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4658535 No.4658535[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a word for that feeling of embarrassment you feel when suddenly remembering something you said quite a while ago, even though it's forgettable and inconsequential to the person you said it to?

>> No.4658541


>> No.4658548


Oh crap are you German?

>> No.4658546


bless you

>> No.4658549

Thank you!

>> No.4658554

google translate says this means the swallowing of human seed

>> No.4658582


>> No.4658585

Wow, I know those feels op. No matter how long ago or how inconsequential, the remembrance always makes me cringe

>> No.4658640


Does anyone else have a tendency to suddenly make a loud noise when remembering something very awkward that happened a long time ago?

>> No.4658647


>> No.4658777

Sometimes I physically flinch

>> No.4658795


>> No.4658825


Yes, at least a groan or whimper (inb4 >pathetic). It will also stop me in my tracks.

>> No.4658834

I usually groan or sometimes exclaim "no". It also keeps me awake at night sometimes.
I like to think of it as reverse nostalgia spaghetti insomnia

>> No.4658856

No it does not. And there's nothing on Google about it except two results from this very thread. The word does fit well, though.

>> No.4658925

Every single day. More than once.
One thing I've done is write the events down and burn the paper; it's helped a bit.
Also thinking about how others do embarrassing things and aren't tormented by them. But maybe they should be, at least a bit...

>> No.4658936
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>> No.4658955
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>Remember something funny in public and laugh

>> No.4658963


Glad this is not limited to me then!
Its one of the more remarkable things my body does that I have no control over. From my experience I'd say the physical reaction sort of pulls me out of deep thought, I guess as a way to protect the mind. I am still aware of the awkward thing I was thinking about but the physical reaction stops me from actually mentally reliving the event in detail. I dont feel uncomfortable thinking about the awkward event on a shallow level, but if I go deeper into it, it does make me feel uncomfortable and that's the point where my body usually stops me. Like my mind is saying "hold up buddy, are you sure you think about that?". Like a PC asking me if I'm sure I want to exit the program.

>> No.4658999

there's a whole webcomic that delves into this thing quite frequently. read away: http://www.whompcomic.com/

>> No.4659021

To my cringe-prone writerfags, incorporate the cringe moment into a story somehow. They're the types of moments that can generally fit anywhere.

Then you can be glad that the cringe happened, because it's useful to you.

>> No.4659046
File: 127 KB, 900x299, 2014-03-12-Texting-My-Patience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current comic related
That messed-up Japanese is making my eyelid twitch.
Thanks, trips, I (and others I'm sure) will check it out further.

>> No.4660323

That's fucking exactly what I think.

Like the low groan is a physical way to derail a bad train of thought. I just wish it wasn't such a public thing that people can notice. I also shake my head and sometimes say 'no' or 'shhh'. It's probably one of my more insane seeming personality quirks.

I wonder if there's a name for this thing. Or if it's a symptom of some mental disorder (probably autismlel).

How long have people here had it?

>> No.4660351

Mine is a specific verbal tic.

There's three or four stock sentences that I will blurt out, generally under my breath.

>I wish I was dead
>I wish [anon] was here
>I hate myself
>I wish I was at home

These are also set off whenever I momentarily allow myself to remember how pathetic my existence is in general.

>> No.4660379


I feel the same about things i deeply regret. I make a loud sign and curl up in a ball. I get depressed by noticing this things.

>> No.4660381

I get the same thing, but instead of noises I start sweating uncontrollably

>> No.4660395

Things said or done long years ago,
Or things I did not do or say
But thought that I might say or do,
Weigh me down, and not a day
But something is recalled,
My conscience or my vanity appalled.

>> No.4660406

What sort of helps me is to remind myself that I am the only person in the world who's thinking about it, that other people have lives and are busy thinking about their own life, not some mistake I made some fucking time ago

>> No.4660425

Oh my god, I do that too!

>> No.4660430

New poster, btw

>> No.4660442

OP, this can be described as "remembering something embarrassing you did."

>> No.4660450

I want to confirm this also happens to me and I blush and usually utter something or say "ahhh fuck" or whatever softly.

>> No.4660575

You guys who talk out loud are adorable. Personally, I just grimace.

>> No.4660718

No it doesn't you fucking idiot. What did you even do?

>> No.4660777

It's not simple remembering, it's an intrusive sort of involuntary recollection that borders on a pathology.

>> No.4661529

I think >>4658541 works as a definition, even though it's not an official one. I'm surprised there's not a word for this, as it seems quite a commonplace feeling.

