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4645587 No.4645587 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books on existentialism, more dark better.

>> No.4645588

Anti-natalism is so retarded.

>> No.4645597

Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Cioran, Ligotti, Lovecraft, Negarestani, Land, Bataille, Marquis de Sade, Camus, Kafka

>> No.4645599

How so? They suggest a straightforward solution to most of world's problems

>> No.4645601

the list goes on

le dusty may-may sun

>> No.4645604
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>more dark better

>> No.4645617

Not trolling but thanks.

>> No.4645619

>So kill yourself faggot
>Yes we're objectively better than squirrels
>qq more
>Implying this isn't tl;dr whining about tfw no gf
>So just kill yourself
>The earth has killed 99% of everything that's ever lived, it will be okay

It's just dressed up in poetic shit, that doesn't make it not retarded whining.

>> No.4645625

It's totally subjective. It all hinges on whether you enjoy life or not

>> No.4645627

But you're the only one who's whining, bby :)

I daresay you're even mad :D

>> No.4645631

>Can't give a reason why anti-natalism isn't retarded

Okay I'm glad we can both admit I'm right and move on.

>> No.4645632



>> No.4645636 [DELETED] 

So kill yourself faggot. Don't vote and bitch like the retarded miserable piece of annoying shit you are.

>> No.4645638

I'm not an anti-natalist, you douche. That's just the way I see their position.

>> No.4645640

I'm open to suggestions about anti-existentialism too.

>> No.4645648

Killing one's self is logical. And no we are not objectively better than squirrels. In many ways, we are worse. However, I would suggest that mankind defer mass suicide until we come up with sufficient technological means to destroy the entire universe along with us. Thus we can complete the ultimate rebellion against God.

>> No.4645652

But what's the point of rebellion if it doesn't get you laid?

>> No.4645672

The desire for orgasm is nothing more than the desire for annihilation. To lose one's self in passion and to discover the true essence of being in the absence of self. Le petit mort. One can also achieve similar results through polydrug abuse (which often leads to sex). There is a difference between believing nothing is the meaning of life and believing the nothing is meaning in life. I choose the latter. Those who choose the former are only fools to their own programming. But in the end, we'll all end up in the same place.

>> No.4645680

Cool down, man, there's no reason to be such a MADs Mikkelsen.

You're the one making the claim (and in a very whiny voice, I should add) that anti-natalism is retarded, so the burden of proof is on you, amigo. In the interests of a mutually beneficial dialogue, how about you start putting forth some actual evidence?

Peace be with you, buddy :)

>> No.4645690

Reported for homophobia

Enjoy your ban

>> No.4645694

I don't even know where to begin

>> No.4645789


>> No.4645813

>de Sade
kek why

>> No.4645969


>> No.4645987

de sade is one of those edgy fucks that believes in the ultimate freedom of the nihil

>> No.4646020


>do we embrace life affirming virtue in order to more effectively destroy life?

lel, antinatalists.

>> No.4646048

cool straw man brah. try actually refuting anti-natalism

>> No.4646050

I did it immediately in this very thread.

>> No.4646065


thats literally what the guy said guy.

of course its the natural consequence of taking anti-natalism to its (il)logical conclusion. do you kill yourself, reneging responsibility towards all the other 'suffering' life (thus contradicting anti-natalism), or do you contradict anti-natalism inorder to more effectively destroy the universe at some indeterminate point in the future?

>> No.4646104


>Killing one's self is logical.

So do it.

No, seriously. Do it.

Prove that you have the nerve to follow through on what you truthfully consider to be the most logical course of action.

If not then sit the fuck down and realize that you are an awkwardly pontificating hypocrite who has no conviction in what he is even saying.

>> No.4646105

>i'll take strawmen for 900 alex

>> No.4646108

dat edge

>> No.4646114

>implying that our inability to best our biological programming and will to survival trumps the cold, hard logic of antinatalism and void worship
This is why non-pessimistic philosophy is such a joke.

>> No.4646123

>Pointing out the logical fallacies and basic arguments is strawmanning
>Being that guy who has no point but is willing to poorly call out fallacies like it means anything

Go kill yourself or shut up.

>> No.4646127


>cold hard logic

>implying its not, quite explicitly, based on feels and validation.

>> No.4646130


It isn't edge. It's simply getting this anon to see how hypocritical he is being on a fundamental level.

He is so ridiculously edgy that responding to him alone makes one seem edgy byproxy.

These are the kind of posters we're dealing with here.

>> No.4646132

>Hurrr fucking durrr edgy xDDDD I come to 4chan and call everything edgy
>Implying anti-natalism isn't the edgiest philosophy there is

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.4646141


>I-I'm not strawmanning!

>> No.4646145

>I-I don't have a point!

I notice you're still alive ;^)

>> No.4646148

>xDDD shitposting
mad as fuk

>> No.4646153

>implying that consciousness is not illusion and death is not logically truth and that antinatalism is not merely reunion with the dark mother, Kali

>> No.4646162

>no point

What a shocker

>> No.4646164

>all this shitposting
im not even that guy.


