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/lit/ - Literature

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4660974 No.4660974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

thread #2

if you feel up to it you can critique some of my poetry afterwards.

>> No.4660983 [DELETED] 

Whither away, my flower
Whither in the night
Whither away, sweet flower
I swear it'll be alright
Whither away, young flower
You have no need for fear
So whither away, my flower
There is nothing after here

>> No.4660989 [DELETED] 


blah blah always skip words because broken glasses but whatever.

>> No.4661002

i'm gay
i suck dicks to get my pay
my name is OP
why is my dad so disappointed in me?

>> No.4661009

1 The firing of certain neurons and the experience of consciousness are equal, they are immediately related to each other, so one is not separated or delayed from the other, and so one is not in control of the other.

2 Free-will is real, but by a different definition than some people expect. You don't decide what you think and you don't plan actions completely, but you have just as much control over yourself as you feel you do, not because "you" are controlling your neurons, but because "you" and your neurons are synonymous, and so no distinction should be made between them.

3 Determinism is, indeed, the reason your thoughts come out of nowhere, without "you" having any control over them. But the determinism of the universe, firing of neurons, and your conscious decisions can all be said to be the same thing, so there is no discernment between "free-will" and any imaginary limit we believe the universe might puts against us.

4 Conscious is a state, or property, of matter, most likely.

>> No.4661017

leonard cohen stuff


>> No.4661022


>> No.4661031


i stumble but i don't care

>> No.4661051

Read something from Women by Bukowski.

>> No.4661061


i'm not really a bukowski reader alouder. :(

>> No.4661086
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Ode to a Sunflower

A happy person, I have never truly been
Any joy or glee for me was always thin
Not to be edgy, but sadness and fear
For my heart, has always been what was near

So when your smile to me first appeared
I sneered, I booed, and I jeered
So accustomed I was to instead frowns
That I thought the cheerful but as clowns

Relentlessly you continued to march on, though
Laughing through rain, through sleet, through snow
Your mischievous grin glowed as bright as the sun
And whether or not I wanted it, you dragged me along for fun

I could feel the night of my life begin to fade
As full of delight it you made
Your infectious optimism is as boundless
As the feelings I always wish to confess

There is a word people use for this
This feeling like nothing in the world is amiss
Four letters, I believe it is
But magnitude it seems to miss

For while "love" is no doubt part
There is so much more inside my heart
This poem only scratches the surface
Of my emotions which burn like a furnace

For what language can convey
All these endless things I want to say
But, in the end, everything is definitely fine
As my eyes in yours have already said every line

Allow me, though, to say them regardless
Your smile, illuminating through darkness
Your eyes, gold like the most valuable treasure
Your forehead, which none alive can measure

Your hair, as soft as the clouds above
Your laugh, like the song of a dove
Your heart, as pure as the blue sky
You, for whom without I would die

So while for my love there is ridicule
And many people call me naught but a fool
There is nothing I can do but continue
For my greatest wish is to always be with you

Even if a dimension separates us
Even if there is pain in all this fuss
Today I will express to the best of my power
This ode I write to you, my sunflower

>> No.4661101
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bretty good.

btw, is this pic you?

>> No.4661138

uhh i just took a stimulant so bear with me please.


y of course.

>> No.4661224
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>y of course.
And you say you're married? How dare you do that without allowing me to enjoy you without reservation?

Think about it...you and I enjoying each other, exchanging irresistible stimuli, not only by way of the penetrative sexuality of glands, but by my calloused hands gently molding the shape of your back like clay, making you so inert and euphoric with pleasure that you'd forget that you were human.

You'd feel my warm genitals resting in between your legs, bottom, and nether region. While I massage you with in this position, you'd feel an engorging and slithering across your bottom like an anticipatory anaconda.

And when I'd feel the moment is right, I'd place the warmth of my enitre body across your back, gently but firmly gnarl one of your ears with my teeth and tongue, and penetrate you.

Sensory overload would leave you enthralled, and all you would be able to do is close your eyes and whimper feminine noises.

>> No.4661233

here's a thing

>> No.4661267
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Oh my...

