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File: 98 KB, 400x400, noam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4658150 No.4658150[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Noam "I think people ought to be in cages" Chomsky



Why do people listen to this authoritarian statist psychopath again?
He's basically the gatekeeper of academia. He's the catholic church of today.

His fucking salary is state funded once you follow the money, he does everything in his power to grant more power to the state, yet has the balls to call himself an "anarchist".


He's supported some of the most vicious, authoritarian regimes known to man, while hypocritically criticized american foreign policy(which is bad of course, but makes the man a giant hypocrite)

The only people who look up to this idiot are clueless college kids who get forcefed leftist propaganda and believe everything their professors tell them.

>> No.4658154
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Because leftists are clueless, what else is new?

Lovely how his precious Venezuela is falling apart.

>> No.4658155

Manufacturing Consent is fairly well done. I haven't read anything else he's written, but I wouldn't care if he were a racist fascist, that work is still a good read for anyone interested in leftism.

>> No.4658159

>but I wouldn't care if he were a racist fascist, that work is still a good read for anyone interested in leftism.

>I don't care that he constantly lies and the book I've read by him is full of some truth and yet mostly bullshit

>for anyone interested in leftism.
Lol makes sense actually, leftists are pretty retarded as it is.

>> No.4658165

cruisin' the conic sections. again.

you done? get it all out?

>> No.4658166

Manufacturing Consent is replete with citations.

>> No.4658168

>Manufacturing Consent is replete with citations.
That doesn't make it not bullshit.

>> No.4658170

Any actual reply to these blatant facts?
Yeah didn't think so kiddo.

>> No.4658174

Actually, he calls himself an anarcho-syndicalist, not an anarchist

Similar words anon, but that's like calling a neoliberal and a liberal (18th century) the same thing

>> No.4658179
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I have face cancer.

>> No.4658180

Stop being lazy, OP. In the link you provided:

Chomsky: I'm no expert on pornography. The core element of it, I think, is degradation of women, whatever else goes on. I don't think it should be outlawed, but I'm not in favor of the degradation of anybody.

>> No.4658185

It's a good introduction. On a superficial level, it's definitely not bullshit

>> No.4658186


>the 'blatant' facts

Insinuations and misrepresentations, you mean?


There's him speaking recently on the subject of Anarchism.

>> No.4658187

Hegemony or Survival is also quite good

>> No.4658189

>Actually, he calls himself an anarcho-syndicalist, not an anarchist
Yeah I know. It's the dumbest form of anarchism, you might as well call yourself an anarcho-statist.

>Similar words anon, but that's like calling a neoliberal and a liberal (18th century) the same thing
He calls himself an anarchist you fucking moron. Anarcho-syndicalism implies anarchism.

>I don't think it should be outlawed,
When he says "it wouldn't exist in an anarchist society"
He means the people enforcing his dictatorship of trade unions(anarcho-syndicalism has to be violently enforced you know) would use violence to stop those producing pornography.

>> No.4658190

If you are a Lefty, you are the cancer killing /lit/

* tips Lenin cap *

>> No.4658193

>wants me to watch a youtube video repeating everything I already know

Guy's a fucking statist who does nothing but increase state power. Nuff said.

He sucks the cock of the more authoritarian statists.
SERIOUSLY, of course he's a statist.

>> No.4658199

Introduction to what?
Already it belongs in the trash.

>> No.4658203

Good thing I don't have to care about his alignment with anarchism or anarcho-syndicalism to enjoy his work about media and US foreign policy

Just like I can still enjoy racist, sexist authors from the 1800s

>> No.4658206

Then you must think pretty much all academia of the past hundred years is trash, so you're on the wrong board.

>> No.4658207
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>> No.4658212

Noam Chomsky's useless views and horrid abinatiom that is the modern lefts line of debate is one of the most atrocious things on this Earth. While he is not solely to blame for this phenomena, modern leftists are non-thinking, buzzword abusing emotional idiots.

>> No.4658216

>Hey man, feminist studies with advice dog rip-offs and graphic design classes producing the aforementioned are legit as fuck

>> No.4658219
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I was going to make a thread criticizing modern right-wing intellectuals.

But then I realized: there aren't any!

>> No.4658230
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>> No.4658232

What about Alain de Benoist?

>> No.4658233

Do you even Foucault? The trend has been exposing and deconstructing power, that's the definition of leftism.