Are you a christtard or something? Why does this idea make you so emotional?

>> No.4646176


well im glad atleast you arnt pretending you have a leg to stand on anymore.

>> No.4646181

>No point

Wow you sure convinced me anti-natalists aren't just miserable hypocrites! Where did you learn this anyway.

>Someone holds an opinion

Why are you even on this board? Go kill yourself.

>> No.4646204

You didn't answer my question: Why does this idea make you so emotional?

>Go kill yourself.
Yawn. So tedious. You're shitposting like crazy dude. You can see that right? Now please, answer my question.

>> No.4646211


Ah, so when you can't follow through on the logical conclusions you set you blame biological programming. Right.

Look. Life might be difficult for you right now and you might think this intellectual recourse is the best way to master your inner inequities but all you're doing is advocating a line of reasoning that you yourself are afraid to follow.

Antinatalism is hypocrisy in motion. Taken up by a gaggle of intellectually disingenuous young adults who're afraid of their own shadows and resent their fellow man for it.

>> No.4646213

>I don't have a point but I sure am full of myself

>> No.4646214

>replying to a blatant troll
You are the cancer killing lit

>> No.4646221

>Implying anti-natalists aren't full retard enough to bend poe's law to the maximum

>> No.4646222

>still not answering my question
>shitposting a storm
Ya know, I hate to say UMAD....but.....

>> No.4646231

Natalism presupposes there is inherent value to human life. Not only is this an absurd proposition that we must logically reject, we must also ask the question is it responsible for us to bring further beings into this world without their consent -- especially since they have no value. Logically speaking, we must also reject this as well as it is an infringement on their freedom. From there, we proceed to antinatalism. No contradictions involved. We's goin extinct one virgin at a time and I spread the message to new virgins on /r9k/ daily.

>> No.4646232

Look at this butthurt. Y u so mad weenie? Is because girls won't talk to you? Strawmanning neckbeard loser.

>> No.4646234


Not that anon, but are you really asking why seeing life as "negative value" would spur someone to have an emotional reaction?

..Are you serious?

>> No.4646238


>> No.4646239

>I don't have a point

>> No.4646244

No fuckin joke. I'm not sure why he's so ass devastated. I'm guessing the idea that there isn't a jewish sky daddy to grant him divine reward when he dies just is too much for him.

inb4 edge fedora etc

>> No.4646247

>Why won't girls talk to me I'm such a nice guy ;_;
>I promise I won't like, rape them or something

>> No.4646248

Actually I do have a point, its:

>still not answering my question
>shitposting a storm

U mad as fuk

>> No.4646249


>you didn't hit the nail on the head m-m-y l-life isn't like that a-at all this is j-j-ust a s-strawman

However you need to spin it, ace.

>> No.4646253

Hahaha wow calm down dude. Do your parents know you get this worked up over the internet, little guy?

>> No.4646255

>hit the nail on the head
>saying this

>> No.4646260

>Not having a point

>> No.4646261


but what about all the intelligent life that could (will) evolve on earth if humans ever off themselves? (no, you dont get to kid yourselves over pedantinc hair splitting over voluntarism or not, the result is the same). seems pretty irresponsible to not destroy the universe to me, but to do that, youed have to go back on anti-natalism as *categorical imperative*.

>> No.4646263

This is just sad. Its a little late to copy their troll tactics dude. You've lost. Just leave the thread

>> No.4646270

>Not having a point

>> No.4646276 [DELETED] 
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another quality thread good work spergburps

>> No.4646277

>Says 'pleb'
>Not a fat autist tfw no gfing


>> No.4646281


actually you dont even have to really bother answering. infact, i encourage you to kill yourselves (or atleast not procreate). you guys are obviously mal-adaptive, getting suckered in by this 'philosophy' is a rather elegant solution for your disposal.

>> No.4646282

Actually I do have a point, its:

>still not answering my question
>shitposting a storm

U mad as fuk

>> No.4646286

I mean, it's been a while since I read Kant but I don't see what categorical imperatives have to do with things. I do agree that we should destroy the universe, I posted that in this thread earlier. Unfortunately, there's too many trolls for me to really respond to most of this seriously.

>> No.4646298

>Not having a point

>> No.4646302

Actually I do have a point, its:

>still not answering my question
>shitposting a storm

U mad as fuk

>> No.4646308

Natalists aren't logical. You should just ignore them.

>> No.4646310

>not having a point

>> No.4646312


the point is that such a position morphs anti-natalism from something that is given to be always and everywhere the case, to a teleological judgment of hierarchal value. the project to achieve an anti-natalistic goal contradicts anti-natalism as categorical imperative, contradicts precepts of anti-natalism taken as given (how, exactly, would you presume to actually achieve this goal of destroying the universe? certainly it would be reliant on developing virtue, and more specifically, *life affirming* virtue).

