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4659426 No.4659426 [Reply] [Original]

So can anyone give me any *real* reasons why anti-natalism is bullshit? So far I haven't seen any

>> No.4659431

it's not you just have different beliefs

i believe the point of life is to procreate so i will never be a anti- natalist

>> No.4659433

You can train kids to bring you snacks.

>> No.4659436
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>> No.4659439

Did the harsh realities of life hurt your feelings? Here's a word you need to learn the meaning of, while at the same time being the best advice you'll ever get: 'adapt'.

>> No.4659443

>all caps
didn't read

>> No.4659444

He's right though.

>> No.4659446

antinatalists are generally people who don't need to adapt, that's the problem

>> No.4659447

What else is existence going to do with itself, OP? You want to get rid of life because some people have pain and are afraid of dying?

What's wrong with your life?

>> No.4659448
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But you replied, you noticed, and probably you did read.

>> No.4659485

It's based on vulgar rationality. The kind that argues that living in a capsule hotel is the same as living in a mansion. The kind that argues that jiggling your butt in public is stupid while failing to understand to true purpose of parties. The kind of "logical thinking" that in the ends brings about more misery than relief.

Do us a favor and kill yourself, or are you having second thoughts? Just do it, it's logical, the greatest truth there is, right?

>> No.4659500


>all dis ad hominem
>all dis emotional appeals

Why is lit such a shit heap?

>> No.4659509

anti-natalism discussion == fags who watch TV more than they read

same goes for the 10+ King in Yellow threads we've been getting. it is just the cancer. no different than the countless Game of Thrones threads we used to get. do not touch it.

>> No.4659516

>fags who watch TV
stopped reading right there.

you're a sad, angry, presumptuous little man aren't you?

>> No.4659522

Jesus Christ, you guys are as bad as randroids that come in here and demand a refutation of objectivism without giving a single argument beforehand.

>> No.4659527

>Jesus Christ, you guys are as bad as
Stopped reading right there. Cool generalizations bro.

>all dees fallacies

>> No.4659532

So there won't be any arguments, just lacklustre trolling attempts in this thread?
Good to know.

>> No.4659535

>implying you gave ANY arguments to begin with
this is some shit trolling

>> No.4659602

This is completely beside the point and confirms that you are an idiot.

Antinatalism is antibirth. Not prodeath. The antinatalist's birth has already occurred. He can't change that.

But I'm generous so I'll help you out and give the actual reason to refute antinatalism:

Life, and ethics, isn't about maximising pain and minimising pleasure. The world doesnt work that way and even things we do to ourselves is counterproductive to that effort.
It's not why we life nor why we bring people into the world.

>> No.4659620

>When I do count the clock that tells the time,
>And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;
>When I behold the violet past prime,
>And sable curls all silver'd o'er with white;
>When lofty trees I see barren of leaves
>Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,
>And summer's green all girded up in sheaves
>Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,
>Then of thy beauty do I question make,
>That thou among the wastes of time must go,
>Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsake
>And die as fast as they see others grow;
>And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe can make defence
>Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence

>> No.4659624
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>I agree with Sophocles: the greatest luck is not to have been born - but, as the joke goes on, very few people succeed in it.

>> No.4659629
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>One of the first signs of the beginnings of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one will only in time come to hate.

>> No.4659644

>Life, and ethics, isn't about maximising pain and minimising pleasure. The world doesnt work that way and even things we do to ourselves is counterproductive to that effort.
>It's not why we life nor why we bring people into the world.
This is the most retarded reasoning I've seen in a while.

>> No.4659650

Go to bed, Sam Harris.

>> No.4660236

antinatalism as a position is based entirely on muh feels

>> No.4660277
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We are nihilistic thoughts in the mind of God.

>> No.4660278
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To have and raise a child is one of the great milestones / gifts of life. Edgy young fags and philosophers don't understand that 'cause they're too busy selfishly thinking and despairing.

>> No.4660290

Look at this fucking guy. 10/10, incredible.

>> No.4660299

refutation: /lit/ style

>> No.4660300

personally i didn't want to have kids until i did enough philosophy to realize that i did

>> No.4660303



>> No.4660312

Daily reminder that everybody you've ever met is, at the end of the day, a floating whorl of atoms.

>> No.4660330

Every atom you've ever met is a floating whorl of smaller and smaller shit

>> No.4660511

>He can't change that.
>lol you shouldnt have children because they'll have a lifetime of suffering!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4660556

Antinatalism is a form of utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is rubbish.

>> No.4660559

Because non-cognitivism.

>> No.4660588

>meeting an atom
m8 pls lay of the drugs

>> No.4660594

I am happier for having been born. Therefore anti-natalism is demonstrably bullshit.

>> No.4660598

read the myth of sisyphus and apply camus' conclusions about suicide towards people having kids

>> No.4660706
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I'm just gonna leave this collage I made from the last anti-natalist thread here. It's messy, but you get the point.

How can people think this is a legitimate philosophy? It is a non-sequitor. You don't get the choice of being born because you don't exist yet, and therefore denying the choice of something that doesn't exist is inconsequential.

>muh suffering

>> No.4660713

Because nothing matters.

>> No.4660716

Oh god. These read like the insights of a sheltered 17 year old with zero experience who thinks others truly don't understand the horror of life like he does.

Meanwhile, Holocaust survivors find meaning and enjoy their lives.

>> No.4660787

Anti-Natalism suggests what is is not as it should be. (Is does not imply ought, anyone?)