>> No.4658236

I think this is a great text.


>Noam Chomsky is perhaps the United States’ best-known anarchist. There’s a certain irony to this, however; for just as St. Augustine once prayed, “Grant me chastity and continence, but not yet,” Chomsky’s aim is in effect anarchy, but not yet.

>Chomsky’s reason for the “not yet” is that a powerful central government is currently necessary as a bulwark against the power of the corporate elite; thus it will not be safe to abolish or even scale back the state until we first use the state to break the power of the corporate elite:

>Now Chomsky’s notion of the state as a crucial bulwark against “concentrations of private power” might initially seem puzzling, given that – as Chomsky’s own research has confirmed time and again – the state has historically been the chief enabler of such concentrations. But what Chomsky seems to mean is not so much that it generally acts as a bulwark now, but rather that it can be made to do so; if you’re facing a much stronger opponent (private power) who also has a sword (government power), you’re better off trying to grab the sword and use it against him than you would be simply destroying the sword.

basically: he might as well call himself a democrat.

>> No.4658243
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>modern leftists are non-thinking

>> No.4658244
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>I was going to make a thread criticizing modern right-wing intellectuals.
>But then I realized: there aren't any!

wtf did i just read

>> No.4658246

Uh, where do you get "he might as well call himself a democrat" from what you quoted? Are you implying private corporate interests don't have sway with the U.S democratic party? Cause they have a BUNCH, muh bro.

>> No.4658252
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>he doesn't get it.

>> No.4658258

So basically---
Step 1: use state to abolish corporate elite
Step 2: abolish state
Step 3: watch as new configurations of power form
Step 4: repeat forever without making any real progress

>> No.4658262


No. I'm saying that he believes that the people can seize the State's coercive power and use it against private interest. He (rightfully) believes that the current State is a tool to protect corporate interest, but he believes that a State that does the opposite is achievable and desirable.

It's just a really contradictory position for an anarchist to take.

>> No.4658266

>I was going to make a thread criticizing modern right-wing intellectuals. But then I realized: there aren't any!

Thomas Sowell
Samuel Alito
George Will
Pat Buchanan
Richard Posner
Charles Krauthammer
William Kristol
Dinesh D'Souza
Clarence Thomas

>> No.4658267

Were you one of the guys yelling at butterfly the other night about this?

I bought the Murray Rothbard book based on your rec. I hope it isn't disappointing.

>> No.4658268

The term intellectual implies intelligence, anon.

>> No.4658279
File: 27 KB, 477x387, 1393218504860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The term intellectual implies intelligence, anon.

>Thomas Sowell
Brandeis University
Cornell University
Harvard University
Columbia University
Stanford University
University of Chicago

>Samuel Alito
Yale University
Princeton University
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

>George Will
Magdalen College, Oxford
Princeton University

>Pat Buchanan
Columbia University
Georgetown University

>Richard Posner
Yale University
Harvard University

>Charles Krauthammer
Balliol College, Oxford
Harvard University

>William Kristol
Harvard University

>Dinesh D'Souza
Dartmouth College

>Clarence Thomas
Yale University
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

they look retarded

>> No.4658284


The only name you've listed I can respect is Posner.

Krauthammer's smart, but a fucking snake. Same with Sowell.

Everyone else is a fucking joke.

>> No.4658288

>A leftist attempts a debate

Jesus christ I honestly want you people to all just die at this point. You are proud of being obstinate morons with nothing to say, it's repugnant.

>> No.4658292

>Call someone a snake
>In a thread about fucking chomsky

I'm going to go ask /x/ how to give you AIDs, bbl

>> No.4658295

To add to this list

Dr. Michael Savage
Dr. Schlessinger

>> No.4658297


>> No.4658301

I have yet to meet a person IRL who disagrees with Chomsky, but internet is full of them

The only logical conclusion I can come to is that there are paid shills that are directed to argue against his ideas every time a scripted bot finds him mentioned on the internet

>> No.4658312

>violently ban

What does that even mean

>> No.4658321

Could it possibly be that you choose friends who share similar interests and thoughts to your own?
Or you don't get out much?

>> No.4658325

>I have yet to meet a person IRL who disagrees with Chomsky

You have yet to meet a person who isn't a left wing anarchist?

