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/lit/ - Literature

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4647577 No.4647577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to not really like reading and occasionally dread it? The only reason I read is the satisfaction after reading and what I learn from literature.

>> No.4647582

No it's not normal you are literally not human

>> No.4647584

I guess I meant is it normal to be a /lit/izen and be this way. Do other people who read as a hobby feel like it's work, but worth it in the end?

>> No.4647588

I think you should find a new hobby
Or you just don't know how to find things you like

>> No.4647629

Perhaps you're reading /lit/core orthodox works and not what actually attracts you. Just go to the bookstore and read descriptions, and pick the first thing that grabs you.

I got The Twenty-Seventh City by Jonathan Franzen because I liked the excerpt about American family stereotypes, and I later read reviews saying it was shit. Nonetheless, I really dig it, I think it speaks to my voice as a writer really well and is giving me a lot of inspiration for how I want to mask my own family in my work.

You need to do you. Even if it's Stephanie Meyer or something. Do you.

>> No.4648872
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>quoting Zizek

Do people actually quote Slavoj Žižek for serious intellectual discussions?

He seems like an actor with no real original philosophical concepts who shouldn't be taken seriously.

I find him hilarious though because of his Marxist stupidity and buzzwords, he sleeps with a picture of Stalin above his head.

>> No.4648894

>Therein resides the paradox of the notion of the "performative," or speech act: in the very gesture of accomplishing an act by way of uttering words, I am deprived of authorship, the "big Other" (the symbolic institution) speaks through me. It is no wonder then, that there is something puppet-like about the persons whose professional function is essentially performative (judges, kings…): they are reduced to a living embodiment of the symbolic institution, i.e. their sole duty is to "dot the i's" mechanically, to confer on some content elaborated by others, the institutional cachet. The later Lacan is fully justified in reserving the term "act" for something much more suicidal and real than a speech act.

>> No.4648904

Maybe you're reading the wrong things. I find that sometimes if I spend too much time reading 'heavy' lit, the classics etc., that my desire for reading can weaken. So usually I throw in some more pulpy shit, genre fiction etc., to break up the onslaught of what I can find to be quite dry. It really depends on the author though, as to how it compels me. Dostoevsky is a good example. I genuinely enjoy his works, but his drawn out style - or that of his translators - doesn't lend itself to that insatiable drive I will get when reading something like McCarthy or Orwell.

tl;dr try some different stuff.

>> No.4649068

>Marxist stupidity and buzzwords
It's only buzzwords if you're a faggot who doesn't even Lacan.

>> No.4649085

>Is it normal
Why are you so concerned about being "normal"?

>> No.4649099

Sometimes I like Zizek and sometimes I don't, but I'm curious as to why /lit/ has a knee-jerk reaction to his name.

>> No.4649118

Shut the fuck up pleb. Zizek is literally carrying modern philosophy by himself, with no help from the "analytic" shitheads who are still stuck at arguing over what words are.

>> No.4649128

my god, pure ideology

>> No.4649129

>I find him hilarious because I maintain a fallacy I should've grown out of in philosophy 101

>> No.4649135


jokes on you, zizek is actually a theologian who uses marxist terminology as signifiers.

>> No.4649137

The fact that Zizek is a Lacanian is the ultimate indicator that he is a self-conscious parody of modern continental philosophy.

I wonder how many people actually believe his books are anything other than philosophical lorem ipsum to prop up his character act. There has to be a handful of hipsters trying their little hearts out every year to make sense of the things.

>> No.4649181
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Folk psychology.

>> No.4649201

Is that a woman or is that a man?

>> No.4649207

Every Marxist is a theologian.

>> No.4649209

judging from the knees, a woman; a rather offtopic your question is though

>> No.4649210

After a lengthy time spent inspecting myself, I have concluded that that is in fact a female specimen. There is a rise in the chest, a curvature in the hips, a hairlessness to the legs and a femininity around the eyes.

>> No.4649224

>Even if it's Stephanie Meyer or something.
>tfw you're enjoying Lev Grossman's The Magicians more than you enjoyed Crime & Punishment

>> No.4649240

Read his books and discuss its contents or leave this board.

>> No.4649243

>tfw you just want things to be less complicated

/lit/ baww thread or wut?

>> No.4649251

Why don't you discuss their content?

>> No.4650336


Yes and no. I try to reading a couple hours a night, and I'll usually just want to do something else. But I force myself to read, and after about 5 minutes I don't want to stop reading because I'm actually enjoying myself.

I force myself to read because I know I will shortly come to enjoy it. It's strange, and I don't know why I can't get psyched about reading beforehand.

>> No.4650431

What did schopenhaur say about aesthetics?