This belief means to be anti-natalist, one has to pre-suppose a teleology of existence. Otherwise, if there is no purpose, then what appears cannot be "wrong" or "right"; these are judgements.

Anti-natalism takes this further, saying there is a purpose, and we're doing it wrong. Do they ever say what would be doing it right?

>> No.4660796

If by enjoy you mean some of the most extreme PTSD ever encountered and a life of constant fear and suffering, yes.

>> No.4660807

Doing it right would mean having no children at all. Let humanity die a peaceful death.

>> No.4660819

So it's HUMANITY that made this big misstep? Not LIFE; that which reproduces itself, no, it's US! It's is WE, WE beings at the centre of the universe, WE are what matter.

So now not only do we have to pre-suppose a teleology of existence, but a teleology of consciousness, meaning that Anti-natalism is thoroughly, narcissistically anthrocentric. Because we are the ONLY creature that could POSSIBLY do or affect anything in this world.

>> No.4660837

And yet not resorting to childish anti-natalism because it's philosophy flavor of the month even though the show itself discredits it.

>> No.4660838

I'm not sure where you're getting at. Anti-natalism is only about preventing unnecessary pain.
We know better than to base our reasoning on our instincts and our primitive need of reproducing. Any rational being, given time, will come to the conclusion that it is best to stop having children.

>> No.4660841


>> No.4660858

Why? Most people would argue that, while life has truly some shitty sides, the positive sides prevail nonetheless.
The mere possibility of suffering does not invalidate a conscious life.

>> No.4660859

Go to bed, Faulkner.

To OP, as >>4660706 pointed out, basing a philosophy off the premise that having a child would be denying that child (who, at the time, is non-existent) the choice of being born is complete pseudo-intellectual rubbish.

But, to take it a step further, since "the choice of the unborn" argument is invalid, let's weigh this on a utilitarian scale, since anti-natalism seems to be a form a utilitarianism. To prove that anti-natalism is legitimate, you must prove that the average human existence experiences more pain than good. If the opposite is true, then we obviously having a child is justified. But since the utilitarian calculus of measuring how much good/pain an average human life endures is impossible to measure, we cannot reach a verdict. Therefore, it is impossible to prove anti-natalism.


I honestly can't imagine anyone over the age of 18 seriously subscribing to this "philosophy". But hey, I can't even fathom their suffering.

>> No.4660863

I'm not an antinatalist, just thinking you're taking the Holocaust a tad lightly.

Antinatalism seems like a vain position to me, not because its arguments are unreasonable, but because it's impossible to implement. Saying we all ought to voluntarily go extinct is like saying we all ought to stop being violent and mean and that if we just like, loved each other and lived in peace, maaan, things would be alright. Antinatalism is only childish in as far as it is unreasonably idealistic.

>> No.4660880

>you're taking the Holocaust a tad lightly.
My point is that there are people who say "I know true suffering, people shouldn't have children" who have not been through anything besides running out of Cheetos when their mom is at work. Whereas people who have been through something actually awful are happy to see children born.

>> No.4660887

But in that case, the only pain that is prevented is that specific pain: that of your children. But if other life carries on, then that life will suffer. And, at some point, the amount of suffering of other life will eclipse the amount of suffering prevented in the absence of humanity.

Again, Anti-natalism is the belief human life and pain is all that matters, and the universe will be at peace when we're gone.

Another point: why should suffering be worse than happiness is good?

Another point: do we not, by "suffering", change? Perhaps by learning a lesson from a mistake. Who are anti-natalists to claim these changes can never compensate for suffering? And if, through change, improvement is possible, removing the pain and the change and the improvement amounts to such a great ethical statement no amount of logic or study could justify it.

Further: I LIKE MY LIFE. I would consider it UNETHICAL to refuse to have a child, to refuse a child the opportunity to also enjoy life. Obviously, not everyone's life is great. But to claim that HUMANITY should cease because you had a shit day is too ridiculous.

>> No.4660893

We each have our own resilience to suffering. Quit strawmanning disillusioned young people. Certainly, they're probably blinded by youth and ignorance but you have no place to say they have no knowledge of suffering.

I don't think an anti-natalist would treat the measurement of good experience vs bad experience as a value for life. If the good experiences outnumber the bad ones, then death is a bad thing. If bad experiences outnumber good ones, then life is a bad thing. Either way the anti-natalist can say that existence is a negative experience.

>> No.4660902


For some of us (dare I say most of us), there is joy to be found in life.
But you can't deny the fact that giving life is like playing Russian roulette with the potential life of a human being.
Will the child be happy? Will he be born "defective"? There's no way to know. Since we can't be sure about the future of our children, it's better to have none at all. You win nothing, but you lose nothing.

The "peace of the universe" has nothing to do with it.

>> No.4660905

They aren't happy to see children born because they have suffered, they're happy to see children born because they are people. Almost all people like children being born. This doesn't discredit antinatalism.

Also, most antinatalists subscribe to the notion that life is inherently not worth the deal, not just specifically hard lives. Their idea is that even the best possible life to be had in this world still isn't worth the trade off with the suffering that comes with it. It has little to do with the particular details of their own suffering.

>> No.4660906

Anti-natalists: why do you even have to argue for your position? Those like you won't reproduce. People who enjoy existing will. Your kind should be gone pretty soon.

>> No.4660913

Saying that humanity should continue because you had a nice day is equally ridiculous. Ethics on this level are always ridiculous.