>> No.4658328
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>> No.4658330

>He's supported some of the most vicious, authoritarian regimes known to man

Which? Besides the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.4658335

Well, there are those who disagree with his linguistic work and those who disagree with his political work. It's more likely that the former are valid and you just don't run into a lot of people who are interested in linguistics. As for the latter...

In all my years of internetting, I've never really suspected shills on message boards and usually thought the idea was a little tinfoil hatty, but it's interesting that so much shitposting has been going on lately involving certain ideas/thinkers. Very rarely are the attacks specifically about the ideas, they're usually in the form of memes and ad hominem. "The internet has always been that way." Yeah, but it seems to be a little bit more mobilized these days. The shitposting used to be sprinkled in, now it's the bulk of the threads.

>> No.4658336
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>> No.4658356
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>that's still a better track record than anarchism!

>> No.4658366

what a tabula rasa?

>> No.4658391
File: 173 KB, 1257x517, 1350852938438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turd licking marxists

You will always be a waste of flesh.

>> No.4658392
File: 23 KB, 604x335, 1203240942091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists seriously deserve to be choked to death and I would gladly do it myself.

>> No.4658395





>> No.4658398

EM = ME*

>> No.4658399

Every damn Chomsky thread. It's like a bunch of kids have something to prove by "outing" babby's first intellectual.

>> No.4658403

Daily reminder that Syntactic Structures (the work that established him in academia) was funded by the Pentagon.

>> No.4658407
File: 61 KB, 500x200, 1374777716061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a Marxist

>> No.4658409

>It's like a bunch of kids
Yeah, college chomsky kids with their parents funding their enslavement to the leftist statist school system

Do you have any refutation to these piece of shit?

Didn't think so.

He deserves to have his skull smashed into concrete.

>> No.4658410


>professor and researcher at a government-funded institution was *gasp* FUNDED by the government?

holy shit, dude, you just blew my fucking mind.

>> No.4658412


what are you doing with your life

>> No.4658413


>being this intellectually dishonest

>> No.4658414
File: 190 KB, 976x1672, 1353029387409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being dumb enough to believe an ideology that denies logic

>being a literal waste of flesh

>not believing in biology or instincts at all

>being an entity that needs to be shot in the brain

>> No.4658417
File: 196 KB, 782x775, 135024039090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, chomksy is a statist.

Is this new to you?

>being a marxist
What is this I don't even?

>> No.4658418

but, it isn't

>> No.4658422
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>being American

>> No.4658423
File: 1.30 MB, 908x720, 1375096009840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some asspained marxists actually took the time out of his worthless day to make this image

>> No.4658427


yeah, just like Rothbard.

where did Rothbard teach again?

Oh right, UNLV, a...uh...public research university

>> No.4658430

>but, it isn't
yes, you can't even buy fucking toilet paper, it's wonderful



You people are so cute I swear to fuck.

>being yuropean and extremely poor because you were yuropean and didn't have the drive to get up in the morning to create wealth

Kill yourself.

Also, even though I don't support medicare or social security, that image has a point you dumbfuck.

>> No.4658433

>Oh right, UNLV, a...uh...public research university
For part of his life yeah, so did countless people, he later started HIS OWN university, you dumb cunt.

Chomsky stuck with the public uni and wanted to increase it's power and funding.

Kill yourself.

>> No.4658435

I think it's unfair to base your opinion on leftist thought on Noam Chomsky (who is actually linguist) or new age Marxists. They generally are more into the rhetoric rather than careful analysis. There are much more moderate left wing intellectuals who make a much better case for their political ideology. For example Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz, economists who are educated and knowledgeable about the way society functions (rather than a linguist who knows a lot about words...).

See http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/

But be warned all you political scientists (or whatever they call that thing hipsters study to pretend they know about the economy or society in general), his explantions often involve a bit of basic maths and graphical explanations.

>> No.4658432


>> No.4658436

They went to good college's so they must be smart!!

Dumbest comment on /lit/ ever

>> No.4658437


what excuses Rothbard, again? he took the government's money. by your reasoning, he's a statist just like Chomsky.

>> No.4658439
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Why do leftists exist?

>For example Paul Krugman or Joseph Stiglitz
Oh my god they're even worse.

Keynesian economics is even dumber and it''s the reason we're enslaved by lefttard corporate banker overlords right now.

>> No.4658440

You can buy toilet paper, there just isn't enough.
It's interesting, conservatives never complained about Venezuela being poor 15 years ago, but when leftists are in power it's all their fault...