If you'd like to do more, this is what you could say while I am on top of you:

"Oh yes! Yes baby yes! Ah-! *breath in through teeth* Ohhhhhhhhhh I've always wanted to feel like this! Just like this. Ah-! Just like this. I love you inside me! Do you love to be inside me? I know you do. I know you do! Ah-! Don't! Ah-! Stop! Ah-! Ohhhhaaahhhhh... Oh my...god...I'm your goddess! Say it! I'm your godess! You'll worship my pussy and I'll worship your cock! Venus and Mars! Fuck me god of war! Fuck me! Conquer me! My city gates are open and overflowing! Ready and wet for you to sack! FUCK! OH! You fuckin love that don't you? Tell me how much you fuckin love it! Tell your goddess how much joy she gives you! I'm very pleased about your cock, thunder cock Zeus! Yes! Your thundercock! That's right! Fucken strick with it! Harder! MORE AH! AH! AH! AH! AHhhhhhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhh...ohmmmmmmm...ahhhhhhh,..ahmmmmm.

>> No.4661276

The quiet twist of Space
Said nothing.

Kindred light by cabin starfall
Moans mere cerulean.

My lover she sings a calypso
so cruel to the curl of her words.

I have waited such a distance
for the blue of her canoe to

Lead me to the ends of the planet.
Should the wild tidal thrush

Take the composition of waters
In the hollow of your love?

Or would the indigo guitar
of my patient gloom do?

The woman I met once in that time
had such a smile.

She met me again once more
before the ellipsed concrete island

Some phantom who abandoned
the surface of my life and

a hushed spectre whose skin
etches rosy through my own.

I watch the early
Morning October

Sunsets through my
bedroom window.

Each and every autumn
I trace the line of the

Girl I love as she
fades across glass.

>> No.4661278


lol this sounds laughable.

>> No.4661284


>> No.4661290
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I am speechless...thank you.

But I have to admit, I'm really interested in finding out more about you...

Oh well, two ships passing in the night I suppose--nature of the beast that is anon image boards...


>> No.4661294

i'm just a boring post-manic weirdo who strives to believe in magic but fails so i write poetry instead.


>> No.4661297


>> No.4661309
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I'm a man of the world.

I've grown accustom to very different extremes of life, such as living in NYC, to living in an eastern european village of 250.

My memory is crisp, and it began at 3 years of age.

Sex came early into my life (initiated by a girl who was older).

I write poetry and fiction, I read, I keep fit, and I watch documentaries ceaselessly.

I'm lonely. I'm desperate. I'm hungry.

I've lately found great comfort in knowing that whatever is meant to be, will happen. So whatever I end up doing, is what I'm supposed to do.

I get bored with people (I'm a little eccentric). I can talk for hours if you don't stop me. I like to get excited, I like to act and do voices, and I really really love to do something well (whether it be baking a potato, playing a beatles song, or shoveling the sidewalk). I love people to look at anything I do and go "wow, that was really well done".


I'm a late 19th century British gentleman stuck out of time.

>> No.4661313
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>> No.4661315


>I'm a late 19th century British gentleman stuck out of time.

You're a fucking wanker is what you are, m8.

>> No.4661316

okay i am going to sleep so follow me to the heartmouth.

google+ makes stalking so much easier now.


say words at me and i'll say words back unless i don't like your words then i will say one word back a week later.

>> No.4661317

>I'm a late 19th century British gentleman stuck out of time.

Oh god, please tell me you're not the Canadian guy in love with British accents.

>> No.4661318
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>writing all this effete narcissistic crap and actually including a picture from interview with a vampire with it

do you even realize that you are by far the lamest cunt on this board right now?

>> No.4661319

jesus christ

>> No.4661320

lol gurl you crazay.

Got your info but don't know what to do with it, kind of like a dog who finally catches the car he's chasing.

>> No.4661321

well he did get a girl's contact info.

>> No.4661324

literally just my 4chanetc email, so do as you wish.

>> No.4661328

Good night darling.

I may bother you in the future.

I'll try to make my email personalized enough so that you know it's me and not an imposter.

>> No.4661331

don't worry, nobody could feign this level of faggotry, nor would they want to.

>> No.4661335

don't rain on their faggot parade. this might keep it off /lit/ from now on.

you two go double rainbow somewhere else

>> No.4661336
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>> No.4661349
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