>> No.4660921

Our kind has existed since the dawn of humanity and will likely continue to exist for a long time because faggots like you keep reproducing.
The child of two people who enjoy existing will not necessarily be happy.

>> No.4660923

Even if someone has a good life, that person must experience life with the knowledge of death. I think a big part of anti-natalism is the belief that existential dread is it's own reason to be bitter about life.

>> No.4660926

Doesn't work like that. Life slanderers pop out of perfectly functional people all the time. You can't exterminate them, they're side branches. Like homosexuals. Of course there are great places for the world weary such as monasteries where they can pursue an ascetic, life denying existence, but now that the monastic life is quite discouraged you have them running wild among the normals.

>> No.4660928

Oh well. People with the motivation to take action and affect change in the physical world (since they're not crippled by depression etc.) think human existence is worth continuing.

>> No.4660934
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Hey guys,

If you embrace egoism none of this will be an issue.

>> No.4660936
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Because existence is not inherently good or bad, and physical suffering is not inherently good or bad. Anti-natalism is bullshit because it takes the position that being born can be "good" or "bad" and that physical suffering is evil, when neither of these are not the case.

Also, complaining about people trolling ITT and "HURR DURR I CAN DISMISS BECAUSE (logical fallacy here) are shit because it's just a "THIS IS MY BELIEF: REFUTE ME!" thread. OP's not actually presenting why he or anyone else should hold his position. If you want a real refutation, google it. There fucking wikipedia articles on anti-natalism, holy Christ.

>> No.4660944

>The child of two people who enjoy existing will not necessarily be happy.
And it won't necessarily live in misery, so what?

>> No.4660946

So having children is like playing Russian roulette with the temples of a loved one.

>> No.4660953
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>yfw those two people who enjoy existing were the product of two other people
>yfw all the people who enjoy existing have been the product of other people
>yfw people who enjoy existing are likely the product of other people who enjoy existing because there's just so damn much of them and they keep existing near each other
>yfw it's statistically more likely that the children of two people who enjoy existing will also enjoy existing

>> No.4660958

Nice hyperbole (which ironically uses life as a preferred option as opposed to death...).
But you have to "prove" birth/life is itself the source of misery, independent from social, economic etc. circumstances and medical, technical etc. developments. in order to be able to claim that anti-natalism is a valid point of view.

>> No.4660959

Even if there was only a 0.000000001% chance that my child would live a miserable life, I wouldn't take that risk.

>> No.4660960

OP probably saw me reduce the last two anti-natalism threads to fat autists screaming MY POSITION IS INDEFENSIBLE SO THAT MAKES YOU OTHER GUYS MAD and figures this is easy shitstorm bait.

>> No.4660963

That's cool, and a nice opinion that I respect, but not actually a defense of anti-natalism.

>> No.4660964

For you:

>> No.4660966

Actually even people who hate life have mostly been reproducing because lel body wants some fuck and social pressures.

>> No.4660972

Birth is a source of misery from a purely physical and psychological point of view.
Like when you're hungry. Or when you're tired or depressed. As a human, you're always suffering because you're always looking to satisfy desires.
In some cultures, each birth is seen as a very sad event. Women cry when a child is born, because it will have to suffer.

>> No.4660975

Yes, I used the imagine to have it make sense to a natalist. You don't necessarily have to prove that life itself is the problem if it's obvious that non-life would be the definite solution though. If a cobra is approaching you club it to death, you don't find a pair of tweezers to remove its fangs.

>> No.4660982

You don't have to prove anything. Life necessitates death and anti-natalists believe both death and life are terrible things created by existence.

>> No.4660993

Answer me this antinatalists:

Why should I care? You first have to justify why one is obliged to busy oneself with prevention of hypothetical beings possibly coming out of other people's cunts.

>> No.4661004

What people are forgetting in this thread is that procreation isn't the opposite of antinatalism. Natalism is the opposite of antinatalism. The belief that procreation is inherently good. The positions in between are mere apathy and egoism.

So if you're against antinatalism, justify yourself as a natalist. What's so good about spawning people?

>> No.4661005

They get to experience life and consciousness.

>> No.4661013

that's fucking awful man

>> No.4661016

What's inherently good about life and consciousness? And if it's great, isn't it cruel to take it away from them again?

>> No.4661019

>tfw no gf

>> No.4661025

r u saying that antinatalists dont want people to have what they cant have?

>> No.4661027

If you actually add minor inconveniences/basic needs to misery, you really should check your definitions, man.
>As a human, you're always suffering because you're always looking to satisfy desires.
And I don't see anything inherently bad in that. It's a part of life and actually constitutes what and who we are. It is the same reason why Huxley's soma or Dick's empathy boxes are just revolting to us.
Yes, even suffering itself is not inherently bad.

>> No.4661030

>What's inherently good about life and consciousness?

It's the only thing we've got. Better to experience it once than never at all.

>> No.4661033

What's inherently bad about life and consciousness?

>And if it's great, isn't it cruel to take it away from them again?

It's better to have been lived and lost than to have never lived at all. At least I could experience some cool shit between diving into nothingness again. That's all there is, really.

You can't at the same time claim death to be cruel and not call the nothingness that comes before life cruel as well, it's the same thing.

>> No.4661037

Bad metaphor:
Birth: likelihood of a bad life (by _what_ or _whose_ standard exactly, by the way?) completely dependent on biological, social, economic etc. background.

