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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 300x420, tatsuhiko-takimoto-welcome-to-the-nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
464537 No.464537 [Reply] [Original]

Any other books like this out there that you all found to be a good read?

>> No.464544

Oh shut up.
E/lit/ists these days.

>> No.464538

This isn't /a/. GTFO!

>> No.464547
File: 23 KB, 393x490, 1268246378808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.464546

>Doesn't realise OP image is an actual book.

>> No.464549

More weaboos who should be in /a/.

>> No.464550

You can't blame him. It has the tokyopop label and everything.
What's it about?

>> No.464553

I'm not even a weaboo (although I was), I just hate idiots.

>> No.464554

It is a book. It was a book before it was turned into a crappy manga and show.

>> No.464555

The shitty, "I was a weeaboo fag but now I'm not, really!" defense again how original.

>> No.464556

>Twenty-two-year-old Satou, a college dropout and aficionado of anime porn, knows a little secret ? or at least he thinks he does! Believe it or not, he has stumbled upon an incredible conspiracy created by the Japanese Broadcasting Company, NHK. But despite fighting the good fight, Satou has become an unemployed hikikomori - a shut-in who has withdrawn from the world.

One day, he meets Misaki, a mysterious young girl who invites him to join her special gproject.h Slowly, Satou come out of his reclusive shell, and his hilarious journey begins, filled with mistaken identity, Lolita complexes and an ultimate quest to create the greatest hentai game ever!

>> No.464563

And you are telling me this doesn't belong in /a/, really?

>> No.464564

Failure at life hikikomori (social recluse/shut in) does a bunch of drugs and shit and tries to break out of his mental inhibition, meets girl who's life is equally fucked and they grow a pair and realize life is shit but you might as well bear with it and try to find the happy.

>> No.464566

>Contrary to what most might think, Welcome to the NHK is not a light novel, therefore the only example of original art that came with this book was its cover by Yoshitoshi Abe.

>> No.464568

>The book features a relatively large font for easy quick reading (242 pages took two half-hour rides on a bus the first time through).

>> No.464570


>> No.464575

>Once again, disregards the fact that OP's image is that of an actual book.

>> No.464578
File: 96 KB, 277x386, hercules_u_mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.464579

I'm not talking about that. I'm wondering if there are any other books worth reading like this. They don't have to be Japanese in origin, I'm not asking for more of the same.

>> No.464581

I think two got trolled

>> No.464583

No, it's not and original excuse, but nowadays every kid has a weaboo phase. I don't want to go to Japan(it's a very racist country) and I don't enjoy anime (GODAMMIT STOP SOUNDING LIKE FINGERS ON A CHALKBOARD), so technically I don't classify as a weaboo.
Although, defending myself is only further solidifying your great undeniable truth, so.

>> No.464584

Wow, you come to /lit/ and ask for books like shitty japanese comics with absolutely no substance, alright then, here is a suggestion for you go read Twilight.

>> No.464586

I think you're covering up for being a retard.

>> No.464587

You can't read, can you.

>> No.464595

wtf does that mean? obviously i can read, i'm not the one who comes posting pictures of comics asking for books like that to read, it is just plain dumb, if you want comics and anime you go to /a/ or /co/ this is /lit/ for books.

>> No.464596

1. Not a comic.
2. Want something of similar experience by the main character, complete rejection of reality, turning to drugs, whether or not recovering doesn't matter. I'm sure there's some good books written about these topics. All I want you to do is stop being a pretentious cunt nugget and recommend me one.
3. What the fuck does twilight have to do with anything?

>> No.464598

I'm not >>464570
I just know troll-speak when I see it

>> No.464599

From the descriptions posted here, this sounds like a story of weird teenage angst? Is that what you're looking for? What exactly about this story are you looking for more of?

It's unlikely many people here can list more books that involve an anime-porn watching recluse who wants to create the greatest hentai ever. /a/ can help you there. But if you can tell us what about this book you enjoyed and want to read more of, we might be able to offer you real suggestions.

>> No.464600

It's still not a comic, dude. Now matter how much you want it to be, you'll still be wrong.

>> No.464606

I remember a good book a while ago about some girl who runs away to New York and discovers some drug made out of magic that let her do all kinds of shit. That sounds like something you'd enjoy ( it was an intense read) but I can't remember the name.

>> No.464608

I liked reading about his complete helplessness, and how he tried every wrong way to get out of his shitty existence before trying something normal. It doesn't need to involve anime porn or hentai games. I'm sure there's other stories like this out there, but I'm more interested in the story-like telling of this book as opposed to an autobiography of an addict, but I'll take a look at something like that if you know of any ones really worth the read.

