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4645306 No.4645306 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/

Do you have a favorite word?

I've always liked myriad a lot.

>> No.4645329



>> No.4645332


>> No.4645333


>> No.4645338


>> No.4645334


OP is that your room?

>> No.4645335


>> No.4645339


>> No.4645344


>> No.4645345


>> No.4645348

I'm gonna go for The to. I find myself using it a lot.

>> No.4645356
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>not preferring based 'a/an'


>> No.4645398

I hope you're both French, otherwise I hope you never say those aloud

>> No.4645407

Ennui is a good synonym for boredom and melancholy, get fucked.

>> No.4645420

Perhaps, but hearing "on-we" is pretty cringeworthy.

>> No.4647308
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Where's Moist? He never misses these threads. o_o;

>> No.4647315

Latest one is abberant/abberation

>> No.4647327


>> No.4647333

(pronounced kwik-satik)

meaning impractically idealistic

>> No.4647336


>> No.4647338

seconded. would be embarrassed to use them in speech or in writing.

>> No.4647344

non-chalant, Hungarian reporting in. I've seen the word being used in English at least twice. It's a legitimate word.

>> No.4647345

>I've seen the word being used in English at least twice. It's a legitimate word.
So is raiment but if you use it in speech you are required to be wearing a fedora at the time.

>> No.4647346

i wish there were actual words that began with tl like tlingit. such a fun sound to pronounce using the front and back of tge tongue

>> No.4647355

oh come on, I hate the fedora argument. Why can't I be happy with a small amount of more eloquent words? Simplicity kills the language. I don't want to sound like Wilde or Lovecraft, merely an educated person with the ability of not having to describe phenomena, rather just using the words there are for them.

>> No.4647356

Does 'subtly' count? It's a fine word, and you surely can find more if the 'tl' isn't initiating.

>> No.4647359

whenever I hear the french word for eat:
It just fills my mind with the best and most full feeling in my stomach. Its crazy, just say it with the accent and all that nasalization.
Je mannnnnnnnnnngggggggggge

>> No.4647360

Moi, Je m'ennui

>> No.4647365

That's fine. Just some of the words need to be off limits because they are shitty educated person words: blase, ennui, and raiment are great examples of shitty educated person words. Use them at your own risk.

>> No.4647368

Also, if the person you are speaking to is unlikely to know the meaning of the word you plan to use, don't use it. This should go without saying.

>> No.4647369

I like the word verisimilitude. Not for how it sounds, but for the many things it implies.

>> No.4647370

The French language is really the best language.

English is so dry and German is just way too direct I feel. French adds such a creative and sensitive flair to language

>> No.4647377

if you're a homo I guess it must

>> No.4647378

Nice try, Faulkner.

>> No.4647380

You might also like: verity, veracity, veracious, and v for vendetta.

>> No.4647383

Creativity is a masculine trait.

>> No.4647385

>sensitive flair

>> No.4647386

>creative and sensitive
You basically just described women.

>> No.4647387


That's something natural.

>> No.4647388

Men create. Women are just aesthetic additions to creation.

>> No.4647390

By contemporary trends? Yes.

>> No.4647391

Lol. Sensual yes, absolutely not creative

>> No.4647392

Yeah, those too. But I mean specifically in the postmodern context. Words like "verisimilitude," "sincerity," and "affectation" mean something different now.

>> No.4647393

>By contemporary trends

>> No.4647395

>he questions contemporary morality! What a weirdo!

>> No.4647396

It's a toss up between cyka and blyat

>> No.4647399

>typing one word with pseudo-Cyrillic characters
>romanizing the other
Blyat suka

>> No.4647400

whatever the fuck that even means

>> No.4647401


>> No.4647402


I have no clue why

>> No.4647405

Myriad is my favorite word too, OP.

>> No.4647408

I was just thinking about this word. It's strange. It's pronounced just how it looks, but nothing like Quixote.

Anyway, mine is niche. I learned about it in regards to owl's place in the food chain as a young'un, and it's word I find myself using a lot.

>> No.4647411

If you ever overuse it, consider pigeonhole. It's rather related, and I think a much more fun word.

>> No.4647415

God synonym bro. I'll keep it in mind. I hate when I'm writing something repetitious and I can't figure out any way to rephrase it.

>> No.4647422


Also describes many posts on 4chan.

>> No.4647430


>> No.4647439


anagram is my favorite word surprisingly

>> No.4647443

>Gendered words.
French is lovely though.
What was that "J" word Feminister brought one day?

>> No.4647446

Genders should be separated. Maybe the French understood this.

>> No.4647451

word is my favorite word because it perfectly describes itself

>> No.4647459


>> No.4647461

>Mad about gendered words
>Appreciates a gendered language

You wanna know how I know you're retarded?

>> No.4647465


please return to tumblr

>> No.4647494

You're on 4chan

You too, but I think you know that.