Cobra: likelihood if something bad happening when the snake itself is approaching is very high

>> No.4661043

>As a human, you're always suffering because you're always looking to satisfy desires.

And we derive pleasure from satisfying those desires, which is why people don't kill themselves. People actively search for desires to satisfy so they can achieve satifaction through it.

Without a desire to satisfy, there would be no pleasure either. You always experience the good through contrast with the bad.

>> No.4661050

Well, people are antinatalists because they consider the chance of a shitty life so great it's not worth the gamble. This is where the essential difference lies between natalists and antinatalists. A completely arbitrary, irrational value judgement.

>> No.4661053

We only ever experience small peaks of pleasure with long stretches of dull pain.
There's a disproportion.

Anyway, I'm just spouting off Schopy/buddhism stuff right now. None of it really matters. I'm going to bed.

>> No.4661057

People are antinatalists because they have a very skewed view of what constitutes a good or a bad life.

They seem to me selfish as fuck, as they seem to be suffering, they can't conceive that anyone around them might feel different and that even someone with the shittiest life from their point of view would much rather still be alive than to have never existed at all.

I disagree, and I really doubt most people don't experience pleasure on a regular basis, wether it's by reading some book they like, watching a show, hobbies, socialising, etc.
And even if it were so, it is beyond evident that those small peaks are well worth the long stretches of dull pain for most people, otherwise we would've died out long ago.

>> No.4661083

This argument could be reversed exactly against natalists. Both are nonsensical positions since universalist ethics are nonsensical. Hell, morality itself is mere arbitrary preference.

>> No.4661087
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>then why are you posting in a philosophy thread

>> No.4661094
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Wanna fight?

>> No.4661096

And since universalist ethics are nonsensical and are a matter of subjective preference, why are you desiring people not to exist and allow them to put their subjectivity to use?

By denying the chance of birth on them, you're imposing your own.

It would be more logical to allow people to commit suicide if they want to, not disallowing them to exist in the first place.

>> No.4661104

>We only ever experience small peaks of pleasure with long stretches of dull pain.
The idea that whether or not life is worth living is solely dependent on physical "pleasure" or "pain" is not only totally unprovable or quantifiable, or at least it's never been done before and can't be argued on this quantitative basis, but wrong. "Pleasure" and "Pain" are not synonymous with "Good" and "Bad". Come back when you've at least finished reading the Greeks if you want to grapple with these ideas.

If "pleasure" was the only Good or thing worth living for, or if you seriously believed that, you'd be doing heroin right now, not arguing on the internet whether creating life is "Good" or "moral", and if all pain is evil, then so is working out and stubbing your toe.

I'm willing to wager that you're doing an awful job of representing anti-natalism, or at least I hope you are for their sake.

>> No.4661107

best arguement in this whole thread.

>> No.4661108

This can go both ways. What seems selfish as fuck to me is having children. It is undeniable that most people have children without thinking of the consequences. They have children because it seems like the natural thing to do. Some also feel like their life wouldn't be complete without a child of their own.

But you're right, there's something that keeps us going forward. It doesn't mean life is worth living. It only means our survival instinct is very strong and does not bow to reason. Even our brain works against us ; ever heard of the Pollyanna principle?

>> No.4661109

>implying stubbing my toe is not fucking unadultered evil

Come on.

>> No.4661118

>It is undeniable that most people have children without thinking of the consequences.

And what consequences would that be? That they'll give birth to a kid and will get to raise him in any way they think fit? Because I think people are pretty much informed about that one. Again, I disagree with your starting premise that life is suffering as you may be implying to be the consequences.

>Even our brain works against us ; ever heard of the Pollyanna principle?

Yes, but I would see it as working FOR us, and that would be implying you are somehow something other than your body and your brain. It's not working for "you" or "against" you, it IS you, and you are it. And what it's doing is maximizing our pleasure and minimizing our memories of sufferings past. I don't really see what's so bad aobut that.

>> No.4661126

I've never said pleasure and pain are synonymous with good and bad. I'm well aware that some pleasure is not good (heroin) and some pain is not bad (working out).

However, can you at least concede that most pleasure is good and most pain is bad? I mean, who in their right mind likes to feel pain? Hunger? Loneliness? Sickness? Old age? The fear of death?

>> No.4661129

>Even our brain works against us ; ever heard of the Pollyanna principle?
The Pollyanna principle is not your brain "working against you". It's selective memory. On top of that, a brain cannot "work against itself" anymore than any object can. A rock can't "work against itself". A wheel can't "roll against itself". No object can "work against itself" because that would necessitate not being a part of itself.

Although, this idea of a brain being able to do this is based on some seriously outdated Freudian-level understandings of how the brain works. "Subconscious" and "Conscious" are just convenient terms to illustrate certain ideas. It's easy to make this kind of mistake.

>> No.4661140

>Even our brain works against us

This sounds a bit like an early onset of schizophrenia. Is your brain out to get you? What do the voices say?

>> No.4661143

I am not my body. I am not my brain. They work without my consent. They do the things they do and I can't control them. And I don't like the fact that some part of my brain is lying to the other and shit like that. It makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.4661153


But actually I think it's a case of detachment and depersonalization. It's not how the normal person thinks bruv, you have some issues there.

>> No.4661154

Anti-natalism at its core is about the kid that you brought into existence, not about how bringing it into existence makes you feel. I would say they would claim that you are being selfish by not considering whether or not your kid would want to be alive and only whether or not it makes mommy and daddy feel good and special.