>> No.464609

Read Catcher in the Rye hopefully itll convince you to kill yourself and rid the world of more japanese loving faggots, QQ my life sucks let me watch some stupid shit about crap to cheer myself up DESUDESU.

>> No.464616

You, uh. You really hate Asia don't you.

>> No.464618

>2. Want something of similar experience by the main character, complete rejection of reality, turning to drugs

Do you want fantasy, sci-fi, or can you handle real people?

The Illuminatus Trilogy is fantasy/sci-fi/WTF and is completely devoted to people rejecting reality, drugs and their effects, and conspiracies. This might be what you are looking for. But it's really long.

Trainspotting is a shorter novel about heroin users. Naked Lunch involves lots of drugs. So does On The Road. Or nearly anything from the beat generation.

>> No.464622

i hate any country that floods the world of material devoid of any moral or educational value whatsoever, "ooh i read manga, that counts as reading!" no it doesn't it is like watching mtv or something equally as vapid and pointless gtfo and come when you have something decent to add to the conversation

>> No.464623

That book is whiny. I like these stories (fiction/non-fiction doesn't matter) because they show the side of people that interests me, the side that can give up on everything for no tangible reason.

>> No.464626

Real stories or realistic stories are preferred over sci fi, but basically I have been out of reading for the longest time and I really want to get back into it. Thank you for the suggestions, I will look into them.

>> No.464628

>complains about countries that pump out moral-less, ethically void materials
>probably lives in America
What? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over IRONY

>> No.464634

you dont even know the definitino of irony, america published the greatest literary works of the 20th century, the last few years have been weaker but there is still 90 years to go so we will see how shit plays out, also what faggot ass country are you from that you can talk shit?

>> No.464635

It doesn't matter where he lives, he's retarded and using the internet. Let us just ignore him.

>> No.464636

Calm down there buddy. I love America as much as you do, but people like you are one of the reasons the rest of the world hates us.

>> No.464639

On the Road only involves a lot of drugs if you're counting alcohol as one (which is technically true, but not what I think he was looking for) or if you think the brief mentions of cannabis in the text are "a lot."

Don't get me wrong, if you want literary drugs, the Beats are definitely where the weed's at, but there's just that not much of it in On the Road. Look pretty much anywhere else.

>> No.464640

I live in America. Don't worry, I have an equally cynical view of all countries.
1. Turn on your TV.
2. Turn on Cartoon Network.
3. Watch it for a few hours.
4. Come back to me and complain.
Every country produces retarded shit, and that's why you don't judge a place by what the children watch.

>> No.464644

The Last Book on Earth (or The Last Book in the World, I forget which) is pretty good for what you're looking for. Although it borders on sci-fi.

>> No.464647

there are no good tv shows on tv anymore, it is all derived from the japanese bullshit that kids like nowadays it might as well be japanese crap itself, no more captain america, batman, or even superman it is like kids are losing their values along with their intelligence

>> No.464653

which anime is OP's pic from?

>> No.464657

Oh god, you're not some sixty year old redneck sitting in a shack with wi-fi are you

>> No.464654

One last thing, are any worthwhile books specifically about the road to drug abuse, and more of the psychological reason behind it, and not just the use of them throughout? I haven't looked into your suggestions yet, so if they fit the bill that'd be perfect, but if not I'll probably still read them anyway.

>> No.464659

Its a book called Welcome to the N.H.K. It was later adopted into a Manga series and an Anime of the same name.

>> No.464661

sauce on OPs pic?

>> No.464663

Requiem for a Dream, the book from 1976. It's about people young and old who look to drugs as an escape. Shit hits the fan. You see them progress down, down, down.

>> No.464664

Are you that stupid? Click the picture. Read the title.

>> No.464666


>> No.464667

Don't care if you're trolling, its the cover of the English translated book, Welcome to the N.H.K. Last time I'm saying it.

>> No.464671

Isn't that an anime?

>> No.464674

Well I'm off to bed. Thank you to all those who posted worthwhile comments, your suggestions are greatly appreciated. Goodnight all.

>> No.464676

0/10 no effort

>> No.464680

1/10 international bread day, it really is, look it up.

>> No.464699

This is 4chan. To call someone a weeaboo faggot here is to call water wet; you look more retarded than the person you're insulting, even if you're doing it to troll.

>> No.464709

wtf is wrong with yo?