>> No.4661535

oh god i do this
>oh god
>fucking thing
>i really need to kill myself

it gets awkward when i do it involuntary and people are nearby

>> No.4661538

>it gets awkward when i do it involuntary and people are nearby

It's odd but I haven't actually ever done this in public. It's like there's some subconscious barrier of self-control, a lot like how there are certain situations whereby you are able to resist swearing, when usually you would be cursing like a whore.

>> No.4661542

With me, it tends to occur when I'm in bed ready to fall asleep.

>> No.4661554


oh boy do i know this feel

>> No.4661559

This may be fucked up but this is how I generally experience life now. I think of myself as a means of gathering material for writing, I generally don't care about embarrasing myself etc any more

>> No.4661560

I wonder if this is a new thing... Maybe exclusive to our generation. I haven't heard this feel mentioned specifically elsewhere.

Maybe it's even just exclusive to the spergs here on 4chen

>> No.4661565

I've seen it mentioned on one of those Facebook memes with thousands of likes, suggesting it's widespread. I'd agree that it relates to this generation though.
A lot of it seems to relate to alcohol too, as the memories of intoxicated antics return

>> No.4661564
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>I wonder if this is a new thing... Maybe exclusive to our generation
Possible. Unlikely.

>Maybe it's even just exclusive to the spergs here on 4chen

>> No.4661567

Alcohol-related cringe-flashbacks are pleb tier.

Patrician tier examples are about stuff like ED or revealing your power level to a pure qt

>> No.4661572

>A lot of it seems to relate to alcohol too, as the memories of intoxicated antics return

Not for me. Not in the slightest.

>> No.4661590

I meant
>maybe even exclusive to spergs like the ones on 4chen

>> No.4661597

I agree, not in the slightest.

My theory is that it has something to do with epigenetics. We are now feeling the epigenetic consequences of our recent ancestors' actions, for instance, in the rash of children with cancer and other diseases children have no business having.

>> No.4661598

>cancer and other diseases children have no business having.

*tips fedora*

>> No.4661600

I sometimes remember and cringe about past things I've done that were embarrassing or shit. It's not like cliched de je vu shit because it doesn't happen again, i just remember something. I just call them flassshbaccks maaan cause like tripppppppeeeh and shiiit man

>> No.4661604

How the fuck is that fedora-worthy

Related, not even kidding:


>> No.4661610


>> No.4661618

>even though it's forgettable and inconsequential to the person you said it to

You say that, but I bet they all remember.

>> No.4661623

Wouldn't fedoras be the ones making 2edgy dead baby jokes

I could not give less a fuck about any kneecap-faced babies. My point was that them motherfuckers got no biznaz having cancer. Cancer is for the old and posters like you.

>> No.4661626

Yep, I did something extremely embarrasing last month and physically cringe every day about it

>> No.4661627

Tell us about it

>> No.4661630


>I wish David Foster Wallace was here
>I'm gonna go home and read Infinite Jest again

>> No.4661629

Anybody who is unironically for or against anything is worthy of having a fedora tipped in their direction.

>> No.4661635

>girl from part-time work asks me to the cinema
>fast forward and we go twice more
>talk for hours about real private things
>text everyday
>starts sleeping in my bed
>make out, both shirtless etc
>try to have sex one night at her place
>I fail to get hard
>after a couple hours of being unable to sleep she goes and plays on her phone in the bathroom
>leave at 6am
>had to leave at 8:30 anyway, as she knew, since I had somewhere to be
>next day she texts me hoping I wasn't too tired
>hopes she didn't make me uncomfortable
>say a cringey thing about not having been in bed with a girl for a long time (she knew)
>ask her to let me know when she's free
>hear nothing for a week
>ask her if she's free on the weekend
>vague reply about "having things to be getting on with"
>next week
>take /adv/'s advice and ask for my shirt back that I borrowed her since I realize she's not interested any more
>says she is and that she just doesn't want to dive into a long-term relationship, still wants to see me
>go over and collect shirt next night
>asked her to do something following sunday
>ask her to the cinema
>says she'd love to
>ask her to let me know when she's watched the trailer to Her, since I don't know if it's her type of movie
>nothing for a week
>tell her it's stopped showing
>"shit sorry!"
>text for the first time in three weeks back and forth
>she says "see you soon! xxx" towards the end before I say I have to sleep
>nothing since (three weeks)

>> No.4661636

don't worry, you'll get past your Nirvana phase once you turn 14

>> No.4661638

Y-you too

>> No.4661641

where are you from?

I'm sorry to hear about that. It's funny how just one wrong move can ruin everything. Was she hot? What's the cringey thing you said?

You didn't poetry at her, did you?