>> No.4661159

But you are. And what's even funnier is that it is your brain thinking that you're not your body or your brain, which means that by stating what you did, your brain is effectively lying to itself once more.

>> No.4661167

I get that you're probably just fat and lonely, but this is seriously what the crazy people on /x/ are like, and I before I was stopped taking acid all the time.

>> No.4661170
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Why would you bother listing the major reason for anti-natalism as pleasure vs. pain when you're going to say "not all pain is bad"?

This is a really fucking ambiguous argument. We're now in a spot where not only can we not quantify anything being said (we cannot accurately consider "how much pain" the average person has or will suffer, so we can't actually make decisions based off that quantification) but now we can't even determine what the subject at hand (whether the pain underwent is "good" or "bad") actually is. This is a no-man's land of useless ambiguity.

Then there's still the fact that a life can be "Good" even if there is a lot of physical pain involved, because we can at least agree that pain is apparently not inherently bad, so I'm not sure where you're headed with this.

The other anon is right, this IS utilitarianism stuff, just extraordinarily limited parts of it. The idea of virtue existing at all discounts it, they're not compatible. You cannot hold simultaneously the idea that Good and Evil is separate from physical pleasure or pain and be an anti-natalist, and I think that's the core to this discussion.

Having trouble finding a sufficiently neutral reaction image that displays my interest, so here's this instead.

>> No.4661171

>uses corporeality of human beings as basis for his argumentation
>"I am not my body"

>> No.4661178

And natalism at its core is also about the kid that you brought into existence. There are a lot more people who consider life worth living than edgy antinatalists that would see that potential pleasure that the very existance of life provides snuffed out before it's even started.

If the non existance that is before life follows life, and all pain as well as pleasure gets extinguished after it, why deny people to have the chance at a good life? Its most logical application would be to allow people to kill themselves if they don't find their own lives enjoyable.

>> No.4661179

I'm not. I consider both antinatalists and their opponents silly cunts.

>> No.4661182

Then that's a valid position, worthy of a cynic.
Nothing left to argue there.

>> No.4661185

The near total lack of control I have over my own body is what seems strange to me. The heart beats by itself, the brain thinks by itself and so on. Feels alienating, that's all.

>> No.4661189 [DELETED] 

>anti-natalism is not a legitimate philosophy
>no good can come out of trying to make conversation with anti-natalists
>why would you even respond to this thread

sage and move on. Anti-natalism is borderline shitposting. And these threads always inadvertently degenerate into shitposting anyways.

Sage. For the love of all god sage.

>> No.4661196

Your main problem is an identity issue. They're not different parts, alien to yourself, that are doing that, your "reason", the "voice in your head", whatever the fuck you might call yourself, because at this point I don't even know anymore, is also a part of that system you think yourself separate from.

I know it's weird and kind of hard to digest.

>> No.4661208

Can someone explain to me what could possibly make existence a better choice than non-existence? I feel like people consider non-existence to be 0, and anything happy to be positive, and anything unhappy to be negative, and the logic is that if you are in the positive, you are above 0 and therefor it's better to be positive than 0.. when in actuality non-existence shouldn't even be a number, it should be the lack of any numbers and the awareness of numbers.

>> No.4661209


>> No.4661210


>> No.4661214

And why is experiencing pleasure as a living thing preferable to non existence?

>> No.4661219

Beacuse I know pleasure to be good and I can't really know what non existance is like because it's implied.

So in your chart, existance and pleasure would be a possitive and non exitence is to me an incognita. Between a positive and an incognita, that will be the end result anyway, I'd rather give people the chance at the positive.

>> No.4661222

You do not deprive anybody of anything by not having children. They're not born yet.

>Its most logical application would be to allow people to kill themselves if they don't find their own lives enjoyable

You do not seem to understand what kind of suffering leads to suicide. I'm sure you wouldn't want your child to live through that.

>> No.4661227

Hey, dont lump up all us anti-social losers with anti-natalists.

>> No.4661230

Not him, but I don't think anti-natalism and debunking it relies at all on "pleasure" or "pain". I mentioned it a few posts up if you want to scroll and follow through the discussion I had with the other anon. Anti-natalism seems a limited part of utilitarianism, and the idea that all pleasure is inherently good and pain is inherently bad or evil is false, the idea that pain and pleasure are quantifiable in a concrete manner is false, etc.

See:>>4661170 and the previous posts connected to it.

>> No.4661235

No joke, every time I see a post in all caps I have to force myself to read it. Usually I just skip it unless it has quite a few replies.

>> No.4661236

If your parents hadn't fucked, you wouldn't have existed. The consequences of reproduction are obvious, and by not giving birth, you'll be depriving life from happening.

>You do not seem to understand what kind of suffering leads to suicide. I'm sure you wouldn't want your child to live through that.

I would, I would be remembering the good moments and while I'd be sad, I don't consider death an inherently bad thing, just like you don't consider the nothingness that comes before it bad. If he's not enjoying life and suffering that much, I'll understand him wanting to put an end to that suffering. I will have felt I at least gave him the chance at pleasure and having a life.

>> No.4661246

By that logic, you should have millions of children, and even then, you'd have deprived an infinite number of people their chance of living.

And that last comment about suicide shows how much you're uncaring and selfish. Sure, death isn't a big deal for you (I personally find this hard to swallow), but it is a big deal for most of us.