>> No.4646315
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>> No.4646318

>Being alive
>NOUing this hard

>> No.4646321

>typical natty scum projecting the lack of point in his own promotion of life onto those who have achieved the ultimate point (i.e.; post-human paradigmatic antinatalist thanatropic schizotechnics)

>> No.4646323

>tl;dr not having of points

>> No.4646330

>implying antinatalists have to kill themselves and are not merely opposed to the creation of future life
'It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late.'
-EM Cioran

>> No.4646334


>implying thats not hypocritical special pleading.

>> No.4646338

>mfw that's supposed to be some 2deep4u bullshit and impresses you retards

>> No.4646341
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>implying politics is property not virtue

>> No.4646350

Wow. That's some hella word salad. You talk to your mama like that, boy?

Obviously, antinatalism is always and everywhere the case. People merely choose to ignore it. From the perspective of an antinatal realist, it must be recognized that many will ignore the virtues of life-denial and continue to procreate anyway. Thus antinatalism must be adapted into a revolutionary ideology which thrives on the subsurface of human thought. Antinatalists can live without being hypocrites as long as they refuse to procreate. Meanwhile, they can spread their virulent ideologies through various media so that when the time to strike arrives -- one brave soul can end the universe for us all.

>> No.4646357
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>Rust is pessimistic because his daughter died
>not because of reason

>tfw happy
>tfw anti-natalist for rational reasons

You don't need to be depressed to know that life is pointless and stupid

>> No.4646361
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>anti-natalist for rational reasons

>> No.4646366
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except that presupposes a definite demarcation between 'self' and 'other', between 'you' and 'what you think', that is both consistent and complete (universal), and obviously this is not the case.

anti-natalism as categorical imperative does not hold.

>> No.4646371
File: 108 KB, 500x700, 1367899558049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these suburban maymays think antinatalism gives the drudgery of their lives some cruel poeticism to it, but it's nothing but effete resignation.

this is the philosophical equivalent of playing the victim card 24/7. tumblr womyn would be envious that these spergs have gone and beaten them at their own game lol

>> No.4646372


your use of a pow phrase like 'cold hard X' is particularly demonstrative of the solipsistic mindset that reasons through validation (ie, rationalization). you cant disguise your traitorous id from me.

>> No.4646375

>uses the word logically
>offers no logical argumentation

You seem to have forgotten what words mean.

>> No.4646383

Killing yourself isn't logical, else you would have done it by now. Clearly there are factors not present in your primary consideration of if the choice is logical or not that keeps you from acting upon it.

Its like saying since humans can jump, they can jump to the moon. Looking at the situation under a microscope, it would seem logically correct. But we know that gravity exists and is a factor on you ability to jump to the moon. This factor was not previously considered, but should have been.

Logic is not always logical.

>> No.4646391


Antinatalism: Because logic is not always logical.

>> No.4646399

GTFO deontologist.
Ad hominems, noice.
Saying life is negative does not mean you have to kill yourself immediately. Death comes soon enough for us all and insofar as you can prevent future life into coming into being you can be consistent with antinatalism while still alive

PROTIP: Every time you bust a load on a girl's face you are worshipping the void and affirming the value of death over life.

>> No.4646400

This is very specious reasoning. Gravity is not some cultural construct with no actual tangible, universal quality. The will to survival is borne of the biological imperative.

>> No.4646401

>Not claiming to be anti natalist as a fashion statement

"Look at how intelligent and logical i am"

"Im clever if i hold an opinion no one seriously hold, apart from some bitter old men, right?"

"You can totally feign an opinion to appear intelligent"

>> No.4646404
File: 19 KB, 360x536, 1374560851606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ad hominems, noice.

aww poor widdle fuccboi who considers life negative value still needs to hide behind language games

i'll ad hominem in ur mothers cunt lol

>> No.4646419


>GTFO deontologist.

youre so retarded, youre the one whos apparently positing a deontological categorical imperative here (maby, youve unreflectively flip-flopped back and forth between various contradictory justifications and positions, the one consistency being, whatever is convenient at the time to oppose whatever devalidation anti-natalism [ie, you] is receiving, further evidence of the solipsistic, feels based adherence to anti-natalism).

>> No.4646441

>antinatalism is wrong because old men believe it
top kek
if you don't approve of logic and are gonna resort to fallacies then why argue?
The inability to successfully implement a moral theory is not evidence of its illogic. All ideas become corrupt when leaving the realm of intellect and entering the material world. (this impurity, coincidentally, is precisely why the material world and its evils must be destroyed)

>> No.4646444

>that image
Wussiest thing I've seen all day.

>> No.4646450
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>All ideas become corrupt when leaving the realm of intellect and entering the material world.

>> No.4646455

Anti natalism is a fashion statement, you're trying to be cool without getting laid. Also where's that logic you're always speaking of?