>> No.4661645


No, no poetry. Yes, very hot. Something about being bummed out, not having been wth a girl for some time, "let alone someone like you"

>> No.4661654

Fuck, that's the worst. Well if you managed to attract a hottie, my bet is you could do it again(?) and she's a co-worker, you say?

>tfw you realize she was in the bathroom texting a close friend about that very situation
>tfw you realize the friend was placing the blame on her
>tfw you told her it wasn't her, but your power level, thus prompting her to seek the council of her friend, the verdict of which was apparently that you're not worth it, life is too short and she needs a man who can love.

I feel your pain. Pic of her?

>> No.4661658

I like how this thread turns it into something pathological.
I feel it to, and often.
But it's not that different from remembering something that really hurt, in an unpleasant way.
Once I got a 2mm broad needle 2 cm into my arm, and had to pull it out myself.
It gives me a really uncomfortable feeling to think about it, where I have to crimp my body, same thing as when I remember that I had three dicks in my mouth while drunk once.
But it's that feeling that makes you not do it again. That's how the brain works.
"Yo, you remember that time when you had three dicks in your mouth?"
"yeah, that wasn't all that cool"
"You see those dicks?"
"Try this feel"
*cringe* "I see..."
Same thing as regular pain.

>> No.4661659

No way. First grill in a decade. Don't work there any more and do nothing any more, dont' feel like either. It's ogre. Just wait until the compulsion to commit suicide becomes too strong now.

>> No.4661664

I'm sorry to hear that man. This sort of thing isn't uncommon, you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure you will learn from the experience anyway.

>> No.4661667

I twitch my arm.

>> No.4661672

Don't put that bitch on some altar now. The truth is she was just going for a tryst where she could get a regular laying. The mistake you made is thinking too highly of her, but more importantly, letting her know it. You have to play it cool and aloof.

Find another job wherein might be working hottie, and just exist there. Do that long enough without displaying any signs of attraction and they will eventually gravitate towards you. It's worked for me, I'm of the same mindset as you, I feel inferior. But because I feel inferior, I think to myself, fuck it, they're not worth my attention because they're not interested in me anyway. Then paradoxically they become interested in you because your cold yet mysterious personality is intriguing to them. I've been told I'm good looking (but my autism prevents me to believe it) so that might be a factor, and if you are outwardly pleasing enough to pull in a hottie, then my guess is that you're not bad looking either, and with enough time you'll find a girl.

>> No.4661679

Yeah I have but it still sucks.

Yeah I realize that and holy shit man you sound exactly like me. I think it was a case of lonely guy falling in love with anybody showing them some attention. It's weird because I'm ok with my own company etc, but I don't know

>> No.4661692

"it's all in the mind" has become this ugly cliche, but in this case it's very applicable.

I once was drunk enough to feel confident. During this time, I performed a magic trick I'd rehearsed many times on a 9/10 girl at a birthday party. Part of my trick involved 'reading her mind' so I improvised and grabbed her hand and held it. She responded positively to that. She called me amazing. Had I not sperged out towards the end of our interaction I could have had her. What I do is I think of that me, that person who so held her attention and then I realize that I AM capable of that. There is nothing inherent in me that makes me incapable of attracting hot women. It's all in the way you regard yourself.

That initial affection you felt was good wasn't it? But you got too desperate and lunged forward, to seize and keep it. Don't. Know that you must pull her in as much as she pulled you. Know that you are capable of handling and having her. Know that with enough time, it will happen.

>> No.4661745

he's mexican.

>> No.4661749

I softly but urgently whisper "I want to die" over and over again.

>> No.4661750

>same thing as when I remember that I had three dicks in my mouth while drunk once.


>> No.4661765
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>> No.4661763

Is there a specific word for "a phrase that doesn't exist in this language but does in another language"? Kinda like schadenfreude, deja vu, or bakku-shan.

Does "colloquialism" apply here?

>> No.4661771

Lexical Gap.

>> No.4661781

just forget about her. I've been through that whole goddamn impossible-to-make-plans-with thing and believe me it's not worth the stress.

>> No.4661795


Dude, she isn't in to you, she's just trying to be nice. Move on. If you never bother her again, she'll sigh in relief.

From experience.

>> No.4661799


Thank you kind sir.

>> No.4661804

Somewhat related: what's the most cringe-inducing book there is?

>> No.4661816

that which you wrote in X years ago

>> No.4661830

Your favorite one.

>> No.4662002

Your magnum opus.

>> No.4662036


>> No.4662472
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All words attempt to define abstract concepts, or attempt to symbolize them; that's what words are.