>> No.4661250

I don't give a shit about anti-natalism, I just am having trouble understanding how people are actually claiming that existence is better than non-existence, and as I suspected it's just people like >>4661219 saying

>w-well I you can't know non-existence but I am going to compare it to things and claim it's worse anyways

I never claimed that non-existence was better. I don't believe the two are really comparable in that sense.

>> No.4661257
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>I don't believe the two are really comparable in that sense.
Then I don't really have anything to say since I'm explicitly arguing against anti-natalism, sorry broski.

>> No.4661263

So you're neither a natalist nor an anti-natalist?
Will you choose to have children or not? And what will be your reasoning then?

>> No.4661265

>So you're neither a natalist nor an anti-natalist?
What? Are you sure you're responding to the right person? I'm responding to the guy who said neither existence nor non-existence are comparable, so he's neither a natalist nor an anti-natalist, which means I don't have anything to say to him since I'm arguing that anti-natalism is wrong, or at least the way it's being represented ITT is wrong.

>> No.4661277

Sorry. I thought you were some other guy.
Your post seemed to imply that it couldn't be proven that existence was better than non-existence or vice-versa, which puts you on the fence.

>> No.4661407 [DELETED] 

cool sage announcement bro

>> No.4661615

So guys, lets remove Pain and Pleasure for the moment, as that doesn't seem to be helping things.

What about being conscious? What about experiencing things? I don't want to call these "Good", but if I could miss their absence, I would. Making the choice to not allow my potential children the experience of being conscious appears like an Ultimate Conclusion to the Great Question of Life: DO NOT LIVE. I hearken back to my reading of The Myth of Sisyphus, and it is my genuine recommendation you read it if you have anti-natalist tendencies.

How can one, as an anti-natalist, claim that, using MY REASON and using MY MIND, MY THOUGHTS are that I WANT NO THOUGHTS: and I want NO THOUGHTS to exist, because thoughts make me sad.

"Anti-natalism" is a post-modern conceptualisation of Misology and Misanthropism.

There has not been an argument for anti-natalism that does not devolve into a judgement of the value of life as insufficient for its continuation.

But... why? Because it FEELS BAD MAN? Are people actually that fucking childish?

>> No.4661709

Antinatalism is a just a pessimistic hedonism. There's nothing childish about a hedonistic approach to life. If you think it's invalid, you should either accept a form of moral nihilism/scepticism and claim all moral values to be childish or offer some set of virtue ethics as a substitute to their hedonistic ethic that appears superior by whatever arbitrary standards your using to call hedonism a lesser ethical approach.

Also, there is nothing post-modern about antinatalism. It's been around since the Ancients and perhaps before. See the wisdom of Silenus and Hegesias for example.

>> No.4661719

I will but first you have to explain to me what anti-natalism means

>> No.4661733

Antinatalism is the position that life consists of suffering to the degree that it is immoral to creative living beings and therefore the ethical choice to stop reproducing and let our species die out.

>> No.4661738

>Antinatalism is a just a pessimistic hedonism.

Wrong. A(n intensely) pessimist hedonist would kill himself. On the other hand, having kids or not depends from the anti-natalist perspective on how the kids would feel about life, from the hedonist perspective it depends on how you feel about having kids.

>> No.4661741

That would be the individualist/egoist variety of pessimistic hedonism. Antinatalism is the collectivist/utilitarian variety.

>> No.4661767
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It's not bullshit, just too too easy.

The ideas surrounding Antinatalist thought may have some merit, but this doesn't need an Antinatalist position, just a heightened awareness that being born can sometimes suck, that going through life can often be a gruesome experience, and that this is exacerbated by there being more people.

Antinatalism is a monolithic reminder of this and proposes nothing to solve it since its solution is impractical. For instance, shockingly enough, some people who are born and go through life are actually happily attached to living, even if they live otherwise shitty lives.

That said, antinatalism posits that the challenge of happiness is an insurmountable obstacle unless there are less people around, and this just isn't true. More over, it's utterly detrimental.

>> No.4661784


There is no such thing as collectivist hedonism.

>> No.4661786

There is. It's called utilitarianism.

>> No.4661797

What people forget is that your own brain is programmed to want to live. You are born with an innate aversion to dying. Saying that most people want to live doesn't tell you anything, Its complete selection bias. Everyone who is alive either wants to be alive, or doesn't, but has yet to reach the point of suicide.

If there were a human adult with no bias towards death or life, how would they act? Would they kill themselves as a logical reaction to thirst, hunger, etc.? One could argue that all humans have the desire to die without even knowing it. Buddhists consider enlightenment, which is as close to death as one can get without actually dying, to be the pinnacle of experience. People take drugs and get drunk to dull their perceptions of life.

I am a very happy person. I meditate daily and I am happy with very little. That being said, I see no point in having children when the greatest pleasure of all is the peace of freeing yourself from desire, which is a state one can not reach without subjecting themselves to some suffering.

Not wanting is the equivalent of having. Death is never wanting. Life is a cycle of wanting, and then getting, so you may not want for a little longer. Why would you want that (See first sentence)?

>> No.4661832
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Overlooking the many other issues I have with your post, what you're suggesting isn't an antinatalist stance, if that is what you actually mean to propose, but opting out of the matter entirely. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.4661837


yeah, apparently I'm wrong. However, I think it's bullshit because pleasure is something experienced. In utilitarianism, it's a fucking abstraction.

>> No.4662018

Well, firstly, I started by saying lets take pleasure and pain out of the equation, since the entirety of the thread thus far showed it's unhelpful. Calling it hedonism is putting those things back in there, without actually making claims.