>> No.4646461
File: 295 KB, 1280x960, 1381012961869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you consider life and everything therein to be of negative value then why do you think logical positivism holds any value here?

you can't have it both ways queefking

>> No.4646484

>Anti natalism is a fashion statement, you're trying to be cool without getting laid.
Typical /lit/ poster projecting insecurities. You do realize that some of us not only get laid but we also hold steadfast to ideals instead of being an intellectual whore for the latest fashionable nonsense.
I embrace the dialectics of absolute contradiction as espoused by the buddhist logic of the diamond sutra. This is why I consider deontological ethics to be retarded.

>> No.4646517


>I embrace the -

you cannot consider life uniformly of negative value if you embrace an aspect therein.

try to spin around this if you want but this truth will cockslap your estrogenqueen face every time

>> No.4646523

>you cannot consider life uniformly of negative value if you embrace an aspect therein.
I embrace an aspect of unlife and nothingness which creeps in to life and being by virtue of its excess.

>> No.4646537

I know you think you're being profound but all you said here is "I'm alive".

>> No.4646545


you don't even see the value you're assigning to these obscurantist language games of yours

>> No.4646548

>You do realize that some of us not only get laid but we also hold steadfast to ideals instead of being an intellectual whore for the latest fashionable nonsense.

Ok so you loose yourself in the life affirming act of sex and let your inner animal take over?

Admit it you're just an faux-intellectual whore.

>> No.4646572

I am also dead. Being in the world is being toward death.
I refuse language games. My stylistic choices are designed as purely disruptive.
>Ok so you loose yourself in the life affirming act of sex and let your inner animal take over?
If you read >>4645672 then you would find my thoughts on sex expressed quite clearly.

>> No.4646593


>I refuse language games. My stylistic choices are designed as purely disruptive.

holy fuck are you ever in denial

get a grip cunt you aren't so special a snowflake so as to have transcended all language games

it must suck being you for real

>> No.4646597

So... You don't fuck, you just masturbate? K.

>> No.4646604
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>I am also dead. Being in the world is being toward death.
>I refuse language games

>> No.4646626 [DELETED] 

If anti natalism is the fair side then how is it that people who want to live won't get to? Isn't the most "logical" (teehee reason XD) option just to kill yourself if you don't want to live and let the ones who do alone rather than telling them their life is pointless even though that's stupid as shit since surviving, achieving happiness, growing, etc.are all valid points for living if you simply accept them. If you don't nobody should stop you from killing yourself.

>> No.4646627

At least I'm not a sophist.
I engage in sex as a means of attaining the nihil. Not as a means of producing more children.
Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers of men.

>> No.4646635


>At least I'm not a sophist.

way to tacitly admit that I just hit a nerve ace

>> No.4646639

Vitalism is the result of false consciousness. It's falling prey to the trap of the demiurge. No need to post your age, we can all tell.
Just hatin' on me cause I'm a modern day Socrates, I get it.

>> No.4646656

>I engage in sex as a means of attaining the nihil. Not as a means of producing more children.

Do you fuck or don't you fuck? Again with the fashionable nonsense? Do you "obtain nihil" with your hand and call it sex?

>> No.4646670

I fuck. Men. Women. My hand. It's all the same, man.

>> No.4646674


Natalists, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.4646675


>Just hatin' on me cause I'm a modern day Socrates, I get it.

hah. now you get flippant to diffuse your hapless situation itt

cool man enjoy those language games of yours. they're fun aren't they?

>> No.4646690

Oh you're a bisexual, cool. So you enjoy life, men and women and just want to sound special and cool about it? You've just chosen to use the word void or emptiness for enjoyment. It doesn't matter the feelings are the same.

>> No.4646691

>Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers of men.
If I wasn't so drunk already, this reference would make me read the rest of the debate, work out what you were arguing about and join your side of it.

>> No.4646698

Hamlet nigga do u speak it!

>> No.4646707

Enjoy being a fucking breeder.
I encourage abortions and sterilization.
Yeah, fuck this shit. I'm gonna get high and attain the nihil.
To be or not to be? I would rather not have to make a choice. To never have been or will be.

>> No.4646714


10/10 rust impression.

>> No.4646721
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>Enjoy being a fucking breeder.

you went from zen language game refuser to flippant quipper and debased rager in a few posts

mad that your posturing bullshit pontifications on "unlife" can only withstand scrutiny for half a thread on 4chan before you fucking fall apart at the seams?

fucking basic ass fake lol no really it must suck being you

>> No.4646726

>so much logic
You have grand insecurities because you're not good at anything or don't think you're all that great and project that on to others so you don't feel alone.

>false sense of consciousness
Fucking seriously?

>> No.4646740

Considering how this thread has gone, I don't even know if it's worth posting this but antinatalism has been pretty big on here for a while, I assume because of the OP it's because of Rust on True Detective, and from what I see on here, I have a hard time disagreeing with antinatalists.

Life, from what I can see, is all about suffering and trying your best to be neutral, never mind in a positive state. For example, when I sleep, it isn't because I enjoy it but because I'm too tired to function properly anymore and then, from the moment I wake up, I start ticking down again; with most of the food I eat, any enjoyment is a bonus, it's mainly just there to stop hunger pains and, again, as soon as the meal is finished, the countdown begins until hunger kicks in again. Life is essentially an uphill struggle against suffering and it seems more than sensible to take this view. It also seems to go wider too, which is why modern life is basically set up as a system of checkpoints: school, high school, college, job etc. We can always think we're suffering in moving towards a goal but ultimately all these things are arbitrary and man made because if it wasn't for them, what would we have in life besides for the small stuff I mentioned earlier?