>> No.4647507

Mine would probably be velleity.


>> No.4647531

YESSS. Intellectual pleasure. Merci

>> No.4647581

Mine's gotta be crisps. Crisps. mmm, crisps...
Does that not just cascade off the tongue, sweet as honey and smooth as velvet?

>> No.4647587

Cataphract. Comrade. Phalanx. Fraction.

They sound cold, hard and genderless, like Mads Mikkelsen.

>> No.4647590


>> No.4647592
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de rien.

>smooth as velvet?

You know, I'd drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable.

>> No.4647616

go on then m80!

>> No.4647617

It doesn't make you think of oily salty potato snacks?

>> No.4647620

Well it was a joke. But... the delivery must have been poor. My apologies.

>> No.4647633

I see what you were going for now.

The sentence is bit absurd when thinking about crisps, after all.

>> No.4647649

In truth I actually hate the word. Crisps... crisps... crisps... fucking disgusting.

>> No.4647654

wrought comes to mind

>> No.4647674
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>> No.4647706

never get to spell it in scrabble though

>> No.4647720


>> No.4647725

This is some Newspeak anti-intellectual bullshit.

Stop shrinking the language so fucking much just because people are too goddamn retarded to have a vocabulary.

>inb4 tips fedora meemee

>> No.4647731




>> No.4647743

Selenium. The most aesthetic word in existence, just ahead of zephyr and tellurium.

>> No.4647756

> 1326420877013.jpg

My favourite word is melancholia

>> No.4647760

coagulate is a nice word. Then again, this may be my appetite for blood sausage talking.

>> No.4647765


I wish for you to enjoy this video.

>> No.4647780
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What the fuck, I was actually looking for this, anon. Thankyou.

>> No.4647963


>> No.4647972

Vorstellungskraft, "the power to put something infront of you(r eyes)". Literally it is imagination.

>> No.4647984

"Analytic". Or "cuntinental". Or "freudian".

Or arkasia.

>> No.4648008

Hard mode: give a reason why it is your favourite word other than "I like the way it sounds".

>> No.4648013

Scripturient (having a violent desire to write)

>> No.4648032

Pluviophile is one of them. I love the sound of rainfall.

>> No.4648036


It reminds me of my inner drifts for fertility and procreation

>> No.4648086


>> No.4648088


>> No.4648113


It's incredibly fun to pronounce, but is rarely able to be used in conversation.

>> No.4648121

>"your mom looks ignominiously fat today"

>> No.4648125

>because of that Meshuggah song

>> No.4648127

I keep a list of my favourite and least favourite words on my computer that I add to whenever the mood strikes.
I have no idea why.

>> No.4648248

Because it is a very creative, though kinda simple metaphor for the mind.

>> No.4648252

Well, I wouldn't like to go mano-a-mano here, but it doesn't make me feel entirely gemütlich that you dislike some of these extraordinaire words per se. They make one sound quite cultivé and are merveilleux I believe. They are a necessity nimirum.

>> No.4648253

Catastrophe. It just seems to bounce off the tongue when said.

>> No.4648305

Eclectic, the words sounds just like it means

>> No.4648309

>non-aesthetic reasons

Kill yourself degenerate

>> No.4648313


>> No.4648328


>> No.4648430

German here, I like the word carnage.

>inb4 edgy

>> No.4648457

my favorite word is


It shall be the name of my first born child.

>> No.4648587

Ascertain, or possibly apricity which means 'the warmth of the sun in winter'.

>> No.4648611

"Too" obviously isn't your favorite word.

>> No.4648618


Because fucking entropy

>> No.4648628


>> No.4648663

Obsidian. How it associates with obelisk and insidious.

>> No.4648699


>> No.4648845

how do you feel about askance?

>> No.4648848

Or indeed askew?

>tfw typing 'askew' into google

>> No.4648871

akimbo always has an uncanny discomfort because of these two >>4648848 >>4648845 for me

>> No.4649017

What about Asian languages, surely they are more symbolic and creative?

>> No.4649034

>tfw typing 'askew' into google
heeheehee i forgot about this

>> No.4649040

>English is so dry
lemme guess, your first language is English

>> No.4649041


>> No.4649049


Something about the sound of the word so perfectly capturing the meaning.

>> No.4649059

I think it's the similarity to "rift". Especially since I know exactly what you mean and don't get the same feeling from bereave.

>> No.4649062

I love the word 'Pinecone'.

>> No.4649073

I also do this; the reason being autism.

>> No.4649114

How is that autism. Isn't that just fucking practice?
I wish I wasn't lazy and did shit like that. I'm always thinking to myself: What the fuck was that word I really liked?

based eBook reader saves words I look up, so I've started looking up words I like as I read books.

>> No.4649365

I doubt there is any language mre symbolic and metaphoric than german. Though I am saying this as someone who hates french and considers it too simple.

>> No.4649935
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>> No.4649961