The reason I want to take pleasure and pain out for the moment, is that they do not translate into good and bad. Because of this, it can't go under utilitarianism (which equates pleasure and goodness), since the value judgement is categorized phenomenally (ie, this is painful, THEREFORE it is bad... sensual hedonism).

Now, look, I don't have a problem with hedonism. I don't have a problem with moral valuing.
>or offer some set of virtue ethics as a substitute to their hedonistic ethic that appears superior by whatever arbitrary standards your using to call hedonism a lesser ethical approach.
Okay, so I never said hedonism is lesser. Nevermind that. Okay, so you're saying THOUGHTS versus NOT THOUGHTS is arbitrary. Well, okay, have it your way. I like existing, so that's a sensual judgement as valuing... which is hedonism. Now I'm confused, what are you talking about? It's almost as if you picked up on a few key words, and decided you knew what I was talking about.

You, and others, are still missing the central fucking point: anti-natalism is using mind, thought, reason, to REJECT THOSE THINGS AS INSUFFICIENT. Thus it is self-contradictory, and, I think, hypocritical.

It's fucking stoner philosophy. Man, we should all just like, stop breeding man, cuz like, everyone suffers, so if we didn't exist, no one would suffer. Whoa.

That's fucking deep bro.

>> No.4662037

I like what you say up until
>Not wanting is the equivalent of having. Death is never wanting.
Both having, and wanting, imply that there is some kind of thing to be wanted or had. If death is never wanting, it CANNOT be equivalent to having. Rather, death would be the removal of the cycle, through removal of mind-that-wants-to-have.

Further, "want" implies a lack of. This would mean that when alive, one can only "have" life, one cannot "want" it.

Death is the want of life.

>> No.4662108

I agree. That's why antinatalism is flawed for all the same reasons utilitarianism is. Virtue ethics aren't less problematic though. All ethical systems are fundamentally flawed.

>> No.4662134

>Well, firstly, I started by saying lets take pleasure and pain out of the equation, since the entirety of the thread thus far showed it's unhelpful. Calling it hedonism is putting those things back in there, without actually making claims.
Taking pleasure and pain out of the equation is nonsensical when discussing an ethical stance that is hedonistic. There is no antinatalism that remains if you take away its central notion that suffering should be prevented.

>The reason I want to take pleasure and pain out for the moment, is that they do not translate into good and bad. Because of this, it can't go under utilitarianism (which equates pleasure and goodness), since the value judgement is categorized phenomenally (ie, this is painful, THEREFORE it is bad... sensual hedonism).
Again, antinatalism equates suffering with bad and non-suffering with good. You may not agree, but that's how antinatalism works. You can't discuss a concept after removing its fundamental premises.

>Okay, so I never said hedonism is lesser. Nevermind that. Okay, so you're saying THOUGHTS versus NOT THOUGHTS is arbitrary. Well, okay, have it your way. I like existing, so that's a sensual judgement as valuing... which is hedonism. Now I'm confused, what are you talking about? It's almost as if you picked up on a few key words, and decided you knew what I was talking about.
My point is that you can't come up with an ethical position that's inherently less silly than antinatalism. Criticisms against antinatalism hold up against other ethical positions as well. Antinatalism isn't theoretically more problematic than others.

>You, and others, are still missing the central fucking point: anti-natalism is using mind, thought, reason, to REJECT THOSE THINGS AS INSUFFICIENT. Thus it is self-contradictory, and, I think, hypocritical.
Antinatalists don't consider mind/thought/reason insufficient to make insightful observations. They consider it insufficient to alleviate suffering by other means than extinction. Just because you can diagnose an ailment doesn't mean you can also provide the cure. Nothing hypocritical about this.

>It's fucking stoner philosophy. Man, we should all just like, stop breeding man, cuz like, everyone suffers, so if we didn't exist, no one would suffer. Whoa. That's fucking deep bro.

>> No.4662188

So, let us say that all humans die out. Why does this mean that suffering stops? Sure, we're not contributing to suffering, but pain is a phenomenon we react to, a phenomenon there's no reason to suppose any other lifeform would not have.

If suffering does not stop, what is the point of anti-natalism?

> is nonsensical when discussing an ethical stance that is hedonistic.
No, I disagree. An ethical standpoint cannot SOLELY RELY on pain or pleasure. What about people with that disorder that prevents pain signals? What about the emotionally stunted? Oh right, they don't matter, amirite? They're just exceptions, amirite?

>You may not agree, but that's how antinatalism works.
But that's my point, I'm trying to explain why anti-natalism DOES NOT work.

>Criticisms against antinatalism hold up against other ethical positions as well
If, as I mentioned, when all humans are extinct, there is still pain or suffering, then anti-natalism CANNOT work. If, on the other hand, everyone was simply hedonistic, seeking always to maximise pleasure, well, there would still be suffering, but there would be more pleasure as well. Hedonism, thus, can work, can achieve (limited) success, whereas anti-natalism is an idealistic impossibility.

>Antinatalists don't consider mind/thought/reason insufficient to make insightful observations. They consider it insufficient to alleviate suffering by other means than extinction.
"I live, but I don't like it. I don't think others should need to live. So I'll make sure they can't make the choice."
>Nothing hypocritical about this.
It is, when the cure for headache is trepanning.