I think of my life and while I don't think I'm up to the level of Rust where he seems to think about but not have the constitution for suicide, I compare the pain in my life to the pleasure in my life, small and big, and the pain vastly outweighs the pleasure.

If anyone has any elementary antinatal or pronatal texts they can recommend, I'd be very interested.

>> No.4646741
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>Half a thread

M8 I called this in like the first or second response

>> No.4646747
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>Mirrors and copulation are abominable, since they both multiply the numbers of men.

>> No.4646754

>the pain vastly outweighs the pleasure.

Sucks to be you.

>> No.4646760


This is what I mean by "I don't even know if it's worth posting."

>> No.4646761
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tell me more about diamond sutras while you call people fucking breeders i want to continue to experience the quirky antics of the frustrated suburban maymay

>> No.4646774

Honestly I think you're just sad right now happens to everybody

>> No.4646775

Is it really that painful or are you just relishing in self-pity because you enjoy that?

>> No.4646776

Enjoy to do that*

>> No.4646778

ITT: Christards getting ass devastated at the idea that there isn't a jewish sky daddy who made them because he loves them all so huggy wuggy much.

>I, alone, can somehow quantify human joy and suffering. Therefore life is worth living
>lol you no cant

inb4 edge fedora etc

>> No.4646785
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>vulgar rationality
>valuing universal truths (or lack of)
>sick faith in science

Can't believe people are still stuck in that world

>> No.4646793

>While I call people breeders

Okay I get how you made the mistake but I'm the guy who said anti-natalism is all posturing and

over 130 posts ago

>> No.4646799
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you puta pequeno? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Los Zetas, and I’ve been involved in numerous executions on the Sinaloas, and I have over 300 public beheadings. I am trained in chainsaw warfare and I’m the top decapitator in all of Juarez. You are nothing to me but just another head waiting to be severed. I will detatch it with a lack of precision and cutting force the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, gringo. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of mariachi bands across the USA and a narcocorrido is being written about you right now so you better prepare for the chainsaw, gordo. The chainsaw that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your head. You’re fucking dead, paco. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in exactly one way, and that’s with my brand new Husqvarna 440 chainsaw. Not only am I extensively trained in chainsaw combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the local hardware store and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable head off the face of the body, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over your head and your head will come off in it. You’re fucking dead, gringo.
Inb4 beaner

>> No.4646800
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I don't know if I think christians or anti-natalists are more retarded, but you're both pretty fucking retarded. By the way, I've been here throughout.

>> No.4646811

antinatalism as a philosophy consists entirely of asking questions like "why am I here" and "what value does life have" without intending to find an answer
>In seeking him they find him, and in finding they will praise him.

>> No.4646815
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I honestly pity them in a non-condescending way.

>> No.4646820

>I, alone, can somehow quantify human joy and suffering. Therefore life is not worth living
>lol you no cant

>> No.4646872

Technonihilist buddhist antinatalist here, just finished my blunt.

Once again i see this board is just as bad as reddit, everyone circlejerking the same opinions without a modicum of critical thought...

Is antinatalism logical? I think this is somewhat of a moot question. Even philosophers as logically minded as Kant will point out the inevitable circularities and failings of logic and whether or not one can twist logic to suit their arguments is often more of a question of rhetorical skill than merit or truth. Nevertheless, to reduce antinatalist philosophy to a mere desire to be fashionably edgy or express angst at lack of sexual sublimation only cheapens the position of natalists. In doing so, people like >>4646740 are only pushed closer toward our side. In response to your question, >>4646740, I would refer you to my first post in this thread: >>4645597

>> No.4646874


>inb4 edge fedora etc

lol someone sure has a complex

>> No.4646876

>Technonihilist buddhist antinatalist

that's a lot of ists

>> No.4646881
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>de Sade

>> No.4646891

>In doing so, people like >>4646740 # are only pushed closer toward our side.

Thank god, more pussy for the rest of us.

>> No.4646903
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>Even philosophers as logically minded as Kant will point out the inevitable circularities and failings of logic and whether or not one can twist logic to suit their arguments is often more of a question of rhetorical skill than merit or truth

do you not see how this invalidates this entire "negative value" position on life that antinatalists have?

they are trying to quantify value toward the entirety of continued existence and they think that they can actually do so without hubris

>> No.4646947

Cassandra complex perhaps.
Might as well identify with as many labels as possible before death erases them all.
De Sade is a critical free-thinker whose degenerate philosophy continues to inspire people toward death and degradation to this day. Not an anti-natalist in the strictest sense but neither are Camus and Kafka for that matter.
You'd be surprised by the innate pussy magnetism of the void nature, insecure girls with daddy issues will be drawn to you like moths to the flame if you embrace the nihil.
Insofar as logic is only able to offer incomplete truths and values, the antinatalist seeks to cut this gordian knot through self-destruction and finding truth and value in non-existence.

