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/lit/ - Literature

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4649968 No.4649968 [Reply] [Original]


Lets get a serious discussion in this bitch.
I'd like to talk about what genre is the most difficult to write and become successful in.

My vote:

This genre is straight up HARD to truly write. Sure there's creepypasta and short stories that make your skin crawl. But it's hardly the same as a film. Other genres in writing can copy, if not even do better, than their film counterparts.

Easy. I know people who've cried more from novels than movies.

A bit harder than romance, but easy to get the reader into the "what happens next!?" heart pounding feeling.

I'd actually say this is hard too, but in a different way. You must hope the reader has a vivid imagination and can put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist/antagonist. But on the other hand, it's fairly easy to make someone laugh, even if it's through writing.

Doesn't even need to be explained

See above

Horror on the other hand...The ability to make your reader scared to flip the next page. To turn black words on white paper into standing hairs and lights kept on. That's a feat. For an author to be so good, as to be able to SCARE someone just by reading, is astonishing. Horror authors deserve an award just for being able to confer that. Many authors go for the "unsettling" approach, but there are a few great ones...who can do more than make you feel uneasy.


>> No.4649972

I have a Penis Error. My penis is so big tha tall computers get error.

>> No.4649984
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>> No.4649995

Literary Fiction

>> No.4649998


bullshit you see in creepypasta should make it pretty clear that horror is harder than being able to describe something scary.

>> No.4650008

Gotta go with poetry. People never get the true meaning of what the poet is trying to say. They always interpret whatever way their minds let them, that's the fault with poetry. You rarely get your message across.

>> No.4650025


How about easy mode writing?:

>Erotica novels

If that's not the easiest shit on earth to write, I don't know what is

>> No.4650023

science fiction. there's like a hundred years of insanely detailed gibberish you have to at least have a passing familiarity with so you don't start writing an epic novel about two races of aliens who fight through proxies and someone tells you Edward Elmer Smith already did it in the forties.

>> No.4650051

Lol that's all sci-fi novels that have to do with aliens are.

>humans vs aliens
>aliens vs aliens
>aliens vs aliens vs humans

>> No.4650067

>People interpret poetry differently

That's the point of poetry. If people got different things from the poem, it was a success. Otherwise, the poem is forgettable because everyone has a consensus on what it's about.

>> No.4650071

>That's the point of poetry. If people got different things from the poem, it was a success. Otherwise, the poem is forgettable because everyone has a consensus on what it's about.





>> No.4650075


poetry is supposed to get across something particular, its method is ambiguous and this gives rise to more subjective associations in the reader, but a poem is meant to convey one thing

>> No.4650088

romance and comedy are the hardest works right now because they are overused and cliched as fuck, especially romance

Anyone can write a romance, but a good, realistic romance, I don't think I have read one.

>> No.4650127

B-but death of the author

>> No.4650136

I agree horror is probably the hardest.

Does anyone else think good children's books are hard to write? It needs simple, clean writing while maintaining some intelligence and a child's attention. And then having this certain "magic" on top of that.

>> No.4650141


>> No.4650142

Has been debated.

>> No.4650145

Depends on if said good children's book can still make an impression on the adult.

>> No.4650155

Yeah, that's what I had in mind. Seems tricky for sure.

>> No.4650187

There are only a handful of legitimately funny authors alive. Most modern comic fiction sucks dick. I can't think of anyone currently writing decent stuff besides Edward St. Aubyn and Martin Amis.

>> No.4650439

Really? Is /lit/ this fucking retarded?

>> No.4653099

But most horror books I've tried to read were awful. From what I can tell, most horror appears to be even more poorly written than your usual elves and wizards-style fantasy novel.

Stephen King is a fine example - good stories, not great writing.

>> No.4653104

Shouldn't you be on /mu/ or something?