>> No.4658442

>They went to good college's so they must be smart!!
That's the same insult right wingers originally made against leftists

are you a tard?

>what excuses Rothbard, again?
He had no choice(because education is monopolized), and did everything in his power to stop it and start his own education firm

>> No.4658446

>You can buy toilet paper, there just isn't enough.



>but when leftists are in power it's all their fault...
The leftists in that country need to have their throats slit so their people can be free to have higher living standards and actual choice.

>> No.4658451


>He had no choice

There are literally thousands of private universities in the United States. Why didn't he work at any of them?

>> No.4658458

Of course banning porn would lead to anarchy. What are you kidding me?

>> No.4658460

>There are literally thousands of private universities in the United States

>what are government supported student loans that only go to specific universities
>what are grants
>what are government funding of private universities
>what are "public" universities

Pretty funny coming from an anarchist

You anti-social parasites seriously need to die.

>> No.4658462

they don't produce their own toilet paper, they're having trouble importing it...
central planning doesn't magically fuck up, there aren't giant warehouses of toilet paper around and the government can't figure out how to get them to people, 'central panning' isn't anything like what you imagine, it's also not at all what venezuela is like.

Do you imagine venezuelans were all free and rich before chavez came along?

>> No.4658463

this is simply not chomsky's view - yes, within the context of the status quo, more state control in regards to the economy is good, because the state is (somewhat) democratically controlled, whereas coporate power is not.
He DOES want the abolition of the state now - if there was an anarchist revolution tomorrow he would support it. What he means when he says we need to protect ourselves from corporate power is that the abolition of the state as a right libertarian understands it would be awful.

>> No.4658465



Seriously, what? You claimed there was a "monopoly" on education. I'm assuming you meant a government monopoly. I don't see how the government throwing money at privately owned and operated institutions constitutes a monopoly. I guess I missed that day of Econ.

>> No.4658467


Leftists having no argument as usual.

>they don't produce their own toilet paper,


>central planning doesn't magically fuck up
It ALWAYS fucks up you idiot, do you even know the economic calculation problem?

do you even know freedom?

> there aren't giant warehouses of toilet paper around
There WOULD be if the government didn't threaten people who tried to produce toiler paper with murder you anti-social psychopath

Again, the world will rise against you people and slit your throats.

>it's also not at all what venezuela is like.
It's EXACTLY the problem over there.

Why the FUCK isn't this happening in capitalist(economically free) countries

and before you strawman
here's a few lists of the most economically free countries on earth


u mad?

>Do you imagine venezuelans were all free and rich before chavez came along?
No they were still socialist as poor?

>> No.4658469

The top text of the picture is more despicable than the bottom text.

>> No.4658470


I don't get it. Why do you think they ran out of fucking toilet paper? Why aren't there any factories producing toilet paper? Why can't they import toilet paper? Why are Venezuela and Cuba the only countries in Latin America who are seriously having to deal with a shortage of fucking toilet paper? Shit, they're wiping their asses with dollar bills in Chile. Dollar bills, I say!

>> No.4658471
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>He DOES want the abolition of the state now
If he did he would fucking advocate it


Seriously, fuck you hypocritical statists.

We want anarchy NOW.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.4658473
File: 194 KB, 1500x1000, statism mcdonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think this is a joke americultist?

It's an actual reality.

Burn the whole thing down and start again.

>You claimed there was a "monopoly" on education
Oligopoly to be more precise.

>I'm assuming you meant a government monopoly.
Well duh thats where all monopolies come from.

>> No.4658474


I read his book "Occupy", why does he refer to himself in 3rd person every fucking time?
Feels fucking weird and narcisstical.

>> No.4658475

>Why are Venezuela and Cuba the only countries in Latin America who are seriously having to deal with a shortage of fucking toilet paper?

because their government controls their fucking economy

DOES this SERIOUSLY need to be explained again?

Why do you idiots think violence doesn't fucking work?

Holy fuck you barbaric thugs...


>> No.4658476

most latam countries have shortages of everything, you don't hear about it

>> No.4658477

>Feels fucking weird and narcisstical.
That's chomsky.

Not chile lol
>b-b-but muh pinochet
Let's not start this.

>> No.4658479


An oligopoly consisting of what entities, fulfilling what functions? to what end? education?

for-profit universities make up a minute portion of total higher ed institutions.