>> No.4662199

well that's bullshit then because the shittiest countries in the world by all measures don't have high rates of suicide

>> No.4662230

>"I live, but I don't like it. I don't think others should need to live. So I'll make sure they can't make the choice."
This is the perhaps the most retarded straw man I've read regarding AN so far.

>> No.4662232
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that's because suicide and antinatalism are luxuries

>> No.4662275


I meant of want in terms of desire, not in the sense of having or not having.

>> No.4662287

It doesn't matter necause anti-natalism is THE strawman philosophy. The key reason being you're all just fat and lonely and trying to dress it up.

>> No.4662335

>So, let us say that all humans die out. Why does this mean that suffering stops? Sure, we're not contributing to suffering, but pain is a phenomenon we react to, a phenomenon there's no reason to suppose any other lifeform would not have.
>If suffering does not stop, what is the point of anti-natalism?
Diminishing suffering as far as you can. Doing what you can. There are offshoots of antinatalism that suggest we should destroy the entire planet permanently though.

>No, I disagree. An ethical standpoint cannot SOLELY RELY on pain or pleasure. What about people with that disorder that prevents pain signals? What about the emotionally stunted? Oh right, they don't matter, amirite? They're just exceptions, amirite?
It's pleasure and suffering, not pain and pleasure. Suffering is wider than mere physical pain.

>But that's my point, I'm trying to explain why anti-natalism DOES NOT work.
Virtue ethics don't work either. Universalist ethics don't work because they can't reasonably be implemented. This is an argument against morality in general, not merely antinatalism.

>If, as I mentioned, when all humans are extinct, there is still pain or suffering, then anti-natalism CANNOT work. If, on the other hand, everyone was simply hedonistic, seeking always to maximise pleasure, well, there would still be suffering, but there would be more pleasure as well. Hedonism, thus, can work, can achieve (limited) success, whereas anti-natalism is an idealistic impossibility.
I fully agree with you, but again, this is not an argument against antinatalism specifically but against non-individualistic ethical systems in general. As I said, I consider antinatalism silly too. But I consider morality silly in general.

>"I live, but I don't like it. I don't think others should need to live. So I'll make sure they can't make the choice."
The reversible goes for natalists.

>It is, when the cure for headache is trepanning.
Again, this relies merely on how serious a problem you consider suffering to be. The argument between antinatalists and natalists has a lot of similarities with arguments about drug legalisation. Ultimately it comes down to calculating utility, which isn't possible, so it just becomes a perpetual emotional disputanturilly of gustibus.

>> No.4662336
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When did handicapped people like you flood /lit/?

>> No.4662339

I'm sorry you're upset that I'm not going to sink to debating the philosphy of sad idiots in a serious context.

>> No.4662421
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Pic related.

>> No.4662456

>caring about "phalacies"
>pointing them out
>caring about /lit/ fads
C'mom we had stirner, Nietzsche and many others.
American please. Debate classes have killed philosophy in high school. Try not to delve into it anymore.

Facist janitor baning retards when

>> No.4662558

>Facist janitor baning retards when

>> No.4662616

Please elaborate

>> No.4662619

that's not what I said nor is it a response to what was said.

>> No.4664088
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>So can anyone give me any *real* reasons why anti-natalism is bullshit? So far I haven't seen any

hurrr I hate my life and life in general, therefore no one should procreate

Why does this need a rebuttal ? It's retarded from start to finish.

>> No.4664743

confirmed for not being familiar with antinatalist arguments

>> No.4664755

They are all erroneous presumptions and rationalizations.

>> No.4664759 [DELETED] 

That goes for morality in general.

>> No.4664765

That goes for normative ethics in general.

>> No.4664772

Yeah, so why is anti-natalism superior? It's just like an opinion man.

>> No.4664785

I'm not an antinatalist, I just think people lashing out against antinatalism because it hurts their feelies is silly. Why get so angry at an ethical stance without any arguments and without providing an alternative?

>> No.4664788

>without providing an alternative?

Nihilism, don't care about any normative statements and just live your life or die.

>> No.4664798

Yes, that would work. Still, I don't see why antinatalism would disturb you so much then. Pessimists gonna pest.

>> No.4667412

sounds like depression, bro

i've an inquiry- do you like your life?

i am serious.

i can not understand a nihilist or anti-natalist who saw no point in life who didn't enjoy it himself.

such philosophies fall to mere thought experiments if one truly embraces the people in their life.

although i'm making an assumption- are you an anti-natalist because of population density?

even so, i find it impossible to not find something about this life with which to enjoy. if not many things...

do you see it pointless because of the matter we're made of? but we can think and breathe and love...how is that not beautiful?

>> No.4667443

who enjoyed it himself*

>> No.4668130


Because somewhere someone is suffering even if it happens to not be you, so you don't worry about it. You might argue, "But that's life, you suffer and then you get over it", without questioning why you put so much value in life in the first place (because you are predisposed to want to live).

Is anti-natalism really so radical? All it means is to not have children, which many people do already. What would be the difference if EVERYONE decided tomorrow that it wasn't worth it? Life would go on and then everyone would die, the end, the only difference being there wouldn't be another generation to "continue our legacy". People are simply opposed to the end of the human race because, biologically, the advancement of our species is the only reason we have to exist.

>> No.4668131

>basing decisions off worst assumptions possible

>> No.4668160

>It's fucking stoner philosophy. Man, we should all just like, stop breeding man, cuz like, everyone suffers, so if we didn't exist, no one would suffer. Whoa.

>That's fucking deep bro.



Fuck OP.