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/lit/ - Literature

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4650367 No.4650367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Want to get into reading again.

>read the wiki

Did. Nothing really jumped out. A lot of old boring books that don't appeal to me or its stuff i read years ago. They seem kind of literary equivalent of music recommendations for The Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc. That's what most of the "best books ever lists" I've seen seem to be like. Something has to be really old and have built up a reputation before people feel comfortable nominating it as "best ever". I feel like such lists and thinking probably turn a lot of people off of literature.

I've seen recommendations like that for music, and that kind of music isn't really for me. I had to go out there and find my own stuff. I think I'll have to do the same thing

>> No.4650371

post more lil girls?

>> No.4650486


>> No.4650488 [SPOILER] 
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Beatles where early and talented pop with huge commercial push behind them. So please don't equate them. Books don't read like music sounds.

1. What books have you read that you like?
2. What interests you now? (The books I liked when I was younger are nothing like the books I'm plowing through now

I'm really really liking The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. Le Guin, I'm starting to sound like a skipping record.

>> No.4650508
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Here, this book is fairly new and highly regarded. Plus you can't go wrong with Neil Gaiman.

>> No.4650513

The Beatles and The Rolling Stones are indeed mediocre. I like you for recognizing this fact, mr. OP. I suppose you want a book list similar in character to a music list which recommends you Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Stravinsky and Schoenberg? Well, then. Read the following:

Illiad, Homer;
The Republic, Plato (I know it is philosophy, and yet Plato was perhaps the greatest of all prose writers);
Chinese poetry - there are many anthologies, search for them on Amazon;
The poetry of the troubadours - search for it on Amazon;
La Divina Commedia, by Dante;
The Canterbury Tales, by Chaucer;
Hamlet/King Lear/Macbeth/Othello, by Shakespeare;
Don Quijote, by Miguel de Cervantes;
The Brothers Karamazov, by Dostoyevsky;
War and Peace, by Tolstoy;
The Collected Poems of Eliot;
Ezra Pound's Cantos;

You will have notice that poetry is in my list commoner than prose. That's right, because poetry is a superior art form and no novel shall ever compare to something like the great Comedy.

>> No.4650516

Fuck. I've read your post completely wrong. You want something NEW, not old. Well, then, read IJ.

>> No.4650518
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>Infinite Jest

>> No.4650519
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You didn't see the contemporary lists? Most of them have dates listed next to the titles on the national literatures.

>> No.4650523

>not knowing that /lit/ is filled with pretentious only Pre 19th Century literature Autistic Fedoras e/it/ist

>> No.4650526

Plenty of movies and books are commercially pushed these days, as the Beatles and other similar pop music was and has been.

Considering the novel is a concept that is hundreds of years old, relatively speaking, IJ is quite new.

>> No.4650531

Wow. Still on the Dispossessed, eh? You really take your time to read, don't you?

>> No.4650534

You do realize that many of us weren't old enough to even read at all when it was published, right?

>> No.4650537

It's my weekday book I carry to work. It does draw it out when one isn't a speed reader.

>> No.4650541

/lit/ has an older average board age than a lot of other boards.

Or at least, it used to. I don't want to believe it's mostly 18 year olds on here now.

>> No.4650543


OP looks like one of those guys who have no idea about the history of human civilization and think everything made before 2003 - the year in which they were born - should be considered 'old'. He has no idea that Eliot or Pessoa are actually pretty new, since they lived in the same age as we do. In a thousand years people will put Eliot and DFW all in the same historical period. Swift is old, Arnaut is old, Gilgamesh is old, Pound is not old.

>> No.4650547

>Considering the novel is a concept that is hundreds of years old, relatively speaking, IJ is quite new.
>You do realize that many of us weren't old enough to even read at all when it was published, right?

Did you read what I said? What does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.4650595

>I don't want to believe it's mostly 18 year olds on here now.
Just look at the books discussed a lot on here. 1984, Brave New World, The Stranger, Vonnegut, Catcher in the Rye, On the Road, etc. Not bad books at all, but they do tend to be the favourites of those in their late teens/early 20s.

>> No.4650999

>equivalent of music recommendations for The Beatles, Rolling Stones
nah man

its like recommending classics like remain in light, low, white light/white heat instead of the new current trend in fashion (idk whatever pitchfork likes atm).

its pretty hard to find a classic book without any literary merit, although obviously some will be more to your tastes that others

time is a great filter for quality

>> No.4652007

>1. What books have you read that you like?

Slaughterhouse Five. A scanner darkly. Just some stuff I liked recently.

I finished reading The Disaster Artist. Way better than I thought it would be. I read it for the silly stories of Tommy Wiseau on set. What I got was this character study of this very this very strange man, and a discussion of following your dreams.

>> No.4652611

Hey Afg, post more qt syrians

>> No.4652642

If you couldn't find anything interesting on the dozens of lists then don't even fucking bother.

>> No.4652652
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Sounds like someone got told because of his shit taste.

>> No.4653441

fucking pleb. Just because they're too popular doesn't mean they aren't worth a lot of the praise they receive.