>> No.4658480

jesus can you even read
im calling that you are a false flag
mods can you delete this thread, almost everyone in it is retarded

>> No.4658483


he's just a frustrated troll, let him blow off some steam.

>> No.4658487

I though Chomsky advocated libertarian-socialism, which was all about reducing the size of state significantly and bringing in a much greater democratic element into how businesses are run.

I thought he called himself an anarchist in this sense. Despite this he seemed able to remove himself from this bias and address global issues in a pragmatic and realistic light.

I will certainly read the links posted, but I have a feeling the pic OP posted may be a bit of an overstatement.

I have found personally when hearing Chomsky debate that his primary response to critics is that they misunderstood him or misattributed a statement or meaning to him, that he otherwise didn't intend.

With this in mind, I am somewhat suspicious of Op's conclusions.

>> No.4658488


You need a Caesar to break the patricians.

>> No.4658490

>He had no choice(because education is monopolized), and did everything in his power to stop it and start his own education firm

God Austrians are hilarious

>> No.4658496

>because their government controls their fucking economy

no, because US chokes their economy because they don't subscribe to murrica's

>> No.4658499


The most disgusting crossbreed since anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.4658501

Care to explain?

>> No.4658504

better than the self-contradiction of state-socialism

>> No.4658513

I like Pat Buchanan, but he isn't an intellectual, he's a journalist and a political operative. Same goes for most of the judges you listed, but I guess I would consider Scalia to be an intellectual, and maybe Posner.

>> No.4658515

don't bother, he's obviously an idiot. libertarian socialism is not a combination of two things, but one of two main strains of socialism in the 19th century. If you want to dumb it down as much as possible: libertarian socialism = anarchism, authoritarian socialism = marxism.

Of course these are internally heterogeneous and some groups in them don't fit the authoritarian/libertarian (or socialist, in the anarchist case) label, but for the majority of these movements, it holds true.

>> No.4658517

Well put and agreed.

>> No.4658527

>the self-contradiction of state-socialism

Besides Bakunin, what the best explanations of this?

>> No.4658602

You really people think would pay others to spread propaganda on 4chan. Pure /pol/ tier tinfoil.

I'm a left winger but I don't like how these people these statements like right-wingers cannot be intellectuals it is absurd.

>> No.4658607

So what? Commies have to be self sufficient, because the system gives no incentive for cross border investment. Trade is also hurt, because workers have to be protected from outsiders. Cuba is quite protectionist. I'm sure the embargo has had an effect, but you can't ignore communism's flaws in its shit economy.

Look at Vietnam. Liberalized and its economy just can't stop growing.

>> No.4658608

I don't give two fucking shits about his politics. It simply cannot be denied that he's one of the most significant intellectuals of the century, as a philosopher-linguist. By the way, you're not authority if you think governments are okay.

>> No.4658610



>> No.4658618

Guys, westerners with money are desperate to find nations to spend it with growing economies.

Not so fast, they're white imperialists. Better to see your children go without than see EVER SEE A SINGLE FUCKING MCDONALDS BUILT ON THESE VIRGIN LANDS.

>> No.4658638
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this is quite possibly the most idiotic social "movement" in existence today and it will never gain power. An unrealistic fairy tale for nonconformists and contrarians with no conceivable chance of long term implementation.

In conclusion, butterfly is an idiot

>> No.4658662

>Yeah I know. It's the dumbest form of anarchism
But the dumbest form of anarchism is obviously Anarcho-Capitalism.

>> No.4658665

why the fuck is chomsky getting spammed here all of a sudden? hack hasn't been relevant since...ever

>> No.4658700

>and it will never gain power

this guy
anarchism is still retarded doe

>> No.4658710
File: 893 KB, 320x224, 1325779936879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're a statist calling yourself an anarchist

>> No.4658717

protip mit is the plebbiest school on earth and anyone associated with those autistic nerds is immediately discredited by default, chomsky esp

>> No.4658720

>being fucking retarded

>> No.4658721

>using the word statist unironically

>> No.4658723

Report /pol/ spam and hide thread

>> No.4658724

Speaking of Noam Chomsky, is his Media Control - The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda any good?

>> No.4658725

Well it shouldn't come as a surprise that a defense agency would fund communications research.

>> No.4658729

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

>> No.4658736

I just lol'd for some reason. Why did I laugh out loud?

>> No.4658761


avg internet right winger

>> No.4658773