>> No.4646969
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>You'd be surprised by the innate pussy magnetism of the void nature, insecure girls with daddy issues will be drawn to you like moths to the flame if you embrace the nihil.

suddenly this whole antinatalism thing is starting to seem like a very viable position

>> No.4647007

Okay I was arguing against anti-natalism since the very beginning of this thread. I was the original asshole derail dude. But seriously, this video I just found makes me understand the viewpoint a little better

Seriously, just look at this poor dog


>> No.4647072
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I'm not an antinatalist, and I don't think that antinatalist arguments are that successful but I do see at least some sense in them. I think at the end of the day, this has to arise from personal value judgement, like Nietzsche says, eventually if you dig deep enough, all philosophies are reflections of the psychology of the man who formulates them. Antinatalism seems to be a particularly strong case of this reflection of personal weltsmertz and ultimately it is a philosophy of people who put ultimate value in the prevention of suffering. If you do not accept that the prevention of suffering is the main ethical imperative, then antinatalist arguments cease to be effective.

That being said I don't think I want kids, not because of any philosophical reasons, but because of more personal ones. I hate the little demons.

The funny part is, on a biological level, its doesn't matter why one chooses to have kids, whether it is through a nihilistic life denial or what have you.

Also the other shit in that OP picture is spot on. The Self is an illusion and it is "nothing" in the Buddhist sense (shunyata) of being empty of any single core defining being or soul. I don't really see this as negative though, but freeing.

Consciousness and self-awareness also probably causes more suffering in humans than in non self aware beings, since we can think about the future, our own deaths, others' deaths, etc. But that's the price we pay for other things like being able to reason, and have more complex relationships and pleasures.

I wish these threads didn't devolve into so much angry squabbling though. What a bummer.

>> No.4647103
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>I wish these threads didn't devolve into so much angry squabbling though. What a bummer.

Oh yeah, we could all use a good reflection on tfw no GF and suicide and extinguishing of what may be the only conscious portal in the entire universe.

>> No.4647110
File: 113 KB, 500x631, ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder not to have kids if you want to be happy, and you don't need a nihilist philosophy to come to that conclusion either

>Using data sets from Europe and America, numerous scholars have found some evidence that, on aggregate, parents often report statistically significantly lower levels of happiness (Alesina et al., 2004), life satisfaction (Di Tella et al., 2003), marital satisfaction (Twenge et al., 2003) and mental well-being (Clark & Oswald, 2002) compared with non-parents.

>There is also evidence that the strains associated with parenthood are not only limited to the period during which children are physically and economically dependent. For example, Glenn and McLanahan (1981) found those older parents whose children have left home report the same or slightly less happiness than non-parents of similar age and status. Thus, what these results are suggesting is something very controversial — that having children does not bring joy to our lives.



>> No.4647117


yeah ok Mr. Ligotti.

>> No.4647122

>ignoring multiple citations of academic papers on the subject

stay pleb though, I'm sure you'll be one big happy family

>> No.4647123


Yeah no one gives a shit.

>> No.4647127

I know antinatalists want to see themselves as paragons of intellect but I think that they discount just how much their lines of thought and biases have been informed by feelings of social poverty and social estrangement.

For the most part all I see here are very elaborate cries for help. That's it.

The more I read through huge threads like these on this board the more it all honesty seems like it can be summed up as "I really wish I has some genuinely intimacy in my life: The Thread". It's just one big intellectual exercise to distract from admitting this.

>> No.4647130


>> No.4647141

Okay guys, can we all take a break from being edgy for a moment and appreciate this? I mean, if there were no people because of anti-natalism, how would we go everywhere?


>> No.4647152

I dunno how you get that impression. I have too much intimacy in my life.

Intellectually, I know I should commit suicide. It's the right thing to do. It's the logical thing to do.

Unfortunately, my mom and dad and girlfriend and roommate would be heartbroken. They depend on me. They would be disappointed. They would not forgive. Without these attachments, I would have abandoned this mortal coil long ago and surrendered to dissolution. My greatest fear is that I will never exercise this ultimate act of freedom. That I will instead choose life for the rest of my natural span. That I will settle down and have kids and become a cog in this disgusting machine that shits pain and suffering. And then, as I slowly die, the society which forced me into existence will not even allow me the dignity of choosing my own way out. And so I will suffer on prolonged in a hospital, possibly losing even my mind, as nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish fucked up brats I spawned to replace myself.

>> No.4647157

maybe this is true or at least this is part of the story, however, I'm also sick of anti-natalist arguments being dismissed absolutely out of hand by ad hominem claims

It's basically the intellectual equivalent saying >tips fedora or something equally retarded. It does nothing but make you look like an idiot in my book

I could easily claim that people who reject anti-natalism are just fools and cowards unable to see the truth, blinded by their own biological instincts and psychological dispositions. That argument could easily go both ways.

