.4662100

taking it like a man = taking it in the bottom, u faggot
and what's more manly than kissing your sweet qtpi bf?

>> No.4662104
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>homosex is normal and good

>> No.4662107

>not aware of the fact that the strongest, manliest warrior men throughout history loved fucking both men and women, or men exclusively.

You ARE aware that all humans, indeed the majority of mammals, are bisexual, right?

>> No.4662115
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>You ARE aware that all humans, indeed the majority of mammals, are bisexual, right?

Lets stay on topic, what you are talking about is neither manly, nor related to literature, nor ethical. (see Kant's categorical imperative)

>> No.4662113

Storm of Steel - Ernst Jünger

GAR as fuck.

>> No.4662118

Dominating another male sexually is the manliest thing that can be done, period.

>> No.4662124
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being a hedonistic pervert is manly now?

>> No.4662255

Homophobia is for starters pretty goddamn far from masculinity. If boys kissing boys upsets you, you're a bitch, and bitches ain't shit.

>> No.4662261

Of course it is. IHow is being a celibate faggot any more manly than fucking someone in the ass?

>> No.4662270


>> No.4662271

>using faggot as an insult in the same sentence that he's arguing homosexuality not to be bad

Way to be consistent.

>> No.4662273
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After Jünger read Carlyle's On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History.

>> No.4662276

Anything from the Middle Ages

>> No.4662281

THIS is the correct answer in this thread

>> No.4662282

Faggot is a word you thin-skinned faggot. Get the fuck out.

>> No.4662286

>Faggot is a word

No shit. You're fucking retarded.

>> No.4662289

Jack London - Sea Wolf

im srs

>> No.4662312


This thread could be fun. I'll bite.

Firstly, it's tough to be celibate and a faggot.

Secondly, one of the most manly things any man can do is master his emotions and make judgments and decisions based on reason and self-discipline. Celibacy is one of the manliest things anyone can do because it requires an extraordinary amount of self-control and mastery over ones primal desires.

That being said, if you want manly stories, you can't go wrong with anything Robert E. Howard, and most assuredly, the manliest of manly characters, Conan the fucking Barbarian

>> No.4662320
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>> No.4662343



which would be more rough to have sex with? you can keep your prissy sex with women for yourself. fucking another man is far more manly and rough.

>> No.4662349

Yeah, yeah, we all saw that stand up routine, you've made your point and your unfunny joke, now go back to your corner.

>> No.4662417
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Plagiarizing Steve Hughes

>> No.4662467

Stars my destination.

>> No.4662487

Prob G.A. Hentai, his books are over a hundred years old and fascist homeschoolers from the south still go apeshit over them

>> No.4662864

Can't find him. What's name of books?

>> No.4663064

Oscar Wilde

>> No.4663099

Dont you tell me what to do!

>> No.4663194
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>> No.4663201

>Celibacy is one of the manliest things anyone can do because it requires an extraordinary amount of self-control

It simply requires a good amount of unattractiveness.

The obvious answer is the Illiad, OP. The song of Roland, Yvain the knight of the lion, any book drawing from arthurian lore and medieval books about knights in general.

>> No.4663558

>dat keming

>> No.4663562

bro is that the guy from true detective

>> No.4663565
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the book of spooks

>> No.4663575

Conan is most manly but that's partly because he isn't a bitchmade knightly virtue fag like OP wants. OP's idea of a manly man is more Orlando Bloom whisper-shouting than Genghis Kahn.

>> No.4664297

no, it's from a movie with Bill Murray and an elephant

>> No.4664301

Book of the New Sun is very manly. The main character remains a manly soldier, even after becoming a half women.