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4650532 No.4650532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realized god exists

>> No.4650538

Atheists convincing themselves they believe is so sad.

>> No.4650544

Which one?

>> No.4650546
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>> No.4650551

Dubious claim with no evidence

>> No.4650571

sola fide

>> No.4652517

Dubious claim with no dubs

>> No.4652538
File: 148 KB, 750x609, jesus hat aufgehört zu kehren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4652548

if dubs i become tao lin

>> No.4652549
File: 70 KB, 460x247, now i am become atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realised god doesn't real

>> No.4652547

What is God?

>> No.4652543
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>> No.4652577


nice filename

>> No.4652586
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>> No.4652591
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Mfw I made a pact with lucifer - lord of darkness, bringer of light.

>> No.4652596

*tips bible

>> No.4652608
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>> No.4652615
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>> No.4652618

Why are people having these discussions in the 21st century?!

Tell me there is a profound difference to the uplift an atheist feels when he listens to Carl Sagan telling him he was made from stars or a person of faith listening to a gospel of his respective prophet.

Bot religion and science are ultimately a message of unity. When Carl Sagan institutes the alien and their assessment of our civilization and stewartship of the earth is he not externalizing the conscience in order to make us feel more responsible for one another. Both science and religion leave enough space for the individual and responsibility as well as pointing out what connects us.

I really do not get why we can't just all get along.

>> No.4652625
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