I'm not sure if we'll ever move past one side shouting "losers" while the other side responding with "you're deluded" because this is something which is highly existentially charged.

>> No.4647166

Anti-natalism is the *tips fedora* of arguements, you retarded fucker.

>People should all kill themselves
>especially everyone but me
>listen to me talk about it
>I'm so illuminated xD

I'm nowhere near a christian or anything, but if there is a "Satan", he's certainly working through you m'boy.

>> No.4647177

I'm not an antinatalist

Also, >tips fedora is a meme which is basically used at anyone whom one dislikes and thus shuts down all arguments, ridiculing them as "edgy". It's a classic 4chan comic ad hominen.

Anti-natalism does not say we should commit suicide, just not reproduce. It's in the fucking name, natal, as in birth.

>> No.4647188

>Tips fedora is used as a dislike
No it's about atheism and it always has been
>Classic 4chan
To my knowledge it gained foothold on /pol/ about a year ago and is from reddit
>Anti-natalism does not say we should commit suicide, just not reproduce. It's in the fucking name, natal, as in birth.
Depends who you talk to, in any case it's still butt-fucking retarded. Humans come from the universe, we are the universe. We are the universe experiencing itself.

There are other Earths. We won't get there with dumb hippies laying in front of bulldozers and cucking their beta husband.

>> No.4647193
File: 1.83 MB, 246x243, Jrk1mCl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are other Earths. We won't get there with...
*tips fedora*

You like le sci-fi as well? Nice Carl Sagan quote bro, I can't wait till we get to other earths

>> No.4647201

he's feeling extra euphoric from watching the Black Science man on Fox tonight

I sure hope mankind does not reach those other planets, the untold devastation we would cause to the life living there and the suffering that we would cause fighting each other for them...it's difficult to fathom.

Good thing space travel is fucking hard and expensive and we hate each other a lot.

>> No.4647203

>lying in front of bulldozers

>> No.4647206
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>Nice Carl Sagan Quote

I honestly wouldn't know. If you're going to start shitposting with le that's fine by me, your philosophy holds no ground. You could make an argument that strong genes are being discouraged through the diffusion of maladaptive traits through the gene pool due to modern society, but in any case human are advancing.

We sure won't be feeding those precious starving African niggers without funding for resources that might potentially mine "protected areas", but who cares about the hard questions?

Let's just advocate for the destruction of what could be the only outlet for true conscious realization in the entirety of being, because some fat autists feel bad about being European. Of course anyone who doesn't agree with this edgiest of edgemaster viewpoints is a follower of some 9000 year old desert war demon.

>> No.4647216
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>We sure won't be feeding those precious starving African niggers

>the only outlet for true conscious realization in the entirety of being, because some fat autists feel bad about being European.

your /pol/ is showing

>> No.4647224

That board is shit. What other race advocates for the destruction of the human spirit?

>> No.4647249

anti-natalists have sprung in various places through out history, it is not a distinctly Euro phenomenon

for example, ancient Indian ascetics, Al-Maʿarri, some gnostics, etc

>> No.4647257

I'll bet you 100 internet dollars said Indians were Aryan and not Dravidian

>> No.4647269

Aryans in North Indian mixed with the local population. Ascetic religions such as Jainism can be traced back to pre Aryan Magadha.

>> No.4647275
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So you realize I'm right, then? Either its some beta caucasoids feeling bad saying this; or if it's objectively the most moral thing then you're saying only caucasoids are moral...

>> No.4647278

>I think that they discount just how much their lines of thought and biases have been informed by feelings of social poverty and social estrangement.
>For the most part all I see here are very elaborate cries for help. That's it.

I suspect to some degree the motivation for most of the actions, in most peoples lives, can be attributed to that.

>> No.4647295
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Sartre and Ernesto Sabato are amazing, Hesse is very good too but other than The Steppenwolf he is very positive.

>> No.4647300
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>Trying to rez a derailed thread
>Serious use of a more-unfunny-than-usual doge meme

reddit pls

>> No.4647316

WOW, how the fuck is doge serious

>> No.4647321
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>> No.4647332
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>> No.4647456

Anti-natalism is for wimps.

>> No.4647482

Why does anti-natalism cause so much ass devastation? I've never seen /lit/ react so violently to an idea. I mean look at this fucking trainwreck of a thread.

>> No.4647491
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>> No.4647499
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>Something is objecticely retarded

>> No.4647505


>I've never seen /lit/ react so violently to an idea



>> No.4647509

You guys are just proving my point.

>> No.4647515 [DELETED] 


>> No.4647527 [DELETED] 


>> No.4647529


So you are saying that the most violent repose one could logically conceive of doesn't deserve a violent reaction?

Why are you even posting on this board? Go back to Reddit you lukewarm cunt.

>> No.4647545

God is a binary, fractal, self-replicating algorithm and the universe is a genetic matrix resulting from the existential tension created by His desire for self-knowledge. Human consciousness is the struggle for the universe to understand itself.

Antinatalists are just edgy teens.

>> No.4647555

Please tell me that quote in your picture is a joke. Nothing he said even began to imply extinction would be beneficial.

>> No.4647559

Enjoy praying to your sky jew daddy for forgiveness for touching your own pee pee

>> No.4647564

>read the first word and skipped the rest

Enjoy your lack of education

>> No.4647571

Not the ">God" dude, but

>genetic matrix
>fractal self-replicating algorithm
>existential tension by desire for self-knowledge

Can you put more meaningless words together plz?

>> No.4647615

Don't you get it? With this white people get to reach their maximal state of all peoples: That of the ancient wisdom givers. So burdened by their immense knowledge that they simply disappeared. The precursors.

>> No.4647767

why would you be an evangelist for how bad life is
don't you have anything better to do
why do you value free speech

>> No.4647782

>Anti-natalism is basically stop having babies to reduce future suffering

"b-but if you believe that you should have killed yourself already" - 17y/o Absurdist

>> No.4647827

With the heat death of the universe on the horizon, why shouldn't we stick it out? I'd like to imagine that I am taking in as many qualia as I can before the gravy train stops running.

>> No.4647848

That's fucked up.
I want to be a forerunner.

>> No.4647863

Why is a half of /lit/ so morose?
I don't know, fellow... I'm in love with this world, I won't quit, and I can't understand your sadness...

>> No.4647921

ignorance is bliss

>> No.4647929

or does it just numb the pain

>> No.4648016

anything from Dostoyevsky to Sartre should do the trick

>> No.4648089

Nihilism is truth. Philosophy tries in vain to combat this but it remains.

Suffering is also truth. That's basically why religions are so prevalent. People will cling to anything to give meaning to their pain.

The violent opposition to the idea of antinatalism is nothing more than proof of its rationality. If it was as nonsensical as claimed then a thread like this would be allowed to float off the board and simply be pruned without comment.

Comments like these express typical delusions. The idea that we can somehow take experiences with us like pharaohs taking their wealth to the afterlife.

>> No.4648181

These are false statements fostered by people like Aristoteles.
Knowledge doesn't bring sadness, pain. You can be aware of the truth and accept it with swell. These are the joy of the intelligence.
But, keep believing you're the elite crushed by all the books you read and the all the school of philosophy you've studied.
(one example of a brilliant and scholar man which was happy : Montaigne)

>> No.4648468

man you're way too intense for your own good. maybe it's time to log off permanently, fag.

>> No.4648475

i take experiences with me as long as i'm alive nyugga, who gives a shit about the "afterlife"

>> No.4648496


>> No.4648626
File: 141 KB, 519x424, absolutely honksgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.4648683


>> No.4649408

There is no truth.

Or is there?

>> No.4649599


the ironic maymaykid thing is getting old incredibly fast, so why don't you give it rest, newest of friends

>> No.4649719

pls elavorate

>> No.4649738

Wouldn't "There is no truth" be a truth?

>> No.4649776 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 501x828, bearly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universalist ethics
>moral absolutism
>it's the remix to ignition
>hot and fresh out the kitchen
>mama rollin' that body
>got every man in here wishin'
>sippin' on coke and rum
>i'm like so what I'm drunk
>it's the freaking einzige baby
>i'm about to have me some fun

>> No.4649782
File: 46 KB, 501x828, bearly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universalist ethics
>moral absolutism
>it's the remix to ignition
>hot and fresh out the kitchen
>mama rollin' that body
>got every man in here wishin'
>sippin' on coke and rum
>i'm like so what i'm drunk
>it's the freaking einzige baby
>i'm about to have me some fun

>> No.4649794

You're ghostin us motherfucker

>> No.4649801

>worlds problems

the world doesn't have problems. we do. and sure, a full on extinction would 'solve' all -our- problems, but only insofar as it puts them into perspective.

>> No.4649816

>doesn't understand metonymy
Wow. You just went full pleb.

>> No.4649831


>> No.4649836

But I'm trying to unspook you.

>> No.4649902
File: 116 KB, 226x280, zarathustra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rust: “I tell you Marty I been up in that room looking out those windows every night here just thinking, it’s just one story. The oldest.”
>Marty: “What’s that?”
>Rust: “Light versus dark.”

Rustin Cohle confirmed for Zoroastrian.

>> No.4649944
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>people on 4chan propagating anti-natalism

>> No.4650308

not book, play, but....Sartre's "the flies" (les mooches).

>> No.4651054
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>> No.4651069

Okay anti-natalists and natalists, I'm fucking bored and you're all going to tell me your ages because aren't we all a little curious how old that tard on the other side of the argument is?

>> No.4651071


>> No.4651503
File: 50 KB, 360x433, thisnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You'd be surprised by the innate pussy magnetism of the void nature, insecure girls with daddy issues will be drawn to you like moths to the flame if you embrace the nihil.


You just summed up antinatalism in one assertion.

"Go for easy."
